Pathfinder Adventure Path #137: The City Outside of Time (Return of the Runelords 5 of 6)

3.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #137: The City Outside of Time (Return of the Runelords 5 of 6)
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Frozen in Time!

With the discovery that Runelord Alaznist has tampered with the past and set into motion devastating transformations of the timeline, the heroes must embark upon a truly dangerous and desperate gambit. Since historical texts and their own memories have been altered, the lore hidden within a time-trapped city may hold the only clues as to which events of the ancient past Alaznist has targeted. If the heroes can isolate these events, they may have a chance to correct them, but before they can even reach this repository of lore, they must brave a shadowy god's realm and find a way to enter a city that has been cut off from time itself!

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continues the Return of the Runelords Adventure Path and includes:

  • "The City Outside of Time," a Pathfinder adventure for 14th-level characters, by Amanda Hamon Kunz.
  • Rules and backgrounds for several powerful magic artifacts from ancient Thassilon, by Mikko Kallio.
  • An examination of the sadistic and shadowy pantheon of kyton demagogues, by Gregory Hanigan.
  • A bestiary of monsters, including the time-racked undead spirits known as chronogeists, the frozen libitinarii kytons, planar dragons from Abaddon and Nirvana, and the powerful kyton demagogue Inkariax, by John Compton and Amanda Hamon Kunz.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-098-9

The Return of the Runelords Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (1.5 MB PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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3.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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just here to offset the guy 1- & 2-starring all the PF2E products


Eyes of jealousy


Same as Oranil, when you read the summary, it sound very cool but the first two parts look really boring to play.
The third and fourth parts are much more interesting with a a lot of potential roleplay.
But here's the problem, we have potential but not developed enough.

Envious Ambitions


After the high bar set by the previous adventure, I was looking forward to how the adventure path would continue. On paper, it sounded pretty exciting; sneak through the shadow plane, and hope you don’t alert the master of the domain. Infiltrate a city trapped in time, and seek knowledge lost to the ages due to various events, and take down a tyrant at her full power. Exciting, and interesting. Sign me up! The first part of the adventure was a short, non-liner dungeon crawl that, by the end of everything, feels tacked on, with little thought put into it. To be honest, it felt as if the dungeon was merely an item n a checkbox of requirements. ‘Planer travel section. Check.’ When players get to the city itself, it is presented in a sandbox style, with three opposing factions at war, with innocents in the crossfire. Sounds intense, and difficult right? Once again, it is presented in a very poor manner. Now, there are things this book does that I like. For example, everything presented here is new, not relying on previous releases as much; but in that same sense, there are references within the adventure that suggest you use flip-mats to map out encounters, rather than giving you a map for these. The fact that these encounters are major encounters within the city lessens the impact these encounters have overall. This volume also offers more roleplay scenarios than any of the previous adventures in this path. I am all for these kinds of encounters, but they are over utilized here. Granted, the situations the PC’s find themselves in can lead to some fantastic, and even very tense roleplay scenarios, but still over used. In addition to these encounters, there are several research encounters; as you are attempting to research the past, I can get why these are here, but just as with the roleplay encounters, they are over used. Lastly, I have to talk about the challenge, or rather shift in it. In previous adventures, the encounters you faced were challenging for various reasons; interesting villians, or scenarios. Workarounds, or proper preparation gave the PC’s an edge in battle, and thus a more fulfilling encounter. Here though, you are given a challenge in difficult DR encounters with little outside of that, with maybe one exception. In conclusion, I found this volume lacking in comparison. What is here has the potential to be amazing, but how much enjoyment you get will be down to each GM. One who expands on what is already here will make an incredible adventure your PC’s won’t soon forget. However, one who goes with the bare minimum may find a group grow board with the repetition of roleplay, research, and lack of anything of import happening.

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Scarab Sages Webstore Coordinator

Announced for December! Image and description are provisional and subject to change prior to release.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Intrigue and politics?! Quite a change of pace!

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So we get some Ultimate Intrigue on top of the finale of the Runelords trilogy.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Demigod on Shadow Plane? Really hoping its one of Kyton Demagogues, but are there other demigods on shadow plane that seem more likely?

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I'm wondering if the final sentence of the current description is referring to Alaznist ...


Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This part seems neat and kytons are always neat

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ratcatbo wrote:
This part seems neat and kytons are always neat

Especially when incisions & insertions are concerned...

Gotta be perfect!


Carry on!


I always enjoy Amanda’s adventures. This AP is looking to be terrific.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This sounds SOOO cool!

Scarab Sages

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I have high hopes we'll see what Laori Vaus has been up to on the Shadow Plane.

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Laori? I thought Sial was there.

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Bellona wrote:
I'm wondering if the final sentence of the current description is referring to Alaznist ...

I'm sure the "storied nation" are the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, the "time-locked Thassilonian city" is Xin-Cyrusian and the runelord is Xanderghul.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I expect the time locked city refers to the Crystilan Happens to fall into Envy's domain... Belimarius would make a good final BBEG for the second to last book. I believe she is said to be lv 18 or 19.

Could be the BBEG has a nasty knife-twist for ol' Zon-Kuthon in Nidal.

Is the adventure title a reference to a Star Trek episode?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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ericthecleric wrote:
Is the adventure title a reference to a Star Trek episode?

Not intentionally, but yeah, it's got a similar construction. Doesn't really offer a spoiler or hint into the adventure itself though.


*was going to make a comment about that episode...but decided to not do it*

Also glad we're getting a city that I've never visited! :)

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Laori? I thought Sial was there.

If he became the Curate, he would be back in the Star Tower.

Right...but from what I understand, Laori, decides to join her people and follow Callistra.

Liberty's Edge

So, PCs prevent the return of Xanderghul the master of Illusion and they end up on the Shadow Plane. How appropriate :-P

Crud. It's gotta be Crystilan. And I've been planning on using that in my Rise of the Runelords game. My PCs are going to have to carve their way into Crystilan with a runeforged weapon opposed to abjuration to retrieve some ethillion from a laboratory in there, and it could easily happen in the next 1 or 2 sessions.

Now there's going to be a whole bunch of new world lore to tap-dance around that I won't even know anything about until November at the earliest. That makes twice this month I've had to rejigger major plotlines to conform to published lore (the other was the update on Nocticula's goals in Planar Adventures).

Sigh. Such are the risks of doing homebrew in a setting with ongoing updates. Maybe I'll luck out and they'll go a different direction, at least long enough to get my hands on this issue ...

Dark Archive

Crystilan confirmed

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Crystilan confirmed

Woot called it!

The first D&D magazine I ever "bought" was the one about the shadow plane with the really cool scarred rogue on the front. It was given to me without the cover from the truck stop I used to work for. I know you're not supposed to do that, but I've bought thousands of dollars worth of product since, so it worked out for the publisher all right!

Point being, I have a special love of the plane of shadow and am especially excited for this volume.

Dark Archive

A Tzitzimitl is pretty hardcore (CR 19), but i guess the Rune Giant mini from Rise of the Runelords has to be the stand-in for this gargantuan 50 foot skeleton...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I had forgotten about Kyton Demagogue article :D Yay!

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Planar dragons from Abbadon and Nirvana! I'm so glad to see them included in such an awesome volume.

But I have to say that the article about the Demagogues is one of the most exciting articles since the Elder Mythos pantheon. I hope it's something similar, filled with illustrations of at least some of this dark deities.

Dark Archive

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Ekaterina has done a stellar job with these covers, they're absolutely amazing!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Rules and backgrounds for several powerful magic artifacts from ancient Thassilon, by Mikko Kallio.

does this mean we will be getting the stats for the polearms used by the other runelords?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
zergtitan wrote:
Rules and backgrounds for several powerful magic artifacts from ancient Thassilon, by Mikko Kallio.
does this mean we will be getting the stats for the polearms used by the other runelords?

Not in this article. It covers other things.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yay, planar dragons and demigouges!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Kytons! Yayyyyyyy!


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

On side note, I'm starting to worry we don't get stats for all weapons of rule in this ap so if this artifact article includes the non statted ones, that would be nice

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
On side note, I'm starting to worry we don't get stats for all weapons of rule in this ap so if this artifact article includes the non statted ones, that would be nice

This adventure path does not present stats for all of them, but it does present flavor for all of them.

I'm very excited to see this bestiary. Two planar dragons and a Kyton Demagogue? Hell yes! That's just going to leave the Maelstrom Dragon, I believe.

A tzitzimitl?!?

I've wanted to see one in a module for ages now, so I'm very pleased to see it on the cover here! :)

And to echo other posters: I love the cover art in general for this AP. Kudos!

I'm starting to get anxious to see if the actual "Nirvana Dragon" is going to be a feathered colorful dragon or maybe if it might be more akin to an imperial dragon in appearance.

The dragon from Abaddon is surely going to be something terrifying... And I'm taking the Gigas from that plane as an example.

It would also be cool if the dragons were illustrated by one of the two artists responsible for the previous ones.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yaaaaaaay book has shipped so I have access finally to the glorious glorious Inkariax sta- geezus he is colossal? ._.

So... I'd want to know about:
1. The names of the new planar dragons.
2. The names, types, subtypes and CR of the other new monsters.
3. The characters in the NPC gallery, and their alignment and class levels.

I have a request too. I would like to know how many of the demagogues got illustrations and if the article has the same format as the Elder Mythos and the Gods of Osirion articles. Could you help me with those?

I'm actually really interested in the dragons too! What's their breath weapon damage, what's its special effect and what's their (the dragons) appearance? It's so exciting to get new true dragons like that, knowing next volume we will get another one! *-*

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh hey, I got my book! I can answer questions! :D


Chronogeist: CR 14 medium undead (incorporeal)
Libitinarii kyton: CR 13 medium outsider (cold, evil, extraplanar, kyton, lawful)
Kyton Demagogue, Inkariax: CR 26 outsider (evil, extraplanar, kyton, lawful)
Apocalypse dragon: CR varies dragon (evil, extraplanar)
Bliss dragon: CR varies dragon (extraplanar, good)

NPC gallery at a glance:

Runelord Belimarius: Female human (pure-blooded Azlanti) abjurer 18
High Mistress Lyraesia: Female libitinarii kyton (see above) monk 6
High Master Solethex Sarn: Male human (pure-blooded Azlanti) oracle 19 (time mystery)

Planar dragons in detail:

Apocalypse dragon: Native to Abaddon. Stats are given for young, adult, and ancient. Cone-shaped breath weapon that deals cold damage, has a Virulence effect (save or contract slimy doom). Doesn't get wing attacks but can constrict. Gains buffs when creatures they grapple die. Casts spells as an oracle. Purple dragon with a cool-looking frill/crest behind its head and icy blue claws.

Bliss dragon: Native to Nirvana. Stats given for young, adult, and ancient. Line-shaped breath weapon that deals electricity damage, makes damaged creatures sparkle and take further damage when attacking. Can use lay on hands as a paladin, casts spells as an oracle. Can also turn into animals. White and ivory dragon with a gold mane and beard, green stripes down its back, and feathery wings.

Kyton demagogues article:

Follows the same format as the Gods of Osirion and Elder Mythos articles from Mummy's Mask and Strange Aeons. All nine demagogues get a half-page column each, Barravoclair, Kaikyton, Raetorgash, and Vevelor getting a piece of art.

Silver Crusade

Cool! Thankies for the info ^w^

Can I ask what the Apocalypse Dragon looks like? Derp, I'm still waking up and missed the rest of the post >_<

What is Belimarius' and the chronogeist's alignment?

Darn, still no dragon from the maelstrom.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Mind hinting what sights abilities the new kyton is capable of?

El Ronza wrote:
Oh hey, I got my book! I can answer questions! :D

Thank you so much for the answers! *-*

Happy to see feathers in the nirvana dragon. I also loved the name for the Abaddon dragon. But I'm actually even more anxious to see and read about THE Kyton, Kaikyto.

Would it be to much to ask for a description of the demagogues art?

QUOTE="Dragon78"] Darn, still no dragon from the maelstrom.

We are getting it next volume.

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