Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Saedar wrote:
me. I was the Kineticists (2 in a party of 4) and golems are the second worst fight. Hate them. Kill all of them. They need to go extinct. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Question about the Lady Michellia entry. Is this meaning to imply she is a triplet? Quote: After her older twin sister, Imrizade, fled Absalom before the twenty-first birthday that would have seen her handed over to the Onyx Alliance Michellia was substituted as the family’s generational sacrifice, beating her twin Eleanir as the eldest by a matter of minutes. So the three would be: Imrizade - ran away eldestMichellia - middle Eleanir - youngest triplet? Am I just reading this wrong? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() TwilightKnight wrote:
Sorry for responding so late but I wanted to address a few things with my idea. Yes...there is a lot of cost with the manufacturing but personally? I think I am buying the content. I want these spells and this art and these classes. I want to support the creators and the company I love! I also think they could do cool stuff with it! Make the PDFs linked out. When a spell references another book, put a link to that book. When the PDF says "see page 39" you click and go to page 39! By giving the them more money they can make the PDFs truly special. The people who work on these books are pouring out their creative content and we should be paying a "fair" price for them. Also I was saying that you would still get a PDF with a physical sub. I get the AP sub because I want both the PDF and the physical book. However, I don't want a large amount of hard covers. I don't have room for them. So I have to wait for them to be available on PDF and then remind myself to go them. This is easy for me because I am checking in every week but still. To have a digital sub would be wonderful and making it the same cost as the physical copy just makes sense to me. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Can I secord (or third??) some more cosmetic merch? I cannot tell you how much I want a hoodie with a kobald on it (or more goblins). I know there is always talk about a digital sub but that it is not a possibility due to relationships with store. I get that but what if the PDF came out at the same time as the books and cost the same a well? (I said this is a diff thread too). So much effort goes into these books! I have no desire for physical copies but I would 100% pay the hardcover price for a PDF. I feel like being priced the same - there is less "competition" ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() This maybe a tangent but...What if there were no discount for PDF? What if the PDF was the same as the price of the book and you could have a physical sub (get PDF for free) or a digital sub (pay full price)? Then would that still hurt FLAG business? I would love to pay full price for the PDFs actually. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I just don't get why its big deal to ask why? We want Paizo to stand out. We want them to be the best right? I think it is really dodgy how she was fired and this is a time for us to ask Paizo to be better. Sara Marie was the person a lot of people DID know. She modded these said forums. But in the end I just thing the community is asking Paiso to be better and have outlined specific ways in which we want to see it. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Paulyhedron wrote: It doesn't need my voice and isn't going to get it. this is just stupid... you posted on this thread my friend....with your voice...... additionally, i really dont see why it is a problem to say "this firing sounds sketch...we want a 3rd party investigation" ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() We find out in book 2 that Aroden took the Aeon Orbs from the Xulgath. That is one of their primary motivations for revenge. In Book 6, under the entry for the NPC Kirosthrek is says the following. Book 6: The Apocalypse Prophet wrote: The heroes may feel they owe the xulgaths some form of reparations for Aroden’s theft millennia ago, and Kirosthrek is willing to entertain reasonable offers to benefit her people, in lieu of the aeon orbs. The details and repercussions of such an arrangement are beyond the scope of this adventure I wanted to see what ideas you all had. I know my players are going to want to do something. They may even want to give one of the orbs away. What ideas could I (as the GM) propose? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I am on the Dice Don't Die podcast. We release every week with an actual play and then a discussion episodes alternating. Our play is more geared toward new players so the idea of content geared toward older players sounds fun! It might be cool to take a concept then min max the hell out of it. The build a different version that might be more "thematic" then compare the math. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I really like this idea Krysgg! Follow up question - how much time does this normally take at your table? I would not want to do something that would take up more then a few min. but I could see this starting out as a long conversation. Once they have done it a few times it then becomes routine. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() RH wrote:
I like it! very clean. my only negative feedback is that melee strikes can use dex or str. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() We got our early review copies from Paizo and have been dying for you guys to hear our take on it! Check out our preview and first impressions video! It's Discussion Episode 7!
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Barnabas Eckleworth III wrote:
Dice and Slice will be back soon after an unexpected summer break! They just recorded an episode last night creating characters with the new rules. They will be running Age of Ashes. We also will be uploading the last episodes with the Karps as well in the coming weeks. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Malckuss76 wrote: I know the folks who have this monstrous tomes would probably prefer to not damage their books trying to print sheets and we are only 10 days out from the release of the book. I bet that the PDF character sheets won't be released till Aug 1st as with the other PDFs. In the meantime, I am just using google docs... Not ideal for me but oh well. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() As I was sorting cards last night I do see what you mean by dilution so maybe not all the 0 level cards but maybe the ones from the class decks? I do want some extra variation. Additionally, I am thinking of putting a sticker over the level 1 basic cards that has a 0 on it. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I am thinking of taking all the Level 0 cards from the other base sets and adding them into the Core set. The rules state that all B, C, and P cards are Level 0. However, the rules also say that a card with the Basic trait is a Level 0 card. If the # on the card is 1 but it has the Basic trait, is the card a Level 0 or Level 1 card? Do you guys see any reason I should not add the level 0 cards from other base sets to the Core Set? ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Deadmanwalking wrote:
I actually love the new art for Droogami! I understand that it is a more unrealistic look over PF1 but has this wonderful stockiness to it. Droogami is a thicc boi now! ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Roswynn wrote:
I agree with you. Her skin does not look sickly to me but it is not bronzey like the PF1 version. She is very fair but her eyes do have a sunken, "have not slept ever", look. That may be what some people are touching on? Also when you look at them side by side the undertone on the PF2 version just stands out more. I think this look is intimidating and powerful. I want to be her friend. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I LOVE the Witch! The one I am currently playing is level 7: Str: 8, Dex:16, Con:14, Int:23, Wis:7, Cha: 9
He is so fun to play! I do mostly buffing/debuffing but have the flexibility to be whatever the party needs....except for being competent in social situations (he is so awkward). Extra Hex is a feat I would always take. Always. Your hexes are your strength...the more of them you have the more powerful you are.