Pathfinder Adventure Path #66: The Dead Heart of Xin (Shattered Star 6 of 6) (PFRPG)

3.70/5 (based on 6 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #66: The Dead Heart of Xin (Shattered Star 6 of 6) (PFRPG)
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Chapter 6: "The Dead Heart of Xin"
by Brandon Hodge

The seven shards of the Shattered Star have been recovered, and the Pathfinders prepare a grand festival on Magnimar's Irespan to celebrate this incredible achievement. The culmination of this celebration is to be the reassembly of the seven shards into the legendary Sihedron itself, rebuilt for the first time in over ten thousand years. But a lot can change in that amount of time, and as the ritual to reforge the artifact finishes, ancient contingencies rumble to life, and as the dead heart of Thassilon begins to beat again, all of Magnimar is put in terrible danger. With the power of the Sihedron on their side, the heroes take a stance against this risen evil—but will the aid of an ancient artifact be enough to save them all?

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path concludes the Shattered Star Adventure Path and includes:

  • “The Dead Heart of Xin,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 15th-level characters, by Brandon Hodge.
  • Explorations of lost cities and confrontations with ancient evils to continue your Shattered Star campaign, by Adam Daigle.
  • A survey of the ancient rulers of Thassilon—all seven runelords detailed in one place, by Rob McCreary.
  • The madness-inducing conclusion of “Light of a Distant Star” in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by Bill Ward.
  • Four new monsters, by Dennis Baker, Adam Daigle, and Brandon Hodge.

Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world’s oldest fantasy RPG.

ISBN–13: 978-1-60125-491-7

The Dead Heart of Xin is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (512 KB zip/PDF).

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3.70/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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Epic conclusion to the Shattered Star AP


I had a longer review typed out but the website ate it...

The gist of it was that this is a great adventure with a fantastic opening scene where high-level PCs really get to show off their abilities. The main dungeon is a fun crawl and the way the history of the place is revealed was very-well received by my group. Through that neat trick, the final villain, which would otherwise be a little lifeless (pun intended), became much more interesting to the players.

However, there is only a section in the adventure that is a series of literally teleporting into a room with a monster, killing it, and teleporting to the next. While I get the flavor idea behind this series of rooms, in play, they are a bit of a drag. Make sure to adjust this to your players' preferences.

All in all, we enjoyed the Shattered Star immensely and felt like this epic conclusion was well worth the long journey.

Construct-themed dungeon crawl


This module is a huge dungeon. There is no way around that. If your group loves dungeon-crawling, they might enjoy playing through this material. Otherwise, choose a different adventure. This is heavy-duty high-level combat most of the time without a lot of social interaction and little in the way of traps.

From the story perspective, at certain times during their exploration, the PCs will be subjected to visions from the emperor's past which will gradually let them put the whole backstory together. On top of that, on the fourth level there is a small lantern artifact that while it illuminates the rooms of the palace, it shows a different reality in that same room: the past, the original intent of the room, etc. It's not a bad storytelling trick to pull, I like that.

From the game mechanics perspective, the palace is haunted by the undead spirit of the emperor. This means that the GM needs to keep track of how many "spirit" points the enemy has and spend them on unleashing stuff to the players, like traps - yes, traps. The spirit starts with 20 points and spends them on things to bother the players. This is unnecessarily complex. By the way, it's the same two traps all over the palace. By the third time trap A or trap B have appeared, the players will be sick of them. I didn't think that was a particularly fun way of setting traps but on the other hand, your group might enjoy recognizing them after the second time.

Another quirk of the palace and its inhabitants is that they are haunted in a peculiar way. They all have greater dispel magic, chain lightning, +4 to AC and a lot more abilities in a new "xin-haunted" template. In practical terms, this means that every other creature needs to have its bestiary stats adjusted. A lot of them are also "advanced" so good luck trying to figure out the stats for that "Xin-haunted advanced retriever" from room C3, with two crystal sliver traps - that's Trap B - right next to it. You're going to be flipping between four separate page locations in two different books. That doesn't sound like fun.

As for the dungeon, it's got four levels and it's very construct-themed. Lots of golems and stuff. It's not bad, although I don't like the fact that the rooms in level 4 are not physically connected; the PCs teleport between one room and the next. As a result, the map of each room is located in the map for levels 1, 3 or 5. What was the need for that? The DM will need to flip pages back and forth to see where the next room is. I don't understand that design decision.

Overall, the module is just a large dungeon site with few opportunities for role-playing. It is a solid dungeon-crawl, though, so if your group loves that style of playing, they'll probably enjoy this. Just do yourself a favor and pre-calculate those template-stacked stats or look for them online.

My rating: 3 stars. It's good for an old-style dungeon. It didn't wow me but it's solid. The needless complexity of some of the mechanics detracts from it, though.

Read my whole review here

high level dungeon crawling done right


Don't wanna sound like a broken record, but the "Shattered Star" AP really delivered on the dungeons, and "Dead Heart of Xin" really is worthy as the latest of them.

After reading the previous adventure in the AP, I really thought it would be impossible to top it, but this adventure takes the "crazy" lever and turns it up a further notch. PCs will get to Save The City, in a truly epic, high level scene, and then will hustle off to a strange and magnificant dungeon that is sure to give any party a run for their money. This adventure is NOT a cake walk.

And the flavour is wonderful. Xin is the most evocative villain Iv'e seen in an AP in recent years (the stat block does him justice, too!), and he is given enough of a spotlight to make the final fight memorable. In too many APs the villain is encountered the very first time in the very last combat of the last module, not really giving the PCs time to grow to love to hate him/her. No trouble of that sort here, as the PCs wonder through Xin's sick mind as well as through his haunted palace risen from the deeps in this module, and get to know him and the tragedy of his death.

All in all just a wonderful adventure - probably the best high level adventure Iv'e seen since the climax of Kingmaker.

I know many people feel that yet another dungeon crawl was a lackluster way to finish the AP, due to probable exhuastion from dungeons the party might have after going through the previous 5 adventures, but given that this was the stated format of the AP I can't see how this would be held as a negative for the adventure.

Epic Finale


It's hard to fully introduce an Adventure Path's "final boss" in the last module, although they've done a really bang-up job here. It will be challenging running it, trying to hit the right balance between sympathy and necessity, but I'm excited to try.

I think my favorite part about this module are the tools provided to show off Xin and Thassilon's past.

Getting to actually use the Sihedron definitely comes in a close second, however. No fading to black after you get the MacGuffin together or making it useless.

Overall: Hitting the right notes might be challenging, but I think the result if you do will be awesome.

Didn't feel Xin as a villain


Like this AP, I'm sticking to my bullet point format.

The Good: -Stats for a clockwork dragon, sweet that was worth the money.
-Ok the artifact reward is frakin awesome and deserves a nod as perhaps the best reward in any AP I've read thus far.
-Opening disaster makes the story more compelling.

The Bad: -6 dungeons is a little much

The Ugly: -I hate Xin as a villain. For one he was the good guy this is just a machine trap, kind of lame.
-Not tech no, didn't see that coming not something I like in my setting.

Overall: An AP's apex villain needs to close the AP strong, I can't love this because I con't love Xin as a villain, I might take pieces from is but I will NEVER run it.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Arneroc wrote:
Hey everyone. This is a question for those of you who have been running Shattered Star. Currently, I have a group consisting of a Fighter, Inquisitor, Bladebound Magus, and an undecided fourth. I was hoping to utilize the Magus's Black Blade as a role playing device in the adventure. Do any of you have any recommendations as to how I can go about developing the Black Blades increasing sentience to work with the Shattered Star's overarching story line? I'd like for his blade to have a purpose that would prove useful or a hindrance in late game. Thanks a lot! I'm looking forward to hearing some fun ideas.

Pick up Seven Swords of Sin, an early Paizo Game Mastery Module, which also happens to be set in Kaer Maga. In a nutshell, the premise of the swords was to provide the Runelords with 'judicial champions' so-to-speak. If there was some dispute between Runelords, they would send their 'champions' to fight it out & whichever one won, their Runelord was considered to have also won.

Basically, figure whichever of the Seven Deadly sins your Bladebound best personifies & have the Black Blade be tied to that Runelord.


Arneroc wrote:
Do any of you have any recommendations as to how I can go about developing the Black Blades increasing sentience to work with the Shattered Star's overarching story line?

I gave this some thought over the evening. You've got a chance to really tie one PC really closely into the adventure, and I think that if you shift the Sihedron shards' locate-the-other-shards ability to sense the next piece from the shards themselves to the black blade, and make it the sword's purpose to recover and reunite the Sihedron, then you've got a winner. Of course, should the character die or something, you can revert the power back to the shards as normal, but I think you'd have a fantastic campaign-driver if the bladebound magus' sword appeared at first level and started urging him to take on the quest. If you wanted to tie it in as a gift or something from Shiela, I suppose you could do that.

Of course, for a kicker:


It could turn out that the sword is an early prototype of one of the Alara’quin--the seven weapons of power crafted by Xin. It could be an abandoned, never-quite-completed, or unfinished effort (you will see that such efforts are not unprecedented), and likely knows what ultimately happens when the shards are reunited. With this knowledge, it drives the PC to gather and reunite the shards so that it can either rejoin its master, or, perhaps more appropriately, seek revenge on him for its abandonment.

In any case, sounds like you've got a great chance to really entwine a PC's fate into the plot of the adventure from start to finish, and put some of the motivation back in their hands.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
Pick up Seven Swords of Sin, an early Paizo Game Mastery Module, which also happens to be set in Kaer Maga.
Brandon Hodge wrote:

I think that if you shift the Sihedron shards' locate-the-other-shards ability to sense the next piece from the shards themselves to the black blade, and make it the sword's purpose to recover and reunite the Sihedron, then you've got a winner.

What fantastic ideas! Thanks so much for responding.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


This will NEVER happen in real game play. Xin is INVINCIBLE!!! Prepare to die, PCs!!! =-P

Lantern Lodge

Can there be any hint at which level the AP is gonna end at? :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Lambsteak wrote:
Can there be any hint at which level the AP is gonna end at? :)

According to my notes... by the end of the last adventure, the PCs should have probably gained enough XP to have reached 17th level by the end. And perhaps even by the point where they're heading into the final encounters. Depending on how many additional wandering encounters and optional quests/side adventures you put in, I could even see folks reaching 18th level with relative ease.


Sounds about right to me as well, James. If GMs plumb into the backmatter for some of the campaign extension stuff that takes place outside and around the final adventure locale, 18th level is imminently doable with relatively little disruption to the adventure as written--likely just a matter of making the journey there a bit more arduous.

Hmm, still haven't gotten the "shipping soon" email. Hoping this won't be delayed.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

just got mine though I made that famous mistake of believing that it was the shipping email and was all atwitter to start reading my books.

Still waiting to download mine :/


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Savor it, folks. And enjoy.

Once it gets in my downloads, I shall!

Make like a 14 year old girl obsessed with anime and ship already! :P

Silver Crusade

tries to find the "Instant Teleportation" shipping option

Mechalibur wrote:
Make like a 14 year old girl obsessed with anime and ship already! :P

Valeros/Kyra/Seoni/Merisiel forever, yo.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Mechalibur wrote:
Make like a 14 year old girl obsessed with anime and ship already! :P
Valeros/Kyra/Seoni/Merisiel forever, yo.

Now I can only see that character combination as part of some interesting harem style anime.

(For those who don't know anime, look for the harem theme on the anime page of Wikipedia.)

So, for those who have it, on a scale of 1 to "Oh God Why Didn't I Subscribe To This Line For This One", how good is it?

Started looking it over, and it's pretty solid so far. The treasures section is 4 pages long, instead of the usual 2. The Clockwork Reliquary is a total badass, and actually isn't evil. Paladins might have a hard time. It also has abilities related to all seven skymetals. I'm a bit surprised since I thought it would be some sort of spellcaster.

So what are the monsters like in the bestiary?

What is the CR and creature type of the Clockwork Reliquary?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Mechalibur wrote:
Started looking it over, and it's pretty solid so far. The treasures section is 4 pages long, instead of the usual 2. The Clockwork Reliquary is a total badass, and actually isn't evil. Paladins might have a hard time. It also has abilities related to all seven skymetals. I'm a bit surprised since I thought it would be some sort of spellcaster.

You didn't notice the notes for what happens if the PCs fail and it gets its hands/claws on the completed Sihedron?

It disassembles the Sihedron, incorporates the shards into its body, and gains the full abilities of a 20th level Wizard.

This is by far my favorite volume of this AP. The last two have really been lifting up Shattered Star's rankings in my mind. Books 1 and 2 were kind of underwhelming for me, but these two, wow. (Probably just my anti-low level adventures bias, but these last two volumes have been great.)

Never mind about those questions just got my email not to long ago and I am reading it now.

Kvantum wrote:
Mechalibur wrote:
Started looking it over, and it's pretty solid so far. The treasures section is 4 pages long, instead of the usual 2. The Clockwork Reliquary is a total badass, and actually isn't evil. Paladins might have a hard time. It also has abilities related to all seven skymetals. I'm a bit surprised since I thought it would be some sort of spellcaster.

You didn't notice the notes for what happens if the PCs fail and it gets its hands/claws on the completed Sihedron?

** spoiler omitted **

This is by far my favorite volume of this AP. The last two have really been lifting up Shattered Star's rankings in my mind. Books 1 and 2 were kind of underwhelming for me, but these two, wow. (Probably just my anti-low level adventures bias, but these last two volumes have been great.)

I most certainly noticed.

If my players fail, they're probably going to have to bring out their old Rise of the Runelords/Curse of the Crimson Throne characters to take on super-Xin.

Monster List please!


Monster List


Azata, Raelis - CR10 CG Large Outsider
Clockwork Dragon - CR16 N Huge Construct
Living Rune - CR 13 NE Medium Aberration
Mezlan - CR 14 N Medium Ooze (Shapechanger)

I really like the Mexlan.

The Living Rune's two dimensional trait is very interesting.

The Clockwork Reliquary is awesome, I haven't seen a final boss this interesting since Nerissa from King Maker.

Interesting collection of monsters from constructs, aboleth, axiomites, scylla, marilith with magical sky metal weapons, an aeon, etc.

This one looks like a winner in my book!


Loving the props, folks. When this one proliferates a bit more and more people get a chance to read it, I'm going to necro the thread that inspired some of my choices in this adventure that made it what it is. Can't wait to discuss this one with you guys in the Shattered Star threads! =-)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Brandon Hodge wrote:
Loving the props, folks. When this one proliferates a bit more and more people get a chance to read it, I'm going to necro the thread that inspired some of my choices in this adventure that made it what it is. Can't wait to discuss this one with you guys in the Shattered Star threads! =-)

All I've done so far is flick through the adventure and looking at just the monster names is wonderous!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

*In Announcer Voice*

This Wednesday witness the end of an epic with years in the making. The Shattered Star reunited. An ancient power rising. A nation united by it's dark past, for the dead heart of Xin beats once more.

Available in PDF and Print from Paizo Games.

(Warning other sellers may not have it available until one month later.)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I wonder how many groups will

actually fall for Ogonthunss deception. At this point groups I'm playing with/running adventure for routinely check suspiciously well placed NPCs for alignment and shapeshifting. And as far as I can, it doesn't have any abilities or spells to conceal its evil alignment.

Then again I am always surprised how many "deception based" NPCs are not prepared for dealing with a level one spell like "Detect Evil". It's like player characters are supposed with friendly seeming NPCs like the party in The Gamers does with the replacement Wizard. "You seem trustworthy. Would you care to join us in our noble quest?" "Yes. Yes I would <muahahaha>" ^^


Making a full-proof deception was important to me for Ogonthunn, and checking my turnover...

...I took steps to double-conceal its deception, with a Before Combat listing in its statblock that dictated that Ogonthunn cast mind blank daily. This, of course, would thwart most divinations. As a secondary line of defense against detection, Ogunthunn relied primarily on veil (to take the Azlanti form)and project image to parlay with the party from a distance to strike a deal, otherwise relying on its high Bluff check to cover its butt if otherwise caught with claims that it was in a cursed form inflicted by Xin in antiquity, under the influence of evil transmutive magics, etc. Assuming the mind blank was thwarted and a direct confrontation ensued, of course. So I thought the deception was pretty well defended against even highly-suspicious PCs.

And while I haven't scrutinized the final version as well as I should just yet, I know James went with a more physical confrontation and opted for a polymorphed Ogunthunn and a direct-presence parlay, which was likely the right design choice. But the removal of the daily casting of mind blank would, I think, be an unfortunate edit with unintended consequences, though it seems the spell was removed from the aboleth's spell list as well. That's really unfortunate. That was really the key to covering its butt.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yep, Mind Blank or something like Undetectable Alignment would have been mandatory, IMO. Not sure what one could do against someone casting True Sight, but since that spell has expensive components, maybe it is less likely that players will cast it. However, I can see few good-aligned parties agreeing to ally themselves with a potent evil creature or, in case that Ogunthunn were re-statted with Mind Blank, not at least suspecting that something fishy ( pun unintended ) is going on here.

BTW, I've read the entire adventure at work and it seems much, much improved in its RP potential from your last final module of an AP. Good to know that the complaints were heeded. Given how dungeon-heavy it is, I really liked it ( and what I've seen of the entire AP). :)

Dark Archive

Kevin wants now.


THANKS, Magnuskn! Like I said upthread, there were a couple of threads floating around at the time of my writing that I plan to revisit with you guys, and you can see the direct result and influence fan feedback can have on final products.

Shadows of Gallowspire did miss out on some RP opportunities that I would love to have included, and it was important to me to answer some of the criticisms it received when I was handed Xin on a nice, silver platter. I think this one answers much of that in spades. =-)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

hopefully mine ships today as it seems people are getting their shipping emails already.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The other thing to consider, I think, is that


if the PC's do take down Orgunthunn before they go after Xin, that can seriously wind up hurting them as well. I get a serious 'the Enemy of my Enemy may be my best Ally' vibe from this. On the other hand, I find it rather interesting that a Paladin going in here could very well be hindered if (s)he follows first instincts, the only foes that are smite-able are the ones you might want to save for after you take down Xin...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
The other thing to consider, I think, is that if the PC's do take down Orgunthunn before they go after Xin, that can seriously wind up hurting them as well. I get a serious 'the Enemy of my Enemy may be my best Ally' vibe from this. On the other hand, I find it rather interesting that a Paladin going in here could very well be hindered if (s)he follows first instincts, the only foes that are smite-able are the ones you might want to save for after you take down Xin...

I'd consider spoiler-izing what you wrote, as it is rather revealing about one of the plot twists of the module.

And I think that having a powerful enemy in your party is a bad idea, when the ideal point to strike is for her when the final battle is over and the party may be heavily wounded.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Added spoiler tag.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
magnuskn wrote:
I'd consider spoiler-izing what you wrote, as it is rather revealing about one of the plot twists of the module.

Gah! Good points, both of them. I can't even blame that on being tired. Thank you Liz.

Since the living rune is not incorporeal but two dimensional, then ghost touch weapons would not gain any benefit, correct?

Paizo Employee Developer

Dragon78 wrote:

Since the living rune is not incorporeal but two dimensional, then ghost touch weapons would not gain any benefit, correct?

Correct, ghost touch weapons only affect incorporeal creatures.

Grand Lodge

magnuskn wrote:

I'd consider spoiler-izing what you wrote, as it is rather revealing about one of the plot twists of the module.

** spoiler omitted **

The quote that you are referring to needing to be spoilerized should BE spoilerized as well. :)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
Since the living rune is not incorporeal but two dimensional, then ghost touch weapons would not gain any benefit, correct?

Isn't that so cool??? =-)

I really like how the adventure incorporates possible character events from the previous adventures in the series. One constant criticism of adventure paths is how the authours don't incorporate points of interest from earlier parts of the path, but clearly this adventure does.

I usually find the final adventure of the path to be the weakest of the 6 (I'm looking at you council of thieves), but in this case I am really liking it. In fact, I don't think Shattered Star has had a weak adventure, but if I had to name one it certainly wouldn't be the Dead Heart.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Lambsteak wrote:
Can there be any hint at which level the AP is gonna end at? :)
According to my notes... by the end of the last adventure, the PCs should have probably gained enough XP to have reached 17th level by the end. And perhaps even by the point where they're heading into the final encounters. Depending on how many additional wandering encounters and optional quests/side adventures you put in, I could even see folks reaching 18th level with relative ease.

Just curious, but is there a reason why the final normal levels seem to be ignored? Why is it that the APs always seem to end t 17-18th level? As a player, it is kinda frustrating to have the capstone abilities, and 9th level spells always just out of reach.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Phane wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Lambsteak wrote:
Can there be any hint at which level the AP is gonna end at? :)
According to my notes... by the end of the last adventure, the PCs should have probably gained enough XP to have reached 17th level by the end. And perhaps even by the point where they're heading into the final encounters. Depending on how many additional wandering encounters and optional quests/side adventures you put in, I could even see folks reaching 18th level with relative ease.
Just curious, but is there a reason why the final normal levels seem to be ignored? Why is it that the APs always seem to end t 17-18th level? As a player, it is kinda frustrating to have the capstone abilities, and 9th level spells always just out of reach.

It's because of physics.

A typical six part adventure path simply isn't long enough to fit in enough encounters to hit 20th level... but I think that might change with Wrath of the Righteous, due to the accelerated rate at which mythic characters will be leveling up. We'll see!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Phane wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Lambsteak wrote:
Can there be any hint at which level the AP is gonna end at? :)
According to my notes... by the end of the last adventure, the PCs should have probably gained enough XP to have reached 17th level by the end. And perhaps even by the point where they're heading into the final encounters. Depending on how many additional wandering encounters and optional quests/side adventures you put in, I could even see folks reaching 18th level with relative ease.
Just curious, but is there a reason why the final normal levels seem to be ignored? Why is it that the APs always seem to end t 17-18th level? As a player, it is kinda frustrating to have the capstone abilities, and 9th level spells always just out of reach.

They give you a continuing a campaign section so you can reach 20th level. Plus they want you to create adventures of your own so that they don't have to make everything for you. Part wanting you to embrace your inner creativity and part lazy. (Last part is a joke)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Deanoth wrote:
magnuskn wrote:

I'd consider spoiler-izing what you wrote, as it is rather revealing about one of the plot twists of the module.

** spoiler omitted **

The quote that you are referring to needing to be spoilerized should BE spoilerized as well. :)

Oh, um, yeah, correct.

Liz? ^^

Silver Crusade


Just did the quick lookthrough. This is looking exactly like what I was hoping to get out of Shattered Star's climax. :)

<3 Xin so much

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