
The Golux's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Marathon Voter. 1,104 posts. 1 review. 1 list. 2 wishlists.


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StarlingSweeter wrote:
The Red Mantis Assassin archetype has received a good deal of love. From my initial AMA however, I get the sense that people were hoping that the proficiency restriction had been relaxed. It is difficult for most classes to obtain advanced weapon proficiency by level 2 to qualify for the feat after all. I would suggest having the dedication make sawtooth weapons martial weapons for the purpose of proficiency in the PC is trained in all martial weapons (like they did the remastered archer and mauler I hear).

It seems to me as if it was almost written as if characters were expected to get a general feat at level 1 that could be used on weapon proficiency.

HolyFlamingo! wrote:
Scrolling through PF1's options, the only things sticking out to me other than the above are a handful of interesting aquatic options and the gathlain. There are also a surprising number of things I don't want ported, like munavri and kuru.

Is the objection to the Munavri flavor based or mechanics based? I may be missing something offensive about them besides them being another group of Azlanti that didn't die off, but the mechanics were definitely an issue.

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James Jacobs wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Similarly, I've never mourned the fact that WotC claims the displacer beast as product identity (meaning Pathfinder can't use it), because that monster is a ripoff of an A. E. van Vogt alien by way of a Marvel comics adaptation.

I'm kinda sad that paizo got rights for Coeurl back in 3.5 days since it means I will never get to use monster in 1e or 2e or even starfinder :p Since I don't really do much of monster conversions from 3.5, they have been kinda odd.

(then again, Coeurl is kinda in that weird "This really should be in public domain huh" list among other stuff from same era :P I'm kinda annoyed about copyrights for stuff whose author has been long dead already. Looking at you Mickey Mouse... Edit: Huh checked it, didn't know van Vogth died in 2000. At least Couerl's author hasn't been dead for even 20 years yet, so I guess that one doesn't count even if book itself is that old)

We only had the rights to print it that one time, and didn't put it into the OGL.

Nice to have available for home games though.

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Yeah thassilionian magic considered all divination magic to be part of the universal school, mechanically.

I wonder how Aroden ended up with a neutral good herald (and then a lawful good one later)?

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If "Kyton" is a nonsense word, is "Velstrac" based on anything?

successfully managed to solve Bridges.

paper thickness makes doing the cauldron puzzle surprisingly tricky so I'm tracing the lines around across folds instead.

Honestly I have no idea how that would be counted, that was not even a direction I was thinking about solving it with. I really need to know what "The Bridges Only Orthogonally" means.

Bardess wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

if the number rule is followed there can be two bridges between any two islands so you could have six bridges by having two going north, two going south, and two going west, for example?

Ah, thanks, that helped.

I have enough of the Nonogram to tell what the broken rule is and what the picture is but I'm actually still not sure it's 100% correct.

I am also completely lost on the bridges, I can't figure out if the rule is the number or the angle, and the fact that "The bridges only orthogonally" is not actually a full sentence and may or may not contradict the angle rule is messing me up further.

Bardess wrote:
If two islands can be connected by two bridges, then this means that two bridges may be connected to each other at a 90° angle?

If the number rule is followed it can be one or two; if it's broken it can be more than two.

I'm having a little bit of trouble with the final solution for the word search, is

Penultimate Step:
"Blue Water Spring" a phrase that I should recognize?

I also think I decoded all of Nurzark's errors but I can't quite make out what they're supposed to come out to... is it another anagam? EDIT: I had miscounted for one of them, I think I got it if it's OK for it to be more than one word..?

I have the cryptogram and crossword fully solved though.

That makes sense and was my first guess, but Annis Hags don't usually do well with more than one in a coven if I recall (then again, this coven isn't doing great, so...). A Rust Hag seemed like a kind of cool idea, though.

is Rusty Mae a variant Annis Hag or would she qualify as a new "Rust Hag" or something?

So if Changelings can be male now, is there a new studio position on Changeling reproduction, both between pairs of changelings and between Changelings and other Ancestries?

Rysky wrote:
The Golux wrote:
Rysky wrote:
The Golux wrote:
Rysky wrote:
CrinosG wrote:
Can has PF1 stats for Anadi please?
They're statted up in Age of Ashes: Hellknight Hill if you wanna backport them.
Not as a proper ancestry though, just final statblocks with unclear types and number of advancements.


But since P1 doesn't have Heritage/Ancestry feats it should be too hard to reverse engineer something that feel right :3

Yeah the abilities should be fine. I mostly want to be sure about the ability score mods (looks like +Dex +Wis -Cha but I am not sure)
I'd actually give the penalty to CON, going off the examples given.

That's also valid. I guess the hunter has more reason to invest in CON than the sage and elder do to invest a lot in CHA.

Rysky wrote:
The Golux wrote:
Rysky wrote:
CrinosG wrote:
Can has PF1 stats for Anadi please?
They're statted up in Age of Ashes: Hellknight Hill if you wanna backport them.
Not as a proper ancestry though, just final statblocks with unclear types and number of advancements.


But since P1 doesn't have Heritage/Ancestry feats it should be too hard to reverse engineer something that feel right :3

Yeah the abilities should be fine. I mostly want to be sure about the ability score mods (looks like +Dex +Wis -Cha but I am not sure)

Rysky wrote:
CrinosG wrote:
Can has PF1 stats for Anadi please?
They're statted up in Age of Ashes: Hellknight Hill if you wanna backport them.

Not as a proper ancestry though, just final statblocks with unclear types and number of advancements.

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Isabelle Lee wrote:
The Golux wrote:
All The Stars In the Sky is interesting, for a non-capstone thing in the book. Would be nice if non-ninja classes that use shuriken could take it too though.

The ninja class is in a tricky place. It was the kinda-sorta "fixed" rogue... until the unchained rogue stole its lunch money and pushed it into a locker* in front of the class it had a crush on**. As such, one of my goals for the ninja content was to give them some unique stuff to reinforce both their niche as "mystic" rogue-types and major elements of their thematic brand - including, of course, shuriken.

That said, it's worth noting that any class with access to the full list of rogue master talents can select Master Trick*** (Ultimate Combat 71), which would presumably allow them to select All The Stars In the Sky. Might not be useful for whichever class you have in mind, of course, but maybe it is! ^_^

*But using Dexterity!
**Kineticist, the sassy new exchange student with the air of mystery.
***Niche protection was not the ninja's strongest suit.

I totally get that and it's a cool idea, my main thought was actually for Monks who I don't think have a way to get it.

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All The Stars In the Sky is interesting, for a non-capstone thing in the book. Would be nice if non-ninja classes that use shuriken could take it too though.

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Roswynn wrote:
The Golux wrote:
The Gold Sovereign wrote:

You can actually see the new World Map that is included in the Lost Omens World Guide in one of the Pathfinder Friday episodes. You can watch it on Paizo's Twitch or Youtube channel.

But here it is, the animated Globe of Golarion...

...Huh, Arcadia's kinda tiny...
Are we watching the same Globe?

On another look, I think I was comparing it to Casmaron and Tian Xia, and also my expectation of it being a bit wider.

Also Casmaron is bigger than I expected.

The Gold Sovereign wrote:

You can actually see the new World Map that is included in the Lost Omens World Guide in one of the Pathfinder Friday episodes. You can watch it on Paizo's Twitch or Youtube channel.

But here it is, the animated Globe of Golarion...

...Huh, Arcadia's kinda tiny...

Zaister wrote:

What I find strange that the progression and setup of this project will likely result in people having to pay extra to not get the faux leather special edition.

Currently the Ruler level is at $150 and it gets me the screen for free. If I prefer the standard edition, I have to get the Marshal level at $100 and have to play (maybe) $20 for the screen.

Now if more of these "Ruler level free add-ons" are coming, the moment their total cost passes $50, I'll have to pay more for the standard edition than for the special edition, if I want these add-ons.

Does that make sense?

Yes, assuming you want ALL the add-ons and really want to avoid the faux-leather. This is one of my minor concerns.

Jason Nelson wrote:
Likewise, the Forest Kingdom Campaign Compendium is normally $30 but is only $25 if you purchase it as part of the GameOnTabletop Kingmaker project, plus you can then buy the hardback after the fact at half price (i.e., $25 plus shipping directly from Legendary Games).

The one for this funding project is just the 5E version of the existing pathfinder book that is available Or is the 5E version already available too?

Jeff Alvarez wrote:
NielsenE wrote:

hmm new stretch goals posted out through 200k (only one new one, large jump) and still nothing that seems Ruler unlock relevant.

Loads of stretch goals will add value to the Ruler level. Some in the form of 16pg additions to both the AP book and the Companion book and some are free Add-On products that apply only to the Ruler level (and not General).

The 16 page additions aren't somehow exclusive to the Ruler level, are they? Anyone who backs at General (or even less as long as it includes both PDFs) should still get those, right?

Bluescale wrote:
Is the only difference between the General and the Spymaster the faux-leather cover on the book?

Supposedly there will be later things added to spymaster/ruler if they are unlocked but we really don't know what any of them are yet.

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I wish I had a better idea of what kinds of unlocks for ruler level there might be, because I actually kinda don't like faux-leather covers.

I kinda wish Axebeak was on the expanded ranger companion list like it is on the Cavalier, but luckily I usually play with GMs that are willing to allow unusual companions if you have a good story idea.

I mean that's still significantly inferior to any healing spell that's not two or three spell levels old, and it makes the "treat deadly wounds" version of the heal skill not COMPLETELY useless. I mean, it's fast enough to be usable in a pinch, and if your party is all the same level it's healing like, 2 HP per hit die plus your wisdom modifier, and that's only if you can make a 30 on your heal check.

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The Gold Sovereign wrote:

A friend just told me that the book revealed a very intriguing plot twist about a certain demon lord.

Could someone help me with that? What secrets are that?

Demon Lord Spoiler:
Nocticula has vanished from her realm in the Abyss

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Yeah, but the sapphire ooze is right in the CR and helpfulness-of-partnering-with-humans sweet spot for it.

The bestiary in this book has some really amazing ideas that I wasn't expecting from a planar book. I wish the Sapphire Ooze could be an Improved Familiar, though!

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I'm concerned by the fact that a lot of people have pretty contradictory desires, and also the fact that I had been considering what I would put in the core of an update of pathfinder and I doubt you'd come up with the same answers; most of my favorite classes (Oracle, Investigator, Kineticist, Occultist) and races (Changelings, Tengu, Skinwalkers, Aasimar) are non-core.

While building monsters differently than PCs could be OK, for NPCs to not be compatible is a big no-go for me; I really like the feature a lot of adventure paths have where there are NPCs that are pointed out as being possible cohorts or new player characters if a player's character dies or a new one wants to jump in (possibly temporarily).

I dunno, I have more thoughts about what stuff should be made accessible in what order, but that's what I can marshal right now (it's rather late).

Edit: I do also second concern with backgrounds; even things like the ones in Ultimate Campaign rarely even remotely approach the idea I have for a character, and I almost always approach my characters from a concept and origin first, before a lot of other stuff. No matter how broad the background ideas are, there are a lot of ideas that they won't cover. That said, breaking up what parts of a character come from their biological traits and which ones come from cultural traits is probably a good idea.

I apologize for my slowness in publishing my review, the last few weeks have gone by faster than I expected, but it's up now. I hope it fits expectations and doesn't go into too much detail; this was my first ever RPG Product review so I am open to feedback.

I'm curious if you could build a freeform shifter that would satisfy more people as an archetype or if you really have to tear stuff down.

Relatedly, a different ooze archetype using the new ooze form spells (which presumably were written by someone else and notes were not compared) with something like morphic weapons added could be cool too.

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Actually, as forest centaurs, horses aren't that much forest animals compared to deer and stuff. My initial mental image when I heard of them was more like a halfling with a deer lower half. Horse is fine, just mentioning since I had thought about it and the differences in their capabilities came up.

Regarding my earlier comments on climbing, Quixote covered most of it - on a slope, hooves can work pretty well, especially if cloven, and the arms can be involved too; on a ladder, they might be able to use arms and one pair of legs, and for a vertical climb with a rope they can use the hooves to brace against a wall just fine. I feel like it's mostly just the "Climbing a vertical(ish) stone wall or cliff without rope, by handholds alone" and "Climbing a rope to the ceiling with no walls nearby" kinds of climbing that would be really terrible for them. Though they would probably have to do it differently than normal humanoids because of the differences in body plan.

...So I was misunderstanding how bracers of armor work. That is... kind of dumb, honestly. I guess mage armor or wild studded leather/leaf armor or hide armor (Darkleaf if necessary) might be better, at least in places where you can't houserule bracers working when polymorphed.

Mage Armor would probably be better than that if you have a reliable caster; it's very expensive to get +1 wild studded leather/leaf armor which is the same bonus as mage armor; Wild Darkleaf Hide is a little better but it depends on whether you're going for high dex for shifter's edge or what.

I just really prefer permanent bonuses so I don't have to constantly be recalculating my stats or taking time to buff.

EDIT: Also my alternate elemental associations is air with cold, water with acid, and electric with earth.

The arcanist themself might want a headband to increase their spells, though...

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Deadmanwalking wrote:

In a home game you have two options:

#1: You have a caster in your party with Mage Armor on their list. Pearl of Power is absolutely reliable.
#2: You do not have such a caster and will need to pursue other alternatives.

So it's either perfectly reliable or you shouldn't do it. The first is...

Third option: You have someone with mage armor in the party but they have an erratic schedule and might not be there every time.

I suppose that is pretty efficient, since pearls of power or wands cost way less than +4 bracers. It's probably more reliable in Society than a lot of home games though.

SO this is perhaps a silly question since everyone's concerned with bigger issues than this, but what is best for a shifter's armoring? Bracers of Armor, or Wild Studded Leather, or some kind of heavier wild armor (Hide or stoneplate?), or nothing, just good dex and the wisdom bonus and save money?

Likewise, Amulet of Mighty Fists seems like an obvious choice to me since it benefits your claws and any natural weapons, but is it too expensive to be worth it?

or am I misunderstanding how wondrous items work in wild shape?

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Definitely some interesting ideas here, though how you handled some of the things like the climb penalty are a little bit clunky to use (I agree they should have some problems climbing in a lot of circumstances, though).

That's a pretty solid array of buffs, though I'm less sure what the benefit of taking major forms is after a while. I guess the divination protection?

You can probably do everything in one if you want, but at minimum I think there could be archetype-type variations for a free shifter (Full Druid Wildshape but less specific buffs from the aspects), a Chimeric shifter (allows combining major forms and/or using animal or other traits while still in human form), and probably something else I'm forgetting?

I hope we get a basic shifter guide soon. Is anyone working on one?

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Paradozen wrote:
Page 185 Giant Mantis Shrimp is probably missing a comma between aquatic and blindsense 10' unless aquatic Blindsense refers to blindsense that only functions in aquatic environments.

Pretty sure that is exactly what it means, I think something has had this before.

I suppose I could give a shot at a review, what is the timetable you expect?

Kerney wrote:
Fourshadow wrote:
They did say all Changlings are female, they did not address what Changling's children might be, though--IIRC.

My reading of the race has always suggested that for "breeding purposes" changelings are effectively her father's race. So if a changeling's father were human, her children would default to human. If 'human' changeling had a child with an elf you would get a half elf.

That said, I would probably look at some racial traits and see if they couldn't be flavored to suggest hag ancestry. For example, a half elf with the mismatched trait from horror adventures would make sense.

This is pretty much how I had been running it, but I was hoping for official word.

Edit: Though of course in my specific case it's complicated by the father being a Werebear anyway...

So I missed it if the book covered it and it's one of the things I wanted to (kind of needed to) know - When a changeling has a child, is it always the father's race? Is there a chance of it being a changeling? Is it an appropriate half-breed based on the child's father and the changeling's father's race?

I appreciate the PC option for Locathah especially, for people who don't want to deal with racial hit dice. Other than the 2HD, they're basically equivalent to a normal race statistically already, though I noticed the INT penalty is slightly at odds with the 13 INT on the bestiary version.

The one in the ACG is an update of the one in the APG, since the APG one was written when only witches and a few archetypes had a class feature called Hex and all hexes were from the witch list. Then the Shaman was introduced in the ACG and had a class feature called Hex that honestly has as much or more to do with oracle revelations as it does with witch hexes, and are linked to the Shaman's spirits (though they can take some witch hexes too I think). An update to the feat was needed to account for how shaman hexes and the process of selecting them are different from witch hexes.

That said, the PRD is basically a digital version of the books, so it will probably continue to have the original witch-based version of the feat in the APG section.

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