Sign in to create or edit a product review. I bought a stack of these for all my old map packs that didn't previously had boxes for it. I keep then in a drawer where I can read them all from the titles on their spine. Good: Almost all of them fit perfectly, I had about one or two that was tight fit but I also kept the original front and back pieces with them as well. I can write what they are not only on the front but the spines as well and can identify them exactly as they were the newer boxes pre-printed. They were easily to assemble once I opened them and used the map packs inside of them to fold down the top and bottom. Once you got used to how to open the box there was not any Mediocre: Some didn't want to fit well, and the flaps didn't always want to stay closed. I'm hoping this is a case of the more I have them closed up with pressure sitting in a stack there will not be any issue. I'm not calling the fit a con - because about 75%+ fit well or a little loose but some of the older packs were tight with all the pieces involved. Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Chronicle of the Righteous (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.
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Add PDF $15.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Want More!Incendiaeternus —Few of the books in RP that I never wanted to end. The flavor and stats in this book are awesome and highly useful for people that find that they are not fitting into the 'standard gods' but your not a deviant into the other alignments. There is something for almost everyone good aligned, investigators have two options of Emperial Lords who they can follow and seem perfectly inline with their 'deity's' viewpoints. Spies and artisans have options, crusaders have more than just Iomedae's views. Good aligned nature gods - sure you don't have to be purely neutral. There are many options and the mechanics are useful but are more geared towards games that would end up in higher level range (12+) but would add a lot of good flavor without being overpowered. Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Winter ForestPaizo Inc.Print Edition Unavailable Add PDF $9.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Highly UsefulIncendiaeternus —I have a group that likes Irisden and Viking themed type games and this map comes in very handy. The artist did wonderful work on both sides of the map and the variety of aspects to it (lake, forest, open spaces) is very well balances that allows for a high amount of usability. Pathfinder Player Companion: Familiar Folio (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.Print Edition Unavailable Add PDF $9.99 Non-Mint Unavailable Interesting OptionsIncendiaeternus —I picked this up because I was picking up an arcane class and curious as to the additional options that came out. It's a book that applies to multiple classes, one of the more interesting archetypes given a game to pick up might be the story behind the Paladin with a familiar and its a good story creation stand point. Not only does this open up various familiars but gives even better options for the character. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Strategy Guide (OGL)Paizo Inc.
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Great for New Players, Great for New to a ClassIncendiaeternus —I picked this up out of curiosity, and as I'm bring in new players they are finding this a good resource for coming up with ideas for characters while understanding the change from 3.5 to Pathfinder. It's not just "I've never RPed" it's a good reference for "Oh, that changed to these names" type of resources.
Pathfinder Module: The Midnight Mirror (PFRPG)Paizo Inc.Add PDF $19.99 Print Edition Unavailable Non-Mint Unavailable Great Setting, Great StoryIncendiaeternus —I've run and played this, my biggest suggestion would be to read Nightglass before running it if you happen to like the novels. This is the dark and twisted depths of Nidal and making the setting speak for itself is crucial. I think this had more of a feeling for me because I had the background on the setting and why things are so wrong because what your seeing is contrary to what it should be.
This has been for a long time one of my go to maps for needing something that happens in a forest setting. It has a lot of versatility and useful be it for something that happens in a scenario or home games random encounters. Pathfinder Society Scenario #4–19: The Night March of Kalkamedes (PFRPG) PDFPaizo Inc.Our Price: $3.99 Add to CartGreat Start for Pathfinder PlayersIncendiaeternus —This was my first scenario and one of the first I've run. It's well written and pulls people into the game rather quickly. It also is a good example into how to handle Pathfinder's balance between combat and skills, the need to think through issues and question everything. One of the things that absolutely make this a good starting point is that it shows that even lower level characters can encounter something rather epic and not useless in dealing with it. It happens a lot, you have to go into some dark seedy area that no one likes going into at night. This has been my go-to map for those areas, its a lot of small tight spaces, random nooks and crannies, and buildings a plenty without resorting to the map tiles. |