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Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 18 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist.


Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thank you for the responses folks. I've been GMing for years and I am just starting out with SF. We used this module first (a great romp) and the party is trading in the shuttlecraft for a used spaceship.


Next up is going through the Beginner box set adventure which is fun also.

Thank you again.

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hello folks,

What ships are good for first level and first time Starfinder players?

And is there a link or list with full deckplans of the ships?

Are PCs supposed to have a tier ship equal to their level?

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Neils Bohr wrote:

We're at level 8 mythic tier 2 in wrath of the righteous. I have four levels of Oracle that I'm thinking of retaining, since life link seems to be becoming very under whelming.

Is there any reason I should keep these levels?

This link might help give you direction:

http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?257365-PF-Oradin-Mini-Guide-O r-How-to-be-a-Healbot-minus-the-bot

Depending on your focus it is often best to progress spellcasting.

Hope that helps.

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Just found this document and I am very excited to use this. I like your focus on roles and streamlining what a creature can do. My players will be very upset I found this :)

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Also I would suggest applying the Cunning template from 101 Simple Templates from Rite Publishing. This type of villain would get great mileage from it. The Mystic template from there is also helpful.

With his Solid Fog ability, a ring or potion of Freedom of Movement would also be helpful for escaping as needed.

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I would reward their paranoia (if they have it). Have this fellow offer to give them some item or knowledge that they really want (answer to riddle, +2 to an ability score, etc)...in return he needs them to work for them.


After reading up about Larabay they sound a lot like Arcade from the X-men comic. Perhaps he has designed a gauntlet of traps/tests and wants the PCs to enter the contest (send an invite) or they enter the contest willingly because they think they are so great.

Players know there are story/play hooks out there to get them. I just encourage them with more and more cheese until they can't get out (if that analogy makes sense).

Hope that helps.

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How well would this integrate into the Kingmaker adventure path?

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Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Are the character sheets available for download and print out? I have two tables of kids lined up to play this and need multiple character sheets. Thank you.

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Also check out Giant Lore and Monster's Handbook from Fantasy Flight Games. It's 3.0 material but great flavor feats in there to make giants more iconic. Also PF: Giants Revisited has some fun material in there.

When running giants, it is cool to have them bull rush and such but they give up a lot of attack actions just to move PCs around. Perhaps the Drag and Reposition feats so it provokes more Aoos against the PCs.

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


That is EXTREMELY helpful. I didn't want to divert too much from the AP and like you said stat out a whole manor and avoid undead. I'll research this some more and try it out. This can be some good role playing with minimal fighting which is also nice.

Thank you!

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hello all,

My players have decided to go the long way around to the House of the Beasts and will be stopping by the cursed Onyx Hall (Vol 2 p54). Basically it is a cursed manor house rumored to contain a lot of treasure and has not been grave robbed in 200 years. The group is currently level 5 and mythic tier 2.

I'm looking for ideas for curses/themes. I like the idea of the further they get into the manor house a swarm/horde of undead drag them in further. Kind of like a horror house. I was thinking of hag/witch with lots of curses also and then slaves/former owners that are mad that they got cursed. The curse comes from a slave whose family was spread to all corners of Golarion and can only be lifted when all the stones of the manor burn down.

Any thoughts or ideas are appreciated.

Thank you.

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've gotten a lot of mileage from this pdf:

It has great and simple maps that you could scale up or down.

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I did something fairly similar in my RotR campaign. They found an old vault filled with treasures from 10,000 years ago.

Based on your description perhaps a cloak that increases his intimidation, increases the area of effect or some bonus feats that are intimidation focused. "The cloak billows forth" kind of description to strike fear into others, the fear of judgment and death.

The same cloak could also allow some kind of ghost movement or obscuring mist.

Or perhaps a magical hilt that could augment as above.

Sounds fun!

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I wanted to make a request for:

NPC Codex 2: Write ups for all the base classes from Advanced Player's Guide.

NPC Codex 3: Write ups for all classes from the Advanced Class's Guide.

I really enjoy the quick NPCs and the suggested builds for the characters. It gives me insight into how to build the class and use them. Plus the art is usually stellar.

Just my 2 cents.

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Last year for Free RPG day, GMs were able to download the character sheets. Is that option available for this year? I think it is a fun take away and people can write on the sheets.

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I know it is not RAW but I'd also check out 101 Combat Feats from Rite Publishing as there are feats that help with combat manuevers.

http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/101922/101-Combat-Feats-PFRPG?term=10 1+combat

And their Manuals of Improvment magic items have books that improve Dirty Trick.

http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/118766/30-More-Manuals-of-Improvement -PFRPG

I'm going to have to check out the Duelist Weapons & Gloves.

And before reading this thread, here is a crazy NPC/monster I made with a Dirty Trick focus.

Arogya Septak: AL: NE CR: 21 (T: Apex Predator, Combat Clairvoyant, Crafty, Heightened)


Medium Outsider (Native)(Male Devilspawn Tiefling; Ftr16 <Lore Warden>)

Init: +29 (+16 Dex, +13 Insight)

Senses: Darkvision 120’, Greater Arcane Sight (120’; know location & power of auras; spell casting/spell-like; arcane/divine; strength of spell; auto know spells & effects), Low-light Vision, See in Darkness


AC: 61 (+9 Armor, +5 Deflection, +16 Dex, +13 Insight, +8 Natural) T: 44 FF: Immune

hp: 330 (16d12+208) Fast Healing 4 Hair’s Breadth: Acrobatics check negates crit

Resist: Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5

Fort/Ref/Will: +34/+30/+29 (+10/+5/+5)(Imp. Evasion: None/Half)(Stalwart: Full/None)(Tougher: 16/day)


Speed: 60' climb 60’; 5/day: Take standard action at start or end of turn

Attacks: BAB/CMB/CMD: +16/+44/64 (+3 with kukri; +3 vs. Disarm/Sunder)

Right: Kukri +46/+41/+36/+31 (1d4+40; 14-20/x2) plus 1d6 Tactical Advantage plus +2/2d6 vs. Arcane

Left: Kukri +46/+41/+36 (1d4+40; 14-20/x2) plus 1d6 Tactical Advantage plus +2/2d6 vs. Arcane

Prehensile Tail+32 (1d3+16; 20/x2) plus grab stowed/unattended items plus Steal

MC Longbow +42/+37/+32/+27 (1d8+10; 20/x3)(R= 110’)

Dirty Trick (Ex): stan or highest attack; no Aoo; +18 CMB/CMD; Dur= 1d6+1+1 per 5rds; apply two conditions; full to remove condition; Gain blinded (-2 to AC; lose Dex to AC; -4 Str/Dex/Perception skill checks; total concealment; Acrobatics 10 to move faster than half speed or fall prone), dazzled (-1 to attack/Perception checks), deafened (-4 to Init & Perception; 20% spell failure), entangled (half speed; cannot run/charge; -2 attack; -4 to Dex; Concentration DC 15+spell or lose spell), shaken (-2 attack, saves, skill & ability checks); sickened (-2 to attack, damage, saves, skill & ability checks)

Know Thy Enemy (Ex): swift; K: check; know abilities & weakness plus +2 comp att & dam vs foe plus +1 insight to att & dam per 5 exceed (DC 15+HD) plus Sense Motive (DC10+BAB+Chr)(+2 insight to att, AC, and skills) plus interrupt foe with standard action

Outmatched Foe (Ex): auto crits on foes CR-7

Reposition (Ex): move; no Aoo; +7 CMB/CMD; move foe 5’ plus 5’ per 5 over; provokes Aoo; Huge or Smaller

Steal (Ex): move or highest attack; no Aoo; +7 CMB/CMD; Steal one more item exceeded by 5

take any one item neither held or hidden; doesn’t notice theft until used

___________________________________________________________________________ _

Str: 31 (+10) Dex: 42 (+16) Con: 36 (+13) Int: 37 (+13) Wis: 37 (+13) Chr: 33 (+11)

Skills: Total Rank Ability Class Other

*Acrobatics +61 16 +16 +3 +4 (insight), +1 (trait), +6 (SF), +15 (competence)

retain Dex to AC, not flat-footed, move at full speed, fall 10’ less per 15

*Appraise +30 10 +13 +3 +4 (insight)

Bluff +31 16 +11 +4 (insight)

*Climb +50 16 +10 +3 +4 (insight), +5 (competence), +8 (racial), +4 (Ath)

Move at double speed with -5 penalty; Take “10” with Climb; fall on failure of 10+

Diplomacy +33 16 +11 +4 (insight), +2 (racial)

*K: Arcana +36 16 +13 +3 +4 (insight); (constructs, dragons, magical beasts)

*K: Dungeon +36 16 +13 +3 +4 (insight); (aberrations, oozes)

*K: Engineer +36 16 +13 +3 +4 (insight)

*K: Local +36 16 +13 +3 +4 (insight); (humanoids)

*K: Nature +36 16 +13 +3 +4 (insight); (animals, fey, monstrous humanoids, plants, vermin)

*K: Planes +36 16 +13 +3 +4 (insight); (outsiders)

*K: Religion +36 16 +13 +3 +4 (insight); (undead)

*Linguistics +21 1 +13 +3 +4 (insight)

Languages: Common, Aboleth, Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Draconic, Goblin, Ignan, Infernal, Savage, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon

Perception +51 16 +13 +3 +4 (insight), +15 (comp)

half DC penalties from distraction or sleep, -10 to Invisible

Sense Motive +41 16 +13 +4 (insight), +2 (racial), +6 (SF)

*Sleight of Hand +40 16 +16 +3 +4 (insight), +1 (trait)

Stealth +54 16 +16 +3 +4 (insight), +15 (comp)

-2 for full speed; gain 10% miss chance

*Survival +36 16 +13 +3 +4 (insight)

*Swim +22 5 +10 +3 +4 (insight), +4 (Ath)

UMD +49 16 +11 +3 +4 (insight), +15 (comp)

Take “10”, +5 to emulate alignment, set restriction on magic items owned


Head: Helm of Underwater Action (UEp244)

Neck: Periapt of Wound Closure

Torso: +5 Vest of Resistance

Armor: +5 Ghost Touch, Glamered, Greensteel Chain Shirt; Determination (1/day; at “0” hp cast Breath of Life; 5d8+20)

Belt of Perfection: +6 enh to all ability scores

Cloak: Cloak of the Diplomat (UEp264)(roll twice and improve by 3 or fail by 2)

Wrists: Vambraces of the Djinni (Endure Elements; 1/day Gaseous Form, Invisibility, Wind Wall)

Hands: Gauntlets of Greater Skilled Maneuver (UE): +6 Dirty Tricks

Ring: +5 of Protection

Ring of Greater Arcane Sight (at will) & Identify 3/day

Boots of Greater Striding & Springing & Spider Climbing

Weapons: +5 Arcane Bane, Ghost Touch, Keen Serrated Green Steel Kukri (x2)

+5 MC Longbow w/ +5 Bane Arrows

Other Handy Haversack: Immovable Rod (x4), Rod of Absorption (50/0), Staff of Heal (10 charges), Wand of Cure Critical Wounds (4d8+20)(50)

Books: Acrobatics, Blind-Fight; Climb; Dirty Trick, Perception, Reposition, Stealth, UMD

Class: Fighter <Lore Warden> (PF Society Field Guide p31)

Ftr1: Scholastic (Ex): +2 skill points/lvl for Int skills; all Int skills are class skills; replaces Medium/Heavy Armor & Shield Proficiency

Ftr2: Expertise: Gain Combat Expertise as bonus feat; replaces Bravery 1

Ftr1 & More: Bonus Feats

Ftr3: Maneuver Mastery (Ex): +8 CMB & CMD; replaces Armor Training 1

Ftr6: Offensive Stance: +4 CMB to Dirty Tricks (replaces Bravery (Ex): +4 vs. Fear)

Ftr7 & 14: Know Thy Enemy (Ex): swift; K: check; know abilities & weakness plus +2 comp att & dam vs foe

Ftr11: Hair’s Breadth (Ex): immediate; Acrobatic check to negate critical hit

Ftr5, Ftr9, Ftr13: Weapon Training 1-3 (Ex): +1 att, damage, CMB and CMD (vs. Disarm & Sunder) with:

+3: Blades (Light), +2: Bows, +1: Double weapons

Favored Class Bonus: +1 skill point

Prc: Master of the Art

MA1: Training Expertise (Ex): Gain inflict lethal or nonlethal damage; determine amount

MA2, 4, 6, 8: Bonus Feats

MA3: Assess Battle (Ex): Add Int modifier as insight to initiative

MA5: Combat Virtuoso (Ex): +2 insight to CMB & CMD

MA7: Trained Reactions (Ex): delay init to make a readied action

Traits: Child of the Streets (+1 trait to Sleight of Hand); Reckless (+1 trait to Acrobatics & becomes class skill)


Books: Blind-Fight (reroll miss chance from concealment; invisible get no advantage; move at full speed while blinded)

Improved Blind-fight (ignore less than total concealment; invisible get no advantage; -1% to miss on Perception)

Greater Blind-fight (Total concealment= normal concealment; reroll miss chance 2/day; +2 for Aoo)

Story: Analytical Tactician (Ploys), Discover Weakness (NGAL12)(Deck of many things)

1st: Superior Finesse (add Dex to damage)

2nd: Weapon Focus (Kukri)

3rd: Two Weapon Fighting

4th: Improved Dirty Trick (APG)

5th: Improved Steal (APG)

6th: Improved Two Weapon Fighting

7th: Greater Dirty Trick (APG)

8th: Improved Critical (Kukri)

9th: Greater Steal (APG)

10th: Physical Adept (AH)(take extra standard at start or end; 5/day)

11th: Greater Two Weapon Fighting

12th: Great Fortitude (Core)

13th: Tougher than Thaumaturgy (AH)(3+Con/day; Turn Ref/Will to Fort)

14th: Predict Actions (Ploys)(stan; interrupt foe with stan action)

15th: Studied Strike (Ploys)(add lower of Int bonus or skill ranks to damage foes)

16th: Prestigious (Gain Specials for one Prestige Class <Master of the Art>)

C1: Iron Will

C2: Skill Focus (Acrobatics)

C3: Athletic (Core)(+4 Climb & Swim)

C4: Skill Focus (Sense Motive)

H1: Fast Healing 1; H2: Fast Healing 1; H3: Grasping Tail (ARG); H4: Fiend Sight (ARG); H5: Fiend Sight (ARG)

Ftr1st: Simple & Martial Weapon; Light Armor Proficiency

Ftr1: Weapon Finesse (add Dex to attacks)

Ftr2: Combat Expertise

Ftr2: Agile Maneuvers (Core)(Add Dex to CMB)

Ftr4: Weapon Specialization (Kukri)

Ftr6: Greater Reposition (APG)

Ftr8: GWF (Kukri)

Ftr10: Tactical Advantage (101C)(+1d6 damage if have combat advantage)

Ftr12: GWS (Kukri)

Ftr14: Critical Focus (+1 threat)

Ftr16: Outmatched Foe (101C)(if foe CR 7 or less; then -10 to all attacks for auto crit)

MA2: Improved Reposition (APG)

MA4: Melee Weapon Mastery (PHB2)(Slashing; +2 bonus to att & dam)l

MA6: Quick Dirty Trick (UC)(Dirty Trick in place of highest attack)

MA8: Quick Steal (UC)(Steal in place of highest attack)

Future Feats: Set up Maneuver (101C), Two Weapon Set up (101C), Behemoth’s Foe (101F), Chink in Armor (101F)

CMB: +44 (+16 BAB, +16 Dex, +8 Lore Warden, +4 insight); +3 with Kukri

CMD: 64 (10+16 BAB, +16 Dex, +10 Str, +8 Lore Warden, +4 insight); +3 with Kukri

Kukri Attacks: +0 (+16 BAB, +16 Dex, +2 GWF, +4 insight, +3 Weapon Training, +5 magic, +2 Melee weapon mastery, -2 Two-Weapon Fighting)

Saves: (Base +Ability Score +4 Insight +5 resistance)(Great Fortitude, Iron Will)


Abilities: Total Base Race Lvl AP H Cr Inh Enh

Strength 31 10 +0 +8 +2 +0 +5 +6

Dexterity 42 18 +0 +3 +8 +2 +0 +5 +6

Constitution 36 12 +2 +1 +8 +2 +0 +5 +6

Intelligence 37 14 +0 +8 +2 +2 +5 +6

Wisdom 37 12 +2 +8 +2 +2 +5 +6

Charisma 33 14 -2 +8 +2 +0 +5 +6

Race: Tiefling (Devil Spawn); +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Chr; Medium; 30’ speed; Cold 5, Electric 5, Fire 5; Skilled (+2 racial on Diplomacy & Sense Motive); Prehensile Tail (Replaces Fiendish Sorcery); Barbed Tail (Replaces Spell-like ability)

Combat Clairvoyant: Gain Improved Evasion & Stalwart; Precognitive Advantage (Ex): Gain +4 insight to attack rolls, saving throws, skill, CMB, Initiative & AC plus double insight to K: check to know abilities & weaknesses; never FF and can act in surprise round

Apex Predator: +8 to all ability scores; +4 natural armor

Crafty: +2 Int, +2 Wis; +Wis as Insight to AC; Bonus feats of Iron Will, C2, C3, C4

Heightened: +2 to all ability scores; +1 HD size; +4 natural armor; +1 ability/3HD

Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mcarvin wrote:
Are there any items, magics, or techniques that can allow a rogue to hide when the enemy has these abilities?

For 3.5 there is the Nightstalker feat from WOTC: Lords of Madness. It allows you to use Stealth vs. Blind & Tremor Sense. They are hard to get around that is for sure. For Scent I believe there are some alchemical items that mask it for a day or so.