Life Stealer

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Almost-Perfect Screen


The Good: This screen has basically everything I want in a GM screen: conditions, basic actions, the death and dying rules, rules for difficult terrain and cover, all the skill actions, and charts for DC's and their adjustment.

The art is also kind of full-panel (it depicts one larger situation, with clever divisions along the folds), which is my personal pet-peeve with screens. I want a single piece of art, or I just won't buy it. There's a good mix of iconic characters fighting a variety of creatures, which I think helps set the tone that Pathfinder aims for.

The screen itself is printed on nice thick stock, and I anticipate it lasting for a number of years before needing replacement. I like the landscape format as a rule. In play, I ended up setting the screen aside but my chair was a little low compared to the height of the table and I had trouble seeing the battlemat. I ended up standing for parts of combat anyway.

The Bad: I'm not sure that the XP awards and Encounter Budget tables are things I'll actually use in play, but I am sure that I've not used my screen during session prep in the past. These are minor complaints, as about 85% of the screen are things I either want or didn't know I wanted until I saw them there.

The Ugly: Nothing to complain about.

Print Edition Out of print

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