The Gold Sovereign |

The Gold Sovereign wrote:As a three-part AP, I suppose this doesn't take the PC to 20 level. Yet, we are talking about a megadungeon...I'm fairly certain the developers said levels 1-11 in the adventure path panel at PaizoCon Online., with Fist of the Phoenix being 11-20.
I completely forgot the AP panel was up today! I got confused by the Adventures panel that's going up tomorrow...

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti |

The Gold Sovereign wrote:As a three-part AP, I suppose this doesn't take the PC to 20 level. Yet, we are talking about a megadungeon...I'm fairly certain the developers said levels 1-11 in the adventure path panel at PaizoCon Online., with Fist of the Phoenix being 11-20.
Where might we get access to this information?

Graeme Lewis |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Heine Stick wrote:Where might we get access to this information?The Gold Sovereign wrote:As a three-part AP, I suppose this doesn't take the PC to 20 level. Yet, we are talking about a megadungeon...I'm fairly certain the developers said levels 1-11 in the adventure path panel at PaizoCon Online., with Fist of the Phoenix being 11-20.
The Twitch Stream. They mention the upcoming APs at the beginning of the second part.

The Gold Sovereign |

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:The Twitch Stream. They mention the upcoming APs at the beginning of the second part.Heine Stick wrote:Where might we get access to this information?The Gold Sovereign wrote:As a three-part AP, I suppose this doesn't take the PC to 20 level. Yet, we are talking about a megadungeon...I'm fairly certain the developers said levels 1-11 in the adventure path panel at PaizoCon Online., with Fist of the Phoenix being 11-20.
Sadly, the stream isn't up in their channel yet... I can't believe I lost it. I was so excited with the 2021 ap reveal.

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Graeme Lewis wrote:Sadly, the stream isn't up in their channel yet... I can't believe I lost it. I was so excited with the 2021 ap reveal.Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:The Twitch Stream. They mention the upcoming APs at the beginning of the second part.Heine Stick wrote:Where might we get access to this information?The Gold Sovereign wrote:As a three-part AP, I suppose this doesn't take the PC to 20 level. Yet, we are talking about a megadungeon...I'm fairly certain the developers said levels 1-11 in the adventure path panel at PaizoCon Online., with Fist of the Phoenix being 11-20.
January through march will be this three-part mega-dungeon ap.
April through june will be another three-part AP called "Fist of the Phoenix".Was there anything else announced?
Personally i was expecting some Darklands adventure path, as the next Pathfinder Battles set (scheduled for december/january) is called "Darklands Rising"!

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Usually, Paizo announced 1 AP at PaizoCon and another at GenCon.
This time, they've announced 2 half-APs at PaizoCon ... but there's no physical GenCon this year ... so perhaps there will be one more AP announced at GenCon Online, which is scheduled to take place in July in lieu of the normal one.

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti |

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:Heine Stick wrote:Where might we get access to this information?The Gold Sovereign wrote:As a three-part AP, I suppose this doesn't take the PC to 20 level. Yet, we are talking about a megadungeon...I'm fairly certain the developers said levels 1-11 in the adventure path panel at PaizoCon Online., with Fist of the Phoenix being 11-20.The Twitch Stream. They mention the upcoming APs at the beginning of the second part. [/QUOTE

Steve Geddes |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

I’ve been asking for a megadungeon AP for ages. Thank you so much for making it happen, Paizo-powers-that-be.
Awesome! :)
I would personally love to see a full AP,but given the community’s appetite for megadungeons, I think a short and sharp 3-parter makes sense. I’ll hope it’s phenomenally successful and that we might see a “delving deeper” sequel in the adventures line, sometime down the track.
Really, really glad to read about this.

The Gold Sovereign |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Graeme Lewis wrote:Sadly, the stream isn't up in their channel yet... I can't believe I lost it. I was so excited with the 2021 ap reveal.Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:The Twitch Stream. They mention the upcoming APs at the beginning of the second part.Heine Stick wrote:Where might we get access to this information?The Gold Sovereign wrote:As a three-part AP, I suppose this doesn't take the PC to 20 level. Yet, we are talking about a megadungeon...I'm fairly certain the developers said levels 1-11 in the adventure path panel at PaizoCon Online., with Fist of the Phoenix being 11-20.
Correcting myself here,
The stream is up under the name "Organized Play Marquee Event", and they start to cover the AP line at 01:55.

Justin Franklin |

The Gold Sovereign wrote:Graeme Lewis wrote:Sadly, the stream isn't up in their channel yet... I can't believe I lost it. I was so excited with the 2021 ap reveal.Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:The Twitch Stream. They mention the upcoming APs at the beginning of the second part.Heine Stick wrote:Where might we get access to this information?The Gold Sovereign wrote:As a three-part AP, I suppose this doesn't take the PC to 20 level. Yet, we are talking about a megadungeon...I'm fairly certain the developers said levels 1-11 in the adventure path panel at PaizoCon Online., with Fist of the Phoenix being 11-20.Correcting myself here,
The stream is up under the name "Organized Play Marquee Event", and they start to cover the AP line at 01:55.
Yep unfortunately all the streams for the day end up in one Twitch video after. They usually break them up for YouTube, i do believe.

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Huh so were getting a megadungeon Ap set in Absalolm roughly at the same time we would be getting a module megadungeon ap also set in Absalolm that not a bit of oversaturating? (Especially since I assume the Ap one will be bigger and with way more support material)
? We don't have megadungeon ap in Absalom, unless you mean one of those "single book megadungeons"
But seriously though, with megadungeons its kinda irrelevant what country they are set in, they almost always have monsters from all over the world anyway

Ezekieru |

Kevin Mack wrote:Huh so were getting a megadungeon Ap set in Absalolm roughly at the same time we would be getting a module megadungeon ap also set in Absalolm that not a bit of oversaturating? (Especially since I assume the Ap one will be bigger and with way more support material)? We don't have megadungeon ap in Absalom, unless you mean one of those "single book megadungeons"
But seriously though, with megadungeons its kinda irrelevant what country they are set in, they almost always have monsters from all over the world anyway
Erik Mona's standalone adventure module, "The Dead God's Hand" is set in Absalom and was described as as megadungeon. So they're probably describing that product.
Then again, it's been delayed indefinitely while Mr. Mona works on the hardcover for the Lost Omens Absalom book... which is also indefinitely delayed. So I don't think we need to worry about over-saturation on that front, unless they re-announce the release date for DGH at the Adventure panel today.

Justin Franklin |

Huh so were getting a megadungeon Ap set in Absalolm roughly at the same time we would be getting a module megadungeon ap also set in Absalolm that not a bit of oversaturating? (Especially since I assume the Ap one will be bigger and with way more support material)
Yep this mega-dungeon is over 50 miles from Absalom. Not exactly far, but also not really close.

Sporkedup |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Three APs in a row on/around the Isle of Kortos. That's... interesting.
To be fair, none of the three really run into each other. Nor does this particular one actually seem to have much connection to Kortos beyond "this is where the new village is set"
But yeah. They're really doubling down on releasing Absalom or Kortos-centric stuff right now (adding in the someday-to-be-released Dead God's Hand and Lost Omens book, along with Trouble in Otari this fall). Doesn't bug me. I think it will be good to have a central basis of PF2, and as they branch out over its lifetime, we won't feel nearly so saturated.

Zaister |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hey, after 10 years of absolutely nothing on Kortos, it's fine. Just... this is probably enough for now.
Absolutely nothing except for Gallery of Evil and numerous Pathfinder Society scenarios.

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Grankless wrote:Hey, after 10 years of absolutely nothing on Kortos, it's fine. Just... this is probably enough for now.Absolutely nothing except for Gallery of Evil and numerous Pathfinder Society scenarios.
Isn't gallery of evil over ten years ago? ;D

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7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Zaister wrote:Isn't gallery of evil over ten years ago? ;DGrankless wrote:Hey, after 10 years of absolutely nothing on Kortos, it's fine. Just... this is probably enough for now.Absolutely nothing except for Gallery of Evil and numerous Pathfinder Society scenarios.
TTRPG fans are known to twist the passage of time, that 1988 game where Joey played an annoying kender was yesterday and that first-ever game in 1978 was just two days ago.

captain yesterday |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Grankless wrote:Hey, after 10 years of absolutely nothing on Kortos, it's fine. Just... this is probably enough for now.Absolutely nothing except for Gallery of Evil and numerous Pathfinder Society scenarios.
Point of fact: I have every AP book from Council of Thieves onward, plus nearly every campaign book and 25 or so player companions.
I don't have any of these you speak of.
So, Pathfinder 2nd edition is pretty much my only foray onto the Starstone Isles since the Guide to Absalom.

Steve Geddes |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Personally, a megadungeon isn't that exciting.
But, I said the same thing about Iron Gods and that became my favorite AP, so I will give Paizo the benefit of the doubt and I can't wait to see what kind of twists they bring.
Some of my favourite APs have been the ones I was initially cool on. Even when there’s a miss, I’m still glad they try a broad array of themes/settings

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Three APs in a row on/around the Isle of Kortos. That's... interesting.
It's definitely not encouraging for GMs insufficiently enticed to run Kortos as an adventure site, portability of mega-dungeons aside.
On the other hand, between Extinction Curse, Beginner's Box, the Vault mini-AP, and Erik Mona's mega-dungeon, you have a TON of site-based adventure material, all focused on a 50-200 mile perimeter that could take up a campaign for 2-5 years.
My goal is to collect and index it all and put it all on one huge.... hex-map for Kortos.
Something similar happened last decade with Rappan Athuk, which began with a mega-dungeon. Then other books came out, adding nearby overland adventures above the dungeon, and Matt Finch added 2 books of underdark advenures below the mega-dungeon. You had several books of adventuring material, all working extremely well with each other. Most significantly, the sheer volume gave players a level of freedom (of movement, picking patrons, missions, factions, alignments) that they don't usually enjoy if you run a single module, let alone an adventure path. Heck, I think this is more freedom than Kingmaker offers, because it's only horizontal freedom across a static plane. This, on the other hand, is freedom of travel in three dimensions.
Personally, I think it's brilliant.

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While i and all people i play with hate to play in a dungeon for more than two sessions in a row, i will get this, because:
A) It's from James Jacobs.
B) I love the idea of three-part campaigns and liked the ones i got in Starfinder and want to support them for Pathfinder.
C) I have bought every adventure path volume that Paizo published so far and will probably continue to do that for a long time.
I also loved "The Ruby Phoenix Tournament" and hope that the AP after this one will go full Grand Tournament in the style of Dragonball, Street Fighter, Tekken and countless eastern martial arts movies!

Generic Villain |
On the other hand, between Extinction Curse, Beginner's Box, the Vault mini-AP, and Erik Mona's mega-dungeon, you have a TON of site-based adventure material, all focused on a 50-200 mile perimeter that could take up a campaign for 2-5 years.
Would someone be so kind as to point me towards Eric Mona's super dungeon?

CrystalSeas |

Would someone be so kind as to point me towards Eric Mona's super dungeon?
Probably talking about this
And this
Dead God's Hand Multi Pack

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Isn't a three-part AP awfully small/short for a "megadungeon"?
Nope. Megadungeon isn't "dungeon that takes you from level 1 to level 20", its just a really long multiple floor sized dungeon. Like plenty of 1e aps have single book megadungeons if you ask me. That said I guess proper definition is "dungeon so large you could have entire campaign in same dungeon" which would still count for 3 book campaign :p