Thewms's page
Organized Play Member. 327 posts (340 including aliases). No reviews. 3 lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.
This is a great. I am totally needing out over this. I bought the core rulebook add-on immediately.
I do wish there was a way to play without the timer. I immediately imagine reading these questions/options out to a group of people like a trivia night. The timer would make that a very challenging endeavor.
Regardless, I am already enjoying the app. Thanks for this!
Nothing too flashy here, but good stuff! I am curious if "actions" will be exclusive to 1-action things you do and "activities" to 2- or 3-action things you do. Regardless, I am looking forward to the release!
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Qaianna wrote: Edge alignment is important, but your target is usually not actively dodging and/or stabbing you while you swing at it. Maybe you haven't heard, but alignment is being removed.
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YuriP wrote: The escapes trials due the Attack trait receive -2 penalty due Prone. I don't believe attempting to Escape suffers the -2 penalty. Despite having the attack trait, it is not an attack roll but rather a skill check. This was clarified in an errata.
I am trying to wrap my head around some rules and I need some help.
The weapon Vine of Roses has the good trait but it does not deal Good damage.
Would the damage from a regular Strike trigger the Weakness: Good of a creature?
Why or why not?
CRB. 453 "If you have a weakness to a certain type of damage or damage from a certain source, that type of damage is extra effective against you." Bolded for emphasis.
Is Weakness: Good really Weakness: "Good damage" and not Weakness: "Good sources"? Is the latter ever the case and how would I know?
Thank you!
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It's always nice to see these posts and to learn a little more about the folks who work at paizo.
Also, that preview art from Strength of Thousands is beautiful. I love the canvas look.
Wow, that was a great read. Thank you Kate!
I've been playing in the Pathfinder world for 10+ years now but have never read any novels. This blog series has inspired to pick up a Pathfinder series.
Are there any out there that would be a good jumping-off point?
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I need more!
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In the games I run, I use a variant of ABP where there bonuses you gain are considered Item Bonuses instead of Potency Bonuses, and weapon runes and existing items with Item Bonuses are not removed. This way I can still give out a +2 weapon ahead of the curve as a cool piece of loot that they can just sell later and I don't have to worry about stacking Potency/Item Bonuses.
Additionally, I allow my players to redistribute ABP bonuses to skills on level up to account for items they have found or purchased since last level.
This makes loot a breeze as a GM. I was a big fan of ABP in 1E and it is a welcome change in 2E, even more so with the changes mentioned above. I highly suggest every group give it a try at some point.
Edit: The above change to ABP also means that you don't have to alter existing loot in pre-written adventures which is great for lazy GMs like me. :)
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Mithral Waffle Irons are back, baby!
Some items have a baked-in DC that is either not very good at the level you receive it or becomes useless pretty soon after you out level it, right?
A blanket change like, "use your class/ spell DC instead for items" would throw balance out of whack and make some cheap items waaaay better than intended.
So here's what I'm thinking...
Each day, a number of times equal to your Cha mod, you can use your class/spell DC for an item instead of it's listed DC. For every 4 levels the item is beneath your current character level, reduce this DC by 1.
To clarify: For permanent items, it would be one use of the ability per Cha Mod, not boosted for the whole day.
Thoughts? Any potential issues? Too exploitable?
I have several players that are much more clever than I am so I wanted to ask my friends here in the forums before trying to implement it.
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Aaron Shanks wrote: I appreciate the support, thank you. I could work in marketing or public relations in a lot of different industries, but I value the opportunity to contribute to this company, these products, and this community. The more I hear from you, the more I like you. Any industry would be lucky to have someone with an attitude like yours on their side.
Keep up the good work, friend.
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I would also like to echo the thought that this would be valuable to see in the new book.
David knott 242 wrote: Thewms wrote: This is listed on the main page as an upcoming release. Is it currently available? It has been out for a while now. If you look at the top of the page, you can click on "Add to Cart" and buy it immediately (or as close to immediately as is possible with a physical product).
Strange, I made this comment on the Secrets of Magic product page. I wonder how I ended up here? Oh well.
This is listed on the main page as an upcoming release. Is it currently available?
TRDG wrote: ...I really think this will change the Hero Point dynamic. Usually most of my 36+ players always hold em til the last minute in case they have to wipe out the dying condition. Then as the last 15 minutes of the session creeps in then they all unload then for any and all rolls, most of the time...
I want to echo that I am also looking forward to these cards for the above mentioned reasons.
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Has anyone heard from DMW at all this year? I am always interested in his take on things and look forward to his houserule updates.
I do hope he is doing well.
On the Beginner Box page (https://paizo.com/pathfinder/beginnerbox), the links to the Abomination Vault product pages still show the old, placeholder artwork.
Dr A Gon wrote: Weakness to mental 10, and he has an ability to do himself (persistent) mental damage. Mr Zhang won't be with us long! :-) I hadn't noticed that at first! I wonder about the design choice to give a weakness instead of just increasing the damage that he takes from grit teeth? Very neat character regardless!
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James Jacobs wrote: This is 100% talking about Malevolence for sure.
In fact, I sort of wrote it in the style of a "Chapter 0" for the adventure.
I've always enjoyed your work, Mr Directosaur. You and many others at Paizo are talented folk. Thank you for this piece!
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I would like to start by saying that I would absolutely allow in my games for lower level spells to be cast in higher level slots with no added benefit and I realize that Jason chimed with a "yes" on reddit.
That being said, I'm not so sure the language in the CRB supports it.
To put a spell in a higher slot without heightening it is impossible because that's exactly what heightening is. "Both prepared and spontaneous spellcasters can cast a spell at a higher spell level than that listed for the spell. This is called heightening the spell." bolded for emphasis. The act of putting a spell in a higher level slot is heightening the spell this just so happens to increase it's DC to counteract and in some cases increase its effectiveness.
Like I said, I wouldn't run it that way in my games but that's what the books says.
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Michael Sayre wrote: Thewms wrote: Everyone has got it wrong. Look at the Blog title!
save the date
Clearly the two new classes are going to be The Bride & The Groom!
I'm seeing proficiency with Thrown weapon: Bouquets and an added Blind-Fight effect so you can throw it over your shoulder!
Edit: Tactitian/Warlord archetype...The dreaded Wedding Planner ...Who've you been talking to? **unmarked van pulls up. Thewms is bagged and pulled inside. Van drives off**
18 people marked this as a favorite.
Everyone has got it wrong. Look at the Blog title!
save the date
Clearly the two new classes are going to be The Bride & The Groom!
I'm seeing proficiency with Thrown weapon: Bouquets and an added Blind-Fight effect so you can throw it over your shoulder!
Edit: Tactitian/Warlord archetype...The dreaded Wedding Planner
Michael Sayre wrote: VampByDay wrote: So what we’ve learned here is that we can 100% make an anime campaign I have an entire folder that's just the One Piece crew statted up as PCs for PF2, along with a smattering of NPCs like Jesus Burgess and Blackbeard. After grabbing a couple 3pp releases and some draft notes for character option ideas, I had to do surprisingly little completely new writing to make it work. Robin, Brook, and Frankie probably took the most homebrewing.
Mr. Sayre, how can we convince you to share this glorious folder of yours?!
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Regarding the spell Aqueous Orb:
How can creatures make the DC 10 Swim check when they become Grabbed and thus Immobilized? Immobilized prevents actions with the Move trait which Swim has.
Bleachlings are so sad. I want to give them hugs ;_;
PF2 CRB p42
A gnome can theoretically live to any age if she can stave off the Bleaching indefinitely,
but in practice gnomes rarely live longer than around 400 years.
Gnomes normally live forever but the Material Plane eventually bores them to death via the bleaching.
Would Bleachlings be effectively immortal but have to live a sad life devoid of any actual happiness?
Mark Seifter wrote: Thewms wrote: oh I see, it follows the normal rules for Uncommon options but if you meet the "Access" then you treat it as Common.
Neat-o That is basically correct, though it isn't technically correct in that... I see the distinction now. You always explain thing very well, Mark.
oh I see, it follows the normal rules for Uncommon options but if you meet the "Access" then you treat it as Common.
I am trying to purchase the PDF of PF2 Bestiary 2. When I select PLACE ORDER, the page just refreshes and nothing happens and the PDF is still in my cart.
I've attempted on several computers across multiple days.
Any help would be appreciated.
I just want to echo what the others have said! Looks awesome!
I always enjoy looking at your monsters. Thank you for posting them!
Keep up the good work!
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Curgyr wrote: (difficult terrain, which costs double) Just as an FYI, this isn't exactly correct.
CRB page 475 wrote: Moving into a square of difficult terrain (or
moving 5 feet into or within an area of difficult terrain, if
you’re not using a grid) costs an extra 5 feet of movement.
(Emphasis mine)
While it might seem pedantic, the distinction is important for rough terrain and moving diagnally.
If +5 feet...
If double...
(first diagonal>Second Diagonal>Third Diagonal)
Quirrel from Hollow Knight wrote: "Plenty have come before us and most have met their grisly end, many more equipped than you and I.
I'm sure they wouldn't mind were a fellow explorer to relieve them of their tools. It's a kindness really. The dead shouldn't be burdened with such things."
I'd rule a free Balance check vs the Athletics DC of the shover. Success means no effect, a failure then follows the normal rules for being shoved off of a ledge. Maybe granting a circumstance bonus depending on wall height, etc.
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It's all so simple.
Dou-Bral was taken over by a powerful Intellect Devourer named ZK. Intellect Devourers crave sensory sensations and find pain intoxicating.
Bring me the next mystery
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Tender Tendrils wrote: ...sweet homebrew-monster goodness... Excellent! I will be using that goblin snake for sure.
Thank you!

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This is a level 4 Trailgaunt I needed for my home game. I will try to post any other creatures I make/convert in the future for you lovely folks to use.
Feedback and criticism are always welcome.
The dreaded trailgaunt is a form of undead that plagues regions where travelers have long trod the roads. Legends hold that trailgaunts rise from the remains of seasoned travelers who became lost and then perished from exposure or starvation, suffering great shame and humiliation to have come to such unexpected and lonely ends in addition to their physical torment. Trailgaunts seek travelers to avenge themselves upon and are driven to feast upon the feet of those they slaughter, often leaving the maimed bodies to rise as new trailgaunts with the setting of the next sun. Trailgaunts with intact feet are rare, yet even those fortunate enough to retain all their toes are slow and clumsy.
Trailgaunts are particularly feared in nomadic societies, and stories of how these undead creatures relentlessly stalk those who commit crimes are popular. The most common tales focus on a hunter who abandons a partner in the wild and then prospers on the profits of the hunt for a year before the betrayed partner finally catches up to the traitor and kills him as he sleeps. Many variations on this tale exist, but they inevitably revolve around themes of treachery and relentless pursuit.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
[Uncommon] [NE] [Medium] [Undead]
Perception +8; Darkvision.
Languages Common.
Skills athletics +12, nature +8 [+12 to follow tracks], society +10, stealth +10
Str +5, Dex -1, Con +3, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +3
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
AC 20; Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +12
HP 65, Negative Healing; Immunities death effects, disease, paralyze, poison, unconscious
Weaknesses Loathing; Resistances all damage 5 (except slashing)
Mutter (aura, mental, auditory) 10 feet. See Trailgaunt Abilities; DC 18.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
Speed 10 feet, climb 10 feet, burrow 10 feet; Sudden Lunge; Sure Stride.
Melee [one-action] Jaws +14 Damage 2d8+5 piercing plus Pain
Melee [one-action] Claws +14 (Agile) Damage 2d6+5 slashing plus Pain
Create Spawn Any humanoid creature killed by a trailgaunt becomes a trailgaunt itself at the next sunset as long as the body is both unburied and not within line of sight of a well-maintained road. Spawn so created are free-willed and do not have any of the abilities they had in life.
Loathing A trailgaunt cannot cross a well maintained road. It can burrow under it or climb over it, but it cannot walk across such a barrier. A trailgaunt forced onto a well maintained road must succeed at a DC 20 Will save at the start of each round or be unable to take any actions.
Mutter (aura, mental, auditory) 10 feet. A trailgaunt’s pain-filled muttering and groaning is distressing to hear. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn within the aura must succeed at a DC 18 Will save or become Frightened 1 for 1 minute.
Pain A creature damaged by a trailgaunt’s bite or claws must succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or become Slowed 1 and have its speed reduced by 10 feet by pain in its legs and feet for 1 round. Creatures in contact with the ground take a –1 circumstance penalty on this saving throw.
Sudden Lunge[one-action] Once per 1d4 rounds, a trailgaunt can lurch into a burst of motion. Stride up to 40 feet. (when available to use, twitches more violently)
Sure Stride A trailgaunt’s speed is never reduced by difficult terrain, and it can Step in such conditions.
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Thank you thank you thank you! You folks have made my [GMing] life so much easier!
BellyBeard wrote: Thewms wrote: Do Emanations require Line of Effect?
Inspire courage is an Emanation, so if I round a corner am I no longer inspired?
I am confused on this front.
Spells need line of effect from their origin to a creature to affect it (paragraph 2). So yes, losing line of effect to the bard removes your bonus.
Edit to add the similar passage found in the spells chapter which just refers you to the earlier link. Are there any effects that affect creatures around corners in this edition? is there a difference between an Aura and an Emanation? they seem to be the same. The CRB only describes it as...
"aura An aura is an emanation that continually ebbs out from you, affecting creatures within a certain radius. Aura can also refer to the magical signature of an item or a creature with a strong alignment."
How about the Xulgath (Troglodyte)stench ability? It is an Aura and thus an Emanation but so long as I put a wall in between us I can't smell it?
my braaaaaiiiinnnnn
Do Emanations require Line of Effect?
Inspire courage is an Emanation, so if I round a corner am I no longer inspired?
I am confused on this front.
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The new PF2 Demo lists conditions and the entry for wounded may give insight to RAI.
"Wounded: You have been badly hurt. Wounded always includes a value. Whenever you fall unconscious, you add your wounded value to your dying value. Whenever you return from unconsciousness, add 1 to your wounded value."
I was unsure what to do with the +/- caster level stuff so I left it as is. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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I slaved away for an entire afternoon or two to bring you all a converted version of the beloved sub-system from 1E.
I welcome all criticism and input.
Pathfinder Second Edition Dynamic Item Creation
I threw up some alternate versions, including an Iaijutsu you could use every round.
Claxon wrote: He can completely sheath his sword and then attack another target and perform multiple iaijutsu strikes, at least how you have it written now (and I wouldn't change it, because only getting it once per combat makes it basically worthless and there's no good way to balance it IMO). Actually it's intended to be once per combat and only against a single target.
Iaijutsu only against target of Challenge.
Can only Challenge once per minute.
Can only Iaijutsu a given creature once per day.
so, one target, once per combat.
The Sword Saint archetype in 1E was only able to be used against a single creature once a day and then could only Iaujutsu Strike 3 or so times a day total. It wasn't mechanically very good but it was cool. That's really what I'm shooting for.

Tweezer wrote: I would either reduce the number of added damage dice of the Iajutsu ability by 1, so it starts out as 1d6 and becomes 2d6 at 5th etc. and I would make it a separate feat from “Sword Saint”. Probably both.
Also I would probably reduce Way of the SamuSamurai to “roll 2, take the better”
My reasoning for starting at 2d6 is that Sneak attack starts at 1d6 and scales up the same but can be used many times throughout a combat. Iaijutsu can only be used once per combat so I thought it needed a little more oomph.
Claxon wrote: Is way of the Samurai rerolling attack or damage? Or both?
In either case I think it should definitely be roll twice take the better.
But I think you should only get to reroll damage, not attack rolls.
I also agree that the status inflicted by Terrifying Iaijutsu is too strong.
Success should probably cause Frightened 1
Failure should be stunned 1
Crit Failure should be stunned 4
I was thinking the reroll was attack because you can only use it once and I wanted to help it avoid those pesky nat 1s. Rerolling damage is a neat concept though. I hadn't thought of that.
I went with Paralyze as a "Paralyzed in fear" sort of angle.
The status inflicted is the same as the Level 3 Paralyze copied exactly with the exception of adding the [Mental] and [Visual] traits. Having the [incapacitation] trait helps with big baddies ignoring the worst of it.
EDIT: I'll lower the roll to x2 instead of x3
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I am converting a group over from 1E and one of my players loved his Sword Saint archetype Samurai. I threw something together and was looking for some feedback on it. Thanks!
Sword Saint Samurai

Does it deal 1 acid damage to adjacent creatures?
Traditions: arcane, primal
Cast: [two-actions] somatic, verbal
Range: 30 feet; Targets 1 creature or object
You splash a glob of acid that splatters creatures and objects alike. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. On a critical success, the target also takes 1 persistent acid damage.
splash (trait): When you use a thrown weapon with the splash trait, you don’t add your Strength modifier to the damage roll. If an attack with a splash weapon fails, succeeds, or critically succeeds, all creatures within 5 feet of the target (including the target) take the listed splash damage. On a failure (but not a critical failure), the target of the attack still takes the splash damage. Add splash damage together with the initial damage against the target before applying the target’s weaknesses or resistances. You don’t multiply splash damage on a critical hit.
Also, does the 1 acid splash damage not double on a critical hit?
EDIT and does the target still take the 1 acid damage if you miss?