Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The First World, Realm of the Fey (PFRPG)

4.60/5 (based on 7 ratings)
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The First World, Realm of the Fey (PFRPG)
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Grim Fairy Tales

Explore the First World, the legendary realm of the fey, where reality reinvents itself and strange creatures peddle stranger wares to the unwary. Learn about the godlike Eldest who rule this plane, and how to navigate their fairy courts. Delve for legendary treasures in locations too weird for mortal lands, study the lost origin of gnomes, and bargain with ageless adversaries in a realm where death is seen as a game. Whatever you do, don't blink—because nothing in the First World stays the same for long.

Inside this book, you'll find:

  • Detailed information on all the Eldest, including overviews of their strongholds and magical boons for their worshipers.
  • Dozens of bizarre fey adventure locations, from the legendary Witchmarket to the Chittering Tabernacle, with secret histories, maps of prominent cities, and more.
  • The new feysworn prestige class, allowing you to harness the power of the fairy lords.
  • New spells and magic items to help you survive the First World, as well as rules for spellcasting in the fey realm and bending the landscape itself to your will.
  • Six new fey monsters, including the skull-headed escorite and the technology-trashing bulabar, plus a new First World template and suggestions to help you create unique fey foes on the fly.

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The First World, Realm of the Fey is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be used in any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-909-7

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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Average product rating:

4.60/5 (based on 7 ratings)

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Not worth the cost


For the little you get it is simply not worth the cost. There is a lot of skimming over, but not a lot of detail for my taste. Playable fey races would have been nice.

If you only buy one Pathfinder product this year...

5/5 this one twice and give the extra to someone you really like.

This campaign setting guide does a fantastic job of describing the paradoxes of the First World. The descriptions of the Eldest manage to flesh them out as deities, while at the same time maintaining their maddening ambiguities and mystery. The locale descriptions are the same way--an "M.C. Escher meets Hieronymous Bosch" treasure trove of wild verbal imagery.

I've always liked the fey in Pathfinder, and this book only made me love them more.

And the artwork... wow, the artwork. Just. Wow. I wish there were poster prints available of some of the images inside.

Consider this a five woot! review.

Creativity in Spades


There's stuff in here that while reading it, I'd often look away and wonder how they managed to think up something so creative. This type of high fantasy world is wonderful and there's so much contained on the relatively small amount of pages on here. I've never written a review on anything on this site, but this compelled me to do so.

The only problem is getting the players there without seeming like I'm shoe-horning it in just because I wanna play around in the First World :P

So much awesome


The flavor in this book just oozes. It's really good. REALLY GOOD.

How the Fey Realm came to be, how it operates, locations, demigods that 'run the place', and a reason why gnomes left back in the day.

This is the first Campaign Setting book that I had trouble putting down when reading, it was so engrossing.

5 stars. Awesome.

Buy this now


Everything about this book is great. The high level background on the First World (time, magic, fey immortality, history) is comprehensive and surprisingly detailed given the limited space they had to work with. The section on the Eldest is fascinating and sets them apart from your ordinary demigods, plus the fey obedience boons are generally very strong, inventive, and thematic. The gazetteer of First World locations provides dozens of great ideas to develop your own adventure locations, and the Bestiary adds several interesting and creative new critters to serve as allies or adversaries.

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Can you give any details on the Lantern King and Lost Prince deific obediences?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Does asking for the table of contents count as for spoilers?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Does asking for the table of contents count as for spoilers?


First World Adventures..............................................2
On the Origin of Gnomes.........................................14
The Eldest.................................................................16
First World History..................................................36
Gazetteer.................................................................. 38
The Tane...................................................................54
Bestiary................................................................... .56


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
Can you give any details on the Lantern King and Lost Prince deific obediences?


Lantern King - Light a lamp & tell and story/joke, get a +4 vs. illusions
Lost Prince - Write down a memory on paper, burn it, get a +4 bonus on AoOs when moving through theatened spaces


2 people marked this as a favorite.

*looks at the table* Wait...2 pages on the Tane?!! We got new TANE?!!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh those are cool.

Anything interesting about Ragadahn?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:

Oh those are cool.

Anything interesting about Ragadahn?


Ragadahn gets a 2-page write up, with all the typical deity information. Ragadahn also gets numerous mentions throughout the book. I would say it's all interesting.


Silver Crusade

Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Oh those are cool.

Anything interesting about Ragadahn?

** spoiler omitted **


Fair point, is his obedience cool?

And is his art any different than the other depiction?

Do we in fact get illustrations of the Eldest ???

ANd any info on Shykas obediences ?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Oh those are cool.

Anything interesting about Ragadahn?

** spoiler omitted **


Fair point, is his obedience cool?

And is his art any different than the other depiction?


The obedience is cool and grants a nice bonus.

I'd have to go back and check other art, but the picture in the write up is really cool.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
nighttree wrote:
Do we in fact get illustrations of the Eldest ???

Oh, yes, we do!

nighttree wrote:
ANd any info on Shykas obediences ?


Build some simple and fragile, then leave it to deteriorate to get a +2 in Initiative.


Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:
nighttree wrote:
Do we in fact get illustrations of the Eldest ???

Oh, yes, we do!

nighttree wrote:
ANd any info on Shykas obediences ?

** spoiler omitted **


Oh I'm giggling like a school girl.....Skeld, you probably have not had time to get into the meat of it yet....but if you run across anything that discusses how people become "one of the many" I would LOVE a clue...or two....:P

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Oh those are cool.

Anything interesting about Ragadahn?

** spoiler omitted **


Fair point, is his obedience cool?

And is his art any different than the other depiction?

** spoiler omitted **


Sweet, many thankies, Skeld!

books like this make me really wish I had the money to keep up my AP and RPG line subscriptions and also subscribe to the CS line :(

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Augh, still two more weeks to wait until I can buy it. Gonna have to not click on this thread until then just so I can keep my excitement levels from constantly gnawing at me.

This book would have been a good place for rituals to use Fey Crossroads...if those are a thing in Golarion.
Just thought of that today, dang it.

How is anyone NOT asking for what's in the Bestiary?

Can we get a list of the new creatures and what they are, please?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:
Huh. Why didn't that show up when I searched the forums?

I make sure to buy the Search Engine a 110B-pack of virtual beer every so often so that it will be extra nice to me. ;)


I think we're waiting for Luthorne to come along and help us out. Skeld is always a more bare bones kind of prophet. ;)

But I still beg the question: TANE?!!

Cool a section on the Tane.

So what do the eldest look like?

Hi, Skeld!

Is the section about the eldest and their strongholds similar to the one about the archdevils and their lairs in Princes of Darkness (first page is about the eldest and the second about his realm)?

I would also REALLY like to know if there is a new tane, as we got two pages about them!

nighttree wrote:
Oh I'm giggling like a school girl.....Skeld, you probably have not had time to get into the meat of it yet....but if you run across anything that discusses how people become "one of the many" I would LOVE a clue...or two....:P

I can't find a reference to "one of the many" (except a sentence pertaining to staircases). can you give me a better idea what you're looking for?


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3 people marked this as a favorite.
Geramies wrote:

How is anyone NOT asking for what's in the Bestiary?

Can we get a list of the new creatures and what they are, please?

Here are the creatures in the bestiary and my first impression of them based on their artwork, which may or may not be a very accurate depiction of the creature.


Bulabar - Militant pillbug
Choxani - rainbow pixie
Ekekeh - Magic dolphin
Escorite - Undead skull-headed moth
Gerbie - Alicce-In-Wonderland dinosaur baby
Remacera - That caterpillar has a people-face!

That was fun.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
I think we're waiting for Luthorne to come along and help us out. Skeld is always a more bare bones kind of prophet. ;)

I try not to give too much away. Reading this stuff on your own is a big part of the fun. i like to generate some excitement about the products. :)

Thomas Seitz wrote:
But I still beg the question: TANE?!!


The Tane section is written journal entry style and looks like a campaign handout. It's an in-world discussion of the Tane, their origins, and a description of some of them. There are no game rules or stats in here. It's a neat section that looks like something a Pathfinder might write about Tane.


4 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

Cool a section on the Tane.

So what do the eldest look like?

Varied. I'll give you a short discretion of my first impression based on their artwork like i did with the bestiary above.


Count Ranalc - Joker vampire.
The Green Mother - Poison Ivy plant girl
Imbrex - Lizard people twins
The Lantern King - A lantern. With a crown. Sort of.
The Lost Prince - Throne-sitting Emo guy
Magdh - Many-faced monk master
Ng - white-robed Grim Reaper who brings you flowers
Ragadahn - White wyrm sea serpent
Shyka - Belle writes down your secrets while grinning devilishly


3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
Is the section about the eldest and their strongholds similar to the one about the archdevils and their lairs in Princes of Darkness (first page is about the eldest and the second about his realm)?

I don't remember how that book was laid out, but what you've described sounds similar to the 2-pagers in this book.

The Gold Sovereign wrote:
I would also REALLY like to know if there is a new tane, as we got two pages about them!


Here are the Tane that get about a paragraph of description each. i don't know if any of them are "new."
Jubjub Bird
Sard, the Storm of Insanities
Thrasfyr, the Dreaming Hill of the Dark
Great Ulas
Hachan Ke, the Glory in the Blood
Kyrn the Legion
Mohaba, the Moon Worm


Grand Lodge

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Captain Yesterday ***** wrote:

Shaka, when the walls fell.


Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:

I try not to give too much away. Reading this stuff on your own is a big part of the fun. i like to generate some excitement about the products. :)-Skeld

I get that Skeld but I'm one of those guys that enjoy spoilers. So while I won't complain about lack of details (that's just rude in my mind) I AM glad to get some info.

So thank you! :)

I was hoping for a snark. :(

How much info is there on shaping the landscape of the First World? Is it anything like Shadowwalking from Amber (if you're familiar with those novels)?

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:
Geramies wrote:

How is anyone NOT asking for what's in the Bestiary?

Can we get a list of the new creatures and what they are, please?

Here are the creatures in the bestiary and my first impression of them based on their artwork, which may or may not be a very accurate depiction of the creature.

** spoiler omitted **

That was fun.


Does the Remacera have a hookah?

Thank you for your huge contribution Skeld! I have one more question for you. Which of the bestiary entries you mentioned is THE template?


From what the prophet has said, this book already looks as amazing as we expected. A whole two pages chapter about the tanes is the biggest surprise until now, and while I didn't as about it, the origin of the gnomes is one of the core secrets/mysteries of pathfinder and I'm really excited I will finally read about it. *O*

By the way, the tanes are no longer limited to "Alice in the Wonder World" or am I the one that doesn't know about these new creatures?

Dark Archive

So what are the lost origins of Gnomes?

What are the CRs and creature types of the monsters in the bestiary?

Can you give more details on the Choxani?

A lot of those Tane mentioned are new to me. Maybe some of those new ones will be in B6:)

Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:
nighttree wrote:
Oh I'm giggling like a school girl.....Skeld, you probably have not had time to get into the meat of it yet....but if you run across anything that discusses how people become "one of the many" I would LOVE a clue...or two....:P

I can't find a reference to "one of the many" (except a sentence pertaining to staircases). can you give me a better idea what you're looking for?


Shyka is actually multiple beings.....and it's been suggested that mortals are absorbed into Shyka "the many"....

Is the Feysworn PrC meant for worshipers of the Eldest ? or is it just a PrC that makes you more fey like ?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cthulhudrew wrote:

I was hoping for a snark. :(

How much info is there on shaping the landscape of the First World? Is it anything like Shadowwalking from Amber (if you're familiar with those novels)?


There's a section on shaping and stability and another on travel. Each one is a little over a half-page. I'm not familiar with "Shadowwalking from Amber," so i can't coment on that.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Does the Remacera have a hookah?



Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Skeld, PDF Prophet wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Does the Remacera have a hookah?



Aww, Thankies anyway Skeld.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
Which of the bestiary entries you mentioned is THE template?


The template is First world Creature and it is a CR+0 or CR+1 template. It's pretty simple.


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Mighty Skeld, seer of the portable document, I seek the cover artist's name and the list of credited authors. I have brought this fatted swine of rare markings and a cask of the Green Sight.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Kevin Mack wrote:
So what are the lost origins of Gnomes?

It's an interesting article (like the Tane article, it's written in journal-style) and I don't want to spoil it, but I will say...


There are a number of reasones given for why Gnomes left the First World for the Material Plane. The article states that all are true, but then offers another major reason Gnomes are on Golarion. Finally, there's a "Curator's Note" that basically says that this kind of information is often very unreliable.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I can hardly wait to get my pdf.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
What are the CRs and creature types of the monsters in the bestiary?


They are all Fey.
Bulabar - CR 1
Choxani - CR 3
Ekekeh - CR 4
Escorite - CR 8
Gerbie - CR 4
Remacera - CR 6

Dragon78 wrote:
Can you give more details on the Choxani?


They're Medium with dragonfly wings. They're focused on color and a touch attack based on feeding off color. The have bows for ranged attacks. They can communicate using the ever-changing color patterns on their skin.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
nighttree wrote:
Is the Feysworn PrC meant for worshipers of the Eldest ? or is it just a PrC that makes you more fey like ?


I'll say both. Feyswaorn are required to take an Eldest as a patron. When gaining class levels, they gain some Fey-ish class abilities.


4 people marked this as a favorite.
PFW1-K1 wrote:
Mighty Skeld, seer of the portable document, I seek the cover artist's name and the list of credited authors. I have brought this fatted swine of rare markings and a cask of the Green Sight.

Cover Artist • Kiki Moch Rizky

Interior Artists • Tomasz Chistowski, Diana Martinez, Brynn Metheney, Will O’Brien, Nikolai Ostertag, Roberto Pitturru, Riccardo Rullo, and Andrew Sonea
Cartographers • Rob Lazzaretti and Damien Mammoliti
Author • James L. Sutter
Development Lead • Mark Moreland
Developers • Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Mark Moreland, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Linda Zayas-Palmer

I don't see anyone else listed, so my apologies if I missed anone.


Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


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What are the requirements for feysworn

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Do you have to be a divine caster to take the feysworn prestige class?

What kind of fey like abilities does the prestige class grant?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
jedi8187 wrote:

What are the requirements for feysworn


Feat - Fey Obedience
Languages - Aklo, First Speech, or Sylvan
Skill ranks - Know (planes) 5
Special - Must worship one of the Eldest

Dragon78 wrote:
What kind of fey like abilities does the prestige class grant?


Feymarked - You're automatically resurrected on the Frist World if you're slain (there are some other details, but that's the jist of it); immune to spells that don't target Fey.
Obedience - You have to perform daily obedience to your Eldest.
Fey Boons - Gain deific boons based on the eldest you worship.
Breacher - Know where the closet breach to the Frist World is.
Summon Fey - You can summon Fey.
Alien mind - Gain a bonus to saves vs. mind-affecting effects.
Plane Swap - Plane shift to the First World.
Tear Reality - Rip a breach between the First World and MAterial planes to unleash a magical effect.


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