Pathfinder GM Screen

4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)
Pathfinder GM Screen
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Accelerate Your Game!

Keep crucial rules on hand, and protect your notes and die rolls from player eyes with the Pathfinder GM Screen! This beautiful four-panel, landscape-style screen features stunning artwork from Ekaterina Burmak on the players' side, and a huge number of charts and tables on the GM's side to speed up play and reduce time spent leafing through rulebooks in search of key modifiers or results.

The Pathfinder GM Screen gives you the tools you need to keep the game fast and fun: conditions, death and dying rules, tables for setting DCs, creature elite and weak adjustments, summaries of actions, and more. Constructed of ultra-high-grade hardcover book stock, this durable screen is perfect for travel, convention play, and repeated regular use.

ISBN: 978-1-64078-166-5

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Accessories Subscription.

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(click to enlarge)
Pathfinder GM Screen

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Print Edition:



Fulfilled immediately.



This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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Average product rating:

4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Almost-Perfect Screen


The Good: This screen has basically everything I want in a GM screen: conditions, basic actions, the death and dying rules, rules for difficult terrain and cover, all the skill actions, and charts for DC's and their adjustment.

The art is also kind of full-panel (it depicts one larger situation, with clever divisions along the folds), which is my personal pet-peeve with screens. I want a single piece of art, or I just won't buy it. There's a good mix of iconic characters fighting a variety of creatures, which I think helps set the tone that Pathfinder aims for.

The screen itself is printed on nice thick stock, and I anticipate it lasting for a number of years before needing replacement. I like the landscape format as a rule. In play, I ended up setting the screen aside but my chair was a little low compared to the height of the table and I had trouble seeing the battlemat. I ended up standing for parts of combat anyway.

The Bad: I'm not sure that the XP awards and Encounter Budget tables are things I'll actually use in play, but I am sure that I've not used my screen during session prep in the past. These are minor complaints, as about 85% of the screen are things I either want or didn't know I wanted until I saw them there.

The Ugly: Nothing to complain about.

Landscape is golden.


Thanks for making a landscape version. It is easier to see the grid over it while sitting, I accidentally muffle my voice behind it less often, and it is long enough to cover my sprawling GM mess.

Dark Archive

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Finally a landscape-style screen! :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

When available can we see a preview of the charts and reference material on the screen? I don't want to buy a repeat of the old screen, especially since I didn't find the charts and materials to be of much value.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Finally a landscape-style screen! :-)

I'm very glad to see this too. Thanks for listening to the various requests over the years, Paizo - I appreciate there were plenty of cons to weigh against the pros.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

BUT! If you, like me, Tim, Jodey and 2 other people on this planet, including a guy named Enrique who in fact is a veiled master (with lots of disposable income), are a fan of portrait screens, you're in luck, a store exclusive portrait oriented screen will be available as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

As a short person, I much prefer landscape! Thank you for the options between the two.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Options are good. Well done Paizo.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Finally! I’ve been begging for a landscape screen since the original Pathfinder GM screen was released. After two reprints I was sure someone at Paizo hated landscape and was refusing to produce one. :-P

Dark Archive

Depending on the illustration, i might even get this if i don't decide to play PF 2.0!

Is the art already decided upon?
Can you tell us what it will depict?

TwilightKnight wrote:
Finally! I’ve been begging for a landscape screen since the original Pathfinder GM screen was released. After two reprints I was sure someone at Paizo hated landscape and was refusing to produce one. :-P

As I understand it, the issue was that you can fit more information on a portrait style screen (due to leaving a large margin at the bottom for dice, books, minis, etcetera to obscure).

I’ll be interested to see if there’s any difference in the quantity of information presented on the two screens.

Grand Lodge

Thank you for this Paizo!!
I love to look at my players faces without mine being obscured and have never had a problem with referencing the info inside when I used the old D&D landscaped screen. Since switching to landscape after trying it the first time years ago, it was really hard dealing with the portrate versions for the last 9-10 years of Pathfinder.

Now if we can convince you to make a Landscape version of the Starfinder GM Screen!

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Any chance of seeing updated artwork on the screen? Would love to see what I'm buying.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The first edition GM screen was part of a subscription, and as such subscribers got the PDF for free. Will there be a similar provision for the second edition GM screen?

The same question applies for the character sheets as well.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Zaister wrote:

The first edition GM screen was part of a subscription, and as such subscribers got the PDF for free. Will there be a similar provision for the second edition GM screen?

The same question applies for the character sheets as well.

There is an accessory subscription that is coming, hopefully on Monday. Whether that covers PDFs of products that have PDFs is yet to be revealed.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Good to hear!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is the PDF eight pages that can be printed and used in a generic DM screen? Or is it two really wide pages, such as other screen PDFs I've used?

Scarab Sages

jayfehr wrote:

Is the PDF eight pages that can be printed and used in a generic DM screen? Or is it two really wide pages, such as other screen PDFs I've used?

it comes in a couple formats, the two really long pages to be done front (art) and back (info) and 4 pages with the info that are printable as single pages ~8.5x11

Scarab Sages

Handy Guide, but I wish they had arranged it differently.

The following are really useful to PCs: Page 1 (Super Useful), Page 2 (Super Useful), Page 3 - Column 1 (Useful), Page 4 - Column 1 (Super Useful), and Page 4 - Column 2 (Marginally Useful).

Page 3 - Columns 2 & 3 and Page 4 - Column 3 are really more GM focused.

If they had sorted the 3 GM columns to just one page, the other 3 pages could be handed to PCs for their reference. I had to rearrange the pages on my own to make a hand out for my PCs to help them learn the system.

Never bought a GM screen before, but am I correct to assume that if you buy the physical product, you get a PDF copy added to your account as well?

Only if you are a subscriber to the line containing the product.

Last time I checked...


master.h wrote:
Never bought a GM screen before, but am I correct to assume that if you buy the physical product, you get a PDF copy added to your account as well?

No. You only get the free PDF if you are a subscriber when the product releases. Even subscribers who order things after they are “current” don’t get free PDFs.

So you the only people who will receive the PDF for free are those who sign up for the accessories subscription and get all of: GM screen, Character sheet pack, Combat pad and the condition card deck. That option will close in September.

Most months there’s only one item at a time, but there were four at launch.

Sovereign Court

So, what's the difference between these 3 screens? The description doesn't make the distinction clear. Is it just the art on the front?

Grand Lodge

Three screens? You might be confusing this product with the Pathfinder 1E GM screen.

This page is for Pathfinder 2E. There are two versions, this one which is landscape, and a Paizo exclusive version that is portfolio and has different artwork. The stat content is the same on both versions.

Pathfinder 1E released three versions of the GM screen, all portfolio, but with different artwork in each version. The contents of the screens are essentially the same, though I think there might have been some errata incorporated into the 2nd or 3rd printing.

TwilightKnight wrote:

Three screens? You might be confusing this product with the Pathfinder 1E GM screen.

This page is for Pathfinder 2E. There are two versions, this one which is landscape, and a Paizo exclusive version that is portfolio and has different artwork. The stat content is the same on both versions.

Pathfinder 1E released three versions of the GM screen, all portfolio, but with different artwork in each version. The contents of the screens are essentially the same, though I think there might have been some errata incorporated into the 2nd or 3rd printing.

Theres an advanved GM screen coming in January 2020. Also for 2E it will include charts and tables from the upcoming GM guide.

I am thinking of buying the Pathfinder 2ED GM screen PDF. I have had issues with other screens in the past. If I do buy this one how would I go about printing it art and all?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm trying to order this but it just keeps saying "Your request produced an error", anybody know whats up?

^ No one knows why, but quite a few people have been having the same problem over the past couple of weeks or so.

Many have had success using a private window or/and clearing their cookies. Maybe that'll work for you, too?

Good luck.


<Note> If the problem persists, contact Customer Service Department (open Mon–Fri, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific) at (425) 250-0800 and/or <>
They're always very helpful. (^_^)=b

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Are the Statue/golem supposed to print upside down on .pdf files of this product?

EDIT: Appears to be an artifact of the one .pdf viewer I was using. Used a different one and it worked fine.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The single page print file does not include the cover pages, and the Cover file has them as single images which I cannot get to print across 4 pages. Could you release the cover as single pages? It works fine for the content side.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Doh! Didn't realize that they had 2 versions of this screen; Portrait and Landscape. I really hope I can get a refund for the Landscape PDF version since it will not fit in my personalized GM screen. Really wish it stated that it was Landscape in the description. Maybe I missed it? Either way I wish it was more obviously stated like the Portrait one is. I also wish that the store had brought me to that option first... Didn't realize I had a Landscape PDF until I opened it for printing. =(

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dagaz73 wrote:
Doh! Didn't realize that they had 2 versions of this screen; Portrait and Landscape. I really hope I can get a refund for the Landscape PDF version since it will not fit in my personalized GM screen. Really wish it stated that it was Landscape in the description. Maybe I missed it? Either way I wish it was more obviously stated like the Portrait one is. I also wish that the store had brought me to that option first... Didn't realize I had a Landscape PDF until I opened it for printing. =(

The product description is rather unambiguous here: "This beautiful four-panel, landscape-style screen"

Can we please get BW version of this. I can't print this in BW with Ink saver enabled.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

With the Remaster coming out, will they be updating the GM screen to reflect the changes?

Whiplash23 wrote:
With the Remaster coming out, will they be updating the GM screen to reflect the changes?

Product already there, just change link.

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