James Jacobs wrote:
Why bother having a campaign line of books then, isn't that all you need? It's 64 pages a month of material. You build an RPG to also work with other RPG settings with very little interference from Golarion material, but now it feels like there is permission to alienate a demographic with their homebrew settings or those running something from a D&D setting. I always assumed the happy medium was more generic material, and extremely light Golarion material, in the core line, and the heavy campaign stuff in the campaign line? ![]()
Milo v3 wrote:
Yeah but I would like to see a wide range of Aeons in various CR as well as Inevitables, we have yet to have that yet. We have them with Proteans now, especially in B6. ![]()
DM Beckett wrote:
A feat, sure. Or something. Or just simply new skill uses. Currently there is nothing allowing you to do such a task. Grapple rules doesn't allow you to hang on to creatures too large and climb/attack, and none of the skills detail anything of the sort either. ![]()
CBDunkerson wrote:
The Greyhawk Dragon is basically the Steel Dragon, no difference, only in name (in Forgotten Realms they are Steel Dragons). The Song Dragon was originally the "Weredragon" from 2nd Edition AD&D Forgotten Realms Monstrous Compendium. In 3rd Edition, they retconned the Weredragon into the Song Dragon. ![]()
Dragon78 wrote:
It saddens me they not only make more Gigas, but they haven't made more Aeons and Inevitables in a long time. ![]()
BigNorseWolf wrote:
See, that's specific to a class and archetype. We need something more generic and available to anyone. ![]()
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
This was why I liked Planescape setting from D&D. They weren't afraid to delve deeper into planar environments. Since Paizo likes to keep things simple, this would be obvious. The Elemental Plane of Earth is NOT solely rock. It's everything that represents "earth" as well as everything inbetween. Planescape/D&D also had it where the elemental planes "touched" one another, creating the quasi-energy planes and such. This was awesome and simple to follow. Where Water and Earth bordered it became Ooze, Earth and Fire became Magma, etc. I honestly don't get why Metalline elementals couldn't come from Earth Plane. As for Wood elementals, Earth also makes sense, particularly areas of the Plane of Earth where water was more abundant. Listen to what the fans want and don't overthink how to give it out. ![]()
Ellias Aubec wrote: Wasn't there something like that for rogues in the Giant Hunters book? No, there was actually something like that for the Stealth skill, to be able to hide under big creatures. I think those are awesome, new uses for skills. I wish Pathfinder had more of those, it would make skill use more interesting with more options. As for grappling and hanging onto super big foes and doing heroic stunts while clinging to them...still no real set of established rules for that. Could easily be done via Grapple and/or Climb checks or a mixture of both. ![]()
So a crafter of a magic item can have others aid in the crafting, such as providing the needed spells, for example. We all know the crafter of a magic item can pause their crafting, but they cannot work on a new magic item unless they complete the one they are working on or abandon it. Does this restriction also apply to the assistants? I have two PCs, one is crafting a Portal and the other is helping with providing spells needed to keep the DC low. Is the assistant unable to craft their own item while helping? ![]()
I am confused by the Synthesist wording. Ok, so Fused Eidolon replaces Eidolon. I assume it is no longer fused when unconscious, asleep, killed etc. And that it takes 1 minute to fuse an eidolon (instead of summoning it). Correct? On to the next part. What's the point of Aspect/Greater Aspect if it's already giving you evolutions when fused? Or does this mean if the Fused Eidolon is not around, the summoner still keeps the Aspect evolutions he chose? Next, what exactly does Twin Eidolon do? He can't even use this because the Eidolon is Fused, so he has its abilities anyway right? Or is this something to use whenever the Fused Eidolon is killed off to give the Summoner something while it's gone? ![]()
Fourshadow wrote:
Now if only we can get more generic PrC in the RPG line. I find many of the Pathfinder PrC too entrenched in Golarion material to properly adapt to other settings, especially established ones like the Forgotten Realms. Last time we had any was wayyyyy back in Advanced Player's Guide. ![]()
So I believe a crafter can "pause" crafting a magic item at any time (they simply cannot craft another item unless they finish or abandon the current one). Correct? While the item is on "pause", can it still be used? Or is it out of commission until completed? I have a player who is upgrading his Kukri. The problem is, they are on a time constraint and the time it will take to upgrade his kukri goes over this limit. Can the crafter "pause" working on the Kukri and he can use it and then bring it back after the adventure for the crafter to finish it up? Or no? ![]()
Another question, I can set the Caster Level to whatever I want even if I am not the proper level? It seems that way according to this FAQ: Though the listed Caster Level for a pearl of power is 17th, that caster level is not part of the Requirements listing for that item. Therefore, the only caster level requirement for a pearl of power is the character has to be able to cast spells of the desired level. However, it makes sense that the minimum caster level of the pearl is the minimum caster level necessary to cast spells of that level--it would be strange for a 2nd-level pearl to be CL 1st. For example, a 3rd-level wizard with Craft Wondrous Item can create a 1st-level pearl, with a minimum caster level of 1. He can set the caster level to whatever he wants (assuming he can meet the crafting DC), though the pearl's caster level has no effect on its powers (other than its ability to resist dispel magic). If he wants to make a 2nd-level pearl, the caster level has to be at least 3, as wizards can't cast 2nd-level spells until they reach character level 3. He can even try to make a 3rd-level pearl, though the minimum caster level is 5, and he adds +5 to the DC because he doesn't meet the "able to cast 3rd-level spells" requirement. So if I am a 10th-level caster and wanted to set my item at CL 20th, I can do that even though I lack being a 20th-level caster? ![]()
I know CL is not a prerequisite to item creation unless specified in the requirements. So, say an item requires "Teleportation Circle" to create, and it can be bypassed by increasing the Spellcraft DC by +5, do you still need to have a 17th-level caster requirement because the spell is normally only accessible by 17th level casters? Or can someone who is, say, a 14th-level caster, still able to craft said item (by adding +5 DC to bypass spell requirement)? ![]()
It's terribly misleading. If I were new to PFRPG and was looking for only it's RPG line of products because it's setting neutral, I'd be put off by an RPG book suddenly being a Campaign specific book. When I think of "Adventurer's Guide", I think of something more along the lines of new generic prestige classes, archetypes, guidelines, new skill uses, items and spells adventurers take advantage of. I don't think of specific organizations and setting-related material, because I would expect things to appear in the book for me to simply tailor to my own campaigns. Basically what Advanced Player's Guide was only more, I guess. Now a chapter devoted to rules mechanics and fluff for PCs and GMS to build their own adventuring guilds would fit just right and make a lot more sense. The smart thing to do is to easily place this away from the RPG line and make it another Campaign hardcover book and title it Inner Sea Adventurer Guide. Done. ![]()
Is it just me, or is it too easy for PCs to Bluff and Intimidate in Pathfinder? The static DC of 10 + HD + Wisdom modifier is too low. The +4/-4 for size difference is also static. I believe 3.5 had it much better where it was an opposed level check; a 1d20 + HD + save bonuses vs fear effects. And each size difference was +4 (so a Medium size trying to demoralize a Gargantuan size would give a -12 penalty). As for Bluff, way too easy. It's 10 + BAB + Wisdom modifier. Or it's 10 + Sense Motive bonus. Back in 3.5 it was 10 + Sense Motive bonus + BAB, which made it more difficult but at least it wasn't getting spammed so easily as it is now in PF. How do I handle, say, a Rogue with Cunning Feint vigilante talent, ability to Bluff quickly and beating such easy DCs with his +29 bonus to Bluff? Taking 10 alone, the guy is beating DC 39, not many have +29 to Sense Motive to even that out. He is murdering almost any foe in 1 round basically (he has TWF and ITWF too, so many sneak attacks) ![]()
Really wish this more neutral; campaign themed prestige classes are terrible for my games because I do not run Golarion. I also don't care to hear "Tailor the PrC to your world" because that simply doesn't work for me. Golarion PrC have features very, very specific and niche features to their setting. Many of their PrC aren't designed to easily make more generic. I really wish we had a plethora of new PrC like in Advanced Player's Guide. Maybe one day... ![]()
I don't know why I can't write a review on this, I guess I have to purchase it from this site. Anyway, I give it two stars. Some of the material didn't seem properly playtested, several really broken feats and maneuvers are in here. Many aren't even clear in their wording how they work. And I noticed the authors have been talking about releasing an errata for this, but it's been almost 2 years and still nothing? Not impressed. ![]()
So this feat, in Ranged Tactics Toolbox, says the following. ---------------------------
The idea is you're lobbing something overhead for it to land atop a target on the other side of whatever is protecting them. I can understand thrown weapons and arrows. But I can't wrap my head on how crossbow bolts or firearm bullets can accomplish this exactly? Especially a descending bullet, it won't pack the same kind of punch at all. I feel like RAI, this feat was only meant for thrown weapons and arrows. Has there been any confirmation on this feat?