![]() I took ancient elf ancestry when I did something like this. Kind of blurred the family life details as my character was 20 years out of Five Kings Mountain when we started. But ended up apprenticing to two or three different crafts, and then left the mountains for good to find more interesting occupations. ![]()
![]() I believe that the limitation for unstable actions should be closer to an actual focus pool, so that using more than one unstable action in combat is available at a much lower level. I already have both explode and explosive leap at first level, and will be adding searing restoration at 2nd. And will be taking megavolt at sixth... ![]()
![]() The new errata has me thinking about the way alchemical items are statted. I wonder if balance would be easier to achieve by having two stat lines for each item. one lesser stat line for everyone, and a better stat line for characters with an advanced alchemy level equal to or greater than the item level. This way the price can be low enough for non alchemist to purchase a few for contingency purposes, while not unbalancing encounters by using the lesser stat line of the items. ![]()
![]() I plan on using some of the material from rise and shattered star with my run of return of the runelords. Such as opening with a festival and saving the gang fight for later. I am also altering most of the backstory to match a homebrew world. Long ago, the Greater Dorinian Empire broke into factions, who started using the artifact holding large scale dimensional instability at bay as a personal magical battery. After a few centuries, the seven heads of the factions knew disaster was coming, but had no way to prevent it. So, seven "survival bunkers" were built and held the faction lords in stasis. Now they are awakening. ![]()
![]() I would recommend a point system showing which faction has greater influence at the current time. x result in an adventure adds points to faction x. if the players spend downtime resources from ultimate campaign, assign a point value towards one of the factions as appropriate. the largest point value is the faction in charge at the time. ![]()
![]() I just change the weaknesses and advantages of creatures to keep players from operating off of memorized monster stats. For example, a rare fire troll with flaming sword. instead of needing fire to bypass regeneration, they are vulnerable to cold that bypasses regeneration. Adding psuedo organic mineral deposits to increase natural armor on creatures and is incluede in the dm description. ![]()
![]() https://www.google.com/search?q=size+comparison+chart+of+sailing+ships& tbm=isch&imgil=6KHL9Au8pxyO9M%253A%253BXw_RMcSSkirZhM%253Bhttp%25253A%2 5252F%25252Fpirates.hegewisch.net%25252Fships_basic.html&source=iu& pf=m&fir=6KHL9Au8pxyO9M%253A%252CXw_RMcSSkirZhM%252C_&usg=__9isy2cW 2eWtjLC8azbvQ_0Y06ks%3D&biw=1920&bih=946&ved=0ahUKEwj_rKCygYLQA hUQ7mMKHQMOCXIQyjcILQ&ei=8aEVWL_wAZDcjwODnKSQBw#imgrc=APM4i5H0sWEZ7M%3A ![]()
![]() for kingmaker, i added a home brewed " fey enhanced" template for random encounters and had every possible enemy humanoid go on and on about worshipping a mysterious lady. there is too little foreshadowing in the books themselves. other than that, it was a blast for my entire group. plenty of room for me to replace and tweek the npcs fo long term roleplaying.