Callous Rake

Dominic Amann's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


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The single page print file does not include the cover pages, and the Cover file has them as single images which I cannot get to print across 4 pages. Could you release the cover as single pages? It works fine for the content side.

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I am probably replicating someone elses idea, (or worse yet, missed it in the rules), but I could see a neat way of "old-schooling" disadvantage: have the player roll one die, and I roll the other. That way, if they succeed, they won't really know if they succeeded.

P.H. Dungeon wrote:

One change that I'm hoping for in the DMG is an alternate xp system that moves away from xp for killing monsters. D&D is one of the only systems that awards xp nearly entirely for killing things. Pretty much every other game grants xp for accomplishing objectives. The D&D default xp system has a pretty profound affect, particularly on published adventures (e.g., pathfinder APs) because it forces the writers to add in extensive "filler encounters" just to ensure the appropriate xp is available. This can often have a negative impact on the pacing of the plot and can cause a storyline to drag out much longer than it should because its stuffed with extra meaningless encounters that really only exist to be source of xp. Sadly, even if the dmg provides an alternate xp system, it looks as though xp for killing things will continue to be the default, and thus will continue IMO to plague published adventures.

Amen to that, brother.

That said, I think it fair to point out that 4e made good strides in that area, so with any luck, that will be one of the things that will get carried forward, or even expanded upon. "Skill challenges" - ie: collective problem solving had XP rewards, and were part of well built 4e adventures from the start.

We have covered the first adventure, and attained mythic status without a cleric. We have me (Paladin) and an Inquisitor. We found quite a lot of potions en-route, and we will make a wand to keep us going.

So far, so good. A few "man-down" situations, but no deaths.

Indeed this is a good question. I chose touched by divinity for my Paladin of Iomedae, but now I am leaning towards choosing Champion as a mythic path. That said - I could always choose the "2nd mythic path", but I am tending to think that the Hierophant path is largely wasted on my combat oriented Paladin.

We are:

Talorian Ormaster, Aasimar (Angelkin) Paladin/Ranger of Iomedae
Sheroq, Oread Inquisitor of Torag
Xandrim, Half-elf Fighter/Wizard
Erik, Half-elf Sorcerer (Draconic bloodline)

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We must be very Canadian, because at our table, people co-operated in creating characters that filled niches, and worked their chosen traits in with a degree of anticipation that is only enhanced by the fact that what they will mean "mechanically" is a mystery.

And again, players are co-operative with regards to alignment as well. Most of the beefs I hear here have to do with players not really entering into the spirit of this specific adventure path. There do seem to be a number of others people can play that should cater to a wider range of tastes.