![]() Just played the quests last night with a 14 Str, 14 Dex, 12 Int, 14 Cha Solarian. Using a taclash, I provided about as good of battlefield control as to be expected at level 1. Between normal attacks, readied attacks and attacks of opportunity, he was able to take down every attacker pretty much before they got to him. I think he only missed on two attacks and hit at least five (he downed five enemies). Also, since the Quests goes into starship combat, he actually had a use in starships. As Captain, he succeeded in two of three attempts to taunt the enemy (giving them -2 on piloting and science checks for 1d4 rounds). Poor rolls meant that he didn't whip his crew to the +4, but he could assist the gunners on a 7+ as Captain. He also jumped into a gunners seat after about the 6th round of space combat to act as another gunner (he was better than one of our gunners who only had a +2 as a strength based soldier). All in all, he had a very successful outing. His diplomacy and intimidate were also useful in the social interactions between the combats, especially as there was no other face type character (since I foresee only envoys or other solarian having a positive charisma modifier). ![]()
![]() Page 84 wrote: If your connection lists a single variable-level spell (see page 330) for all spell levels at the start of its spells entry, you gain that variable-level spell when you first get your connection spell for each level. The next time you gain a connection spell, add the next higher level of the variable-level spell to your list of spells known. You immediately lose the lower-level version of that variable-level spell and replace it with the listed connection spell for that lower level So, when you hit 4th level, you get 2nd level mind thrust, and instead of having 1st level mind thrust, you get lesser confusion, etc. I just had to look this up last night because I was confused. ![]()
![]() Colette Brunel wrote:
What are revelations if not utilities? As many people have pointed out to you in these threads, the solarian is not designed to be the DPR king of a 1 on 1. They are designed for combat utility and battlefield control. ![]()
![]() Put that encounter on a 20'x20' floating platform over a large fall. 14/14/14 solarian with Gravity Hold will save or suck on round 3 for a win 50% of the time (DC 14 vs +4 fort save) to push him over the edge and drop him. The 50% of the time that that fails, as long as he's not dead by round 3, move to the edge, move action to jump off, standard to Black Hole the soldier to him resulting in soldier falling. Next round, standard action to Gravity Hold himself and float himself down. Besides, does your spreadsheet take into things like the Solarian supernovaing every 3 rounds for 4d6 (DC 14 vs +3 reflex save)? EDIT: Missed that it was the pregens and not just a level 4 solarian vs a level 4 soldier. So the Gravity Hold argument doesn't stick. It's still something that an easily created battlefield control build would have though. ![]()
![]() Luke Spencer wrote: Well either a player might not want/be allowed to multiclass or it just might not fit the story the player wanted the character to have. For example the player might want their character to have always had his solar manifestation rather than have it mysteriously appear at 2nd level. Obviously if the character doesn't start at 1st level that's a different story but if you're playing a published adventure it's not necessarily an option you have. Careful, you might get your role-playing in my RPG, gawrsh. If it doesn't show up on the DPR olympics, it's invalid obviously. Theorycraft is king, don't you know. ![]()
![]() True. I want it to be better, so I'm hoping. Didn't realize how bad (nasty bad) radiation was until I looked it up. And from what I was just reading, it seems that most monsters won't have stamina points (just hitpoints), so I guess the going to hitpoints isn't as "big of a deal" from an PC class, unless there are going to be a lot of encounters vs classed NPCs, in which case it's almost like a bypass DR typey thing. ![]()
![]() Ludovicus wrote:
Not necessarily that it's a "mistake", but taking that light armor means you get another +1 on your skills from less ACP, 5 more movement speed on a class that is "all about battlefield movement", and a feat that you didn't have to invest in heavy armor prof for the "cost of 1/1 ACs. ![]()
![]() Yeah, don't think it probably is the intention. Especially since it doesn't spell out the type of attribute the poison would affect. Although, there is a section for Radiation in general that describes what Radiation does, and it is a Con poison. I would have thought that if this was their intent, it would just reference Radiation itself instead of describe the actual effects. ![]()
![]() According to the Radiation revelation: Radiation (Su) As a standard action, you can emit an aura of low-level radiation. Creatures within 5 feet of you must succeed at a Fortitude save or be sickened. A sickened creature recovers as soon as it moves out of your aura, and a creature that succeeds at its saving throw is immune to your radiation for 24 hours. This is a poison effect (see page 415). The radiation lasts for 1 round or until you leave photon mode. Poison effects in Starfinder have new functionality compared to Pathfinder and move someone up the poison track with condition modifiers. The level 1 poison effect (weakened) is similar to sickened. Since it says it is a poison effect does it ALSO make a person weakened. And if you keep them in your aura does that poison stack as well. Poison says: Upon initial exposure, regardless of whether she succeeds at her saving throw, the victim loses a number of Hit Points equal to the poison's DC – 10. If a victim is exposed to multiple doses of the same poison, she must attempt a separate save for each dose and progresses to the next state on the poison track with each failed save. Besides moving up the poison track, does the revelation also give hit point (bypass stamina and straight to hit point, ouch) damage as well. This could make Radiation very powerful indeed if one or both of these attributes are true. ![]()
![]() deuxhero wrote:
It's Martial. It does not list the weapon group, but I would put it whatever weapon group Long Spears would go into. There is a typo in the book however for the weapon listings. It goes Name, Price, Dmg (M), Dmg (S), etc, etc. And unless the Damage for a small weapon of all of these new weapons is more than Medium, they accidentally swapped the M and S. E.g. Sarissa lists Dmg (M) as 1d6, Dmg (S) as 1d8. Flask Pike Dmg (M) as 1d6, Dmg (S) as 1d8. ![]()
![]() Surprised that nobody has mentioned the Sarissa yet. Spoiler:
This spearlike weapon is about 15 feet long. Its unwieldy length is counterbalanced by a heavy brass base. A sarissa provides extended reach—tripling your reach rather than doubling it. A Medium wielder would threaten spaces 10 to 15 feet away, but not adjacent squares or squares 5 to 10 feet away (as with a typical reach weapon). Because of its great
length and weight, a sarissa can be used to attack foes in only one direction each round. You must select a cone each round before you make any attacks with the sarissa. The weapon threatens only foes within this cone and within its extended reach. You can’t change the area you threaten with the sarissa until your next turn. While you carry the sarissa pointed upward (typical for overland movement), you threaten only squares in the sarissa’s reach in a cone pointed upward. Although I'm wondering how this weapon will interact with something like Whirlwind attack. Whirlwind attack does only specify all opponents within reach (and not threatened squares), so I think it could work. ![]()
![]() The problem with the cover/concealment thing is that it was at one point the thing that sort of evened the playing field between melee and range. Sure, melee had to move through obstacles, get into the front lines and get less attacks for it. But at least at the time not being able to AoO, dealing with concealment/cover, DR. Oh, but now they can negate all of that (snapshot, seeking, clustered shot). And then add on the other goodies such as the completely negligible Adaptive enchant. Being able to pre-blanch 10 attacks worth of special materials versus 1 attack of melee (and if you attack someone else before the one you want, too bad). Being able to have quivers full of "bane x"/etc to rival and destroy any golfbag of tricks that meleers might have. Being able to more cheaply stack enchantments (stack +s on bow and on arrows). Oh, and my favorite is also launching like 6 arrows in a 360 degree arc at long distance and at different targets in 6 seconds with no penalty. I personally think that there needs to at a minimum be an "arc of fire" that multiple targets can come from. Not 360. ![]()
![]() Mergy wrote:
Lore? Who cares about Lore when you can have more murder hobo-ness. </snark> Sorry, this mostly just comes from my disgust at archers/ranged in general in PFS because every archer I've seen has been min/maxed to hell with no out of combat usefulness. ZAs and Gunslingers just usually take the cake because of how mono-statted they can be, that's all they ever focus on. I've learned over my time with PFS that the stuff isn't that hard that you need the most optimized character you can have. And on top of that, I have found more times than not that bringing the most optimized character to the table generally leads to a boring time for the rest of the party. Just personal opinions though. Sidenote: I'm assuming you have some GM credit if you're starting at level 2 in PFS. ![]()
![]() I absolutely hate the power creep that archery has become. My Eyes of the Ten outing went horribly due to it. Spoiler:
Here I was, looking for a challenging adventure since it's a capstone and all. Was happy when I saw the GM put out lots of minis. Ooh, this will be fun. As the archer took out 4-6 targets every round, it became much less fun. Even with my flying pouncing alchemist, I could only take out 1 target a round. The absolute worst was when the archer went charging after the noise (when the sword was being taken). He opened the door where there were 6 archers w/ readied actions to shoot him. Improved snapshot meant that he took 6 AoOs (one on each of them), and killed 4 of them before they even got their shots off.
I spent a bunch of prestige retraining my alchemist into Beastmorph in order to get pounce finally at like level 10. But Pounce is still nowhere near as good as archery is in the scenarios. You can still only hit like 1-3 targets max on a pounce (and only if they're adjacent). Whereas with archers, you can shoot 360 at multiple targets w/ no feat necessary. Granted, I think another reason that archery is so powerful is because one of its counters (cover) is often overlooked in the cases of dim light. And then you also have the exploit that I have seen people use with mirror image/seeking (and to some degree, seeking in general). All in all, I don't think that Pounce (or pummeling charge in this case) should be banned when it is only somewhat putting melee on par with ranged. ![]()
![]() Zedorland wrote:
As a melee fighter, Wings is an awesome discovery. Tons of mobility, increased speed. After level 5ish, you start to fight more and more flying things and not being able to reach them sucks hard. Spontaneous healing is also great for 2 reasons. If you're in the thick of things, it might be dangerous for your healer to get to you. But even more important is the fact that it automatically kicks in if you get knocked out for instant stabilization. Enhance potion gets real handy post level 5 for a lot of those level 1 potions. 50g for 5 rounds of vanish, growing shield of faith, etc. Infusion if you want to be less selfish (I wasn't) can give the shield extract to others. Preserve organs is fortification (25% to negate crit). You can take it 3 times to get it up to 75%. My problem wasn't finding discoveries I wanted, it was that there were too many that I wanted. I also love smoke bomb. Shut down those archers/casters. ![]()
![]() I had started out my alchemist with the plan to be mostly zone denial with the dorn dergar (and the feats to make it easier to "choke up"). He was created way back during the playtest of the APG, and evolved over time as new feats came out, and as I played him. After Ultimate Combat came out, I dropped prestige to retrain him (PFS) to gain the Beastmorph archetype. I don't have a statblock available to me at the moment for him but I think he was something like:
Traits: Accelerated Drinker, Indomitable Faith, Clever Wordplay (Intimidate), Pragmatic Activator
Mutagen lasts 110 minutes, also 2 chymist morphs of 110 minutes each, so pretty much permanent mutagenic form. Alchemically allocate the GMF as needed. Ablative Barrier lasts all day (11 hours), while Barkskin, Resinous Skin and Heroism last 110 minutes (usually enough for PFS scenarios). Use Enhance potion for +4 Shield of Faith and plenty of rounds of Chill Touch. AC when fully self-buffed: 39: 10 + 11 (Armor) + 2 (Dex) + 4 (Shield) + 4 (Shield of Faith) + 4 (Mutagen Natural Armor) + 4 (Barkskin), 37 when enlarged.
I know he wasn't as fully optimized as I could have made him, but I really like him. Especially when I retrained into beastmorph and got the pounce/grab/trip on the four natural attacks. ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote: Correct; robots aren't objects and thus take full damage from energy attacks. Their hardness reduces damage done by 10 (or whatever), regardless of if it's energy damage or force damage or slashing/piercing/bludgeoning damage or whatever. That's why it's not DR (which doesn't touch energy damage) or energy resistance (which doesn't touch slashing/bludgeoning/piercing damage). Necroing this thread a little bit, but I just want to get one clarification. The Dwarf FCB for Brawler/Monk states "Reduce the hardness of any object made from clay, stone, or metal by 1 whenever the object is struck by the brawler’s unarmed strike (minimum 0)." Will this or will this not work against a robot to reduce their hardness? ![]()
![]() Bandw2 wrote:
The reason that low int gets a bad rap whereas low physical skills do not is because you don't have to RP the physical skills. I can be a weakling and have my character lift a 500 pound boulder. I could also be a weight lifter yet play a character that can't hold a backpack. However, it is difficult to "roll play" intelligence. For example, I am a fan of logic puzzles and me (as a person) can figure out logic traps and puzzles. However, my very low intelligent character should not necessarily be able to figure those out. If you (the player) can lift a 200 pound weight, does your GM make your 4 strength weakling make a roll to see if your character can lift the same weight? If you (the player) know the answer to a puzzle/riddle, does your GM makes your 4 int dummy make a roll to see if he knows it? ![]()
![]() The latest Pathfinder Companion book that just shipped (People of the River) has a new Dueling feat:
People of the River wrote:
Now for PFS, this won't work as the Dueling Rules from Ultimate Combat are outlawed. But if you're in a home game, this could possibly work. ![]()
![]() Yeah, I don't know why so many people have such issues with non-lethal damage. I use it with my Intimidate Hellknight and people get it wrong all of the time. I don't know how many times I've had to explain that "they're passed out but they're not bleeding. They still have 20 hitpoints." I try to bring in the board/card game Red Dragon Inn as an example if they've heard of it. Nonlethal is alcohol, lethal is blood. If they cross, they pass out, but they're not dying. Underused rule: Lighting (and cover associated with it). In PFS in particular, it doesn't help that many of the scenarios don't spell out what the light levels are for given rooms. I think that they should add a little section to rooms that just has a quick "box score" giving the light levels of areas. Especially if darkness/deeper darkness is going to be coming in to play. Since it doesn't "set" the light level, it merely shifts the current level. Related rule is distance/light adjustments to stealth/perception checks. So many times, people just make a straight up opposing roll. ![]()
![]() Tony Harding wrote:
You could also use Patient Strike. The "problem" is that the GM is making decisions on who to attack. And herein lies some of the difference between GMs and good GMs. Good GMs will think about what the creatures themselves would do in the situation, e.g. unintelligent beasts biting into the exposed flesh of the unarmored but turning to defend if someone gets into their face, undead attacking the nearest target unless commanded to do otherwise. With a GM who is using this type of philosophy, you can utilize tactics like getting in creature's faces, delaying to be the "last one to hit it" or even stuff like glammered armor/disguise/illusion to make it seem like you're a squishy and that the caster is the tin can. ![]()
![]() While it doesn't specify the limits of a condition, it sort of implies a single condition/action clause. However, I think it would be perfectly logical and should be acceptable (imo) to allow an if/else clause for a readied action. I think one reason that players don't use readying that often (at least in my area) is that they have encountered GMs who metagame. "I ready an action to attack any creature that comes near me," is one way to pretty much ensure that no creatures will get to your threatened areas that turn because for some reason they just decided to do something else. I mean, readying an action is essentially preparing yourself to react to a certain situation. For say a caster, I would think an acceptable readying of "If the monster is moving towards me, I cast grease on the square 10' in front of me when he reaches it. Else, if he looks like he is moving to attack the fighter, I cast magic missile at him." In this situation, the character is setting his condition on a similar switch (the movement of the creature), but his response is different. Have you ever done this or had a player try this? As a GM, I would definitely allow something like this to occur. The multiple cases of the "switch" statement would need to have the same base and unfortunately would still need to be subjective but I think it would more accurately represent what a person can react to if this were happening "in real time". ![]()
![]() Under A Bleeding Sun wrote:
I doubt that the archetype is even going to be allowed in PFS. But this is due to the Role Dealer ability (which requires drawing cards from a Harrow Deck). This is based on the fact that they don't allow the Harrower prestige class nor the Harrowing spell out of Inner Sea World Guide. That's my opinion, although I think they should allow it but just give back the arcana slot instead of getting Role Dealer. Regarding Harrowed Spellstrike, it would be nice if it was changed to allow you to use x number of charges spread in the next x attacks. Like if you use Frostbite and get 4 "touches", it activates on the next 4 thrown weapons. On that subject though, it the item does get infused with a multi-touch spell (like Frostbite), can you hit with THAT weapon multiple times until the charges are depleted (e.g. returning thrown weapon)? ![]()
![]() So while it is not fully relevant, I played a dwarf melee-based alchemist up through level 13 (so far) in PFS. I also have a non-dwarf Invulnerable Rager Barbarian in a home campaign. The alchemist started with using the Dorn-dergar, and even still carried it around (threaten reach, but then close to melee for natural attacks). You could go even go with a stat block of 17 Str, 14 Dex, 16 Con, 13 Int, 10 Wis, 5 Cha. This would give you 5 skill points/level. Perception, Acrobatics, K(Nature), Intimidate, Swim/Climb/etc. Some notes for some of these skills: Being a dwarf, you are not slowed down by load or armor. This allows you to still "tumble" using Acrobatics through threatened squares. Also, mithril breastplate is considered light armor (for all but proficiency), so you can still use Acrobatics with this. There is a trait called Clever Wordplay (from PFS Primer) that allows you to choose one Cha-based skill and use your Int instead of your Cha. Intimidate suddenly goes from a -3 to a +1 (4 point shift). With Cornugan Smash, this gives you a free Intimidate check to demoralize when you hit with a Power Attack. There is also a Pragmatic Activator trait that allows you to use Int for UMD instead of Cha (my alchemist had UMD as a class skill). I actually took Extra Traits on that character to effectively give him a +7 boost in Intimidate and UMD (he has an 18 Int due to Headband of Int +4(Intimidate/UMD)). Having 13 Int also allows for Combat Expertise. This not only allows you to help with your AC if need be, but also unlock all of the Improved "Combat Manuever" feats. Improved/Greater Trip is always a nice reach weapon combination. As someone moves toward you, use your AoO to trip them at the 10' mark, and then Greater Trip gives you another free swing to hit them while they are on the ground (and at a -4 AC). If they are on their 2nd action, they are stuck. If they stand, you get another AoO (Combat Reflexes) and smash them again as they stand. Now they are hit twice and still 10' away. If they are still alive you can full attack and then 5' away to make them have to move 10' to get near you again. Granted, they probably wouldn't even be alive at this point, but still. Or, if combat maneuvers isn't your thing, Combat Expertise is a pre-req for a bunch of other neat feats. If you want to be even tankier, Combat Expertise can be combined with Stalwart to build up your DR. If you are with melees pretty often, Gang Up gives you flanking as long as two other people are threatening the target. Unless I'm missing something, I don't see how you plan on Rage Cycling (you mention it in your post). I know two of the common ways are Roused Anger or a dip in a lame Oracle. If you go the Roused Anger route, a 2 level dip in the prestige class Horizon Walker gives you immunity to exhaustion and makes you fatigued instead of exhausted. Combined with Roused Anger, this gives you unlimited Rage Cycling. You could also just take a 3 level dip to be immune to fatigue completely. This is useful for the 1/rage powers as well as being able to drop out of rage during a round in order for your party to hit you with heal spells without you having to save against them due to Superstition. Another neat trick is the Ablative Barrier spell. A scroll of it would cost 375g and it turns 5 damage into nonlethal damage (up to 25 damage with a scroll). Your DR works double duty against nonlethal, so it is a way to increase your effective DR (until you hit level 10 barb that is). ![]()
![]() My PFS dwarf melee alchemist (fighter 1/alchemist x) was regularly in the 30s to 40s by level 11-13 w/ other mitigations as well. This wasn't even spending a ton of effort on his defenses, but utilizing his extracts and class abilities (enhance potion). In the few occasions where he could not get his 10 min/level extracts off, then he had much less defenses but most of his buffs would last a full scenario. I couldn't go AoNA due to needing AoMF. Easy ways that I could have increased my AC would have been getting a magical shield to hold w/ the tentacle. Or ring of protection. While I had enough AC for most of the stuff that the scenarios threw my way, I also made use of other mitigation strategies. I had smoke bombs for concealment. Wings for positioning. Enlarge person for reach w/ combat reflexes (and being a beastmorph I also had grab/trip on my natural attacks). Cornugan Smash and a 23+ intimidate bonus for an effective +2 AC against many targets. He regularly has the barkskin and mutagen bonuses up since they are in the 10 min/level ranges. With Accelerated Drinker and a Tentacle carrying the potion, I can pop shield extract + shield of faith potion in first round. Also have Veil of Heaven potion for another +2 against evil outsiders if necessary. The Ablative Barrier and Resinous Skin are more 10 min/level extracts that are usually always on. Base 10
Other Mitigation:
Situational Mitigation:
![]() This was the first real scenario for my son. He went through Kid's Track a few weeks ago and had been wanting to play something real. I had prepped it myself to run a second table at our FLGS, but due to a number of people calling out sick, we ended with only one table, so I got to play. This being his first time playing (and being 9 years old), I was helping to give him some general "good advice" tips (which I knew might come up during this encounter). Things like:
Even before prepping for this though, I ensured that his character had a number of "contingency" items. Things that I usually have loaded up on strength characters (he's going to be a dual wielding jotungripper). Alchemist fires, collapsible planks, rope + pitons + grappling hook. I was hoping that the GM would allow him to use the 10' planks for the 10' pit, but he said it was just a little too long of a gap to cover. I did indeed like that this scenario touches on some of the fundamentals that many people forget or don't use. And I hope that the "random encounter table" takes off and gets used a few more times in various scenarios. ![]()
![]() The only problem with admixture vial is its 1/day use. My same issue with Sipping Jacket (which is still good though), and gloves of poisoning. On that topic, the Sipping Jacket and Gloves of Poisoning are good. Especially if you can brew your own potions (my alchemist is in PFS so can't brew his own). But potions like haste, righteous vigor, displacement can be effective in the jacket. If you take infusion, you can use them in the gloves to buff as well. ![]()
![]() NoncompliAut wrote:
This trait in addition to Clever Wordplay made me actually take Extra Traits. Went from a -3 in UMD and Intimidate to a +4. 7 points swing in 2 skills. Great use of a feat in my opinion. It made my Cornugan Smash much more worth it, as well as pumped my UMD up high enough that I started buying scrolls to UMD without much fear as well as being able to use wands in combat if necessary (+19 UMD now). You could also use Clever Wordplay for Diplomacy to become a face. ![]()
![]() I was at this game and was arguing that BoL should indeed have worked. I would probably even rule that his hitpoints was still at the 53. Since the death from the CDG is merely his heart shutting down due to the shock of huge heavy hit, but the rest of his body was not devastated beyond repair. The BoL throws life back into a body, and if that body can still support life (positive hit points) they continue living, *clear*. In my opinion, it is essentially the shock paddles with some healing tossed in. Now the other questions that was raised during that was regarding the buffering cap and aegis of recovery. For the cap, can it convert the "critical" damage of the CDG into non lethal damage? And if so, is the save dc the combined damage or only the lethal damage component? This would also make a big difference if the hitpoints is not reset to neg con upon death. For the aegis, IF his hitpoints do go to negative con due to the death, does it go off and essentially get wasted since he is dead regardless, just at 2d8+3 more than con? ![]()
![]() Yes, it doesn't give you a negative, but the negative is only -2 to a stat, for 20k gold. I can get the same "effective" adjustment for a +2 headband. That is, let's say my relevant stats are 16 str, 16 int.
The net result is the same stats with mutagen. But without mutagen, I also get 1 more spell per day, 1 free maxed out skill. And I end up spending 4k instead of 20k. Extrapolating further, I can spend 12k more (still less than 20k), and have:
This is even better than using the vest and you have 4k more. Even now, going up to the +6 headband. It costs me 20k more to upgrade from +4 to +6 (we are now dropping the same amount of money than the vest). This gives me:
With +4 headband and vest I have
So even here, for the same amount of investment the headband STILL wins out because it gives +2 when not under mutagen (another spell per day) AND it gives another free maxed skill. It's only after the +6 that I see the use for the vest (or after you get the greater/grand mutagen). But even with greater mutagen, it is still 20k for the vest and only 16k for a +2/+2 headband (to counteract the 2 minuses). So I guess it is a level 12+ item. I hope that the calculations spam was readable. I have just been wanting to like the item and haven't yet come to the situation. My PFS alchemist is now in Eyes of the Ten (level 12), but only 11 levels in alchemist (1 in fighter). So I have another level before I can even get Greater Mutagen. And even then, with my build I don't use bombs much so the +1 dmg/DC isn't that big of a deal. ![]()
![]() Goz Mask from Inner Sea World Guide. 8k to see through the mist. It takes the head slot so it messes with a few other decent items (Buffer Cap, Jingasa, Circlet of Persuasion, Mammoth Cap). Now that my natural attack alchemist can get Monstrous Physique II, I have been thinking of replacing my Mammoth Cap with this so I can make better use of my smoke bombs w/o penalty. ![]()
![]() I just picked up the sipping vest for my alchemist recently. I have yet to utilize it though. I'm not sure if/how it can be used with the Enhance potion ability though. I saw good things about using it with Rigtheous Vigor, but I'm not 100% sure how it should REALLY work with that. You can also toss in potions of haste and use it like boots of haste (freeing that slot for Feather Step boots or something). My alchemist is a melee alchemist w/ the Wings discovery. So I am currently using Boots of the Cat. This allows for interesting dive bomb tactics where I just drop out of the air into their face, take minimum damage, land on my feet and attack (RAW I should be able to full round attack as "falling does not count towards a character's movement", but YMMV for GM rulings). If you have access to stuff from APs, Stunstone is nice. Gives you faerie fire in a 10' radius (no save). Good for those stealth/invis targets. Should also be useful against swarms, as I think it can stun them. If you pick up Enhance Potion as a discovery, there are a lot of good cheap level 1 potions that you can pop. Shield of Faith, Bristle, Chill Touch, Frostbite, Vanish. Not magical, but all of the one off alchemical mundane items for those emergency situations. (If you are playing PFS, you are one of the only classes that can "craft" and get 1/3 off the price). So stuff like antiplague, antitoxin, smelling salts, stillgut, twitch tonic. I've never really seen the Vest of Stable Mutation as that great. 20k for essentially +2 int (in my case). I can get the +4 headband for 16k (and the +6 for 20k more). I guess after you have the +6 and want more, or if there is something else in your headband slot that you want (I can't think of anything offhand unless you're going with a wisdom for Will saves). Is there is something I'm missing that makes it worth the cost? ![]()
![]() I like obscuring mist, but most parties I have been with do not know how to properly deal with or utilize it. I have however talked our GM into letting me homebrew the spell so that instead of 20', it only effects adjacent squares yet moves with me. The prime reason that my character had grabbed obscuring mist is because he has a vendetta against casters, so has tried to discover techniques to combat them. And making it so that they cannot target him with their spells (except AoEs) is pretty efficient. A question that I have in general about obscuring mist and other such total concealment things is this though. Archers can get an enchantment called "Seeking" that allows them to ignore concealment miss change as long as they can target the proper square. Now when a mist, etc goes up, the GM doesn't normally pull the enemies from the board (especially if there is someone in melee from them). How do you deal with the archer "really" being able to select the proper square without them metagaming it? Is another player acting as "spotter" really accurate enough to pinpoint a 5' target (especially when you can't see the spotter to begin with? If the archer has status up, that gives them the relative position of their allies, so I would say that could help enough for the spotter to say, attack 5' in front of me. But is it too much metagaming and too easy of a way to shut down one of the few real defenses against higher level archers who rain 200+ dpr down and aren't effected by concealment (improved precise + seeking). ![]()
![]() Cevah wrote:
The rules say: Becoming Even More Fearful: Fear effects are cumulative. A shaken character who is made shaken again becomes frightened, and a shaken character who is made frightened becomes panicked instead. A frightened character who is made shaken or frightened becomes panicked instead. Demoralize is the only one that I know of that has a specific caveat to NOT stack fear. So that is why I am pretty sure that the fear stacking should work in this case. ![]()
![]() Looking at the new Pathfinder Player Companion book, Blood of the Moon. There is a new major hex called Delicious Fright.
Blood of the Moon wrote: Delicious Fright: The witch can feed on the fear of her victim. The target of this hex becomes shaken for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. As long as the witch remains within 30 feet of her target, she gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and a +1 morale bonus on saving throws as long as this effect persists. A successful Will save reduces the duration of this hex to 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. I assume that this follows normal fear stacking rules (instead of the demoralize non-stacking). Since it doesn't state that it is a 1/day/target hex, I assume that you can hit the same creature with it on subsequent rounds. Or even do a demoralize to make them shaken, and then hex to make them frightened (and then even hex again to up it to panicked). I saw another thread asking about whether it is cackle-able. I hope that they rule that it is. ![]()
![]() TriOmegaZero wrote: Hmm, most recently, they fact that a character killed by horrid wilting needs a resurrection instead of a raise dead. Before that, well, I've been GMing more than playing so it's a little hazy. Ouch. I did not realize that either, but it makes a certain scenario that much worse. Guess I'm glad that I didn't get around to killing my players with that ability (they died to other stuff first). ![]()
![]() There is actually an additional caveat. While you "can" play it for no-credit a second time, according to the rules, this is ONLY supposed to be done in order to allow a table to make (i.e. there are only 3 players). If there are 4+ players, you cannot replay it for no-credit according to the Rules for Organized Play (p.18)
Rules for Organized Play wrote: You may only replay a scenario in order to follow the “Play, Play, Play” rule to make sure a legal table happens. This means that if you previously played a scenario but the only way to make a legal four-person table is for you to replay it again, relay is now allowed. From another perspective, if three of the four players have already played a scenario but the forth player has not, the three players may elect to replay the scenario to ensure the fourth is part of a legal table. You may not replay a scenario just for the fun of it.
![]() Bark skin is bettr to just drink as yor extract, as it's the same level. Greater magic fang potion, strong jaw (the one potion that can be bought from ranger, Mike Brock gave it an exclusion as it is a level four and thus unpotionable as a Druid spell). I get my flight from wings. Magic circle of protection spells are nice to AA. |