Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins (PFRPG)

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Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins (PFRPG)
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Unlock your character’s potential and become a master of the hybrid classes with Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins! Featuring never-before-seen rules options for the 10 new classes from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide, this volume is the ultimate companion for bringing your hybrid class adventurer into the Pathfinder campaign setting. Whether your character is one of Geb’s enigmatic Twilight Sage arcanists, an investigator trained at Lepidstadt Academy in gothic Ustalav, or a scimitar-wielding swashbuckler dervish from Qadira, Advanced Class Origins makes sure her connection to Golarion is as powerful as her unique new skills and abilities.

Inside this book, you’ll find:

  • New archetypes and character options that integrate each of the 10 classes detailed in the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide into the world of Golarion.
  • Details on homelands, organizations, and institutions around the Inner Sea region to inform the background of your hybrid class adventurer.
  • New traits to represent skills your adventurer acquired from locales such as the demon-plagued Tanglebriar, war-torn Nirmathas, and the deep vastness of the Mwangi Jungle.
  • Tips and advice on how to use the new hybrid classes to qualify for prestige classes and weave a path of renown through the legends and myths of the Inner Sea.
  • New feats, spells, and items to augment the hexing powers of shamans and witches, empower animal companions with acidic bites, and much more!

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

Written by Dennis Baker, Ross Byers, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen Stephens.
Cover Art by Igor Grechanyi.

Each monthly 32-page Pathfinder Player Companion contains several player-focused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short articles with innovative new rules for all types of characters, as well as traits to better anchor the player to the campaign.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-689-8

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

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3.00/5 (based on 7 ratings)

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More stuff, but not all stuff I care about


Advanced Class Guide Origins is more material for the new classes from the Advanced Class Guide, but with more Golarion fluff mixed in. I was sad to see that their expansion of the Slayer didn't include more talents, and there wasn't a lot here I cared about. Their Osirion themed Hunter archetype traded away the base Focuses for desert focuses, but unless you're trying to build something really specific these seem almost universally weaker. While there was some cool stuff sprinkled throughout and they provided some guidance on where everything fits in the Golarion world, nothing here really excited me.

Origins probably isn't the right word, but it does sound cool.


The book is, in a nutshell, a short extensions of the ever-amazing Advanced Class Guide.

It has a few extra hybrid class options (like Investigator Talents), an extra archetype per hybrid class, feats, spell options from other sources for the hybrid classes, a bit more magic gear and a table for hybrid class pre-requisites for existing prestige classes (from the CRB and Paths of Prestige).

Noteworthy, it strangely doesn't include the extra retraining options for the hybrid classes mentioned in an earlier blog post (like how the Shaman can use the Druid's retraining options). Probably a page count omission.

For the price, you get what you pay for. It's not terribly useful for the most part, but probably still worth grabbing if you liked the ACG and need that little bit extra.

Sprinkled with goodstuff, some gaps


The book 5/5 aces its objective, which is adding context to the ACG classes and framing them to the world of Golarion. The fact that the Greenskin Stalkers exist made me add one more star to this review which would have been otherwise a 3.

The issues I have with this book are exclusively on the playing material. I feel a great part of the archetypes were done with "lose the general bonus, gain a higher bonus against a specific foe" mindset, which I honestly can't get behind of.
The ACG classes are really new and what they need is something to benefit every possible playstyle.

However, the score is still high because some times, Paizo shows they know how they can be done. The Sczarni Executioner is a great implementation of a specific specialization that still shows some local flavor. There's the whole issue with Intelligence being too low for Slayers for Assassinate to ever work, but that's something that the devs should see on their own.

Other great play-style explorations in the book are the Studied Ally talent (which allows for more defensive Slayers, perhaps a Vanguard?), Shackles Corsair archetype (skill-based Swashbuckler), Leipstadt Inspector archetype (Perception-based Investigator), and the Kyton Bloodrager bloodline (based on defense and harrying enemies).

Then there's the let downs. Some classes had glaring issues that did not get patched here.

- Brawlers are a low AC and low mobility class that relies on full-attacks and high Strength. With Pummeling Charge banned on PFS, I expect these vulnerabilities to show themselves more. They can be partially balanced with high Dex, but I see no support for this playstyle (you'd need to make a deep investment into Weapon Finesse and Agile Maneuvers).
- I'm also sad that no Brawler archetype for small races was released.
- Feats seem hastily done and they are really underwhelming. Fencing Grace has a bonus to disarm CMD, but Swashbucklers can't be disarmed. Unfair Grip has Power Attack as a prerequisite, but Unarmed fighters have little incentive to take Power Attack. Know Weakness seems wonky - why does the bonus last for one round?
- There's a new archetype for Swashbucklers which grants Dex-to-damage with any Swashbuckler weapon, so clearly the developers don't think it overpowered... but still, other classes can't do it for some reason.
- I expected to see more rewards for high STR playstyles now that Dex-to-damage is more widespread, but I saw none. Still expecting an Armor Training feat with high STR as prerequisite.
- Another huge issue is the lack of anything to reduce the Swift Action glut of Swashbucklers.

Overall, it has some nice archetypes and bloodlines/blessings (I'd expect War Drummer and Winding Path Renegade to be staples of every Skald and Brawler, not because they are great but because they are mostly straight upgrades), some great fluff...
But I feel there's some wasted potential here.

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Silver Crusade

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I really, really, really need this book to expand the Shaman's spell list. I also need the feat section to offer up some feats that actually bloister the new classes and cover obvious gaps in the new ACG, instead of thematic things that are super situational.....extra fervor would be a good start, extra blessings, improved fervor, improved hex, like doubling the teamwork feats offered in the ACG....yeah...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

A negative channeling shaman lord of undead has still to be made, though I find it a must. And a channeling inquisitor too.

Shadow Lodge

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mswbear wrote:
I really, really, really need this book to expand the Shaman's spell list. I also need the feat section to offer up some feats that actually bloister the new classes and cover obvious gaps in the new ACG, instead of thematic things that are super situational.....extra fervor would be a good start, extra blessings, improved fervor, improved hex, like doubling the teamwork feats offered in the ACG....yeah...

I agree. The Warpriest, and divine in general pretty much got gipped I think in the ACG. All but the Teamwork Feats. Please, no more, <ever>.


mswbear wrote:
I really, really, really need this book to expand the Shaman's spell list. I also need the feat section to offer up some feats that actually bloister the new classes and cover obvious gaps in the new ACG, instead of thematic things that are super situational.....extra fervor would be a good start, extra blessings, improved fervor, improved hex, like doubling the teamwork feats offered in the ACG....yeah...

Well, the shaman is keyed off of the witch, and the witch's spellcasting is pretty limited as well. The witch, however, has her patron to add additional spells to her class list. Spirit magic is more like domain spellcasting. From my observations, the limited list is one of the shaman's major balancing factors, considering all of the cool stuff they get from their spirits and hexes.

Still, I would have loved it if the shaman could cast shillelagh.

Shadow Lodge

I want there to be more arcanist and slayer stuff and fluff

I was hoping this book would have favored class bonuses for the rest of the races in the advanced race guide... oh well.

Weird how they chose to make us wait 2 and a half months for this product instead of releasing it either this month alongside ACG or in September. I'd rather they switched September's Player Companion with this one.

Also Champions of Corruption would've fit better in October anyway. Thematically speaking, since it's a book on evil and October has the spooky Halloween stuff going on.

A sword and dagger using swashbuckler or swashbuckler-style archetype is what I want to see.

Shadow Lodge

I like fluff

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Barachiel Shina wrote:
Weird how they chose to make us wait 2 and a half months for this product instead of releasing it either this month alongside ACG or in September. I'd rather they switched September's Player Companion with this one.

Doing it in October meant they had two months with the book locked down, so they could have a decent amount of time to make sure everthing in here worked with the ACG.

Also to give the design team the time to work on it.


Barachiel Shina wrote:
Weird how they chose to make us wait 2 and a half months for this product instead of releasing it either this month alongside ACG or in September. I'd rather they switched September's Player Companion with this one.

August's book was People of the Stars. With the amount of aliens that are apparently in the Iron Gods AP, that is probably more important.

You know I really want to know what they have in store for this one by way of archetypes.
I would love for them to put in a new and improved version of the Aldori Swordlord into it, something that may work with Swashbuckler for instance. God, I love stuff out of Brevoy, but the swordlord is just soo... lackluster at times that it's genuinely disappointing.

I wonder what types of feats they'll have for Bloodrager. Might be interesting.

Dark Archive

Major_Blackhart wrote:

You know I really want to know what they have in store for this one by way of archetypes.

I would love for them to put in a new and improved version of the Aldori Swordlord into it, something that may work with Swashbuckler for instance. God, I love stuff out of Brevoy, but the swordlord is just soo... lackluster at times that it's genuinely disappointing.

I wonder what types of feats they'll have for Bloodrager. Might be interesting.

I agree the Swordlord is lackluster wish they had one more in line with a duelist character.

I mean, that sword just screams two handed duelist specialist. Instead we get ANOTHER dex based build. Not cool. Strength based tho, with that weapon, man. Think of it as a Brevan Katana and it would make an awesome beast of a blade.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hope we can see more Bloodrager Bloodlines(the rest of the Sorcerer ones and maybe the Wildblooded ones) and Shaman Spirits in this book(maybe even completely new ones).

Dread Knight wrote:
I hope we can see more Bloodrager Bloodlines(the rest of the Sorcerer ones and maybe the Wildblooded ones) and Shaman Spirits in this book(maybe even completely new ones).

It's unlikely to cover all of them, given that this is a 32 page book and there's 10 classes to cover, and they also need to cover how the new classes fit into Golarion.

A shaman archetype or universal hex allowing to take revelations from her spirit's related mystery is in order. After all, how is a shaman doing without Natural Divination?

Please tell me there is a feat in here that allows a Brawler to use Close Weapon Mastery with other weapons?


Barachiel Shina wrote:
Please tell me there is a feat in here that allows a Brawler to use Close Weapon Mastery with other weapons?

Who knows?

But I too would love to use a katana with Brawler's Fury. :-)

Liberty's Edge

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The spell lists for the Bloodrager and the Shaman in the Advanced Class Guide only included spells from the world neutral hardback line. Listing spells from Golarion specific books like the Inner Sea World Guide that those two classes can use wouldn't take up much space and could prove very useful for players and GMs dealing with those classes, especially the ones who play or run Pathfinder Society.

A post I made a year ago ended up being too long to quote here, but I can still summarize it. It details my wishlist for the ACG, which I'll use to grade how well Paizo actually did, as well as what I wish would still be done.

1. "Hopefully, the Warpriest will be a full BAB, divine spellcasting (though of lesser potential) class."

No, we don't have this yet, and it doesn't look like we will, but archetypes that change a class's BAB are not unprecedented, so there's still a flimsy hope.

2. "The Swashbuckler better be proficient with bucklers."

They are. Good job, Paizo.

3. "Cavaliers need to be able to not have a mount."

Sigh. Daring Champion accomplishes this, but only if your vision of a non-mounted Cavalier uses swashbuckler weapons. Which is just as bad as using a combination of the Luring Champion and Musketeer archetypes for the Cavalier to get rid of the mount. Yes, it works, but only if you're okay with using a firearm. Not everyone who wants to play a non-mounted Cavalier wants to be using a firearm.

So what about my greatsword-weilding non-mounted Cavalier? Also, no, I don't JUST want an option for using greatswords without a mount; it needs to be open for every weapon under the sun.

Also, what about the Samurai? He needs this fix just as much.

4. "Sometimes, our vision of 'witch' doesn't include a pet."

There's a Harrow deck-using archetype for the witch that mitigates this (that didn't get introduced in the ACG) as well as a Poppet Doll-using archetype, but we need more.

5. "More archetypes to nix the Wizard's familiar."

We got two such archetypes that are of sufficient neutral flavor as to be integrated without shoehorning the Wizard into a specific niche (such as, say, a rapier-weilding non-mounted Cavalier). Good job Paizo.

6. "The Monk needs to be automatically proficient with his special Monk weapons. If the Unarmed archetype for the Fighter, a version of a weapon-using class that moves AWAY from using weapons, gets automatic blanket proficiency with any and all present and future monk weapons, then the Monk should definitely have it as well."

No progress whatsoever on this front.

7. "If the Archaeologist archetype for the Bard is supposed to be the not-music version, then why do all of his spells require verbal components?"

No progress whatsoever on this front.

8. "Paizo seems to think Monk means one thing, when we keep asking for something else entirely. Countless homebrew threads depict a Monk character consistently as an unarmed, unarmored fighter with ki, and each of those four components matter (UNARMED, UNARMORED, FIGHTER (that is to say, full BAB and no alignment restrictions), and WITH KI."

The Brawler addresses three of those four. Introducing an archetype to lose, say, Maneuver Training or the bonus feats or the Knockout, for a limited (limited meaning, say, half Wisdom mod plus quarter class level ki pool with no more than four selections from the Qinggong Monk's list), would finally let us all have what we've been asking for.

Paizo gets to have the Monk class be what they envision, and we get a class we can call the Monk that actually fits our criterion.

Note: adding a limited ki use archetype would be cool, adding such an archetype with an alignment restriction would not. Ninjas get to use ki without being lawful. There are Rogue talents that let him use ki without having to be lawful. There's a Tengu racial archetype for the Oracle that can use ki and not be lawful. There's no reason why a ki archetype for the Brawler should have to be lawful.

9. "Paizo, please take this opportunity when making new classes as what it actually is: an opportunity to fix some of the gaping holes in the existing class designs. Don't squander it."

Fixed: wizard, cavalier (partly), magus, hunter and shaman (I was worried they'd be stuck with pets, but they have archetypes that cut these lose).

Left to go: Archaeologist, Monk, Paladin, Cavalier (the rest of the way; come on, let's bring this one home), Witch (just a few more non-pet archetypes), Samurai, Bloodrager, Brawler, Warpriest

I don't want to diminish the progress they're making. They didn't squander this opportunity, but they also didn't take it as far as they easily could have.

10. "The Bloodrager needs an Urban Barbarian-esque archetype. Something to switch out that rage-dependant bonus to Con."

Still needs it. Yes, there's a feat out there that let's the Barbarian continue spending rage rounds to maintain his bonus to Con even if unconscious, but WotC didn't have rage work that way on purpose. The Barbarian gets to have a rage that doesn't act as a bonus hit points fake out, the Bloodrager (and Skald, I suppose) need this as well.

11. "An artificer class."

Probably beyond the purview of Advanced Class Origins, but we still need it someday.

12. "A non-pet archetype for the Hunter."

We have that. Good job Paizo.

13. "A 3.5-ish Warlock, a class where his magic is constant, indefatiguable, and still significant."

We still need this.

14. "Please do not introduce Vancian spellcasting Psionics in this book."

They didn't. Good job Paizo. Worried about Occult Adventures.

I can't wait for a Vancian psychic magic class but that will have to wait for next year.

I really wish this book came out the same month as the ACG. Hopefully I will not have to wait for this to play as my swashbuckler character.

@Tectorman: Should you not post this in the actual Advanced Class Guide thread?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Tectorman, it sounds like the Kineticist from Occult Adventures might satisfy your #13.

John Kretzer wrote:
@Tectorman: Should you not post this in the actual Advanced Class Guide thread?

That's already been published. What good would it do?

This book at least is still in the works (even if close to done).

Also, is the feat to correct the lack of dex to dmg for piercing weapons really going to be rapiers only?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This month's products are getting updates! can't wait to see this one! :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Tectorman wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
@Tectorman: Should you not post this in the actual Advanced Class Guide thread?

That's already been published. What good would it do?

This book at least is still in the works (even if close to done).

Also, is the feat to correct the lack of dex to dmg for piercing weapons really going to be rapiers only?

Fair enough I thought you might have made a mistake since the titles are similar. Though I kinda doubt they can change that much this close to the release date...

Grand Lodge

I have a hope for this book. I really enjoyed the Background Generator in Ultimate Campaign and hope that this will add some ACG class relevant tables to work along with it! Please? Please?

I think a background generator like the Ultimate Campaign would be awesome, but this is a 32 page book dedicated to introducing ten different classes to Golarion, complete with traits, spells feats, archetypes, and magic items. They'll be hard-pressed to cover everything as it is, I have to say I'd be surprised if they spend 10 out of 32 pages on background tables.

One option for using the tables in Ultimate Campaign is to let anyone who's playing a hybrid class choose which background table to roll on, unless the result would be nonsensical - brawlers can roll on monk and fighter tables for example.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Tectorman wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
@Tectorman: Should you not post this in the actual Advanced Class Guide thread?

That's already been published. What good would it do?

This book at least is still in the works (even if close to done).

Also, is the feat to correct the lack of dex to dmg for piercing weapons really going to be rapiers only?

This book is almost certainly gone to the printers,if not already in a container on the Pacific. Certainly long beyond where changes can be made.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

where's the final cover? :(

did it get to the printers and be released on time? or am I overeating?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You know who needs love?

The Skald.

Thunderstriker, Skald.

You know you want it.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

There's something wrong here. The cover doesn't say "adventure path"

claudekennilol wrote:
There's something wrong here. The cover doesn't say "adventure path"

That is the the Hard-Cover Core, Advanced Class Guide, not the soft-cover Player Companion, Advanced Class Origins, where that happened.

As I have my ACG hard copy.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Azure_Zero wrote:
claudekennilol wrote:
There's something wrong here. The cover doesn't say "adventure path"

That is the the Hard-Cover Core, Advanced Class Guide, not the soft-cover Player Companion, Advanced Class Origins, where that happened.

As I have my ACG hard copy.

I'm pretty sure the quote is a joke...

Zertigan, as for the cover, they tend to be updated a month before release. I suspect this is when they get the proof back, so know nothing else is going to change.

Has there been an update as to what archetypes we can expect?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Enlight_Bystand wrote:
Azure_Zero wrote:
claudekennilol wrote:
There's something wrong here. The cover doesn't say "adventure path"

That is the the Hard-Cover Core, Advanced Class Guide, not the soft-cover Player Companion, Advanced Class Origins, where that happened.

As I have my ACG hard copy.

I'm pretty sure the quote is a joke...

Zertigan, as for the cover, they tend to be updated a month before release. I suspect this is when they get the proof back, so know nothing else is going to change.

But all the other October releases have been updated.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ok, now I'm a little bit worried. usually when a product's description and cover aren't updated and all the other ones in it's month are it means the product is going to be pushed back a month or two.

Webstore Gninja Minion

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Updated product image and description to final.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yay! It's awesome! :)

I love the cover!

Nice cover.

Shadow Lodge

I hope that Paizo plans to give us some spoilers on the archetypes in this.

And the feats. I really hope in a Revelation feat for shamans and an Aspect feat for animal companions/mounts.

comeone investigator/alchemist poison stuff!! That feat that upped the DC is awesome, but more is needed for it to be truely effective!

I hope a another Hunter archetype along the lines of Feral shows up. or possibly one that helps making a caster based Hunter.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Advanced Class Origins wrote:
Tips and advice on how to use the new hybrid classes to qualify for prestige classes and weave a path of renown through the legends and myths of the Inner Sea.

Wait does this mean ways in which the new classes fit with similar prestige classes and how such prestige classes can be altered or treated in order to fit better? Prestige Class Archetypes?

Some work to fit the Mythic rules for these new classes is in order too. For example- how does a shaman deal with Archmage and Hierophant abilities?

Hoping for more Warpriest Blessings (Scalykind / Void Blessings, plus Subdomain Blessings).

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