Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Chronicle of the Righteous (PFRPG)

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Chronicle of the Righteous (PFRPG)
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Pray for Mercy
The empyreal lords watch over the infinite expanses of the multiverse to ensure that good can flourish and that evil, no matter its form, can be vanquished. But even these powers cannot stem the tide of evil by themselves, and they must often rely on their celestial servants—noble angels, wise agathions, unrelenting archons, and free-spirited azatas—to lead the charge against the forces of corruption. Together, these virtuous forces wage an unending war against the blasphemous and the profane, all the while lifting worthy mortals to stations of ever-greater glory among the boundless celestial spheres.

Inside this book, you’ll find:

  • A thorough exploration of over 50 empyreal lords, including details on their minions, the divine powers they bestow upon mortal worshipers, and the celestial realms from which they hail.
  • Rules for the mystery cultist prestige class and details on the various types of mystery cults.
  • Methods to bolster mortal spellcasters’ efforts while summoning all the different types of celestials.
  • New spells for spellcasters to hurl at their wicked foes and new magic items to aid adventurers in their battles against evil.
  • Rules for rituals of self-mortification and the divine powers that can be gleaned by such acts of devotion.
  • A bestiary of five new celestials to assist or oppose player characters, including the keen-eyed spyglass archon and the veranallia, azata master of seasons, growth, and decay.

Chronicle of the Righteous is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Pathfinder Campaign Setting, but can easily be used in any fantasy game setting.

By Amber Scott

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-506-8

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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Chronicle of the Righteous is about the servants, worshippers, and homes of a group of beings in Golarion (Pathfinder's campaign setting) called "Empyreal Lords." Empyreal Lords are hard to define exactly; they're divine beings that inspire small groups of worshippers (called Mystery Cults), but they're not major deities that attract thousands of worshippers and the building of major temples. They might be best thought of as demigods, because they're below deities but above normal "celestial" races like angels. That's my best guess anyway, as I'm still a little bit fuzzy on the role of Empyreal Lords in Golarion. But put that to one side: Chronicle of the Righteous is a fascinating book that has inspired me to want to integrate Empyreal Lords, Mystery Cults, and more into my campaigns. The book is a 64-page entry in the Campaign Setting line. The inside front cover is a list of approximately fifty Empyreal Lords, their alignment, areas of concern (portfolios), domains (that they grant to clerical worshippers), and favored weapons. The inside back cover is a full-page reproduction of the cover art, which is quite impressive in its own right. Between the the covers are nine sections.

1. "Tabris's Return to Heaven" (two pages): This is a dense account, written in a "handwritten" font, that tells the tale of a warrior-scholar angel named Tabris who was obsessed with fully exploring and detailing the heights and depths of the heavenly and fiendish realms. Tabris disappeared for decades before returning with his Chronicle of the Righteous, and the book contained secrets that even the celestial realms would have rather been suppressed! It's quite evocative and well-written, and surprisingly effective. It's definitely a flavourful way to start the book off.

2. " Lords of the Empyrean" (29 pages): Each of the major Empyreal Lords receives at least a half-page entry that describes them and their particular interests, along with a drawing of their holy symbol and information on what types of people worship them, where their shrines might be located, and what sorts of celestial beings act as their minions. I would say that every third or fourth Empyreal Lord receives a full-colour picture, and these are done quite well. Perhaps the most important thing in this section is the introduction of the concept of "Celestial Obedience" and "Boons." Celestial Obedience is a feat that can be taken by worshippers of Empyreal Lords and provides them with an immediate +4 sacred bonus to something like (depending on the particular Emypreal Lord worshipped) a certain type of saving throw, combat maneuver check, AC against a particular type of enemy, etc. The benefit is narrow in scope and certainly not game-breaking, but additional powers ("boons") are gained at character levels 12, 16, and 20--and some of these are pretty cool. The best part of the Celestial Obedience concept is that, although it can certainly be taken by clerics, paladins, and other divinely-focussed classes, it doesn't have to be. If your Cavalier is a worshipper of the Ragathiel, the Empyreal Lord of chivalry or your Bard is a worshipper of Seramaydiel, the Empyreal Lord of communication and music, they can gain the benefits of Celestial Obedience. It's a great way to make the gods (or demigods) meaningful to more than just clerics in a campaign.

3. "Celestrial Realms" (2 pages): This is a description of the major geographical features of the celestial realms: Elysium, Heaven, and Nirvana. I have to admit I've never had characters adventure in celestial realms, and I have no idea what it would be like to GM or role-play such a place. I suppose it's good to have something more concrete to heaven than fluffy clouds. I did like how there was mention of where mortals who plane shift to each realm are most likely to appear.

4. "Celestialkind" (6 pages): After an introduction to celestial races and a sidebar about what happens to mortal souls who reach the celestial realms ("petitioners"), each of the following varieties of good-aligned denizens of the celestial planes receives a full page description: Agathions, Angels, Archons, and Azatas. I think this would be especially useful for those pesky spellcasters who are prone to summoning celestial beings willy-nilly.

5. "Concordance" (2 pages): Although only two pages long, this is one of my favorite sections of the book. The premise is that "once an eon, and only in times of great danger or turmoil" all of the divine powers of the celestial planes gather together to reach an accord on what should be done. There's material here about the death of Aroden, Lamashtu's rise to power, hints about a deity interested in time-travel, and, most intriguing of all, "The Seventh Accord", a Concordance never spoken of in the centuries or millennia since it happened and considered so blasphemous and dangerous that no mention of it is permitted to exist. Great fodder for creative GMs!

6. "Empyreal Worship" (14 pages): This section is a grab-bag of material, but it's useful. There's a page on how the different divine classes relate to Empyreal Lords, two pages on different types of Mystery Cults (drawn broadly among themes, but useful), and two pages on "secret offerings" that can be made to improve one's chance in summoning a particular type of celestial being. Two pages are also devoted to Rituals of Mortification, which requires a character to invest a certain number of days going without food, water or sleep in order to gain both an affliction and a benefit. The actual rituals listed are said to be examples only and GMs should feel free to add more. The Ritual of Appetite, for example, requires two days' fasting, afflicts the character with a -2 penalty on Constitution checks and saves vs. disease and poison, but grants the character a +2 sacred bonus on concentration checks and Will saving throws. Other rituals are far more powerful, with one providing a +4 sacred bonus on attack rolls against evil creatures and a +4 bonus on caster level checks to overcome their spell resistance! I haven't used these rituals in play, and I'm not sure whether they would be balanced or not, especially because part of the mechanism is the infliction of nonlethal damage once a day, but nonlethal damage heals quite easy. So the idea is interesting, but I'd have to test this concept out more before I'd be confident it's a good addition to the game. Next, there's an important new prestige class introduced here: the Mystery Cultist. A Mystery Cultist gains spells at the same speed as their prior class and several celestial-themed abilities, but a big reason for playing one is that they can receive the "boons" of the Celestial Obedience feat a few levels earlier than a regular character. I'd be very tempted to try this class out, as it seems to both fit the flavour of Empyreal Lord worship and be mechanically sound. After this, here are two pages of new spells (6 in all), with specific mention that these are not restricted to worshippers of Mystery Cults (and a couple of the spells are arcane in nature). I would love to see "Charitable Impulse" in a game, as it forces someone to help others and gradually give away all of their possessions instead of committing acts of violence. Last, there are two pages of celestial-themed magic items.

7. "Lesser Empyreal Lords" (1 page): About two dozen Empyreal Lords that were, for whatever reason, not significant enough to be included in the first section receive a brief, one-sentence description here.

8. "Fallen Celestials" (1 page): Intriguing description of those celestial beings who have turned their back on the heavens, many of whom have joined the infernal realms.

9. "The Celestial Hosts" (8 pages): This is basically a bestiary. It helpfully puts into table format all of the Agathions, Angels, Archons, and Azatas introduced in other Pathfinder materials, and then describes five new ones: Cervinal Agathions, Balisse Angels, Choral Angels, Spyglass Archons, and Vernallia Azatas. I found the new creatures interesting and potentially useful (except for the Choral Angels, which were a bit too cliche for me).

In sum, there's a lot of material here and it's almost all great. I picked this book up by chance (it was half-price) and have never done much with the celestial realms in a game, but I can now definitely see why I might want to in the future; and if I do, I'm confident that Chronicle of the Righteous would be the first place I'd turn.

Want More!


Few of the books in RP that I never wanted to end. The flavor and stats in this book are awesome and highly useful for people that find that they are not fitting into the 'standard gods' but your not a deviant into the other alignments.

There is something for almost everyone good aligned, investigators have two options of Emperial Lords who they can follow and seem perfectly inline with their 'deity's' viewpoints. Spies and artisans have options, crusaders have more than just Iomedae's views. Good aligned nature gods - sure you don't have to be purely neutral.

There are many options and the mechanics are useful but are more geared towards games that would end up in higher level range (12+) but would add a lot of good flavor without being overpowered.

Everyman Product Reviews: Chronicles of the Righteous


Final Score & Thoughts
Crunch: 5/5 Stars
Flavor: 5/5 Stars
Layout: 4/5 Stars
Final Score: 14/15 Stars, or 4.5 Stars, rounded up for it’s flavor.

Chronicles of the Righteous is a must-own book if you do absolutely anything with good outsiders in your campaign. This book provides a much needed insight into the nature of the celestial races and provides plenty of fodder for potential gods and entities in your campaign setting. This product is a rich tapestry of righteousness that your Pathfinder collection is incomplete without.

Read the complete review at the Everyman Gaming blog.

Excellent Book!


Read my full review on my blog.

Overall, Chronicle of the Righteous is an excellent book, particularly due to its extensive list of Empyreal Lords. It helps to balance out the playing field between the forces of evil and the forces of good. While gamemasters may have less call for information on celestials than they do information on fiends, the do have some call for that information, and this book fills that niche splendidly.

This is a fantastic book!


It is up there with Lords of Madness, Book of Fiends and Demonomicon of Iggwilv in the amount and quality of information it provides on the various Empyreal Lords and the other celestials. The author should be proud of this creation!

As for the material, there is an awesome list of new sources for divine casters as well as other information on new celestial creatures. I especially like the inclusion of Tabriss, the Celestial Realms, Concordance and the Fallen Celestials.

Do yourself and your players a favor, go out and pick up this book now!

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Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Announced! Product image is a mockup, and will change prior to publication.

Scarab Sages

Can't wait! 8^)

Dark Archive

Thank you Paizo!

Sooo preeeeettyyyyy!!!!! Looking forward to them!


3 books of the damned (and several fiendish races still under detailed - Asuras, Demodands, Divs, Kytons, Oni, Qlippoth, Rakshasa), and now finally a book of celestials. Is this covering a specific subtype (Agathion, Angels, Archons, Azatas, Garuda, or Peri) or is this a more general reference for the celestial races as a whole?

Dark Archive

Leo_Negri wrote:

3 books of the damned (and several fiendish races still under detailed - Asuras, Demodands, Divs, Kytons, Oni, Qlippoth, Rakshasa), and now finally a book of celestials. Is this covering a specific subtype (Agathion, Angels, Archons, Azatas, Garuda, or Peri) or is this a more general reference for the celestial races as a whole?

Product description wrote:
...the 64-page Chronicle of the Righteous reveals the inhabitants of the goodly realms of Heaven, Elysium, and Nirvana...

The bolded parts indicate that it'll focus on the celestials as a whole and not on one single subspecies.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

YYESSSS!! What with the Whath of the Righteous AP comming out next year, what BETTER BACKERS would I want to fight against the Demons of the Abyss! Don't get me wrong I love the other gods and goddesses, but these guys have always been my favorites!:)

Ravenmantle wrote:
Leo_Negri wrote:

3 books of the damned (and several fiendish races still under detailed - Asuras, Demodands, Divs, Kytons, Oni, Qlippoth, Rakshasa), and now finally a book of celestials. Is this covering a specific subtype (Agathion, Angels, Archons, Azatas, Garuda, or Peri) or is this a more general reference for the celestial races as a whole?

Product description wrote:
...the 64-page Chronicle of the Righteous reveals the inhabitants of the goodly realms of Heaven, Elysium, and Nirvana...
The bolded parts indicate that it'll focus on the celestials as a whole and not on one single subspecies.

Oh well, that's a shame. Once again Good gets the short end.

Dark Archive

Well even if my theory about this book is correct, that doesn't mean we won't see more on the celestials in the future. I do suspect, though, that daemons, demons, and devils sell more books, and that's the main reason we won't see a book for each of the celestial races, at least not until Paizo's gauged the demand for products on celestials (which Chronicles of the Righteous will help with).

"Super Sweet" - Eric Cartman


Can't wait to see this one :)

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Definitely looking forward to this! I've been waiting for a proper book detailing celestials since the 3.5 Fiendish Codex books :)

Hopefully someone realizes they have too much material for one book, and decides to split this one into several!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Are wrote:

Hopefully someone realizes they have too much material for one book, and decides to split this one into several!

This, definitely this. Every celestial race is so cool that they deserver their own books.

Finally. Oh and yay!

Well it is about time we got some celestial goodness.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


Dark_Mistress wrote:

Are you sure it's not too light for you? :)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
The NPC wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Are you sure it's not too light for you? :)

If I don't learn about them how else can I seduce them into falling?

Silver Crusade


Extremely curious about the new Empyreal Lords. "Frigid" Tolc really has me wondering. :)

Also, the mock-up is using my absolute favorite Pathfinder aasimar artwork.* YES.

sees Amber Scott with the writer's credit

Okay, going by Blood of Angels, these celestials are definitely going to be wildly varied. :D

*I really want to buy a print of this.

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.

After the dark decades of renegade drow and snarky tieflings and anti-heroes, the clouds part and it becomes cool to be *good* again. (Says the guy with an evil god as his avatar, sans irony.)

Some more sub-domains for followers of the Empyreal Lords could be awesome, perhaps based on the seven virtues or similar 'good' concepts like mercy, forgiveness, charity, hope, trust, self-sacrifice, etc.

I would be positively ecstatic, I mean like giggling maniacally, to see celestials given three books. I loved the mythos and the detail given to each of the groupings of fiends and I'd love to see equal history given to each celestial race. That said, I guess I can see how most campaigns focus on the baddies and not the NPCs helping you along, so I can see GMs wanting more detail on them. Ah, well. At least we finally got one book about celestials. I've been begging for this one for a long time.

Dark Archive

11 people marked this as a favorite.

Best to start with one book, I suppose. As opposed to the bajillions of demon lords the game has seen come and go, and the more than a dozen 'nine archdevils,' along with the various other uber-fiends (like Anthraxus), the concept of 'Angel Lords' is pretty shiny and new, and while we've had dozens of articles going on in depth about this demon lord or that infernal heirarch, including the 3.5 Books of Fiends, and entire adventure series dealing with figures like Orcus and Lolth, we've really had little more than a couple of *sentences* about 'arch-angels' or Ragathiel or whomever.

They are pretty much starting from scratch, compared to entire articles worth of text on nobodies like Zuggtmoy, so it's probably for the best that they start small, and grow the notion more organically, than just pump out a bunch of stuff on Agathion or Azata, for instance, about which we know shockingly little, or Garuda and Peri, about which we know even less!

With names like 'planeter' and 'solar,' it leaves me wondering if there are angels named after other celestial bodies, like size and shape-changing Lunars or vast quasi-corporeal Nebulars or portentous doom-heralding fiery-trailing Cometars, or, Kirby forfend, purple-armored planet-cleansing Galactars. Are armies of angels called 'constellations,' and can they array themselves precisely to form vast glyph-like forms mimicing astrological formations that enact mythic ritual effects, so long as they remain 'in formation,' becoming 'constellations' not only in name, but in fact?

I do hope that some of the evocative names from the Bestiary (p. 18 and p. 23) get a callback. Cocidius the Hawk-Keeper, Ogoun of Fire and Iron, Cernunnos the Stag Lord and Muyingwa the Seed Thrower (a Mwangi angel? Woo!) all sound super cool.

Silver Crusade

Set wrote:

Are armies of angels called 'constellations,' and can they array themselves precisely to form vast glyph-like forms mimicing astrological formations that enact mythic ritual effects, so long as they remain 'in formation,' becoming 'constellations' not only in name, but in fact? Also want.

And for those that want books dedicated to each celestial "race"(angels, azatas, etc.) like demons, devils, and so forth, there's one definite way to let Paizo know you're interested in books for celestials. :)

I would have loved a book for each type but at least we are finally getting a book for celestials.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mikaze wrote:
Set wrote:

Are armies of angels called 'constellations,' and can they array themselves precisely to form vast glyph-like forms mimicing astrological formations that enact mythic ritual effects, so long as they remain 'in formation,' becoming 'constellations' not only in name, but in fact? Also want.

And for those that want books dedicated to each celestial "race"(angels, azatas, etc.) like demons, devils, and so forth, there's one definite way to let Paizo know you're interested in books for celestials. :)

Complaining loudly on the message boards?


Silver Crusade

Or "Buy the books and spread the word".

1 person marked this as a favorite.

YES!! I'm going to be so happily broke this coming year. Paizo, I love you!

I would be positively ecstatic, I mean like giggling maniacally, to see celestials given three books. I loved the mythos and the detail given to each of the groupings of fiends and I'd love to see equal history given to each celestial race. That said, I guess I can see how most campaigns focus on the baddies and not the NPCs helping you along, so I can see GMs wanting more detail on them. Ah, well. At least we finally got one book about celestials. I've been begging for this one for a long time

Wildebob, me too! I like to play paladins and priests of LG deities and having powerful denizens of the heavens to work with or for to put a crimp in the baddie's plans is awesome! I want to see books dedicated to all of the heavenly beings as well as a book dedicated to the heralds of all of Golarion's gods!

So long as we get some info on the agathions (especially a few new members of their -- race?) and the Empyreal Lords, particularly some worshiped outside of Avistan, I will be ecstatic over this book.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:
With names like 'planeter' and 'solar,' it leaves me wondering if there are angels named after other celestial bodies, like size and shape-changing Lunars or vast quasi-corporeal Nebulars or portentous doom-heralding fiery-trailing Cometars, or, Kirby forfend, purple-armored planet-cleansing Galactars.

The Plutons - they thought they were Planetars, till they got reclassified.

Dark Archive

I have a feeling that the individual books will end up in the player guide section, with a view on the good aligned outsiders from the PCs prespective; allies, patrons, ect

also looking foward on any more detail on any of the celestials

I hope this book will have new types of Angels, Azatas, Agathions, and to a lesser extent Archons because they at least had some love in the Bestiary 3. I wonder if there are more then one type of Garuda or Peri?

I'd love some improved familiars based on Garuda and Peri...

Silver Crusade

Eric Hinkle wrote:
So long as we get some info on the agathions (especially a few new members of their -- race?) and the Empyreal Lords, particularly some worshiped outside of Avistan, I will be ecstatic over this book.

You might be interested in Shattered Star: Shards of Sin's bestiary. It's a wonderfully weird one. :)

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:
Muyingwa the Seed Thrower (a Mwangi angel? Woo!)

Big yes to this too. Getting a look at Empyreals and celestials seen through a non-Avistani lens would be really awesome too. Osirioni angels, Mwangi azatas, Vudrani garudas, Arcadian agathions...

Especially with Dehrukani existing. Maybe we could see who that land's patron azatas are?

Dragon78 wrote:
I wonder if there are more then one type of Garuda or Peri?

There is a lot of crazy stuff that could be mined from the Peris' flavor if they get additional types developed. Different aspects of their fallen-then-rising nature and such. Different takes on penitence, remorse, redemption, acceptance, etc...

Garudas too. Still mighty curious how they interact with non-evil(and particularly good) nagas.

Mikaze wrote:
Set wrote:
Muyingwa the Seed Thrower (a Mwangi angel? Woo!)

Big yes to this too. Getting a look at Empyreals and celestials seen through a non-Avistani lens would be really awesome too. Osirioni angels, Mwangi azatas, Vudrani garudas, Arcadian agathions...

Especially with Dehrukani existing. Maybe we could see who that land's patron azatas are?

Dragon78 wrote:
I wonder if there are more then one type of Garuda or Peri?

There is a lot of crazy stuff that could be mined from the Peris' flavor if they get additional types developed. Different aspects of their fallen-then-rising nature and such. Different takes on penitence, remorse, redemption, acceptance, etc...

Garudas too. Still mighty curious how they interact with non-evil(and particularly good) nagas.

Have you looked at Cult of the Ebon Destroyers (module) ? There's some incidental information about Garudas and Nagas there.

Cult of the Ebon Destroyers spoilers:

The main enemies are a fallen, "anti-Garuda" and a Dark Naga, plus a Rakshasa.

I would love to see a Naga for every alignment.

I still wish we got a book for each celestial type like the book of the damned series did for fiends.

Mikaze wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
So long as we get some info on the agathions (especially a few new members of their -- race?) and the Empyreal Lords, particularly some worshiped outside of Avistan, I will be ecstatic over this book.
You might be interested in Shattered Star: Shards of Sin's bestiary. It's a wonderfully weird one. :)

Thanks for the recommendation.

Mikaze wrote:
Especially with Dehrukani existing. Maybe we could see who that land's patron azatas are?

Dehrukani? Where/what is that?

Silver Crusade

Bellona wrote:
Dehrukani? Where/what is that?

It's a coastal Mwangi/Garundi(?) nation in southern Garund, off the Inner Sea Region map. The people there worship azatas, and the land is described as being an incredibly high-fantasy place*, generally peaceful, with crystaline structures built with azata aid. It was first mentioned along with Holomog(land of Mwangi amazons riding dinosaurs fighting lizardmans riding dinosaurs) in the Inner Sea Region Guide. There hasn't been any more revealed about it since though, IIRC.

*I think keeping with Erik Mona said about "the further south you go in Garund, the more fantastic it gets.

Gonna keep my eye on this one, definitely.

Bellona wrote:
Dehrukani? Where/what is that?
Mikaze wrote:

It's a coastal Mwangi/Garundi(?) nation in southern Garund, off the Inner Sea Region map. The people there worship azatas, and the land is described as being an incredibly high-fantasy place*, generally peaceful, with crystaline structures built with azata aid. It was first mentioned along with Holomog(land of Mwangi amazons riding dinosaurs fighting lizardmans riding dinosaurs) in the Inner Sea Region Guide. There hasn't been any more revealed about it since though, IIRC.

*I think keeping with Erik Mona said about "the further south you go in Garund, the more fantastic it gets.

Thank you for the clarification! :)

I asked Mr James Jacobs if they have any plans to make more types of Garuda or Peri and he said there are none.

Dragon78 wrote:
I asked Mr James Jacobs if they have any plans to make more types of Garuda or Peri and he said there are none.

Then this is the perfect time to mend that ;)

He also said, like Axiomites, there are no other kinds of Garuda or Peri.

Dragon78 wrote:
He also said, like Axiomites, there are no other kinds of Garuda or Peri.

so sad u.u

Silver Crusade

Also mighty curious about Korada, whatever s/he actually is. That Empyreal has long seemed to be a more natural fit as a patron for extremely good-leaning monks than the more self-oriented Irori, and has actually seems to be a closer Buddha analogue for those looking for one, at least from what little is known about him/her at this point.

Still extremely curious about what Ragathiel is going to look like, considering his heritage...

Dark Archive

Set wrote:

Best to start with one book, I suppose. As opposed to the bajillions of demon lords the game has seen come and go, and the more than a dozen 'nine archdevils,' along with the various other uber-fiends (like Anthraxus), the concept of 'Angel Lords' is pretty shiny and new, and while we've had dozens of articles going on in depth about this demon lord or that infernal heirarch, including the 3.5 Books of Fiends, and entire adventure series dealing with figures like Orcus and Lolth, we've really had little more than a couple of *sentences* about 'arch-angels' or Ragathiel or whomever.

They are pretty much starting from scratch, compared to entire articles worth of text on nobodies like Zuggtmoy, so it's probably for the best that they start small, and grow the notion more organically, than just pump out a bunch of stuff on Agathion or Azata, for instance, about which we know shockingly little, or Garuda and Peri, about which we know even less!

Ever since the 1st Edition Monster Manual (and later expanded upon MMII, articles in Dragon Magazine like "The Politics of Hell" and "The Nine Hells Revisited", and even later Manual of the Planes) the Archfiends and Princes of the Abyss have captured our imagination (and many an unwary adventurer) and their schemes and plots are the stuff of epic adventures. They are as iconic as they come in a hobby filled with sacred cows (maybe 'profane cows' in this case).

Even as a young teen I remember I could easily recite the names of the respective rulers of the the layers of Hell (Tiamat had the first layer as her playground!) and the names of the very layers themselves. And while the names of the layers of the Abyss were not heavily charted then, I could still remember each of the Demon Princes and lords, their abilities, their hit points etc. (Anthranxus the Onidaemon, I always thought was quite powerful because he ruled not only layers of Planes but was master of no less than THREE actual Planes of existence!) and to this day those vile and dark fiends fuel my geek fix.

The "good guys" never got that treatment in the early days, or at least no where near the baddies got. It will take some doing to get the good guys caught up in the Outsider PR race, but I would love to see that happen.

And Set, the old Dame Zuggtmoy deserves some grognard respect, she's got pedigree and history in the game in spades (see Temple of Elemental Evil), and in the 80's, with Lolth and Finnish Kiputyttö, made life a living lower plane for my group of players.


Erik and James are the resident demon experts, Todd has the daemons on lockdown, Wes seems to have taken the mantle of devil kind, Amber Scott has some big shoes to fill. I wish the author much luck there.

Set wrote:
I do hope that some of the evocative names from the Bestiary get a callback ... Cernunnos the Stag Lord

That evocative Tolkienesque Empyreal definitely needs a write up!

Silver Crusade

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Erik and James are the resident demon experts, Todd has the daemons on lockdown, Wes seems to have taken the mantle of devil kind, Amber Scott has some big shoes to fill. I wish the author much luck there.

She already hit the ground running with Blood of Angels. Faith. :)

I am getting this one for sure.

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