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Go Bloodrager 10 dragon disciple 10 ad you will be good to go

Just watched the full trailer, and as a fan of the anime i can't wait to see this

GreyWolfLord wrote:

Well, in related news, Xbox One now is backwards compatible with the entire Mass Effect Trilogy.

I just ordered an Xbox One and that looks to be what I'll probably play ME:A on when it comes out.

slight problem, I have a ps4

the trailer looked awesome, can't wait to play the hell out of it

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also how is being lustful being chaotic?

After reading this I now want to see Shy work with Rodrick work on a job together if the authors were willing t write a novel together

I was 9 or 10

My copy of Horror Adventures just shipped, can't wait to use this with the up coming adventure path

here's a quick questions, does it say anywhere that a lich can only have one phylactery?

Hellknight, got to love that absolute order

you know what If you have a problem with the mods start you own thread about it and stop derailing this one.(sorry this is getting annoying)

Now back on to the topic of liches and the like, instead of just grabbing random evil doers off the street why not use those who are already condemned to die

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hell the special snowflake argument goes out the window when it comes to PC because if they weren't special snowflakes then they would have gotten regular jobs instead of being adventures

play a Kasatha and use your 2 extra hands to rotate the barrels

love this series, the relationship between Rodrick and Hrym always makes me laugh

Cole Deschain wrote:
Paladinosaur wrote:
So, what orders do you guys think are more "PC friendly"?

The Order of the Torrent is a minor order of predominantly good-aligned Hellknights.

The Godclaw, Scourge, Nail, and Pyre all have workable elements, depending upon the group.

yep those are the good ones for pc's

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We will have order in this Kingdom even if I have to kill all of you to get it.

Alex Martin wrote:

New short is out: Hero

Soldier 76 deals with Los Muertos gang (not Reaper like it looked initially).

and he brutally beats one of them with a pinata

you used balefire? do you know how dangerous that stuff is?

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
All I know is Trollocs make excellent smells when you balefire them. ;)

I don't remember any Trollocs?

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New animated short out Hanzo vs Genji


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Kryzbyn wrote:
Gateway blades were neat too...

I was always partial to Balefire

for those enemies you just want to stop existing

how about a tech based alchemist or magus

Turin the Mad wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
I live, I love, I slay, and I am content.
Conan the Barbarian or Conan. I know the line is from the written body of work, so I'm fuzzy on which film has it.

the newest movie had the line

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good luck

find a new dm

Lord Twitchiopolis wrote:

If the order is the Chain, then there may be a few issues.

They are dedicated to capturing those indentured to others (primarily slaves), and while Abadar is big on justice being served, paladins of Abadar are still against slavery as a principle.
While they won't be the worst thing, you can expect to but heads time to time.

actually Abadar has no major problem with slavery, while he does prefer that the workers are paid as so they can contribute to the economy, read Pirate's Promise one of the characters is an Inquisitor of Abadar sent to hunt down abolitionist spies

edit: i just noticed you part about paladins of Abadar, but my point still stands about the god

I would say they stack because they are from different sources

just finished watching it, I couldn't stop laughing

the Haunted Jester wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
anyone know if this will be posted on youtube?
It should be posted Friday on YouTube as per this Twitter post here


anyone know if this will be posted on youtube?

This is awesome, I love Critical Role

you can use those feats with a dex based magus, you will just have to decide if you want to do spell combat or have dex to damage on any given turn

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so which one will have the power to destroy a world with a swipe of her weapon?

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Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
DominusMegadeus wrote:
Until we get a picture of Nakorshor'mond in a source book, I don't believe a single act she did.
Hey Iomedae! You know those acts of yours? I say, screenshots or they didn't happen!

i agree

a lot of over thinking when it comes to this feat in this thread, just read the rules for Dimensional Assault and that tells you everything that you need to know

you can still use the grace feats with a magus, you just have to decide if you want to do spell combat or to have the dex bonus to damage in a given round

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i don't think Rorschach had the renown social talents

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Dave Justus wrote:

You don't have to be rich, but I think the idea is your social identity is 'somebody' not a nobody.

Someone who no one would know anyway doesn't have nearly as much need or reason to hide. Your social identity gives you benefits of being a 'player' in the very society you are fighting against.

Your peasant farmer for example would probably just abandon his relatively useless role as a serf when he decided to rebel and become a fighter, brawler or something rather than become a vigilante.

You can of course manage to pick social talents that don't make you a 'somebody' if you really wish, so it is impossible to build what you describe, but it is kind of working against the theme of the class.

Rorschach was a nobody in his social identity and it worked fairly well

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you can easily play a poor vigilante, the renown based talents don't necessarily mean you have to be rich

Wraithguard wrote:

Big MT took me forever to get done with as well.

If you can grab the Jury Rigging perk, it is definitely worth the trouble when it comes to repairing armor. Weapons are easy with kits, but armor is a whole other problem.

Jury Rigging is a perk i always try to get, it is so g#+ d!#n handy

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Saldiven wrote:
Orfamay Quest wrote:
Long baseball analogy

Even if someone wanted to argue that all the players were still close enough to be "obvious," what about the ball?

In the Pathfinderverse, nobody has any idea where the ball is, including most of the players.

hell most of the time i can't even tell where the ball is watching it on tv

random name generators

so what is everyone's thoughts on the 2 shorts that have been released so far? I love both of them and can't wait for more

Sundakan wrote:
Alex Martin wrote:

There's been a thread of controversy over what was considered an overt sexualizing of one of the characters (Tracer) due a "butt-pose" that the developers quickly addressed. Aside from that, I would say they've done a good job creating a broad spectrum of characters and interesting power sets. There is a ton of cosmetic looks and designs that are unlockable and pretty cool. While none of it really critical, it certainly appeals to a customization feel of you are of that mindset.
I got a good chuckle over this when they replaced the "butt pose" (an over the shoulder pose that nearly every character in the game has, from what I heard) and replaced it with an even more blatantly sexualized (though from the looks of it much more in character and dynamic) pose as a big middle finger to the whiners.

yeah, i love the new pose, to me the old one was a little awkward with how it was put together

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or the Mister Fantastic Way and send you to another planet

now on topic of Rogue One, 2 questions I have

1: who was the Imperial Officer in the White Cape

2: Who was the Person in the Black clock bowing before the holographic projector

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Freehold DM wrote:
Set wrote:
Hama wrote:
As for the alien protagonist. Most people cannot relate to non-humans. It is true. And unfortunate.

'Cause farm-boys who grow up to have psychic super-powers and laser swords are super-relatable. :/

I mean, except for the psychic powers and laser sword, that's totally my backstory!

everyone wanted to be either Han Solo or Luke Skywalker when I grew up. Chewbacca and Yoda were roles assigned to less popular kids.

I always wanted to be Darth Vader

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Hellknight #685,340 wrote:
I always wear my numbername tag.

get back to your patrol number 685,340

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i always love to read what goes through Wayne's head when he creates the artwork for the iconic characters

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Alexander Augunas wrote:

More importantly, this is the first-ever not-a-core-race Iconic character!

That, to me, was more groundbreaking then anything else.

I'm with Captain yesterday on this, you forgot about the Tiefling rogue Iconic who is from Andoran who's parents where spies

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