
DonKeebals's page

Organized Play Member. 154 posts (155 including aliases). 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Print Edition Unavailable

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Not worth the cost


For the little you get it is simply not worth the cost. There is a lot of skimming over, but not a lot of detail for my taste. Playable fey races would have been nice.

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Great for quick NPCs


My only complaint is that I would have liked to see 2-3 levels of many of the NPCs represented. I love the tactics info and would love to see the PFS pregens get a tactics section.

Hardcover Unavailable

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Not worth the cost


There just is not enough in this book to make it worth the price. Not that there isn't a lot there, just that the lot is worthless. Of all the classes, maybe 3 are good enough to play with. Glad I only paid for the PDF.

Our Price: $3.99

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Hated it


I hated it and my players hated it. I think it should be taken off the website and rewritten and I will certainly avoid any scenarios written by the this author in the future. It's very one sided in favor of the "skill monkey"and at one point I was tempted just to hand out chronicle sheets and tell everyone that it was a success and go home. I've deleted this so I never make the mistake of looking at it again.

Our Price: $1.99

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Like it a lot


I already posted to Jason's FB page but it can't hurt to share here as well.

Love the details, especially the menu and I can see this inn being a launching point for many adventures. Would have liked to have seen a bit of the history of the roadside inn, but other than that it is really great for the price.