Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner's Handbook (PFRPG)

4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner's Handbook (PFRPG)
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Call upon otherworldly powers and summon beings from beyond with Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner's Handbook! Featuring dozens of new feats, magic items, archetypes, and character options designed to grant you control over fantastic beasts and enhance your summoning prowess, this player-friendly volume contains everything you need for your adventurer to command forces benign or malevolent, divine or alien. Call upon never-before-seen creatures and claim all the tools you need to make yourself a true master of monsters!

Inside this book, you'll find:

  • New options for summoning spells, including expanded lists of creatures to summon, new planar templates, and options to create a guardian spirit.
  • New archetypes that allow bloodragers to become effective monster summoners, enable druids to summon elemental allies, and give summoners the power to counter enemy summoning.
  • Advice on dealing with different types of outsiders that can be called and bound, and two brand-new creatures appropriate for such magic.
  • Details on conjuring- and summoning-focused groups throughout the Inner Sea region, including the Blackfire Adepts, Bloodstone Conservatory, and Hellknight signifers.
  • New feats, magic items, spells, and other rules options to enhance your character's effectiveness when fighting against summoned creatures.

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

Written by Alexander Augunas, Tyler Beck, Anthony Li, Luis Loza, David N. Ross, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Linda Zayas-Palmer
Cover art by J. P. Targete

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-758-1

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

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4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Great book!


There's tons of mechanics in here; not just pictures. I especially like the Herald Caller cleric archetype which allows your character to be a super effective divine summoner of sorts.

Not a summoner fan, still impressed.


This book is a summoner's best friend! Includes a MASSIVE list of additional creatures that can be summoned by the various summon spells. Adds quite a few new templates, and spells/feats that lets you apply them on already existing summon monster spells, adds lots of archetypes for classes to specialize more on summoning creatures, even for classes you wouldn't expect. Adds sever archetypes for Summoners, both unchained and normal, likely will be PFS legal. Overall I cannot believe how much they managed to cram into this book, not all of it will apply to every character, but critical for any GM, and useful for anyone who will be summoning anything. Ever.

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While PFS might ban the First Worlder archetype for the unchained summoner because it modifies the eidolon, that does not mean you have to do the same in your home game. It is not too difficult to figure out how to mae that combination work since none of the differences between the APG summoner and the unchained summoner are even mentioned in the First Worlder archetype description.

When will this be updated?

That is a good question.

Dark Archive

This is 1 of 2 products coming out in june (the other being the Inner Sea Monster Codex) that has not yet being updated.

These are the only two products with higher prices coincidently...

Community Manager

The product image hasn't been updated yet, 'tis all.

Dark Archive

Liz Courts wrote:
The product image hasn't been updated yet, 'tis all.

i´ll shut up until the may release street date. ;-)

Thx Liz.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm personally hoping this book has something PFS legal that allows me to make vermin eidolon <_< Agathion and elemental flavored praying mantis eidolon would be wrong flavored xP

CorvusMask wrote:
I'm personally hoping this book has something PFS legal that allows me to make vermin eidolon <_< Agathion and elemental flavored praying mantis eidolon would be wrong flavored xP

If you don't mind being neutral or evil, daemon seems like a great fit.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Fiends are kinda same as agathion, appearance wise they can look identical to giant bugs, but flavor wise its holy/unholy creature instead of just big bug thing :( Plus celestial/fiend types and alignment make a lot of assumption on eidolon's goals/personality.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Evan Tarlton wrote:

There are versions of such a summoner kicking around on the boards here. The most common trade in is indeed the Summon Monster SLA, they get the eidolons at different levels. Of all the ones I've seen, my favourite was found at the Pathfinder Database... which is now down, and cannot be found at the Internet Archive.

As I recall, the Pathfinder Database had anti-webspider protections that kept it from being archived, even by the Wayback Machine.

Community & Digital Content Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Updated with final product description and cover image!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hope we get a new Cleric archetype that is all about Summoning.

I also hope that of the"conjuring- and summoning-focused groups" there is a least one good group.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

xavier c wrote:
I also hope that of the"conjuring- and summoning-focused groups" there is a least one good group.

At the risk of judging a book by its cover, I will go out on a limb and say there should be plenty of support for Good characters, in a book featuring a NG cleric summoning an Angel on the cover.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

<obligatory BMX Bandit comment>


Countering summoning sounds cool- surprised it hasn't come up before this!

You have me at guardian spirits, expanded summoning list, and new planar templates;)

Nice cover art as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It all sounds great, but I'm especially looking forward to the information on bloodragers that can summon and Hellknight signifers. Like to see if it becomes possible to make an Infernal bloodline bloodrager that can become a signifer.

That Lemure on the cover is getting REKT.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Axial wrote:
That Lemure on the cover is getting REKT.

CR 12 Monadic Deva vs. a bunch of CR 1 Lemures? Lemures are going to have a bad day.

Then again, if you're a lemure, pretty much every day is a bad day.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So Kyra summoned a Monadic Deva to take down some poor Lemures? Kind of overkill there, isn't it?

I think she must have been in a really bad mood that day.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Eric Hinkle wrote:
So Kyra summoned a Monadic Deva to take down some poor Lemures? Kind of overkill there, isn't it?

Maybe this book introduces some Angels between the Cassian and the Devas?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:

While PFS might ban the First Worlder archetype for the unchained summoner because it modifies the eidolon, that does not mean you have to do the same in your home game. It is not too difficult to figure out how to mae that combination work since none of the differences between the APG summoner and the unchained summoner are even mentioned in the First Worlder archetype description.

The problem is that the archetype needs a rework to fit in with the UnChained! Summoner. All of the Unchained templates are outsiders. You need a fey or first world eidolon template which hasn't been built yet to make it work.

Ross Byers wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
So Kyra summoned a Monadic Deva to take down some poor Lemures? Kind of overkill there, isn't it?
Maybe this book introduces some Angels between the Cassian and the Devas?

There are already the Balisse and Choral angels from Chronicles of the Righteous, and the Dapsara and Iophanite from Inner Sea Gods. They don't seem to be on the list of even Summon Good Monster, though, and there's no Ring of Summoning Affinity for Angels, so they can't be summoned currently aside from religion-based alternate summoning lists and Planar Ally. Of course, Angels are more likely to be amenable to Planar Ally spells than a lot of other outsider types, so that helps cover it.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Hrmm. It could be a Balisse.

At first glance, I thought that it was a Planetar angel - but then I realised that there was only one pair of wings, not two.

Bellona wrote:
At first glance, I thought that it was a Planetar angel - but then I realised that there was only one pair of wings, not two.

And his skin is not green.

Ross Byers wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
So Kyra summoned a Monadic Deva to take down some poor Lemures? Kind of overkill there, isn't it?
Maybe this book introduces some Angels between the Cassian and the Devas?

I don't know, does it? Though I'd be surprised to get new monsters in a Player's Companion.

Eric Hinkle wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
So Kyra summoned a Monadic Deva to take down some poor Lemures? Kind of overkill there, isn't it?
Maybe this book introduces some Angels between the Cassian and the Devas?
I don't know, does it? Though I'd be surprised to get new monsters in a Player's Companion.

Well, the product description does say...

Advice on dealing with different types of outsiders that can be called and bound, and two brand-new creatures appropriate for such magic.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Is anyone else mentally translating 'create a guardian spirit' as 'create a patronus'?

Luthorne wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
So Kyra summoned a Monadic Deva to take down some poor Lemures? Kind of overkill there, isn't it?
Maybe this book introduces some Angels between the Cassian and the Devas?
I don't know, does it? Though I'd be surprised to get new monsters in a Player's Companion.

Well, the product description does say...

Advice on dealing with different types of outsiders that can be called and bound, and two brand-new creatures appropriate for such magic.

*slaps forehead* Duh, yeah, it helps when I pay attention.

Thanks for the correction.

Scarab Sages

Looking forward to this, but...

$2 price increase is a downer, up to $14.99 US from $12.99 US. The Canadian dollar is weaker too so I'm looking at paying $18+ CDN. Ugh.

This cover is great!

New options for summoning spells, including expanded lists of creatures to summon, new planar templates, and options to create a guardian spirit.

(checks off #1 on his list) Now we just need an expanded list for what spells can be made permenant via the Permanency spell and what more/else can be done with a Wish / Miracle spell! :D

Liberty's Edge

I hope there is something a preservationist alchemist can make use of. As it is the brick wall between alchemy and magic make most of the feats out there unusable by a preservationist.

Why is the release date still "early June?"

We all know it's the 24th :P

Liberty's Edge

At least the new spell knowledge discovery should finally provide a caster level for alchemists, although only starting at higher levels.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Got my "shipping soon" e-mail, which kind of surprised me as my last subscriptions only just arrived a few days ago. Ah well. I'm excited. :D

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Can't wait to see what people think of my contributions to this one!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
cartmanbeck wrote:
Can't wait to see what people think of my contributions to this one!!

No need to wait! Just uh, go ahead and tell us everything you did. Any maybe what everyone else did too. So we have something to compare.

Yup, that's what I would do.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

As soon as it hits subscribers' download pages, I promise to tell you all about it.

Shadow Lodge

Looks like it changed from early June to late June. :(

DM Beckett wrote:
Looks like it changed from early June to late June. :(

The early/mid/late designation is for subscribers. Subscribers will start to receive their order next week, so it's still early June for them. Non-subscribers have to wait 2 weeks. It's one of the perks of subscribing.

If subscribers get their stuff late in the month, you would have to wait until the next month to get a PDF.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

This is... interesting. Wife was hoping for an Eidolon-less Summoner archetype, and no dice on that front. I'm still wrapping my head around the implications of the Guardian Spirit feat, which is potentially interesting. Most unexpected thing--a feat granting additional options for the animal focus ability of the Hunter class: elemental foci.


Terminalmancer wrote:
This is... interesting. Wife was hoping for an Eidolon-less Summoner archetype, and no dice on that front. I'm still wrapping my head around the implications of the Guardian Spirit feat, which is potentially interesting. Most unexpected thing--a feat granting additional options for the animal focus ability of the Hunter class: elemental foci.

After checking out my copy and seeing what the other freelancers wrote alongside the development passes, I have to say, Monster Summoner Handbook is a gem. (And not only because I'm a contributor to it!)

We (Owen and us freelancers) made something here that, in my opinion, is incredibly fun and awesome. Many of the options tackled in the Handbook open up player options that simply couldn't be done effectively before this, and there is some amazingly fun potential in the product. (I messaged Owen excitedly about how much I wanted to play the book's new cleric archetype, and the inquisitor archetype is fantastically cool and looks to be equally fun to play.) From a freelancer standpoint, I'm proud to have worked with the team that we got on this product; I think we did great work. From a player standpoint, I think that this is one of the overall best Player Companions since People of the Sands; it has great, innovative crunch and some very cool ties and tid-bits about Golarion.

But again, you might want to wait to hear what someone else says about the Monster Summoner's Handbook. I'm incredibly biased, after all. ;-)

Shadow Lodge

Would you mind telling if the Lantern Archon pet for a Cleric is something in there?

Or a little about the new Archetypes?

Gaaaaah. And my copy still hasn't shipped yet. Alas. Looking forward to it!


DM Beckett wrote:

Would you mind telling if the Lantern Archon pet for a Cleric is something in there?

Or a little about the new Archetypes?

I don't feel comfortable with giving spoilers since I'm a contributor. (I don't want any bad will with Paizo; I'd like to work with them again, after all!)

That said, I WILL say that there is an option in the book that will sort of let you do what you want with the lantern archon. Part-time, anyway. But hey! If you don't like the option that's in the book, lantern archons can be taken as Improved Familiars, so you might want to check out the Familiar Folio for ways that a cleric can grab a familiar. (Admittedly, three feats is a LOT for a lantern archon, though. I think the sometimes-friend option in this book will scratch your itch better.)

Even though there isn't a lantern-archon-friend archetype in this book, there IS a cleric archetype that's so fantastically awesome in mechanics and theme that I messaged Owen immediately after reading it and said, "Hot Damn, Owen, we've done the impossible. We've made me want to play a cleric."


Alexander Augunas wrote:
DM Beckett wrote:

Would you mind telling if the Lantern Archon pet for a Cleric is something in there?

Or a little about the new Archetypes?

I don't feel comfortable with giving spoilers since I'm a contributor. (I don't want any bad will with Paizo; I'd like to work with them again, after all!)

That said, I WILL say that there is an option in the book that will sort of let you do what you want with the lantern archon. Part-time, anyway. But hey! If you don't like the option that's in the book, lantern archons can be taken as Improved Familiars, so you might want to check out the Familiar Folio for ways that a cleric can grab a familiar. (Admittedly, three feats is a LOT for a lantern archon, though. I think the sometimes-friend option in this book will scratch your itch better.)

Even though there isn't a lantern-archon-friend archetype in this book, there IS a cleric archetype that's so fantastically awesome in mechanics and theme that I messaged Owen immediately after reading it and said, "Hot Damn, Owen, we've done the impossible. We've made me want to play a cleric."

Actually, lantern archon isn't an Improved Familiar option, likely due to their game-breaking (especially combined with extradimensional storage) at-will greater teleport ability. So there's a harbinger archon at the same CR and everything, which works as a familiar.

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