Pathfinder Player Companion: Giant Hunter's Handbook (PFRPG)

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Pathfinder Player Companion: Giant Hunter's Handbook (PFRPG)


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Take On the BIG Problems!

Get ready to take on the biggest challenges of your adventuring career with Pathfinder Player Companion: Giant Hunter’s Handbook! Whether you’re facing ogres in the untamed mountains or risking the wrath of the rune giants in ancient ruins, this volume gives you everything you need to even the odds against giants of every type!

Giant Hunter’s Handbook contains player-focused, in-depth discussions preparing you to face, negotiate with, and ultimately lay low some of the Pathfinder RPG’s most intimidating foes. Each Pathfinder Player Companion includes new options and tools for every Pathfinder RPG player. Inside this book you’ll find:

  • Traits and advice for characters with backgrounds impacted by the ravages of monstrous giant clans.
  • Details on Golarion’s most famous giant-hunting organizations, as well as teamwork feats to help your own giant-hunting team achieve victory and glory.
  • New archetypes that help characters take on giants on an equal footing, including the goliath druid, who can grow to giant size, and the titan fighter, who can wield oversized weapons.
  • A preview of the upcoming Giantslayer Adventure Path,as well as campaign traits and suggestions guaranteed to aid you throughout this titanic campaign.
  • New equipment, feats, magic items, spells, methods for shrinking oversized giant treasure down to a useful scale, and much, much more!
This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

Written by Alexander Augunas, Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, and David Ross.
Cover Art by Jason Engle.

Each monthly 32-page Pathfinder Player Companion contains several player-focused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles with innovative new rules for all types of characters, as well as traits to better anchor the player to the campaign.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-712-3

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

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3.80/5 (based on 5 ratings)

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Great balance between options and setting info


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

Overall, I really like the balance Giant Hunter’s Handbook strikes between mechanics and setting information. The new character options don’t overwhelm with their sheer quantity. Instead, they support the flavour of the setting. And the setting information provides you with a basic, but good understanding of how the people of Golarion interact with giants. After reading the book, I felt like I actually learned something about the world rather than just be presented with a bunch of character options that I would rapidly forget about. I wish the Player Companion books would reach this balance more often.

Specific, but specifically good.


This product is worth the money for the Titan Fighter archetype alone and I bought it for that reason. I was not disappointed. It fixes what the Titan Mauler barbarian archetype was supposed to do and finally lets you do what you probably wanted to do with that class, only to find out you couldn't. The catch is, this is a Fighter archetype not a Barbarian one, but just take a dip into a class that grants Rage if it means that much to you and problem solved.

I don't play Druids so I can't speak to the power of the new Druid archetype presented, but it looks pretty potent based on what I've seen.

Another great feature is having a handy reference guide to all the various giants published so far. Very good for a GM who doesn't want to waste time poring through Bestiaries to find just the giant he or she needs. Now you can find what you're after and where to find it easily.

Overall, a very good book for anyone wanting to tangle with giants, be they GM's or players.

Useful for fighting Giants!


What is really great about this book is that the size of looted equipment is mentioned.
It states, that wondrous items and rings mostly adjust to the wearers size, but arms and armor don´t.
And there are spells and other solutions for this.

Also there are feats that enable you to fight with larger arms and very useful teamwork feats like the good ones from Dragon Slayer´s Handbook, but unlike the lame ones from Demon Hunter´s Handbook) against ALL creatures which are larger than you -

I really love the artwork from the center spreads lately, they are gorgeous and really show in this case how big the different giants are in relation to a human and each other.

One thing is WRONG in this book:
The damage from small and medium sized weapons is switched and needs to be switched back.

Needs more


Reading though, a lot of the material just seems out of place. Maybe not out of place as much as maybe they couldn't find a more fitting book to stick it in?

A new Druid archtype that's exactly what everyone needed <sarcasm>, a new way for Druids to stand head and shoulders over just about everyone else, but literally and steal the reach Cleric's thunder. A Fighter stepping on the Barbarian's toes. A two-page spread showing the OGL giants kind of like the 3.0 size categories. I'd almost say this might be the Giantslayer PG, but nope, that takes up the last few pages of the book (again!!!). Not sure what the deal is with the weapons? Are they reintroducing the old school weapons deal less damage against larger creatures rules? Printing error? I don't know, too much of this book just screams, well, something other than "giants/vs giants".

Two things did stand out though which where kind of cool. Skill tricks (and unlike that god-awful Tech Guide, doesn't require a Feat to be able to use what you already have), and they are not terrible either, and then there is the Rogue Archtype, which is just cool, (and I don't even like Rogues).

Yai-Mimic Metamagic has some potential (drop the setting flavor). Very Salubri. :)

What a surprise!!!!


I honestly had very, very low expectations on this book and that is probably why it is a 4 and not a 3 star book. This book has lots of interesting items, nifty feats, traits, and two of my favorite archetypes in a long time (for base classes). The only thing I wish is that there had been 1 ACG archetype (either slayer or HUNTER) in the book. This has firmed my opinion that I can't ever put this subscription on hold. Every time I consider it, this happens.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Interestingly enough, this issue provides the first picture I have yet seen of the finalized cover for the first issue in the Giantslayer AP. It's pretty sweet.

For those of you who wanted to know about the new Fighter archetype...

Titan Fighter:
Titan fighters make use of enormous weapons others can barely lift. Titan fighters have the following class features.
Giant Weapon Wielder (Ex): At 1st level, a titan fighter can wield two-handed melee weapons intended for creatures one size category larger than himself, treating them as two-handed weapons. He takes an additional – 2 penalty on attack rolls when using an oversized two-handed weapon.
This ability replaces the fighter’s 1st level bonus feat.
Incredible Heft (Ex): At 3rd level, a titan fighter becomes more skilled at wielding weapons intended for creatures one size category larger than himself. The penalty on attack rolls for using such weapons is reduced by 1, including when using oversized two-handed weapons.
At 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this penalty is reduced by another 1 (minimum 0). This ability replaces armor training.
Unstoppable Momentum (Ex): At 5th level, a titan fighter gains a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to CMD while wielding a weapon sized for a creature of a larger size category. At 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1. When wielding oversized weapons, the titan fighter can attempt to bull rush, drag, overrun, reposition, and trip creatures up to two sizes categories larger than himself. This ability replaces weapon training.

Now that is awesome. Friggin Goliath druid. Badass.


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Its weird to see something I wrote in a Paizo product.

I ... kind of like it.

Cackles madly.

Feats and Spells.

And what do they mean by "methods for shrinking oversized giant treasure down to a useful scale"?

Sovereign Court

Thor Odinson PFS wrote:

I'm going to be extremely irritated if this book doesn't contain some Warhammer Fighting Styles and a Dwarf (Not class specific) Archtype for slaying Giants with thrown hammers.

You're going to be upset, then; there's no such thing as non-class specific archetypes, and style feats really don't make sense for warhammers. Weapon-based style feats are peculiar at best, and warhammers are too far removed from the monk mindset.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Barachiel Shina wrote:

Feats and Spells.

And what do they mean by "methods for shrinking oversized giant treasure down to a useful scale"?


Arcing Lob (lets you pick which square on a Large or Larger creature your thrown splash weapon hits)
Cry Challenge (Lets you cause your 5' steps to provoke AoO's, but gives you a dodge bonus to your AC if you do. It is to get the foe to waste their AoO attacking you instead of others)
Giant Bane Caster (gives your spells a greater save DC is the target is a Giant)
Giant Killer Stance (lets you treat any reach weapon as having the brace property against Large or Larger creatures)
Ground-Grabber (gives you a bonus to your CMD vs. certain Maneuvers when made by creatures larger than you.)
Mountain-Splitting strike (lets your unarmed attacks go up a size category in the right circumstances)
Pernicious Stab (you can convert Sneak Attack dice to an increase in the Save DC of poison on the weapon you made the Sneak Attack with.)
Scuttle (you can crawl faster & with less chance of successful attacks made against you)
Yai-Mimic spell (you can cast a ray spell so that it mimics the special SLA's of certain Oni)

Burdened Thoughts (target is treated as encumbered, can't fly, if they are more than three size categories larger than you, they are staggered as well)
Hollow Blades (targets attacks are treated as one size category smaller)
Runic Overload (any magical Runes in the area of effect of the spell will explode.)
Siphon Might (temporarily steal strength from the target & give it to an ally)
Stone Throwing (target gains the Rock Throwing & Rock Catching abilities of Giants)
Steal Size (target shrinks, you grow)
Twisted Futures (if the target possesses an ability to roll twice & take the better of the two rolls, they lose it for a time)
Resize Item (temporarily changes the size of an item, can be made permanent with the Permanency spell)

Also, the Ring of Perfect Sizing allows the wearer to resize one weapon or suit of armor to fit them.
Finally, the Fitting & Resizing armor & weapon magical qualities allow them to change size to match the size of their wearer or weilder.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Other than the two previously mentioned archetypes, are their any others? What are they? What do they do?

What new magic items are there?

What are the giantslayer campaign traits?

On the cover images shown, what are the iconics for this AP?

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
zergtitan wrote:

Other than the two previously mentioned archetypes, are their any others? What are they? What do they do?

What new magic items are there?

What are the giantslayer campaign traits?

On the cover images shown, what are the iconics for this AP?


Archetypes: Goliath Druid, Titan Fighter, Vexing Dodger

Magic items: Axe of felling, earthcild faceguard, effortless lace, grasping bolas, harp of slumber, impact gauntlets, manteau of the mouse, shrivelblade, smuggler's sling, trollbane blanch, trollblood elixir.

Campaign traits: Artifact Hunter, Dragonfoe, Dwarf-Trained, Giant-Blooded, Giantslayer Scion, Orphaned by Giants, Roll With It, Student of Giantkind, Trunau Native, Vexing Defender.

Other traits: Chilled by Brutality, Enchanted by Giants, Giant Ambivalence, Giant Dodger, Giant Investigator, Giant-Harried, Scrambling Servant.

Iconics: I can't really tell. The image is small, but I think I see Harsk in the background.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What do the Axe of Felling and Impact Gauntlets do?

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
zergtitan wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


Axe of felling - +1 giant-bane dwarven waraxe with the trip feature.

Impact Gauntlets - grants the wearer the rockcatching monster ability for Small, Medium, and Large rocks. A cumquat rock is shrunk and absorbed by the gauntlets. It implies you can catch 1/round.


Dark Archive

Apart from his 1st level ability, the Titan Fighter doesn't look that impressive. Excellent (mandatory?) dip for a Titan Mauler barbarian, though.

So if that new fighter archetype can wield oversized weapons, as in actually use a large Greatsword... are we going to see a fix to the Titan-Mauler archetype that makes it not suck. Because it's supposed to do that already.

The fix is simple: Fighter 1 / Barbarian X.

Why multiclass? The archetype allows the fighter to wield an oversized two-handed weapon as a two-handed weapon (with -2 penalty), while the titan mauler allows you to wield a two-handed weapon as one-handed with penalties.
I see no reason why the archetypes wouldnt work together.


Giant Weapon Wielder (Ex): At 1st level, a titan fighter can

wield two-handed melee weapons intended for creatures
one size category larger than himself, treating them as
two-handed weapons

what is the vexing dodger?

Silver Crusade

Illeist wrote:
Thor Odinson PFS wrote:

I'm going to be extremely irritated if this book doesn't contain some Warhammer Fighting Styles and a Dwarf (Not class specific) Archtype for slaying Giants with thrown hammers.

You're going to be upset, then; there's no such thing as non-class specific archetypes, and style feats really don't make sense for warhammers. Weapon-based style feats are peculiar at best, and warhammers are too far removed from the monk mindset.

Recheck the Avatar.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:

Interestingly enough, this issue provides the first picture I have yet seen of the finalized cover for the first issue in the Giantslayer AP. It's pretty sweet.

For those of you who wanted to know about the new Fighter archetype...
** spoiler omitted **

Seriously, no bonus damage for wielding a gigantic weapon? A little sad that the archetype only has three abilities.

Shadow Lodge

Seriously needs some Clericy goodness. Druid is already at the top, and now its stealing from the Reach Cleric build?

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
christos gurd wrote:
what is the vexing dodger?


It's a Rogue Archetype.
Limb-Climber lets you climb a larger creature.
Gains Improved Dirty Trick.
Underfoot Agility grants a scaling Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist bonuses against larger creatures.
Underfoot Trickster let you move through the squares of a larger creature (with caveats).
Distracting Climber grants scaling bonus to CMB against creatures you're climbing.


How late does the Goliath Druid have to wait before using wild shape as Giant form ?

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
nighttree wrote:
How late does the Goliath Druid have to wait before using wild shape as Giant form ?


At 6th level, they can wildshape into a Large humanoid with the Giant subtype as alter self. At level 12, they wildhshape as giant form I. At 14th level, they can go Huge as giant form II.


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I'm not fond of "climbing large creatures" being a Rogue archetype. I feel like that should be something anyone can attempt to do, with specialization through feats and Climb ranks. Why it is only a Rogue can do it is a silly concept to me. I feel like a Fighter should be just as good at that.

Can someone elaborate on the Pernicious Stab feat? Depending on how it is worded, it may actually make poisoner PCs useful, which has me pretty excited.

Half-Orc druid with an Impacting Greataxe wildshaping into a storm giant sized monster? I'm in.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Littimer wrote:
Can someone elaborate on the Pernicious Stab feat? Depending on how it is worded, it may actually make poisoner PCs useful, which has me pretty excited.

If no-one else does so before then, I will when I get home from work.

I thought they had a feat out like that already? Or am I thinking of 3.5?

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Littimer wrote:
Can someone elaborate on the Pernicious Stab feat? Depending on how it is worded, it may actually make poisoner PCs useful, which has me pretty excited.


Requires Sneak Attack +2d6. For every 2d6 of Sneak Attack damage you forgo, you get +1 to the poison's save DC.


Skeld wrote:
Littimer wrote:
Can someone elaborate on the Pernicious Stab feat? Depending on how it is worded, it may actually make poisoner PCs useful, which has me pretty excited.

** spoiler omitted **


Thank you very much.


Skeld wrote:
Impact Gauntlets - grants the wearer the rockcatching monster ability for Small, Medium, and Large rocks. A cumquat rock is shrunk and absorbed by the gauntlets. It implies you can catch 1/round.

The gauntlets were intended to basically give their wearer rock catching, and rock catching only works once per round. If the wearer already have rock catching, it can use rock catching twice per round instead.
Dark Archive


it has "Craft Magic Arms and Armor" but it isn't a weapon nor armor it's a piece of ribbon you tie to a weapon.

sounds more like a wondrous item to me

Skeld/Irnk - either of you be able to shed more light on the Campaign Traits and other new traits presented? I'm a lover o' all things trait so this has peaked my interest.

Cheers ahead of time

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

So...with the Titan Fighter figher, the Titan Mauler barbarian, the Giant Blood trait and the half-giant race (from Dreamscared), you could make a character that dual-wields huge great-swords.

Yes please! :D

Hell, you could make an interesting class with the Tiefling with the oversized arms trait plus the Titan Fighter then the Titan Mauler, tho I have yet to see what the titan fighter actually does.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Any chance we could see what Effortless Lace is?

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Black Dow wrote:

Skeld/Irnk - either of you be able to shed more light on the Campaign Traits and other new traits presented? I'm a lover o' all things trait so this has peaked my interest.

Cheers ahead of time

That's a bunch o' typing. I'll give you a real short synopsis of each one.


Artifact Hunter - +1 to Spellcraft checks to identify magic items and +1 to UMD checks (one of these skills becomes a class skill for you). >50% chance to recognize an Artifact by name the first time you encounter it.
Dragonfoe - +1 dodge bonus to AC vs. dragons. +2 to Reflex vs. breath weapons.
Dwarf-Trained - +2 dodge bonus to AC vs. Giants. +1 to attacks against Orcs.
Giant-Blooded - Take half the normal penalty for wielding an oversized weapon. +2 to CMD vs. Awesome Blow.
Giantslayer Scion - No penalty on Intimidate checks vs. Giants. +1 to the DC of any fear-based effect used against Giants.
Orphaned by Giants - +1 on attacks against Giants. +2 to crit confirmation rolls against Giants.
Roll With It - +1 to reflex saves. 1/day, when a Giant confirms a crit against you, you take normal damage as though the crit didn't confirm.
Student of Giantkind - +1 to Diplomacy vs. Giants. +1 to Knowledge (local) regarding Giants. One of these skills becomes a class skill.
Trunau Native - You were born in the town of Trunau. You start play with a hopeknife (masterwork dagger). +1 to Will saves.
Vexing Defender - +1 to Acrobatics. Acrobatics is a class skill for you. +4 to Acrobatics checks made to move through an enemy's space provided the enemy is larger than you.
Chilled by Brutality - +2 to crit confirmation rolls vs. Giants. +2 to saves vs. fear.
Enchanted by Giants - +1 to Survival and Spellcraft checks.
Giant Ambivalence - +1 to Initiative checks. +1 to sense Motive checks. +2 to Perception to avoid surprise.
Giant Dodger - +3 to Acrobatics to when moving from a threatened space.
Giant Investigator - +2 bonus to retry a failed Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (religion) check after 24 hours.
Giant-Harried - +1 to CMB and +1 to CMD vs creatures larger than you.
Scrambling Servant - +1 to Climb checks. Retain your Dex to AC while climbing.


Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Xethik wrote:
Any chance we could see what Effortless Lace is?


It lowers the penalty for wielding an oversized weapon by 2. If the weapon is right-sized for the user, the user gets to treat it as a light melee weapon.


Skeld wrote:
Black Dow wrote:

Skeld/Irnk - either of you be able to shed more light on the Campaign Traits and other new traits presented? I'm a lover o' all things trait so this has peaked my interest.

Cheers ahead of time

That's a bunch o' typing. I'll give you a real short synopsis of each one.

** spoiler omitted **...

Was indeed (even with the abridged versions lol) - many thanks for the effort.


Skeld wrote:
Xethik wrote:
Any chance we could see what Effortless Lace is?

** spoiler omitted **


Aw man, Titan Mauler Barbarian wielding a heavy shield and a greatsword got a little better I think.

I still wish that the Titan Mauler's abilities worked together better, for thematic purposes... I'd be OK with a fighter being able to wield big things with more skill, but I don't like a barbarian not being able to use things as big as a fighter at all.

Are there any new class options in this beyond archetypes, feats, and spells, such as oracle mysteries, bloodrager bloodlines, bard masterpieces, rogue talents, and other such? And if so, what are they, and for what classes? I imagine there probably isn't a giant (titan?) bloodrager bloodline, but I can dream...

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Luthorne wrote:
Are there any new class options in this beyond archetypes, feats, and spells, such as oracle mysteries, bloodrager bloodlines, bard masterpieces, rogue talents, and other such? And if so, what are they, and for what classes? I imagine there probably isn't a giant (titan?) bloodrager bloodline, but I can dream...

Nope, no mysteries, bloodlines, masterpieces, or Rogue talents that I could find.


Woah Effortless Lace does what!? Wow

I got a buddy with a Barbarian/Fighter that dual wields two Mercurial Greatswords that'll be happy at that.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Barachiel Shina wrote:

Woah Effortless Lace does what!? Wow

I got a buddy with a Barbarian/Fighter that dual wields two Mercurial Greatswords that'll be happy at that.

The Effortless Lace can only be applied to one-handed piercing and slashing weapons.

You could, however, wrap the lace around a katana and use it with Weapon Finesse without needing Slashing Grace. Or you could wrap the lace around a rapier to use said rapier with Piranha Attack.

What's the price (range) on the Effortless Lace?

Dark Archive

Surprised that nobody has mentioned the Sarissa yet.

This spearlike weapon is about 15 feet long. Its unwieldy length is counterbalanced by a heavy brass base. A sarissa provides extended reach—tripling your reach rather than doubling it. A Medium wielder would threaten spaces 10 to 15 feet away, but not adjacent squares or squares 5 to 10 feet away (as with a typical reach weapon). Because of its great
length and weight, a sarissa can be used to attack foes in only one direction each round. You must select a cone each round before you make any attacks with the sarissa. The weapon threatens only foes within this cone and within its extended reach. You can’t change the area you threaten with the sarissa until your next turn. While you carry the sarissa pointed upward (typical for overland movement), you threaten only
squares in the sarissa’s reach in a cone pointed upward.

Although I'm wondering how this weapon will interact with something like Whirlwind attack. Whirlwind attack does only specify all opponents within reach (and not threatened squares), so I think it could work.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
deuxhero wrote:
What's the price (range) on the Effortless Lace?


2500gp and it permanently bonds to the item.


Criik wrote:

Surprised that nobody hamentioned the Sarissa yet.

** spoiler omitted **

Although I'm wondering how this weapon will interact with something like Whirlwind attack. Whirlwind attack does only specify all opponents within reach (and not threatened squares), so I think it could work.

That's pretty freaking awesome honestly. I do a lot of reach builds when I play melee types, so this will be on my wish-list for some of them. Thanks for the info.

Price is good. I was expecting some hideous 5 digit cost that made it unusable. That's low enough to make builds focused on it.

Is the Sarissa martial or exotic? Does the Sarissa have weapon groups listed? A lot of non-core weapons forget to (though this one is pretty obvious)

I love the slayer books! These are always insta-buy products for me!

Dark Archive

deuxhero wrote:

Price is good. I was expecting some hideous 5 digit cost that made it unusable. That's low enough to make builds focused on it.

Is the Sarissa martial or exotic? Does the Sarissa have weapon groups listed? A lot of non-core weapons forget to (though this one is pretty obvious)

It's Martial. It does not list the weapon group, but I would put it whatever weapon group Long Spears would go into. There is a typo in the book however for the weapon listings. It goes Name, Price, Dmg (M), Dmg (S), etc, etc. And unless the Damage for a small weapon of all of these new weapons is more than Medium, they accidentally swapped the M and S. E.g. Sarissa lists Dmg (M) as 1d6, Dmg (S) as 1d8. Flask Pike Dmg (M) as 1d6, Dmg (S) as 1d8.

Yeah, the weapon group is clear but it's always annoying when they forget it.

As a martial weapon I'd definitely give it more attention than an exotic, and it's definitely something a group of NPCs could use to good effect.

Whoa that effortless lace sounds incredible. I hope it'll be PFS legal as that would open up a bunch of finesse-build options.

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