Across the Inner Sea region, few things are as ubiquitous as faith and religion. However, among the myriad nations and cultures, worship and devotion isn't limited to only the area's most widely acknowledged deities. Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Faiths sheds light on 15 lesser-known deities who nonetheless offer great power to their followers, granting spiritual might to any characters willing to offer devotion. Inside this book you'll find details about these gods' histories, dogmas, and practices, all designed to enrich your campaigns with divine lore, including:
In-depth articles about the Inner Sea region's more esoteric divinities, from Achaekek, god of divine punishment and patron of the deadly Red Mantis assassins, to Besmara, the lusty queen of pirates and tamer of the fierce beasts that dwell beneath the waves, to Milani, vehement enemy of tyranny and slavery, to Naderi, goddess of romantic tragedy and forbidden love.
Guidance on how to play an adventurer or create an NPC devoted to a particular god, including the clothing, texts, and holidays sacred to the faithful, as well as aphorisms common among their ranks.
Obediences and boons that can empower all worshipers of each divinity, especially those with levels in prestige classes devoted to their faith.
Details about each divinity's standing in the Great Beyond, as well as a look into the gods' personal extraplanar realms.
Insight into the fascinating creatures that serve each divinity, including the unique astral deva who heralds Kurgess, the Strong Man, and the veiled trumpet archon who heralds Sivanah, the Seventh Veil.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Faiths is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be adapted to any fantasy world.
ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-825-0
Note:Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Faiths is an extra-large volume, totalling 96-pages rather than the standard 64-page format.
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
I love this book just as much as I love Inner Sea Gods, and it has seen a lot of use in my games. It is full of evocative and flavourful information that can form the basis of all kinds of characters and adventures. I particularly like that it uses its full space for this information and doesn’t feel the need to include numerous new feats and spells. I now have ideas for about fifteen new campaigns that I will probably never have time to run, but it’s fun to have the ideas anyway!
While the book is basically Inner Sea Gods: Part 2, I'd argue it is an even better addition to the system. While Inner Sea Gods updated the old AP articles and put them in one place for people to find, this book serves to breath life into many of the minor deities of the Inner Sea that hadn't gotten one before.
Honestly, it has given me more ideas for characters, villains, and adventures than anything I can recently recall. Whether you are more often a player or GM, if you find deities and religions at all compelling I'd say this is the #1 campaign setting book you should pick up this year.
I want to add my voice to the other positive reviews. Inner Sea Gods is also my favorite book that Paizo has published. ISF is a good book, but it is not as great as ISG. That may be due to constraints of length or other factors to which I am not privy.
I'm writing this review because I have read that these reviews help the developers know what to develop. I would very much like to see the deities and their cults receive more attention and more detail, so here we go.
The Good:
The lore this book contains is, without a doubt, the best part. If you don't care about the origins and motivations of deities and those who follow them, buy a different book. ISF, got me excited about deities like Besmara who I never before found interesting, while also giving me rich details about deities I already found interesting. Her section made me want to be a pirate. I think that's the highest praise that I can give as a consumer. The author(s?) of that section painted a vivid enough picture that a new perspective became compelling.
The Bad:
Some of the Obediences could have been better fleshed out. The best Obediences give you at least two options on how to appease your god: one needs to be something you don't need other people or specific locations. Some of these did not. Nobody wants their divine powers turned off because they couldn't find find someone to whom they could brag or whom they could bully.
Some of the Boons evoked the "who would want that?" (which may be a failure of my imagination and not the design) or "why is that so bad?" (Seriously, Mahathallah has better illusionists than Sivanah. Does that seem right to anyone?) Also, if you give a boon that effects Channel Energy, then let Exalted levels stack with Cleric levels for that ability. Let Sarenrae's exalted boon be your guide. If you don't, them you make that boon suck for your Exalted and unlikely to ever come up if you go straight cleric given how late access boons are without the appropriate prestige classes.
However many of the other Boons were good. (Besmara lets her evangelists summon sea monsters she has bullied and even coerce people themselves with her divine charisma. How cool is that?)
Some alignment appropriate deities did not have paladin or anti-paladin codes. Ghaulander is CE and is a god of disease. There is no doubt in my mind that he has anti-paladins and that they have specific beliefs. One of my favorite parts of ISG was the alternate paladin codes. Paladins have codes tailored to their patron makes so much sense, and makes them much more fun to play. You guys struck gold with that innovation. Keep mining it.
There were some editing and grammar errors, but it only confused or annoyed me a couple of times. It's only a minor complaint.
The Odd:
Achaeckek is now a full god (with 5 Domains) rather than a demigod. It seems a bad call on the pantheon's part to let him get bigger than a demigod. He is an assassin after all. :-p
What Improvements I Would Like:
ISG was so great because it gave feats and spells specific to each religion. This book could have greatly benefitted from such additions along with the missing Heralds. I know some of these gods got feats in ISG, but I want more. I understand that there might have been space constraints. I would have paid more. If this book had been ISG Volume 2, I would be giving it 5 stars, and want to give it 6. Seriously, I would be grateful to have the honor of giving you $10 more.
Consumers: buy this book for the excellent lore, but temper your expectations: many of the boons are either not as cool or not as thematic as they were in ISG.
Developers: please make more books in this vein, but more in the style of ISG. ISG seemed to sell well. You guys have a market here. Please exploit it and take our money. It's not like you don't have more gods to detail.
Honestly, how much you will like/use this book depends on the mileage you got out of Inner Sea Gods.
Take whatever rating you would put Inner Sea Gods and subtract a single star: That is the rating of this book.
I LOVE ISG, so this book is still of great value to me.
However, it falls a bit short of it's predecessor.
Why's that?
Each minor god get's the ISG treatment, but only to a degree.
*We open up with a Deific Obedience and some boons, all of which are flavorful but many of which are near impossible to complete regularly (Good luck finding two unblemished white roses and a nearby stream every day you adventure).
*We then get a sidebar about the god, paladin and antipaladin codes for the god, but oddly not for every god that could have paladins/antipaladins (What makes an antipaladin of Ghlaunder special?).
*The next portion is fairly straitforward:
Understanding the God, the Church, Temples and Shrines, *picture of a worshiper*,a Priest's Role, Adventures, Clothing, Holy Text, *Picture of the deity*, Holidays, Aphorisms, Relations with Other Religeons, Realm, Planar Allies. Nothing too odd.
*Variant casting abilities for the faithful are mentioned at the tail end of A Priest's Role, except for the dragon gods, who have none mentioned.
*Heralds for those who have been printed in Adventure Paths (Brigh, Milani, Besmara, Zyphus) are referenced to the appropriate AP; other heralds are described but not stated.
*The sidebars from ISG about deity appropriate spells, items, feats, etc is completely absent.
*Mechanical resources beyond Deific Obedience are also absent; players looking for faith specific magic items will need to dig through ISG (though it looks like each minor god does get at least one magic item there) and conjurists looking to invoke their god's servitor race or herald will need to work with their GM more than Core Deities.
These points all drag down the overall usefulness of the book.
That said, this book DOES provide some wonderful background information of each minor god.
no longer will we be tormented with figuring out just what to call followers of Zyphus (the answer is Zyphens).
Dahak is fleshed out into something other than a draconic parody of Rovagug.
The mysterious Alseta and Naderi are finally unveiled! (The mysterious Sivanah is still mysterious. That's her shtick).
Inner Sea Gods is perhaps my favorite campaign setting book for Pathfinder, so seeing several of the "lesser" deities get the same treatment in Inner Sea Faiths was very exciting for me. The book contains deific obediences and evangelist/exalted/sentinel boons for each of 15 deities, and aside from that, the book contains pure setting info for the gods. I do like deity-specific items and spells, but I was more excited to see information about the history and worship of these deities. Alseta and Naderi were the ones I was most interested in, but I was also excited to see more about Achaekek, Sivanah, Hanspur, and Groetus. There's at least one deity of every alignment, so there should be something for a variety of play choices.
ANy info on Milani? I assume the obedience and such isn't different then the write up she got in the Player's Handbook for Hell's Rebels.
Ih her priests have access to the legend lore spell they can cast it to try and draw forth memories from their past Martyred lives, which is really neat.
ANy info on Milani? I assume the obedience and such isn't different then the write up she got in the Player's Handbook for Hell's Rebels.
Ih her priests have access to the legend lore spell they can cast it to try and draw forth memories from their past Martyred lives, which is really neat.
Any information you can give on Sivanah's obedience and any possible extra spells for her priests?
Carry an ordinary scarf or veil and walk through a settlement, making sure you are seen and exchange pleasantries with at least one person. After you reach the settlement’s edge, place the scarf or veil over your l face so you aren’t easily recognizable, and again speak with anyone you encountered before. If your true identity is recognized, you must deny it, providing a false name if necessary. Even if anyone you met sees through your ruse, you gain...
Gyronna -> Spend half an hour making someone else's life worse, let them know you're involved, and make a demand of them before doing so to avoid your hostile actions (it can be an unreasonable demand/price, though). Gives an Intimidate bonus.
Gyronna's Herald is one of her daughters; Gyronna devoured her at one point (along with six other daughters), she burst forth from one of Gyronna's boils in a hideous form, and she is capable of twisting the forms of others (particular unborn children) into horrid shapes. Following her transformation, she became the only individual Gyronna loves.
(Added, related info: The other six daughters also did the boil-burst thing, but they became night hags who could hide their ugliness with magic. She crushed her next seven daughters, who Pharasma took mercy upon and turned into psychopomps. Her daughters after that she cast down into mortal form as changelings, though several of those, through wickedness, were accepted back by Gyronna and turned into hag progenitors.)
It's from the Argentinian short film 'Mama' which was the inspiration for the full movie of the same title. I think it's Youtube, search for mama horror short film.
Gyronna -> Spend half an hour making someone else's life worse, let them know you're involved, and make a demand of them before doing so to avoid your hostile actions (it can be an unreasonable demand/price, though). Gives an Intimidate bonus.
Gyronna's Herald is one of her daughters; Gyronna devoured her at one point (along with six other daughters), she burst forth from one of Gyronna's boils in a hideous form, and she is capable of twisting the forms of others (particular unborn children) into horrid shapes. Following her transformation, she became the only individual Gyronna loves.
(Added, related info: The other six daughters also did the boil-burst thing, but they became night hags who could hide their ugliness with magic. She crushed her next seven daughters, who Pharasma took mercy upon and turned into psychopomps. Her daughters after that she cast down into mortal form as changelings, though several of those, through wickedness, were accepted back by Gyronna and turned into hag progenitors.)
Thanks Lord G and everyone else who posted an answer. I have definitely got to get this one.
And with Gyronna's Obedience, I wonder what her faithful are supposed to do when they try that on someone, get up to the 'telling them you're responsible' part, and the victim promptly decide to take a battleaxe to you?
It seems like Gyronna's obedience could lead to you getting your ass kicked and/or dying. Moreover, what if you're in the middle of the desert with no one to harass?
It seems like Gyronna's obedience could lead to you getting your ass kicked and/or dying. Moreover, what if you're in the middle of the desert with no one to harass?
That one would be tricky. If you are alone, you are out of luck. If there is nobody around but your party, you either forego the benefits of your obedience or make yourself very unpopular with your (former) allies.
And it is a problem if the victim of your obedience immediately decides to pick a fight with you, since one of the requirements of the obedience is that your victim must survive the encounter -- so both of you must survive in order for you to benefit from your obedience.
I purchased this book mostly for the sections on Apsu and Dahak, and I was certainly not disappointed. I'm glad that we finally know what their main motivations and interests on Golarion are, and I love the Paladin/Antipaladin codes.
I have to say, I think an adventure path about the arrival of the final battle between Apsu and Dahak would be great. The players could swing the battle in favor of either god by actively seeking out and destroying important dragons and followers of either side.
I purchased this book mostly for the sections on Apsu and Dahak, and I was certainly not disappointed. I'm glad that we finally know what their main motivations and interests on Golarion are, and I love the Paladin/Antipaladin codes.
I have to say, I think an adventure path about the arrival of the final battle between Apsu and Dahak would be great. The players could swing the battle in favor of either god by actively seeking out and destroying important dragons and followers of either side.
How about neutral adventure path where you have to fight both sides to prevent war from happening at all? :D
*totally not inspired by Shin Megami Tensei plotlines*
Does the book address just evangelist/exalted/sentinel or does it talk about other prestige classes dedicated to the god (example, Red Mantis Assassin)?
Does the book address just evangelist/exalted/sentinel or does it talk about other prestige classes dedicated to the god (example, Red Mantis Assassin)?
Just the Obediences and Boons.
It does talk a bit about the RMA, but from a world point of view. There are no traits, feats, archetypes, prestige classes, or stat blocks in this book.
Would anyone mind please posting a bit more on Hanspur?
Obedience and its bonus, feats, traits, spells, and/or the like?
Just trying to get a possible PC together for a game in April and wanting to plan ahead, prior to hopefully purchasing this (and Ultimate Intrigue) at month's end.
Hanspur's obedience is self-inflicted near drowning or Chinese water torture. The bonus is +4 to Survival checks on or near rivers. The three types of boons are all spelled out, but no deity has feats, traits, or spells given in this book.
1st: Wave Shield, Life Pact, and Water Breathing SLAs.
2nd: Cause water to churn and become rougher for swimming purposes.
3rd: Heal somebody who is being held underwater and holding their breath.
They really seem to have forgotten that the 3rd boons are supposed to be equivalent to a 9th level spell. I don't expect perfect balance between obedience options, but some of them are LOL worthy.
The Mahathallah one was particularly odd. The upfront basic obedience stuff is insanely good, the 2nd and 3rd exalted boons are some fringe who cares stuff.
The 3rd boon for a Naderi Evangelist can be used 3x/day for up to half your level in rounds. Each round, if the target successfully holds his breath, he is healed for 1d8+5 hit points. At 14th level (the earliest level at which this boon can be gained), the maximum total healing is 21d8+105 hit points -- so the power level of this boon is actually pretty decent if you have time for it.
How's the info on Kurgess? He's interesting, and I've wanted to make a Kurgess worshiping PC for PFS for a while, but I've got one point of confusion. Why does such a strength based deity have a favored weapon based on dex (javelin)?
It did inspire me to look into a thrown weapon based build, which is a lot more viable than it used to be, thanks to the Weapon Master Handbook, but now I'm not so sure. I'm thinking of doing a thrown build that's not Kurgess based after all, and doing a more strength based Kurgess worshiper who just ignores the favored weapon. I'm thinking a melee warpriest of Kurgess with the Strength and Travel blessings could be pretty good.
The 3rd boon for a Naderi Evangelist can be used 3x/day for up to half your level in rounds. Each round, if the target successfully holds his breath, he is healed for 1d8+5 hit points. At 14th level (the earliest level at which this boon can be gained), the maximum total healing is 21d8+105 hit points -- so the power level of this boon is actually pretty decent if you have time for it.
Or they could have given Mass Heal 1/day. Or buy a CLW wand. This is terrible.
Does Inner Sea Faiths provide news about Peace Through Vigilance?
To be more specifically... Are the Inheritor and the Waybringer really close friends? ;)
And also, with what other gods Apsu has a good relationship with? I'm fine with just the names.
The unique gold dragon Peace Through Vigilance is mentioned as Iomedae's servant and the personification of the limited agreement for mutual defense made between Apsu and the newly ascended Iomedae.
Supporters of Apsu include Iomedae, Torag, and Sarenrae and to a lesser extent Cayden Cailean and Gorum. Asmodeus has held inconclusive negotiations with both Apsu and Dahak for unclear reasons.
How's the info on Kurgess? He's interesting, and I've wanted to make a Kurgess worshiping PC for PFS for a while, but I've got one point of confusion. Why does such a strength based deity have a favored weapon based on dex (javelin)?
It did inspire me to look into a thrown weapon based build, which is a lot more viable than it used to be, thanks to the Weapon Master Handbook, but now I'm not so sure. I'm thinking of doing a thrown build that's not Kurgess based after all, and doing a more strength based Kurgess worshiper who just ignores the favored weapon. I'm thinking a melee warpriest of Kurgess with the Strength and Travel blessings could be pretty good.
I've downloaded but not read it yet, but I assume the javelin is there because of it being a "sporty" competitive weapon, e.g. the Javelin toss in the Olympics.
Does Inner Sea Faiths provide news about Peace Through Vigilance?
To be more specifically... Are the Inheritor and the Waybringer really close friends? ;)
And also, with what other gods Apsu has a good relationship with? I'm fine with just the names.
The unique gold dragon Peace Through Vigilance is mentioned as Iomedae's servant and the personification of the limited agreement for mutual defense made between Apsu and the newly ascended Iomedae.
Supporters of Apsu include Iomedae, Torag, and Sarenrae and to a lesser extent Cayden Cailean and Gorum. Asmodeus has held inconclusive negotiations with both Apsu and Dahak for unclear reasons.
Thanks for the answer!
After everything that was said about Peace, he is more like the manifestation of the deities' "aliance", and not actually a son or a symbol of love/friendship.
And that doesn't break my idea of Iomedae riding the Waybringer, not at all. *---*
I just wanted to pop in and say that I got the PDF on Friday and am absolutely loving this book. I've got a level 4 warpriest of Apsu in a Hell's Rebel campaign, so the six pages I got on him in here have already been very exciting and helpful.