Pathfinder Player Companion: Merchant's Manifest

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Pathfinder Player Companion: Merchant's Manifest
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A Trinket from Every Town!

Some say that money makes the world go round, and Golarion's merchants make this a reality. Pathfinder Player Companion: Merchant's Manifest examines commerce through the lens of important trade hubs such as Absalom, Goka, and Katapesh, where smart shoppers can secure myriad fine wares. Whether you're aiming to purchase a rare item, hire on with a trade organization, or make your fortune on your own, this player-focused volume is your key to success.

Inside this book you'll find:

  • A look at 17 key merchant hubs on Golarion, including key settlements such as Cassomir and Port Ice in Avistan, Anuli and Kibwe in Garund, Ular Kel in Casmaron, and Goka and Ordu-Aganhei in Tian Xia.
  • Dozens of magic weapons and armors, mundane items, and wondrous items that originate from these key places, plus information about the markets in which they are typically found.
  • Archetypes and other class options geared toward characters who are merchants, who work for merchants, or who have a personal history tied to commerce.

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but it can be easily incorporated into any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-026-2

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Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

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Basically Adventurer's Armory 3


In comparison to the Adventurer's Armory 2, which I was more cool about, this book recaptures that feeling of a treasure box of neat and interesting items. Attack Badger Plush? Check. Parasitic rebreather fish? Check. Mechanisms powered by alchemical heat rocks? Check. Candles that also double as food? Check. The only gripes I have with the book are relatively minor and in no real way detract from the material in the book itself (apart from the Paladin archetype, which trades out a bit too much power for very minor boons). Definitely worth a read for all the interesting ideas the book brings out.

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When is the PDF available, it doesn't say on the listing, as I really want this one! Very slack.

Should be in just a few weeks - probably around the 31st, I suspect. ^_^

It originally said the 28th.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
aiglos wrote:
When is the PDF available, it doesn't say on the listing, as I really want this one!

The street date for Paizo's march releases is the 28th

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Just finished downloading. Any questions?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So how good is economy flavor in the book?

What do you think of it? ^_^

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
CorvusMask wrote:
So how good is economy flavor in the book?

So-so, which is a tad disappointing in a completely understandable way. Pathfinder is an action fantasy game, not a dissertation on fantasy world economics. Still, I would have like to have seen a little more thrown in about the major exports of the various countries in a simple list, much as were presented with the nation entries of the old World of Greyhawk setting. But I get why they would be more interested in adding detail to the business part of major mercantile hubs instead.

It's mostly a list of new gear and services, each found pretty exclusively to each of a list of 17 trade hubs including Absalom and Senghor. The items will take some time to look over, but I like the quick descriptions of what trade items and how merchants ply their trade in each of the communities. Decent if not expansive flavour.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Isabelle Lee wrote:
What do you think of it? ^_^

I liked it, especially the back part with the three archetypes associated with trade (Knight of the Coin Paladins are quite unique flavour wise!), the bardic masterpieces, and the cavalier order Order of the Reins, a must have for any caravan!

Still would of liked a list of major commodities from each country to help flesh out caravan loot appropriate to a setting, but overall a good collection of new stuff.

Shadow Lodge

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Right off the bat - two words: badger plush <3

I really like the flavor that all of the items have and their clear connections to the markets they are each from. The art in this book is gorgeous (the Knight of Coins is my personal favorite...I forsee myself making one of those to play, too) as well!

...I just wish, as I always do, that there was better proofreading in all Pathfinder/Starfinder products. For example, I'm guessing "inspire confidence" means "inspire competence" with regards to bardic performances.

All in all, I very much like this book, though. I see a lot of things that I am definitely going to get a lot of mileage out of when I run War for the Crown later this year!

Just checking- anything specifically for Occultist? More generally, I suppose, are there any good feats?

*also checking for rules stuff* and spells!

Silver Crusade

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CanisDirus wrote:
two words: badger plush <3

I'm sold

Ooooooooo! More Bardic Masterpieces?! Wow. Any details to tide me over while I wait for my shipping notice?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Speaking of Bardic Masterpieces, my best guess is that the related FAQ question proved so complicated that they deferred answering it until the next edition?

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

10 people marked this as a favorite.
CanisDirus wrote:

Right off the bat - two words: badger plush <3

I swear I had nothing to do with this.

Hopes one of the trade centers is in Ustalav

Could someone who has the PDF list the locations of the trade hubs featured in Avistan? Will be happy to get this if it details a hub my players are slated to go to.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
QuidEst wrote:
Just checking- anything specifically for Occultist? More generally, I suppose, are there any good feats?

No rules for occultists, though some of the more unique items could be turned into implements ("this badger plush was Lord Daynce's favorite childhood toy!") with a little imagination. :)

No feats whatsoever. Some traits tied to trade, two bardic masterpieces, three archetypes, and a cavalier order designed for caravan guards fill out the PC options...other than all the keen gear, that is.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Thomas Seitz wrote:
*also checking for rules stuff* and spells!

No spells and nothing beyond what I listed above ^.

I wonder what the Knight of Coins does

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Fourshadow wrote:
Ooooooooo! More Bardic Masterpieces?! Wow. Any details to tide me over while I wait for my shipping notice?

Bardic Masterpieces:
Lingering Leitmotif: Requires 4 ranks in either Perform (sing) or Perform (oratory). You sing or chant some sort of jingle or slogan connected to a trade good or service. Allies within 30 feet are affected as if by your inspire competence bardic performance and if they purchase the good or service they gain a number of temporary hit points equal to half your bard level.

Song of the Stonebearers: Requires 7 ranks in either Perform (sing) or Perform (percussion). By singing or beating a drum, you set the pace for manual labor, allowing those that can see you and hear the effect ignore their penalties caused by armor and encumbrance.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
AmbassadoroftheDominion wrote:
Hopes one of the trade centers is in Ustalav

Caliphas gets a one page write up, with one mundane item and three magic items linked to the city.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kiora Atua wrote:
Could someone who has the PDF list the locations of the trade hubs featured in Avistan? Will be happy to get this if it details a hub my players are slated to go to.

Note "details" isn't really the word to use here; each entry gives a paragraph on the nature of trade in the city and a little related information. After that it is just a list of items and services linked to each location to make shopping in each place feel different.

List of Hubs and length of each Entry:
Absalom 2pg
Aelyosos 1pg
Anuli 1pg
Caliphas 1pg
Cassomir 1pg
Goka 2pg
Iadara 1pg
Kalsgard 1pg
Katapesh 2pg
Katheer 2pg
Kerse 2pg
Kibwe 1pg
Magnimar 2pg
Ordu-Aganhei 2pg
Port Ice 1pg
Senghor 1pg
Ular Kel 1pg

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Entryhazard wrote:
I wonder what the Knight of Coins does

Knight of Coins:
Paladin Archetype (usually worshipers of Abadar)

Adds Appraise, Knowledge (local), Perception, and Use Magic Device to her list of class skills and gets 4 skill ranks + her Intelligence modifier.

Eye for Forgeries replaces detect evil. A knight of coins can detect if an item is magical.

Blessing of Prosperity replaces the mercies gained at 3rd, 9th, and 15th levels. A knight of coins wants to help even the playing field for those at a disadvantage economically, and so gets to select from a group of blessings to give the downtrodden a chance to improve their lot through trade. Blessing choices include giving a +4 sacred bonus on Appraise and Sense Motive checks, or the use of a locate object as a spell-like ability. These boons can be used once or last up to one hour, depending on the description. There are seven different blessings all told.

Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

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FWIW, I don't mind throwing myself out there... I handled the sections on Goka and (surprise surprise) Kerse. :)

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, if we're doing this...

The sections on Iadara and Magnimar were all mine! ^_^

*wonders if Calphis has a section on best taverns to avoid vampires in the city...*

9 people marked this as a favorite.

And I will take the blame for the badger plush (and the rest of the Absalom and Caliphas entries). It’s not in honor of Mike — though I did let him know that I thought he’d especially like it.

That said, I’m thrilled other people seem to like it too. I wasn’t 100 percent sure how it would go over.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Thomas Seitz wrote:
*wonders if Calphis has a section on best taverns to avoid vampires in the city...*

Nothing like that. As I said above, just a basic intro paragraph that explains how trade and merchants fit into the city in question, nothing more. This is about tailoring the goods and services offered by shops so that those in Absalom feel different from, say, Katapesh.

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I'm definitely interested in seeing your section, Jacob. ^_^

(Especially after flaking out during the process...)

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I can still dream though right? :p ;)

Compared to a lot of the recent player companions, I'm a bit underwhelmed by this? Or rather, in many ways it feels more like it should have been a Campaign Setting. The archetypes can be used by PCs but probably work better for NPCs, and the lists of items are more likely to be useful to GMs looking to spice up a market.

So I'm guessing no spells or feats then?

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Thomas Seitz wrote:
So I'm guessing no spells or feats then?

Nope. It is mostly just new stuff you would find at each of the hubs.

Liberty's Edge

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Yeah, though that in and of itself introduces some fun new items into the pot to spice things up. Imagine if that fancy necklace everybody thought was non-magic since it had no auras and sold for a small amount of gold pieces ACTUALLY held the soul of the real big bad, who escaped through the necklace to wreck havoc.

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A small selection of cool or notable items.

• Badger plush. Too expensive for first level characters a lot of the time. :/
• Broken at-will item to find out how many people know a fact but aren't concealing it. Allows you to get rough counts of how many people in the world speak a given language, determine who in a room is a Vigilante, and other shenanigans.
• Cheap-ish item for that lets medium creatures shrink to small size whenever they need with unlimited duration- one minute on/off, though, and it doesn't scale other items. Also, no Dex bonus.
• Temporarily steal all morale bonuses as a no-save swift action on a hit, even ranged and/or touch attacks? Don't mind if I do give that to every high-level boss… If the Barbarian/Bloodrager/Skald wants to keep those rage powers, they have to continue giving you their bonuses with none of the drawbacks.
• Bag of Holding that vacuums up magic items from corpses. Pretty cool, actually- it gets around detection/searching issues.
• Insistent Doorknocker type item that you don't have to leave behind, and with more daily uses for the same price. (Won't get walls as thick, though.)
• Convert potions into potion-making ingredients. It ain't fast, but it's good for Alchemists for converting higher level potions into ones you need. Cure Serious into Fly, for instance.
• Self-cleaning robes! Oh, they have a 1/day combat reaction thing too.
• Aerokineticists get a way to negate 1 burn/day, without getting rid of the nonlethal damage.

While not quite what some of the previous Player Comps have been, and yes, this does seem to have a bit more Campaign Setting flavor...I still enjoyed it. Love the background provided for these ports/hubs along with the unique items available. Thank you to those who worked hard to produce this book. I am hoarding/treasuring the last classic Pathfinder books against the day when there will be no more...alas, that will be too soon.

In the defense of Barachiel: It's natural that names (here: product names) build expectations. While it's possible to ask fellow players to be openminded and read the actual product discussion, it only gets you so far - way more often players will still judge whether the book fits to their interpretation of what should be in there.

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New Bows, folks!

The issue I have with the Reflex Bow is the description does not match the info in the table..."The unique shape and craft of these bows allows them to shoot with the same velocity and power as a
longbow" yet it has the damage of a shortbow (1d6) in the table. I would change the table to fit the description, myself and make it 1d8.
Horse Bow is exotic weapon that works like Composite Longbow and eliminates some of the penalties for firing while mounted.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hmm, I do agree that merchant book does sound like something that would make more sense as campaign setting book.

Anyway, come to think about it, does this book have any info on selling artifacts?

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I just got my contributor's copies: I love the artwork of the badger plush. Thanks to whichever of Graey, Kent or Alyssa is responsible: It's almost as cute as Mike Welham.

(The rest of the artwork in here is great too, of course.)

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

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Jacob W. Michaels wrote:

I just got my contributor's copies: I love the artwork of the badger plush. Thanks to whichever of Graey, Kent or Alyssa is responsible: It's almost as cute as Mike Welham.

(The rest of the artwork in here is great too, of course.)

It is indeed cute...much cuter than I am.

(I think Jacob has me confused with someone else)

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

It was just pointed out to me that this book has the best item ever. I hope my FLGS has it, so that I can give all my Society characters a Badger Plush, so that I can then use my real badger plush as physrep during conventions and games.

Is the silk pulled from a Sea Silk Shell mundane? If not, what happens when it is dispelled/antimagic zoned?

Given the line "This small clamshell magically contains a 300-square-foot sheet of sea silk" I'd go with the silk being mundane and the shell just transforming it instantly ("in any style and color the user wishes." would indicate it's not just a tailor due to leather, bone and metal being part of a lot of styles.) so a dispel/antimagic works like a bag of holding (Can't get the stuff inside, but it is there when the dispel wears off/you leave the antimagic. It also has the same aura though that could be the spells used.) and won't strip anyone wearing an outfit from it. In that case it's a nifty item for a party that wants to be on the cutting edge of fashion, and the price of 1125/562.5 is low enough to spend on a magic item with the RP value of that. Can't hurt to check though.

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