Mark Seifter Designer |

Mark Seifter wrote:Intended. One of the things I tried to do throughout my turnover, without really mentioning it explicitly, but I can tell that Patrick and Owen caught on when they developed it, was give different abilities that would encourage characters of different types to broaden their horizons on which familiars they pick, depending on what character they were playing. For instance, for the enchanter, in a social situation, if you have an animal that's adorable and pretty normal-looking, like a cat, you can probably easily get it up near someone as compared to, say, a compsognathus or greensting scorpion (two of the most chosen familiar types). So you have discovered something quite notable considering how recently you received the pdf, which was that variety and unusual synergies were a side goal of mine.Dang… you are good at this. I read the enchantment dealio earlier, and my first thought was, "Oh, so you have your cat familiar rub up against their legs. Cats are always doing that. Man, it's cool to get extra use out of my cat familiar, which I just took for flavor."
So yeah, you nailed that one!
Excellent! The rubbing thing was my mental image as well.
It's fortuitous that you took a cat for flavor with your enchanter already. Now see if your GM will let you sub into the archetype so you can get the abilities faster than usual.

QuidEst |

Excellent! The rubbing thing was my mental image as well.
It's fortuitous that you took a cat for flavor with your enchanter already. Now see if your GM will let you sub into the archetype so you can get the abilities faster than usual.
Ooh, drat. I forgot it had to a wizard of the Enchantment school specifically. She's got the Void elemental school 'cuz she's a bit creepy like that. Enchantment is just so she doesn't ever have to actually put any work into things like "being nice to people" or "asking politely". Well, incentive for me to make wizards who don't get out of opposed schools by just opposing the Fire elemental school!

Matrix Dragon |

Matrix Dragon wrote:Yep, your kitsune fey sorceress's DCs are frightening enough already—whereas enchanter wizards have no real DC boosters to speak of. It's fully intended, and that's part of why it's such a nice big increase (and, as Owen pointed out, the nearly-assured AoO is the other part).I just got my copy of the PDF. Turns out that only Wizards can get the school familliars. Saddening, but it makes sense thematically.
HOWEVER. Sorcerers can get bloodline familliars. The abilities aren't as powerful, but you get them only for the cost of losing your first bloodline power and geting your bonus spells one level later.
That's really good if you don't care about the spells, since first level powers generally aren't that great anyway.
Ah well, the fact that I'll be able to train out of my Eldritch Heritage (Arcane Bloodline Familiar) feats keeps me happy enough ;)

Anguish |

That lesser one is crazy. Now if only I could figure out a way to use it consistantly without getting my familliar killed XD I think an improved familliar with dimension door is the ticket....
Once the target is charmed, your familiar is safe, yes? If the target isn't charmed, well, your familiar wasn't very good at his job. <Grin>

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How exactly are the Hellknights used in the book? They're named dropped in the description but I've not seen anyone ask yet. Is it just a list of frequently used familiars?
It's 3/4ths of a page and a couple of lines per organization on what familiars a dozen different Golarion organizations prefer.

logan grayble |

logan grayble wrote:How exactly are the Hellknights used in the book? They're named dropped in the description but I've not seen anyone ask yet. Is it just a list of frequently used familiars?It's 3/4ths of a page and a couple of lines per organization on what familiars a dozen different Golarion organizations prefer.
** spoiler omitted **
That's neat. I'll be interested in finding out those specifics. I like learning about the smaller personal details of the different organizations.

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If I may ask, what does the Synergyst and Eldritch Guardian archetypes do, exactly?
Especially wondering about the latter, seeing as one would wonder what a fighter would do with a familiar.
Eldritch Guardian (discussed some upthread) get abilities that allow them to share feats with their familiar and bonuses against fear effects.

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so what does the figment give up to gain it's ability to reform after death?
It only has 1/4th its master's hp total, not half. It also loses the ability to deliver touch spells, speak with animals of its kind, and scry on familiar in return for the ability to apply eventually 3 points worth of Eidolon evolutions to the familiar.

QuidEst |

Notabrick wrote:so what does the figment give up to gain it's ability to reform after death?It only has 1/4th its master's hp total, not half. It also loses the ability to deliver touch spells, speak with animals of its kind, and scry on familiar in return for the ability to apply eventually 3 points worth of Eidolon evolutions to the familiar.
Never worrying about your witch spell book? Priceless. Also, I think it would make an interesting tumor familiar... You have an imaginary parasite latched on to the back of your neck. Pick hedgehog, and it'll even give you a bonus on will saves.

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Kvantum wrote:Never worrying about your witch spell book? Priceless. Also, I think it would make an interesting tumor familiar... You have an imaginary parasite latched on to the back of your neck. Pick hedgehog, and it'll even give you a bonus on will saves.Notabrick wrote:so what does the figment give up to gain it's ability to reform after death?It only has 1/4th its master's hp total, not half. It also loses the ability to deliver touch spells, speak with animals of its kind, and scry on familiar in return for the ability to apply eventually 3 points worth of Eidolon evolutions to the familiar.
Unfortunately, the witch is called out as not being able to pick the Figment familiar archetype. You can't learn spells from yourself, silly!

John Kretzer |

John Kretzer wrote:John Kretzer wrote:I am hoping for rules for the wasps that Calistrians use as familiars.I asked this when I first heard that this book was coming out....so is there anything in this at all to support this?I don't see any mentions of wasps or Calistria in the book.
Sigh...I am very disappointed at this news. It is something I have been waiting for a long time. I'll probably enjoy the book but I really don't know what book they will include rules for it in the future...

Luthorne |
nighttree wrote:Can we get info on the Pact Wizard and Spirit Wizard ?Please....pretty please :P
Well...I don't have my copy yet...but as I understand it...
The Pact Wizard bargains with extraplanar entities for power. He must select a familiar for his arcane bond, and it is ultimately loyal to the entity he bargained with power from, not him. He has to pick an additional opposed school, even if he's a universalist, which can't be conjuration. He chooses a subtype of outsider to be the subtype of the entity he is bargaining with for power, which has to be something there is an improved familiar version of, such as an azata or devil. They have an aura matching the alignment of the chosen subtype, as if they were a cleric with that aura. The wizard can select Sacred Summons as a bonus wizard feat, but can only use it to summon entities of the chosen subtype. At 7th level, his familiar reveals its true form, automatically turning into an improved familiar of the appropriate subtype.
A Spirit Binder is someone who has made an arcane breakthrough after the traumatic death of a loved one, whom he binds into the body of a familiar to prevent them from fully passing on. He must select a familiar as part of his arcane bond. Its personality is that of his loved one, and it can have any alignment, even one that is diametrically opposed to the spirit binder's. Instead of using the spirit binder's BAB and saving throws, the familiar uses that of another class, using the spirit binder's level as its own for this, representing the class the spirit that inhabits the familiar had in life. The spirit binder can't choose necromancy as an opposed school. As time progresses, the familiar re-learns some of its abilities in life; at 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, it learns a feat for which it meets the prerequisites. This replaces scribe scroll and the wizard bonus feats.
If I got something wrong, please feel free to correct me.

nighttree |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

nighttree wrote:nighttree wrote:Can we get info on the Pact Wizard and Spirit Wizard ?Please....pretty please :PSorry, I've been swamped at work and home the past few days. Did Luthorne answer your questions sufficiently?
Yes he did....not what I was hoping for, but that's how it goes ;)
Thanks folks.

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Mitspieler wrote:What does the Familiar Adept give up and what does it gain?
What does the Arcane Bloodline Spell Catalyst do?
Gives up - Scribe Scroll, 5th & 10th level Wizard feats.
Alters - Arcane Bond, Wizard spellbooks.
Gains - Diminished Expertise (1 additional opposition school), School familiar (familiar becomes your Arcane Bond and gains school archetype), Familiar spells (familiar becomes your spellbook), Focused School (familiar can use your 1st level school power).
Arcane spell Catalyst - Spells you cast that target your familiar are treated as though your caster level is 2 levels higher.

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Subscribers get their PDFs as soon as their physical copy ships, and those have started shipping out earlier this week. I got my copy, and am super happy with what's in the book. I think I'll have to finally write up a concept I've been rattling around in my brain for a while... a caster-familiar pair, but with the familiar having all the character... in fact the caster would be totally mute. :)

deuxhero |
A Mauler familiar can not speak, even if its kind normally could. Does this mean a spellcasting familiar (Farie or Tidepool Dragon) can't use spells with verbal components?
Does Share Training work like Paragon Surge or the War Domain power in terms of daily use when a familiar uses feats like Stunning Fist?

Lessah |

Question regarding the Mauler Familiar Archetype - specifically the Battle Form ability.
The ability grants a Str bonus and an increase to Medium size. It is the first ability that changes a creatures size from "Anything" to "Specific Size" that lacks the Polymorph descriptor, unless I missed something. Thus the sentence at the end-
"this stacks with the normal Strength adjustments for increasing in size"
- has me somewhat confused. Should I use the table for Size Adjustment according to the Polymorph rules (which are what is typically used when a creature changes its size in game, what I would consider normal) or the Size Adjustment rules according to the Monster Advancement section (since the ability does not have the Polymorph descriptor, but this isn't used by anything in game except the GM when he creates new monsters/advances old ones)?
Thanks for a really neat book! //Lessah

Mark Seifter Designer |

Question regarding the Mauler Familiar Archetype - specifically the Battle Form ability.
The ability grants a Str bonus and an increase to Medium size. It is the first ability that changes a creatures size from "Anything" to "Specific Size" that lacks the Polymorph descriptor, unless I missed something. Thus the sentence at the end-
"this stacks with the normal Strength adjustments for increasing in size"
- has me somewhat confused. Should I use the table for Size Adjustment according to the Polymorph rules (which are what is typically used when a creature changes its size in game, what I would consider normal) or the Size Adjustment rules according to the Monster Advancement section (since the ability does not have the Polymorph descriptor, but this isn't used by anything in game except the GM when he creates new monsters/advances old ones)?
Thanks for a really neat book! //Lessah
Polymorph chart, see my post in the other thread.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I suppose a common cat could be a decent mauler.
After a quick check, both Raccoon and Wallaby get a Battle From base strength of 14, while among flying familiars the Hawk seems to come out on top with two attacks and a Battle Form base strength of 10.
It becomes stronger if you combine the mauler familiar with Fighter (Eldritch Guardian) and Ranger. Take two levels of Fighter to get the ability to share combat feats, then progress as ranger. Grab natural attack combat feats using your ranger combat style and grab Eldritch Heritage (Arcana) to gain a familiar of your level –2, which syncs perfectly with the two levels of fighter you possess, for a total familiar level equal to your level. You can also pick up goodies like Eldritch Claws that are likewise shared with your familiar, and Hunter's Bond (companions) would allow you to share half of your favored enemy bonus with your familiar (as well as your other allies).
Alternatively, you could do two levels of Fighter (Eldritch Guardian) and then progress as a hunter. The best teamwork feats are also combat feats, so by 5th level you would have two animals (your animal companion and your familiar) that shared all of your teamwork feats with you, your animal companion from the hunter tactics class feature and your familiar from your levels in Eldritch Guardian.

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I just got my copy of the PDF. Turns out that only Wizards can get the school familliars. Saddening, but it makes sense thematically.
HOWEVER. Sorcerers can get bloodline familliars. The abilities aren't as powerful, but you get them only for the cost of losing your first bloodline power and geting your bonus spells one level later.
That's really good if you don't care about the spells, since first level powers generally aren't that great anyway.
Is that meant to be a feat or archetype option?

Luthorne |
Matrix Dragon wrote:Is that meant to be a feat or archetype option?I just got my copy of the PDF. Turns out that only Wizards can get the school familliars. Saddening, but it makes sense thematically.
HOWEVER. Sorcerers can get bloodline familliars. The abilities aren't as powerful, but you get them only for the cost of losing your first bloodline power and geting your bonus spells one level later.
That's really good if you don't care about the spells, since first level powers generally aren't that great anyway.
It's more similar to an archetype, though it isn't explicitly listed as an archetype, simply that any bloodrager or sorcerer can trade out their 1st level bloodline power and delay access to their bloodline spells for one level in exchange for a familiar with a particular benefit related to their bloodline. It doesn't cost a feat.

Luthorne |
Is there a school familiar for the fire school?
Sadly not, only the normal arcane schools (abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, and transmutation) were covered, not elemental schools such as air, earth, fire, metal, void, water, or wood.
Edit: I was also a little disappointed (though it's understandable) that they only did bloodline familiars for the aberrant, abyssal, arcane, celestial, destined, draconic, elemental, fey, infernal, and undead bloodlines...but they only have so much space, after all.