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![]() Raise Thread. This came up last week. When I first read the rules for Death's Embrace it seemed obvious that it meant that the character heals damage from negative channels that can heal and the character takes no damage from negative channels that can harm. That seems like a reasonable domain power for the level. But the wording can also be interpreted as meaning that the character is healed by channels meant to harm including their own channels. That seems out of line with similar powers from other domains. In PFS a reasonably tankish 8th level cleric optimized for channeling can generally avoid taking more damage than their channels can heal in any given round. This seems all kinds of broken to me and it gets worse if you have more than one negative channeling cleric in the same party. In a home game I would house rule this to the way I initially thought the rule read. As a PFS gm, I have raised the thread and hit the FAQ button. ![]()
![]() Can the Toad boon cross campaigns? I know the default is that anything earned at a Core table stays in Core and anything earned at a non-Core table stays non-Core. The Toad boon is a completely separate sheet so it shouldn't cause any bookkeeping issues if someone plays at a non-Core table and gives the Toad to a Core PC or vice versa, but I understand if Campaign management would prefer not to have that happen. ![]()
![]() A Secret Chest holds one cubic foot per level. Large sized Greataxes weigh 24 pounds each. I want Violet, my 10th level Wizard, to bring in the Greataxes for a Telekinesis spell. She can throw 10 with one spell. Will 10 fit in a 10 cubic foot Secret Chest? if they fit,how much room will be left for other stuff. Large sized Greatswords are more expensive, but only weigh 16 pounds. How much space will 10 of them take up? Thanks. ![]()
![]() Hitting a single Mirror Image does not disrupt the Mirror Image spell because the remaining images persist. RAW seems really unclear on this. The rule about disruption does suggest that SR may protect spells on a creature with SR, while Mirror Image suggesta that any attack that accidently hits an image will destroy that image including attacks that would not hurt the actual target. I've marked this as a FAQ candidate. ![]()
![]() I like the idea of occasionally summoning a monster and ordering it to pick up an item with Explosive Runes precast on it and then ordering it to run or fly into a room and detonate it near a bunch of enemies. What summoned monsters can do that? Is it everything with a language? My PC knows the languages of everything she can summon. ![]()
![]() I'm not convinced that recruiting PCs to your faction is a good goal. Locally faction changes are practically nonexistant after level one. People make characters in the faction they want them to have. While players are checking off a lot of goals, even some difficult ones, I don't know anyone who has gotten the recruit a PC goal. I do like the cards, but not that particular goal. Ascalaphus has some good ideas to make that goal a little better, but I still think even with those changes this particular goal is more difficult than any of the others by an order of magnitude. At least that's how it seems locally. You mileage may vary. ![]()
![]() My Aberrant Bloodrager has enough reach that she has only resorted to a ranged weapon a couple times and she wasn't particularly effective when she did. Although technically I guess you could count 'fluffy' (Sphinx figurine of wonderous power) as a range weapon.When you smack a fool halfway across the room with your fauchard and can ride your 'kitty' (the sphinx)to chase down flying foes,the damage from an unimproved range weapon kind of loses its luster. Bottom line, every character needs to know what to do about enemies that are tough to approach. Missile weapons are one good option, but far from the only one. ![]()
![]() I played my Lawful Good member of the Dark Archive tonight and even succeeded in her faction mission. She's a Cavalier/Hunter not a Paladin. Good and Lawful people bound to oaths of service to less than Good people is a trope in fiction. Be prepared for the possibility of deciding to fail some faction missions and/or paying for the occasional atonement. That said, service to the Paracountess can be rewarding on a number of levels. ![]()
![]() As an offbeat suggestion, what if campaign leadership issued a holiday boon that allowed each player who took the boon in the time it was offered the option to rebuild one character. Anyone with a proto Mystic Theurge could rebuild that. People who didn't want to do that could rebuild one other favorite character that didn't turn out the way they wanted ![]()
![]() Actually, I'm not convinced that having an exotic weapon available on a chronicle sheet opens up the relevent proficiency. It might, but that hasn't been answered. Can items open up non- core options? If so, what items open what options? Do weapons open up their proficiency? Does a deity specific item, like Besmara's Tricorn, make the deity an available patron? I'm guessing the answer is no, but I wouldn't mind being wrong. ![]()
![]() My Blood Rager has done fine at low levels of PFS without Power Attack make sure you have ways to bypass the common forms of damage resistance and the extra damage won't make much difference. My Blood Rager will be taking Power Attack at 7th level because high level opponents can have a lot of hit points. ![]()
![]() Scrolls, potions, and fully charged wands of first level spells are always available and as a result are often not written on chronicle sheets. If a scenario offers one of these with a non-core spell is it ok to add this to the relevant chronicle sheet as an available item? I will of course as the GM to initial this. Can I then buy that item for the character as often as I want? Would this also hold true for non magical items thst are not available in Core? ![]()
![]() Tripping with reach weapons is fun. If your opponent can't reach you, then their melee capabilities don't matter. You don't provoke if they don't threaten your square even if you lack the feats. My bloodrager loves the Bladelash spell. +10 to trip at 20 feet. At 6th level with no serious investment she has +23 to trip before any buffs. She's PFS and she mostly uses it against enemy casters because surrounding a prone spellcaster and playing whack-a-mole is fun. ![]()
![]() My Pathfinder Society 5th level Aberrant Bloodrager (Irika) is getting a Sphinx.Technically it just has the stats of a Griffon Figurine of Wondrous Power, but that still seems pretty awesome for 5th level. I'm investing in Handle Animal skill so I can train it to carry a rider, and ride skill. I plan to get a wand of mage armor, and eventually an Amulet of Mighty Fists. I haven't decided what enhancements to put in the amulet yet. What AoMF enhancements work well with a Sphinx (Griffon)? What other magic items would be good to save up for? I'm also interested in spells to enhance the Sphinx. I either want spells my Bloodrager could potentially cast or spells I can get on scrolls and ask teammates to cast out of combat. At the moment, I'm pretty satisfied with the Sphinx's combat capabilities, but I know I will have to improve them as I level up since the figurine's stats won't change. My Bloodrager is a Reach weapons specialist with plenty of Strength, a decent Dex and Con, poor Int, and an Ok Charisma. Wisdom is only average, but as a Half Orc with Fortune's favor and a Hedgehog Familiar, her will save isn't too shabby.Depending on the combat I plan to switch between sending the Sphinx in to Charge/Pounce, using the Sphinx as a flying platform so Irika can play golf with enemy heads, and keeping the Sphinx out of easy fights so they don't get boring. Any suggestions are appreciated. ![]()
![]() When my bloodrager hits 5th level I'm looking forward to using quickened True Strike plus Blade Lash. Add in BAB, raging Strength bonus and a +1 weapon and she will have +42 to trip someone up to 20 feet away. That will eat 11 rounds of rage and 2 spells, but my half orc bloodrager will have 19 rounds of rage by that point. As long as I don't roll a one, anything remotely level appropriate that isn't too big or otherwise immune to trip should fall down at that point. Good times. ![]()
![]() Whips. Most players ignore the whip unless they have a fairly specific trip or magus build in mind. Even without proficiency or full bab, hitting a paralyzed or unconscious target is fairly easy. A whip has a 15 foot range and performing a drag maneuver can get a teammate out of any number of dangerous situations. ![]()
![]() The spell lists for the Bloodrager and the Shaman in the Advanced Class Guide only included spells from the world neutral hardback line. Listing spells from Golarion specific books like the Inner Sea World Guide that those two classes can use wouldn't take up much space and could prove very useful for players and GMs dealing with those classes, especially the ones who play or run Pathfinder Society. ![]()
![]() I think I made a mistake. I played in a few games at a convention a while back. I got #112267 and a confirmation code. I came to the website to try to input them. I couldn't find anywhere to put them in. I clicked on create a character, because I didn't see a better option and it said I am Pathfinder #95850. What should I do to fix this? |