Pathfinder Module: We Be Goblins Free! (PFRPG)

3.30/5 (based on 6 ratings)
GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)
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After losing chieftain after chieftain, the Birdcruncher goblin tribe finally found competent leadership in its four goblin "heroes"—Reta Bigbad the fighter, Chuffy Lickwound the rogue, Poog the cleric of Zarongel, and Mogmurch the alchemist. But it turns out leading a tribe of goblins isn't much fun, and the newest Birdcruncher chieftains are bored. In order to cure their doldrums, the chieftains have issued a new demand—find them some adventure, or else!

Eager to please their great chieftains, the Birdcruncher goblins frantically try to whip up all sorts of amusements, including goblin games, feats of skill, and a grand feast. But trouble arises in the midst of the goblins' feast for their mighty leaders—the goblins who went to harvest truffles for the feast got beat up by some stinky humans!

Now the Birdcruncher chieftains find themselves getting more adventure than they bargained for as they venture to the Bestest Truffle Field to pick up the slack for their bumbling minions. Will the goblin heroes be able to make it to the field, find the treasured fungus, defeat the mean humans, and make it back to the tribe in time to enjoy their well-deserved feast?

We Be Goblins Free! is an adventure for four 4th-level goblin characters, written for the award-winning Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The adventure takes place near the Devil's Platter in Varisia in the Pathfinder campaign setting, and serves as a sequel to both We Be Goblins! and We Be Goblins Too!, Paizo's popular 2011 and 2013 Free RPG Day adventures!

Pathfinder Society: This module is sanctioned for play in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild.
Download the rules and Chronicle sheet (401kb zip/PDF)

Pregenerated Characters: This module includes four 4th-level goblin characters: Chuffy Lickwound, Mogmurch, Poog of Zarongel, and Reta Bigbad.
Download the pregenerated characters (943kb zip/PDF)

Release: This special 16-page Pathfinder Module was created for Free RPG Day on June 20, 2015. The print edition will be available for sale and a free download will be available on beginning July 1, 2015.

Note: Due to the special nature of this product, it is NOT part of the Pathfinder Modules Subscription.

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Archives of Nethys

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This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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3.30/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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Difficulty Punishes Creativity



We Be Goblins Free! is, as the pun-ishing title indicates, the third Free RPG Day module featuring the famous goblin "heroes" of Reta Bigbad, Chuffy Lickwound, Poog, and Mogmurch. I played Mogmurch (the alchemist) in a play-by-post game and while it was fun, I think the silly antics of goblins really come across better in a more immediate setting. Anyway, this fourteen page adventure (plus a table of contents and ads) is handsomely illustrated and in full colour. It's a solid experience, but I think the writer over-estimates the damage output of these little goblins which leads to some surprisingly tough encounters (especially if players are trying to get into the spirit and not taking optimum actions every round).


Since they last appeared in We Be Goblins Too!, our famous band of goblins have becomes chieftains of the Birdcruncher tribe! (and the famous Squealy Nord is an animal companion) But being the boss gets a bit boring after a while, so the rank-and-file have put together a series of amusements to keep their new leaders occupied. The scenario starts with some low-risk, low-reward games, like an obstacle course, a firework-shooting competition, a bizarre head-chopping-off, and the classic "killgull" (played with a vulture, naturally, because the seagulls were accidentally eaten). It's all rather silly (especially the decapitation!), but a good way to get players into the spirit of being goblins. In the game I played in, each of us insisted we were *the* chieftain and it was pretty fun.

The middle part of the adventure has the first real encounters. The goblin chieftains are on the hunt for truffles, but a wagon of Scarzni (Varisian bandits) are in the way. The PCs have the advantage of surprise and the four bandits are only CR 1/2 each, so there's an opportunity to do some goblinesque things like setting fire to their wagons, attacking their dogs and horses, and so forth. It was good.

Next up are two more battles over truffles against an assassin vine and a harpy named Isidra. This is where the difficulty of the module ramps up significantly, as assassin vines can easily grapple and do constant damage to a character, while the harpy can captivate targets or do flying hit and run attacks that are hard to counter. The goblin PCs just don't do much damage (even Reta, the fighter, does only 1d4+3 in melee) so it takes a *long* time to wear down opponents with hp in the 30s (assuming the attacks even hit in the first place). For an adventure that's supposed to be kinda relaxing and humorous, easier encounters would better foster the mood and encourage more creativity by players.

The last part of the module has the PCs return to their village after gathering truffles only to find that an effigy made in their honour has suddenly become animate and is attacking! I like the explanation that the skull of Vorka (the cannibal goblin druid from We Be Goblins!) was used in the effigy and that's where its dark power has come from. This thing has 52 hit points and hardness 5, meaning that really only the alchemist's bombs (if he saved them) or Poog's channeled energy (if he figures out they'll work on the effigy despite it being a construct) can harm the creature. Again, a really fun, cinematic idea brought down by an unrealistic expectation of what the goblins can handle. Hopefully, GMs will be flexible and get into the spirit of the adventure by allowing some alternative solutions to the problem--otherwise, a TPK is very possible.



Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

I love the original We Be Goblins! I've run it twice now, each time with a different group, and both groups have enjoyed it immensely. However, We Be Goblins Free! just doesn't add anything new to the series. It's the same old thing for the third time in a row. It's not a terrible adventure and played by itself, without ever playing the first two, it's probably quite entertaining. Otherwise, it's like a joke that's been told one too many times. It's just not that funny any more.

Nothing to see here move along


This module is just meh. Which is a shame, a group of us stopped playing pathfinder but came back together to play this one since we really like the first two, but this one was just very disappointing.

Fantastic Sequel - Want more!


I loved this sequel. It's short and doesn't go bigger than the last few sequels but it's appropriate for the story. The author made good choices to show progression of the characters and an appropriate adventure for 4 chiefs. I suspect it's setting up for a much bigger 4th adventure.

The adventure leave a lot to the GM and the players and has much more free time to let the players act like goblin chiefs. The Pregens are built and progressed well.

One thing I would like to see if a full module focusing on these characters.

Phoned it in


I ran this module for Free RPG Day, and it seemed there wasn't much interesting going on here except what the players come up with themselves.

I'll try to be vague here to avoid spoilers:

In the first act, the games and amusements seriously lack diversity and inventiveness. Three of them are little more than repeated attack rolls, and the fourth is repeated Ride checks. There wasn't even much room for creative solutions from the PCs.

Once the combat starts, the first three fights are straight out-of-the-box encounters. No terrain effects, no deeper plot, no unusual tactics. Just "Here's a monster/group of bad guys. Kill it."

The final fight was a lot better, and had a flavorful opponent with tricks up his sleeves, and a relevant backstory that provided a crucial weakness... which none of the PCs can discover because the pregens don't have the Knowledge skill to identify it. The GM is forced to invent new ways for the PCs to learn about what they are fighting and how to defeat it.

Overall, it was just poorly designed, especially with regards to how the included pregens were built.

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Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Berselius wrote:
Aw c'mon, I like the goblin modules. These are really entertaining. Have you played one of them? I can tell you they are good and the goblin characters are actually very cool.
I don't play as monsters. I don't even play with groups whose PC's are evil aligned. I'll tolerant a friend playing a PC that's Lawful Neutral or even Chaotic Neutral but not evil aligned and certainly not evil aligned monsters. I only play with heroes or adventures with at least some decent morals.

I agree with much of what you said, I find CN a trying alignment to game with, or GM for, but their is a difference between a campaign and a one off scenario. And playing ,ad cap, pyromaniac bibliophobes for four hours is a light hearted break,that usually has us snorting with laughter.

The scenarios to date have been cleverly written to avoid more unsavoury acts, your not out killing babies, or partaking in canablaism,just being the tribal heroes of crazy town. It's just good silly fun.

Will there be a PFS Chronicle sheet and pregens available to print out prior to Free RPG Day again? I am running three tables of this that day, and it would be nice to have the pregens all ready to go instead of having to find a copy machine.

Grand Lodge

Hawkins wrote:
Will there be a PFS Chronicle sheet and pregens available to print out prior to Free RPG Day again? I am running three tables of this that day, and it would be nice to have the pregens all ready to go instead of having to find a copy machine.

Supposedly we should see them a few days before hand. So, maybe next Wednesday.

Still waiting on our store to get them. Distributor has said it's shipped, but likely won't get there before next Thursday. *sigh*

Shadow Lodge

Will it be possible for Game Coordinators to download the game in advance on next weekend? Sure it's great to get the free module on game day but it's even nicer to prep it in advance.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Usual Suspect wrote:
Will it be possible for Game Coordinators to download the game in advance on next weekend? Sure it's great to get the free module on game day but it's even nicer to prep it in advance.


Your participating FLGS can let you have a hard copy ahead of time to prep (they should have received it by now). But other than that the rules of Free RPG Day prevent anybody (including Paizo) from making either physical copies or PDFs generally available until July 1st.

Grand Lodge

JohnF wrote:
Usual Suspect wrote:
Will it be possible for Game Coordinators to download the game in advance on next weekend? Sure it's great to get the free module on game day but it's even nicer to prep it in advance.


Your participating FLGS can let you have a hard copy ahead of time to prep (they should have received it by now). But other than that the rules of Free RPG Day prevent anybody (including Paizo) from making either physical copies or PDFs generally available until July 1st.

Mine hasn't gotten theirs yet. The distributor keeps saying it got sent, but nothing's showed up. He gets a shipment without fail, every Thursday. It'll be tight but we're hoping it comes in then. If so, I'll have just over a day to prep.

Sovereign Court

I have the we be Goblins Free and am now waiting for the Chronicle sheets to be ready. My GMs are prepping it and for us it's the first time we'll be running this as a freeRPG day event so We're all excited.

The Goblins are hilarious as usual.

Sovereign Court

John Compton wrote:
Malikjoker wrote:
any word when the chronicle sheets will come out? I'm running multiple sessions at my FLGS and one will be an intro to society for new players.
I typically write/develop the Chronicle sheets for a Free RPG Day product in early June and release the sanctioning document about a week before the event.


Dark Archive

Gaah I don't have a store that bothers with Free RPG Day (free comic day they do) anymore, so I will be definitely buying this on July 1st (actual book cause I have the other two :D)

Although, I can double check they might be doing it this year... what day is it?

Eeek, okay Boom Comics it says participates... hope they ordered from you! Eeek!

Grand Lodge

Haven't read it yet, but our store finally got it in. We're very excited.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Ahh, I don't have a <redacted> mini. Must find one.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Are the character sheets available for download and print out? I have two tables of kids lined up to play this and need multiple character sheets. Thank you.

Grand Lodge

So I've heard that if you play this on the 20th, one of the benefits is that you get 2 PP instead of 1. How true is this?

Paizo Employee Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
kevin_video wrote:
So I've heard that if you play this on the 20th, one of the benefits is that you get 2 PP instead of 1. How true is this?

We'll be releasing more information about that on Monday's blog.

Grand Lodge

Any way to get the character sheets in a PDF? I have the print copy in hand but I would love to print a few sets of the characters. I guess I could scan then in.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hopefully, the pregens and rules will be up this week for us to prepare for this Saturday.

Sovereign Court

Eagarly anticipating the release of Chronicle Sheets. My GMs are prepared, the tabls are filling and we're waiting for some good ole gobline fun unleashed.

Community & Digital Content Director

Chronicle sheet and rules for running this module are now available for download in the product description.

Love the chronicle, especially the "Mnarrrr!" :) Well done!

Now I just need to photocopy the character sheets for Goblin shenanigans on Sat...


Chris Lambertz wrote:
Chronicle sheet and rules for running this module are now available for download in the product description.

minor typo in the chronicle sheet (has an owlbeak in place of an owlbear) - shouldn't be a big deal but figured you should know...

looking forward to running this at GenCon and hope to play it this weekend if I can

Community Manager

Removed a post—please do not advocate piracy of our PDFs. The PDF will be available as a free download—no need to pirate it.

Sweet can't wait for the Insanity

Grand Lodge

Liz Courts wrote:
Removed a post—please do not advocate piracy of our PDFs. The PDF will be available as a free download—no need to pirate it.

Jumping the gun:
If this is in regards to my last post, you jumped the gun a little. I wasn't advocating piracy. There aren't any character sheets to be downloaded. Someone else said they were going to scan and upload them. I just said they should be nice and upload those specific page so we have someone for the players. Yes, the pdf will be free for download, but in JULY. Free RPG Day is on the 20th. So, how am I advocating the piracy of the PDF specifically? Are we getting the character sheets as their own separate download later in the week? Because no one's answering that question on the blog. If not, then what was the plan? Rip out the pages? Rewrite them by hand?
Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was hoping for an ekkie to add to the mix. :-(

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Compton wrote:
Malikjoker wrote:
any word when the chronicle sheets will come out? I'm running multiple sessions at my FLGS and one will be an intro to society for new players.
I typically write/develop the Chronicle sheets for a Free RPG Day product in early June and release the sanctioning document about a week before the event.

Any possibility of posting the pregen goblins/nord in PDF format to make it easier to run this for game days?

Liberty's Edge

Oh yeah, and I love this so far. It should be a blast to run and play.
(almost literally)

Community Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
kevin_video wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Removed a post—please do not advocate piracy of our PDFs. The PDF will be available as a free download—no need to pirate it.
** spoiler omitted **

I am looking into getting your question answered, but for right now, I am asking that people don't upload files for sharing.

Liberty's Edge

As I prep this module for Free RPG day, I find that there are errors in the character builds for the pregens.


Chuffy Lickwound
In the book it has him having a +10 to hit with the dogslicer but he is not proficient with the weapon because he doesn't have the Goblin Weapon Familiarity alternate trait and his Rogue class doesn't give him proficiency with it either. So shouldn't his to hit with the dogslicer be +6.

When preping modules like this can we correct issues like this?

Grand Lodge

Deran Castillian wrote:

As I prep this module for Free RPG day, I find that there are errors in the character builds for the pregens.

** spoiler omitted **

When preping modules like this can we correct issues like this?

In the first two adventures he used that weapon too. Not sure how he gets around it, but it's been like that from the start (4 years ago). There's no correcting necessary even if there should be.

Sovereign Court

We all know that the goblins cheat so somehow Chuffy has managed to 'Persaude' Everyone that his to hit is +10. Everyone believes it including Chuffy.

Thanks for putting up the Chronicle Sheets. Saturday Mayhem is on the cards now.

I have questions on parts of the Chronicle sheets but I guess I'll ask after Free RPG day, namely pp for GMs.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I'm also curious about PP for GMs.... if I'm running the game on Free RPG Day, does the character I apply the credit to get the extra PP as if he/she were one of the characters playing? Or does he/she need to fulfill one of the other requirements?

Berselius wrote:
Sigh, greeeaaattt...another goblin module for Free RPG Day...(rolls eyes).

Not happy with a free RPG module? I bet your table is a barrel of laughs.



Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Brother Fen wrote:
Berselius wrote:
Sigh, greeeaaattt...another goblin module for Free RPG Day...(rolls eyes).

Not happy with a free RPG module? I bet your table is a barrel of laughs.



It's not that it's a free RPG module, but a goblin one. My PFS table's no different. It was one where they could use their own characters, not unoptimized pregens, then they wouldn't have any arguments. As such, if a scenario requires a pregen, they'll skip it. If there are no available scenarios to play at their level and they have to play a pregen, they'll go home instead, but not before loudly complaining about it. It's pretty standard at this point.

Shadow Lodge

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Free RPG Day is not a Paizo event, and in particular it is not a PFS event. The target audience for this module is not regular PFS players with a stable of characters already - it is aimed at players who may not even have played Pathfinder before, but who may be prepared to try something new on Free RPG Day.

In the last two stores where I've GMed Free RPG Day scenarios the store owners each asked that priority seating be given to new walk-ins. A table of the same old PFS players, complaining loudly, would not be welcome, and could make the store less willing to host PFS.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@kevin_video: I personally find it fun to sometimes play a character that someone else has built and see how much I can get into the character. It sucks that your group doesn't share that.

If the Aspis Consortium special (Serpents Rise?) ever gets played in your area, try to convince your players to give it a shot. It might change their minds about pregens.... :)

Paizo Employee Developer

Deran Castillian wrote:

As I prep this module for Free RPG day, I find that there are errors in the character builds for the pregens.

** spoiler omitted **

When preping modules like this can we correct issues like this?

I would not change Chuffy's attack bonus.

You are correct that he is not proficient with a dogslicer, and it's a little curious that goblins don't have a Goblin Weapon Familiarity racial trait—probably a result of no goblin weapons appearing in the Core Rulebook or Bestiary. That said, I wouldn't worry about it. The dogslicer is almost identical to a short sword from a mechanical standpoint, and basic versions even have the fragile weapon property. Changing up Chuffy's proficiencies would be something I would want to do all the way back to the original We Be Goblins four years ago, and at this point I would rather he have the attack bonus that he's supposed to with an iconic weapon that isn't granting him any particular benefits.

Paizo Employee Developer

cartmanbeck wrote:
I'm also curious about PP for GMs.... if I'm running the game on Free RPG Day, does the character I apply the credit to get the extra PP as if he/she were one of the characters playing? Or does he/she need to fulfill one of the other requirements?

Anyone participating in the event on Free RPG Day 2015—as a player or a GM—qualifies for the Prestigious Goblin boon whether or not she meets any of the other conditions.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

John Compton wrote:
cartmanbeck wrote:
I'm also curious about PP for GMs.... if I'm running the game on Free RPG Day, does the character I apply the credit to get the extra PP as if he/she were one of the characters playing? Or does he/she need to fulfill one of the other requirements?
Anyone participating in the event on Free RPG Day 2015—as a player or a GM—qualifies for the Prestigious Goblin boon whether or not she meets any of the other conditions.

Awesome, thanks John!

Just got my hands on my copy to GM Prep, and all i can say is awesome! Good job guys.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So, another Venture Officer, Lucas, and I built a few more pregens (and he made them look AMAZING!). I think you guys might enjoy using them in your games. Keep in mind, these two pregens are NOT PFS legal! But if you're playing a game of We Be Goblins Free! and don't want to worry about PFS credit, you can use these!

We Be Goblins Free! Extra Pregens

Scarab Sages

Too bad our local (Denver Area) venture officers are too busy running their own con to coordinate ANY sessions of We Be Goblins or ANY PFS scenarios.

Except, you know, at their own very special little convention... that they're letting languish and canceling tables. Gotta love that.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.
k3ndawg wrote:

Too bad our local (Denver Area) venture officers are too busy running their own con to coordinate ANY sessions of We Be Goblins or ANY PFS scenarios.

Except, you know, at their own very special little convention... that they're letting languish and canceling tables. Gotta love that.

That definitely sounds like something you should take up with your local Venture Captain, or if he/she is not being helpful, you could e-mail Mike Brock. He's always willing to help when it's needed.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Any updates on the Goblin Pregens?

Grand Lodge

k3ndawg wrote:

Too bad our local (Denver Area) venture officers are too busy running their own con to coordinate ANY sessions of We Be Goblins or ANY PFS scenarios.

Except, you know, at their own very special little convention... that they're letting languish and canceling tables. Gotta love that.

Is there something keeping anyone who isnt a VC (such as yourself) from organizing and/or running tables at your local stores, since the VC is busy organizing the convention?

Dragnmoon wrote:
Any updates on the Goblin Pregens?

Seconded. Come on guys, this should be a surprise.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

2 people marked this as a favorite.
k3ndawg wrote:

Too bad our local (Denver Area) venture officers are too busy running their own con to coordinate ANY sessions of We Be Goblins or ANY PFS scenarios.

Except, you know, at their own very special little convention...

Unless they are the owners of retail stores, they can't, you know.

The Free RPG Day stuff is an agreement between the vendors and Impressions publishing. NO ONE can run Free RPG Day stuff unless the kit is purchased (which is very costly). Even Paizo cannot violate the agreement they have with Impressions. Check back through past Free RPG Day modules and you will see comments to that effect direct from Paizo employees.

Being a retail store myself - in Denver by the way - I can assure you that I would be running the product that is in that kit, if it was worthwhile. Without decent participation from major vendors like Wizards of the Coast and Fantasy Flight Games, spending the money on the kits this year wasn't worthwhile at all. So, frankly, if you're upset that there isn't anywhere in Denver running WBGFree, you should be upset with me. But if you want to be upset with me, I'm going to send you to Impressions to lobby on my behalf: get the price of that kit lower (a LOT lower), or get the product offered within to be significantly better and I will once again purchase the kits.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Disturbed1 wrote:
Is there something keeping anyone who isnt a VC (such as yourself) from organizing and/or running tables at your local stores, since the VC is busy organizing the convention?

Free RPG Day is a program that retailers have to pay to participate in. Retailers have to buy a kit, from the Free RPG Day company, that includes free product they have to give away. Buying the kit also gets the retailer advertised as official participants on the Free RPG Day website.

Paizo or PFS has no control over Free RPG Day except possibly choosing what material to donate to be giveaways. If a retailer doesn't buy into Free RPG Day no one at that store can run the events.

But the retailers that are participating could have anyone running this stuff for them. Being able to report the games for PFS credit is a bonus, but not a guarantee.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Drogon wrote:
Without decent participation from major vendors like Wizards of the Coast and Fantasy Flight Games, spending the money on the kits this year wasn't worthwhile at all.

Though I am surprised that Fantasy Flight Games did not participate, I think this is the first time in awhile, has Wizards of the Coast ever participated in free rpg day?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Brian Lefebvre wrote:
Disturbed1 wrote:
Is there something keeping anyone who isnt a VC (such as yourself) from organizing and/or running tables at your local stores, since the VC is busy organizing the convention?

Free RPG Day is a program that retailers have to pay to participate in. Retailers have to buy a kit, from the Free RPG Day company, that includes free product they have to give away. Buying the kit also gets the retailer advertised as official participants on the Free RPG Day website.

Paizo or PFS has no control over Free RPG Day except possibly choosing what material to donate to be giveaways. If a retailer doesn't buy into Free RPG Day no one at that store can run the events.

But the retailers that are participating could have anyone running this stuff for them. Being able to report the games for PFS credit is a bonus, but not a guarantee.

And in Canada, that kit costs $160. Only three retailers are even remotely willing to buy the kicks in our entire province, and that's only because we advertise just enough for them to almost break even on the purchase. Everyone else refuses because they don't get enough back.

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