
thinksnake's page

15 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


One thing I wish would be the return of Nyctessa to be the Iconic Necromancer, unless she's had a massive style update it doesn't look like it

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Aenigma wrote:
As far as I remember, the Oliphaunt appeared on Golarion only once, during an Azlanti invasion of Thassilon in -6301 AR, in the Age of Legend. So can I assume that the men in the art are Azlanti soldiers?

Could also be Thassilonian, from after the Azlanti army was defeated and the Oliphaunt was running around afterwards before finally making its save to return home. It also destroyed a fair chunk of Xin-Eurythnia

I'm definitely looking at running this, and it looks like there will be a LOT of new monsters and important NPCs - will there be a pawn box for this AP?

I wonder if this might go Mythic? If actually fighting Tar-Baphon at the end the surely...

Starting up a new homebrew adventure, I have a new player joining who has vision impairment. We play in-person not online, so far people have been mainly using paper character sheets or finding their own apps.

Does anyone have any good recommendations for apps that work well for blind/vision-impaired people, for a character sheet? She has some sight but the standard one is not clear enough for her to use reliably. I can print off a large-print version if need be, just wanting to see if there are any options already existing.

(Couldn't work out which subforum this should come under, no idea if this is best fit)

Compared to a lot of the recent player companions, I'm a bit underwhelmed by this? Or rather, in many ways it feels more like it should have been a Campaign Setting. The archetypes can be used by PCs but probably work better for NPCs, and the lists of items are more likely to be useful to GMs looking to spice up a market.

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Finally figured out how to get my party to slow down on trying to EVERYTHING all at the same time.

Gave one of them a parrot as a result of a failed Recruit Supporters check. The whole party then spent most of the day casting spell after spell trying to work out the parrot's alignment, what its Intelligence was, whether it was thinking, what language it was every now and then repeating phrases from...

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Drakir2010 wrote:
I am afraid I don't see any mention of Rexus being averse to his birth name. To the contrary, I infer that he would be very open about his time as a girl and his younger identity.

I'm quite open about being trans, that doesn't make it in any way okay to bring up my deadname. Most of the trans people I know who've changed their names feel similarly, regardless of how stealth they are.

There are exceptions, because there always are, but I'm basing a lot of that aspect of Rexus on my own experiences.

My party have been spamming gather information to get more rumours (to the point I'm having to make up new ones). To the extent that they've been trying to investigate every possible thing just in case there was something they could do.

They made the rather unfortunate decision to split the party so while half were talking to various Alabaster Academy teachers about what teeth could be used for (tooth fairy mission), the other half decided to wander around the salt market listening for further info on the prisoners being forced to work. Then walked into Sallix Saltworks, ran straight into Kossrani, and now one of them was knocked unconscious while the other fled.
I decided not to kill her so she can be rescued by the others, plus also play tricks on Kossrani and the guards because even when manacled, she is a Psychic.

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Well I wasn't expecting the Shelynite Inquisitor to pop over to Shadowsquare with a cake for the Kuthite High Priestess. Inquisitor had heard that the Nidalese embassy had cleared out, and thought that Aluceda might need a bit of company in case she was feeling abandoned.

would depend on other players in party, but have ideas of

Wood Oracle, thinks that nature is fundamentally ordered and the Green Faith is misleading. Probably human but haven't quite decided

Fetchling Deliverer Slayer of Zon-Kuthon going around with her spiked chain, personality based somewhat on Harley Quinn

Halfling Destined Bloodrager, believes halflings are destined to be also slave-owners

Half-elf Bramble brewer/Trapbreaker Alchemist, kicked out of elven community because kept blowing up trees

Brad Turner wrote:

Here's an interesting tidbit for any interested GMs. I was curious about the opera entitled "Huntress of Heroes" that Shensen was going to perform before her disappearance and the opera house was shutdown. It's also very relevant to the "Diva in Training" campaign trait in the Player's Guide.

I wasn't finding any flavor text for it in any of the Hell's Rebels books but I managed to find a synopsis about the likely story used as the basis of the opera. If you were also curious, check out the the story of Aolar, Lady of the Hunt on pages 30 and 31 of Book of the Damned, Volume 2: Lords of Chaos.

Well if that is the case then I definitely know which character to assign for my PC with that campaign trait. Calistria is cast!

Finally got my players organised after much to-ing and fro-ing and am excited to get going. Bloodrager, oracle, inquisitor and psychic should lead to some unorthodox solutions I am hoping.

So there's no official statblock for Mialari Docur? Or did I miss that on first reading

So I'm not sure if I've missed it in the gazette, but how common are slaves in Kintargo? Are they likely to be seen all around the place, or would they be restricted to the upper class, or just not at all present except when explicitly listed (such as the captain's slaves in Turn of the Torrent)?