Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds (PFRPG)

4.60/5 (based on 14 ratings)
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Distant Worlds (PFRPG)
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Golarion is the primary world of the Pathfinder campaign setting, but it is not alone. Far beyond its lands and seas, sister worlds revolve around the same sun, their residents connected by magical portals or ships of terrifying magic and technology. Now take your game off-planet and explore these weird new worlds for yourself!

This book offers a detailed introduction to the science-fantasy worlds of Golarion’s solar system, each complete with its own mysterious locations and cultures. Discover how your swords and spells match up against the trench dwellers of the Red Planet or the angelic Sarcesians who soar between asteroids. Research the mysterious origins of the sealed world-ship of Apostae, or hunt vortex sharks in the freezing seas of Kalo-Mahoi. Though strange and new, each of these worlds uses the same Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules as Golarion itself.

    Within this 64-page book, you’ll find:
  • Gazetteers of every planet and major moon in Golarion’s system, from the steamy jungles of Castrovel and the machine-ruled rock of Aballon to post-apocalyptic Eox and divided Verces, where one side is always day and the other night. Plus, uncover information on the residents of the sun, Golarion’s moon, the asteroid belt called the Diaspora, the dark regions beyond mysterious Aucturn, and more!
  • Introductions to the major cultures inhabiting the system. Will you join Castrovel’s beautiful Lashunta, fight beside the four-armed giants of Akiton, study with the hyper-evolved Contemplatives of Ashok, petition the undead Bone Sages of Eox, or face down the insectile legions of the Forever Queen?
  • Easy new rules for adventuring on other planets, including discussions on gravity, temperature, time, vacuum, and traveling between worlds.
  • Adventure hooks for every world, tailored for GMs currently playing on Golarion.
  • Six brand-new alien monsters, from intelligent dragonkin who bond with humanoids to the great oma space-whales and amorphous, blimplike Brethedans.

Distant Worlds is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be used in any fantasy game setting.

by James L. Sutter

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-403-0

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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I adore how much sci-fi is in Pathfinder, and the delicious sword-and-planet weirdness is my favorite flavor of that. I’m hoping 2e revisits this material as soon as possible - and with a greater eye towards PCs from these places!

Indispensable if Your PCs are Headed to the Stars


Distant Worlds is a 64-page softcover campaign setting book for Pathfinder that's like no other: instead of detailing a particular region of Golarion, this book takes you into space! Well-known as one of the few campaign setting-line books to receive a second printing due to its popularity, the goal of Distant Worlds is to provide an introduction and overview to the planets that share a solar system with Golarion. The Inner Sea is great and planar travel has its appeal, but sometimes a story needs to travel to whole new worlds and encounter strange, alien civilizations: if you're inclined in such a direction, this is the book for you.

The front cover is certainly cool and eye-catching, and evokes the "sword and planet" genre that inspires much of what's inside the book. The artwork is reprinted as the inside back cover, while the inside front cover provides a map of the solar system, showing the order of planets from the sun.

The Introduction (two pages) makes clear that this isn't intended as a brand new campaign setting (much less a brand new game like Starfinder), but is instead a whole new set of locales that heroes from Golarion can travel to and adventure on. Thus, the focus is on what outsiders to these planets will experience, and how they'll survive the journey to get there. I especially like the couple of paragraphs on how the gods of Golarion aren't necessarily known deities on other planets, and that their portfolios may be encompassed by deities completely unheard of to the PCs.

The first and by far largest section (48 pages) of this book is a gazetteer of the bodies that make up Golarion's solar system. Each of the planets receives four pages of coverage made up of statistics (diameter, mass, gravity, atmosphere, and orbit), a general description, a few paragraphs on what adventuring there would be like, a half-page chart of key locations on the planet, a couple of pages of written description of those locations, and then a few brief adventure hooks that GMs can use to draw PCs to that planet. Given that entire worlds are being described in just four pages, readers need to have their expectations in the right place: this is an introduction, not an exhaustive treatment. I found the interior artwork very hit or miss: many of the aliens are very cool and evocative, but some of the other drawings are rather mediocre. Anyway, here's a quick run-down of what's covered:

* The Sun: This is actually just a one-page summary, but it's actually kind of cool--I never thought about setting adventures on the sun! In Pathfinder, there's actually stuff there, including magically-protected "bubble cities" that would make an awesome setting for an adventure.

* Aballon: A rocky world that is the closet planet to the sun, occupied by a vast society of machine intelligences created by mysterious (and now departed) First Ones. There's a really cool cultural divide among the intelligent machines between Those Who Wait (who believe that their creators will someday return and justify their existence) and Those Who Become (who believe that they should leave and seed another world, becoming First Ones themselves). Another location that stands out is Horsethroat, a small settlement of about 50 people from Golarion (and other worlds) who have arrived, quite accidentally, through a portal from their homeworld and are now trapped on Aballon. It's a natural starting point for PCs to begin their adventures amongst the stars (even if the "fall through a portal" adventure hook is overused in the book).

* Castrovel: Home to both the elven nation of Sovyrian (with major story ties to the fate of elves on Golarion) and the lashunta, a humanoid race with major and fixed divisions between the societal roles of the sexes. There's a plethora of awesome stuff on these four pages, including some fascinating hints about a mysterious portal network on the planet, some links of which have become dangerous. The ties between Castrovel and Golarion are so strong, it would be fantastic to see an AP that crosses between the two planets.

* Golarion's Moon: This section is only two pages long, but there are some interesting story elements here, as the moon was once colonized by ancient Azlanti, and there's a demon-infested area called the Moonscar (the subject of a Pathfinder module).

* Akiton: That massive four-armed creature on the book's cover is a Shobhad from the harsh, red desert planet of Akiton. This is a classic "sword and planet" setting, but features two races that we'll be seeing a lot more of in Starfinder: the ysoki (ratfolk) and Contemplatives of Ashok (floating giant brains!). I appreciate that the book's author, James Sutter, took care to insert details of continuity from previous Pathfinder sourcebooks, like noting that there's a strong link between the Contemplatives and an artifact found in the Mwangi Expanse on Golarion that was first detailed in Heart of the Jungle.

* Vercies: A tidal locked planet, with a Darkside and a Fullbright area sandwiching a narrow habitable zone along the equator. There's a great picture on page 22 of one of the three castes of the planetwide Vercite species. This is one of the more "high-tech" planets in the solar system and has a nice SF feel that sets it apart from Golarion's traditional fantasy setting.

* The Diaspora: Millions of asteroids, large and small, form the Diaspora. The asteroid belt has a cool history perhaps linked to the Starstone, and is home to a race called the Sarcesians. There's a ton of great adventure possibilities detailed in these four pages, with the Vacant Halls and the Wailing Stone serving as natural destinations for explorers.

* Eox: What if you built the Death Star on a planet, but the one time it was fired it caused untold destruction of your own world? That's sort of the backstory to Eox, a planet where the survivors of a doomsday weapon have turned to necromancy and undeath in order to survive on a blasted world. Eox is one of the most memorable parts of Distant Worlds, as the resident Bone Sages are cool and creepy at the same time. There's a location on the planet called the Halls of the Living which is mad-genius Sutter at his best.

* Triaxus: Interesting concept of a planet with a long (317 years!) orbit, so generations are either "summer-born" or "winter-born." There's a surprising amount of dragon stuff, which isn't really my cup of tea, but it's done well.

* Liavara: An enormous gas giant with several moons. The moons provide lots of variety and adventure possibilities, and I can't argue with the fantastic depiction of a giant creepy bug called The Forever Queen on p. 39 (just pay attention to the little guy at the bottom left to understand the scale!).

* Bretheda: Purple gas giant with natives that are . . . difficult for outsiders to understand. I found the planet's moons to be the most interesting, many of which are so intriguing I wish they would have had additional pages devoted to them.

* Apostae: This is the classic "world-ship" SF trope, and I'm stoked to see it here. My mind instantly jumped to an AP focussed on how to get to the mysterious "vault" at the center of the planet to understand the creators and purpose of Apostae. Interestingly, each resident of Apostae is biologically significantly different to every other one, so the PCs will likely stand out simply due to their (probably) shared humanoid-bipedal features!

* Aucturn: A cool, mysterious planet at the very edge of the solar system. Unlike all of the others, there are no magical portals to Aucturn, meaning it's a hard place to get to! The write-up shows some intriguing links to the Old Ones and the Dominion of the Black, but there's only two-pages of information on this one.

* Other Worlds: The part ends with a two-page overview of some miscellaneous topics: constellations, Cynosure (Golarion's north star), the Dark Tapestry (the haunted void between the stars), and the Ice Belt. I wasn't particularly impressed with the material here, and would rather have seen it used for something else.

Part Two, Stellar Adventures, is just four pages long but they're an extremely important four pages. It's here we get some insight into ways for PCs to travel to other planets, including portals, spells, and vessels. There are brief discussions on how to handle environmental problems (including vacuum, extremely high and low gravity and temperature, etc.). Last, there are two new spells ("Planetary Adaptation" and "Mass Planetary Adaptation") and a new magical item ("Pressure Suit"), all of which are indispensable. GMs planning a space-based campaign should note that this section sets some very broad rules, but leaves the vast majority of questions that are bound to come up to GM discretion. Again, this is an introductory sketch to an interplanetary campaign, not a full rules system.

Part Three, Aliens, is eight pages long. One of the best parts of this section is a list of the couple of dozen of established Pathfinder "monsters" that are explicitly extraterrestrial in origin or that could logically be found on particular other planets. The list is drawn from Bestiary 1, 2, and 3, so there are probably more recent monsters from volumes 4, 5, and 6 that could be used as well. Last, six new alien creatures are given stat blocks and descriptions: the insectile machine creatures called Aballonians, the dirigible-like Brethedans, the previously-mentioned giant brains called Contemplatives of Ashok, the Dragonkin of Triaxus, giant interplanetary "space whales" (capable of being used as transports) called Oma, and the four-armed giants from Akiton called Shobhad. Interesting, creative ideas executed well.

Distant Worlds is a campaign setting book that will either sit on a shelf gathering dust (if you play purely pre-published materials like APs, PFS scenarios, and modules) or serve as *the* book for a homebrew campaign in which the PCs find themselves on alien worlds. It's thus not a must have for most GMs, but if you have serious plans to integrate Golarion's solar system into your campaign, then it's indispensable. There are a ton of great ideas in the book, and even if it's not quite as spectacular as some of the buzz indicates, it represents a worthy expansion of Pathfinder's core campaign setting.

A great spark for extreme fantasy


Not only does this book give some very unique interplanetary ideas, but is also very good to create earth based areas. That all comes with the fact, however, that this is an idea book like any gazatter.
This book runs through various inhospitable Terrain and the requirements to survive in them. With some clever alterations you can create very alien worlds with them. Those glaciers in real life that bleed red water because of heavy iron? Easily adapted to the Mars setting. Need a compelling volcano? The sun can help. Magic gas filling the area? Look to the gas giants.
Aside from the obvious and welcomed return of fantasy space this will be very much enjoyed by anyone who enjoys the most extreme fantasy setting. Again, this is a gazetteer so don't expect too much to be done for you, it just has the basics. Still the best example of a gazatter I've seen in ages.

Possibilities for the future!


As many of you have noted, this book provides many hooks, and basic background for these new worlds, but few new rules, items, and monsters. But think of the future Setting books this may spawn! I can easily see at least one book for each of the planets, plus a space-travel/vehicles book, magi-technology book, augmentations book (mystical&technological), etc.. I've already come up with an addition to the dragonkin, the True-blooded (dragonkin with the half-dragon template, with the damage, energy type, and DC of their breath weapon changing to that of their progenitor, along with their fire immunity being replaced with the respective type).

A Good Start


I'm an old school fan of SpellJammer although Spider Moon is growing on me, like a fungus really but I digress. I am a GM that wants to resurrect SpellJammer using Pathfinder rules and this was not enough. But I am aware of 2 more third party books coming down the pike to supplement what little is here so I'll take this book for what it is.

Now keep in mind I like the book as a whole but there were some teasers I found annoying in illustrations of being I would love to have stats for towards the end of the first section. It's a nice solar system model I may steal for my own campaign and there are some nice ideas in here, that I wish had been given more info. And in the intro would it have killed you to list some stories that feed into this, I mean, Heck Planet Stories has a good chunk of them, pimp yourselves!

The space travel is a little too light for my tastes but I had the same problem with the first section of being too short. The one new magic item inspired me to create my own. That said the image that starts the chapter off is just fun.

The last bit was all about Aliens and this too could have been expanded. Great stuff and suggestions of other monsters to add in that you may already have was nice. I love the space whales and living clouds best but there isn't a bad monster in here.

Ultimately this is your primer to fantasy space, if doubling the page count would have upped the price I would have paid the extra gladly. I'm looking forward to what Zombie Sky is putting out and I'm sorry I couldn't put in a bid for that one, but i expect it will supplement this nicely. Clockwork Gnome's book I did help get launched and with my pledge I'm getting a copy to use with this and I hope others will too. If you want interplanetary adventures this will get you started but as I have said, there could have been so much more in here.

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Thank you Vic.

Dragonkin, Spacewhales, and Brethedans sound interesting.

Whatever lives on the sun has to be powerful!!!

Forever Queen has a nice ring to it.

James Sutter wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:

How many monsters/creatures are there in this book?

Are there any playable races?

Anything that can be used as an animal companion or familiar?

Do we find out what familiar/known monsters exist on these other planets that live on Golarion?

If I recall correctly, there are 6 fully statted-up monsters, plus dozens more that are described but not statted up. There's also a discussion of familiar monsters from Golarion and their roles on other planets, as well as advice on easy ways to reskin familiar monsters for an interplanetary campaign. The statted-up monsters include one that wouldn't *quite* be an animal companion, but might interest you if you enjoy that sort of character. And while there aren't any playable race write-ups, many of the races described could easily be built using the rules in the forthcoming Advanced Race Guide!

James I have to be honest, this information made me cancel my preorder, and it's the type of thing I'd expect from WotC, but not you guys. Frankly, I was pretty worried when I noticed you omitted the kitsune feats from Dragon Empires Gazetteer (which would have amounted to 3 paragraphs, tops) and this "we didn't stat these alien races out here... BUT YOU CAN TOTALLY DO IT YOURSELF WITH THE UPCOMING 40$ BOOK RELEASED AROUND THE SAME TIME" only confirms my fears.

This is the kind of thing that is killing our hobby, you're not giving us our money's worth. I don't think I'm alone when I say I'd trade the "special thanks" on page 3 of Dragon Empires Gazetteer for the kitsune feats, or that I'd trade a page or two of vague, not at all helpful blips of fluff from obscure moons with no plot relevance for properly statted alien races. Just saying.

Liberty's Edge

Blastoguy wrote:

James I have to be honest, this information made me cancel my preorder, and it's the type of thing I'd expect from WotC, but not you guys. Frankly, I was pretty worried when I noticed you omitted the kitsune feats from Dragon Empires Gazetteer (which would have amounted to 3 paragraphs, tops) and this "we didn't stat these alien races out here... BUT YOU CAN TOTALLY DO IT YOURSELF WITH THE UPCOMING 40$ BOOK RELEASED AROUND THE SAME TIME" only confirms my fears.

This is the kind of thing that is killing our hobby, you're not giving us our money's worth. I don't think I'm alone when I say I'd trade the "special thanks" on page 3 of Dragon Empires Gazetteer for the kitsune feats, or that I'd trade a page or two of vague, not at all helpful blips of fluff from obscure moons with no plot relevance for properly statted alien races. Just saying.

I don't feel the comparison is fair. The thing I like about these books is that you get .exactly. what it says on the cover.

This is a Campaign Setting gazetteer, after all. It's mostly fluff; notable places, npcs and story hooks. With a book dedicated to races already scheduled to come out, writing more races to put in here would be making you buy both if it's races you are interested in.

I will agree that the argument could go both ways. Personally, I like how each product line focuses on its own thing. When I get the Campaign setting books, I'm hoping for maybe a prestige class or a very world-specific monster. But a race belongs, in my personal opinion, in the Core line.

Zahariel wrote:
Blastoguy wrote:

James I have to be honest, this information made me cancel my preorder, and it's the type of thing I'd expect from WotC, but not you guys. Frankly, I was pretty worried when I noticed you omitted the kitsune feats from Dragon Empires Gazetteer (which would have amounted to 3 paragraphs, tops) and this "we didn't stat these alien races out here... BUT YOU CAN TOTALLY DO IT YOURSELF WITH THE UPCOMING 40$ BOOK RELEASED AROUND THE SAME TIME" only confirms my fears.

This is the kind of thing that is killing our hobby, you're not giving us our money's worth. I don't think I'm alone when I say I'd trade the "special thanks" on page 3 of Dragon Empires Gazetteer for the kitsune feats, or that I'd trade a page or two of vague, not at all helpful blips of fluff from obscure moons with no plot relevance for properly statted alien races. Just saying.

I don't feel the comparison is fair. The thing I like about these books is that you get .exactly. what it says on the cover.

This is a Campaign Setting gazetteer, after all. It's mostly fluff; notable places, npcs and story hooks. With a book dedicated to races already scheduled to come out, writing more races to put in here would be making you buy both if it's races you are interested in.

I will agree that the argument could go both ways. Personally, I like how each product line focuses on its own thing. When I get the Campaign setting books, I'm hoping for maybe a prestige class or a very world-specific monster. But a race belongs, in my personal opinion, in the Core line.

I was really looking forward to exotic, secular options racewise. :(

Besides, there's really no reason not to include them, and seeing as like the Lashunta for example are the dominant race (barely) on their planet, it's kind of relevant.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I think 'lack of official Paizo psionics rules for Pathfinder' may be one of the major reasons for not including Lashunta stats. The race is psi-focused, and the rules for that aren't out yet (though I hope they eventually come out). This argument doesn't really hold for the other races (unless they also require rules expansions to build), and it would be nice to see stats for them, but I think this book is still going to give lots of awesome info on the various planets.

Blastoguy wrote:

James I have to be honest, this information made me cancel my preorder, and it's the type of thing I'd expect from WotC, but not you guys. Frankly, I was pretty worried when I noticed you omitted the kitsune feats from Dragon Empires Gazetteer (which would have amounted to 3 paragraphs, tops) and this "we didn't stat these alien races out here... BUT YOU CAN TOTALLY DO IT YOURSELF WITH THE UPCOMING 40$ BOOK RELEASED AROUND THE SAME TIME" only confirms my fears.

This is the kind of thing that is killing our hobby, you're not giving us our money's worth. I don't think I'm alone when I say I'd trade the "special thanks" on page 3 of Dragon Empires Gazetteer for the kitsune feats, or that I'd trade a page or two of vague, not at all helpful blips of fluff from obscure moons with no plot relevance for properly statted alien races. Just saying.

I don't really see how Paizo's contributing to the death of this fine hobby in any way. With the exception of the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting and The Inner Sea World Guide books, all books in the campaign setting line are 64-page books and there's a limit to how much can be squeezed into a 64-page book. When you deal with something as massive as an entire solar system, things are bound to get cut and since this is a gazetteer-style book a la the Gazetteer or the Dragon Empires Gazetteer, I would expect the focus to be on the fluff, not a crunch-heavy book. Had this been a Player Companion book or a Distant Worlds World Guide'ish book, I think your criticism would be valid.

Now, I'm not going to claim to know how Paizo handles the PRD but so far they've been VERY generous with what they put on that section of the site. I'd be VERY surprised if they don't put the race creation rules in the PRD as they have with all other game mechanics in the core line, thus negating the need to purchase that $40 book you mentioned in capital letters if you have no desire to do so. Assuming that Paizo does release the race creation rules on the PRD, you have all the tools you need to spend a day or two creating those races based on the fluff Paizo provides in Distant Worlds.

Just my two cents.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I thought 2E killed the hobby?

Hey I liked 2nd edition.

It is a Gazetteer, so were lucky to get any crunch since that is not what the book is for. It is mostly cultural, environmental, and adventure hook type infornation for GMs.

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I'm all for more description and campaign background over yet another "playable" race.

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I am just hoping that there are enough people interested in this that they decide to continue the whole solar system and eventually we have a hardcover book like the Inner Sea Guide for the solar system. That would be awesome, and then an AP on the red planet and then an AP on the green planet... And then...

Can't wait for this and everything that comes out after it.

I hope we get previews for this.

Shem wrote:

I am just hoping that there are enough people interested in this that they decide to continue the whole solar system and eventually we have a hardcover book like the Inner Sea Guide for the solar system. That would be awesome, and then an AP on the red planet and then an AP on the green planet... And then...

Can't wait for this and everything that comes out after it.

Yes, it all depends on interest, measured in sales.

A 64 pg. booklet is the bare-bones outline of such a vast playground. There have been questions about so many settings within Golarion, they'll be developing it for decades.

The Guide to Absalom is a good example. It's a general outline with a small map. The details of the city are quite general, and it's up to the GM to fill them in as he likes. I imagine that someday there will be a bigger book with a big map, more details, etc. And that's just one location of thousands.

If this goes well, there will eventually be more.

I hope it does well enough to warrent more products and more detailed content on this subject.

How many pages do each of the main planets get?

Forgget my question above, I already got that one answered.

James Sutter, were did get/come up with the names of the planets?

Are we getting a preview for this product?


Dragon78 wrote:

I hope it does well enough to warrent more products and more detailed content on this subject.

How many pages do each of the main planets get?

Most get 4 pages each.


Dragon78 wrote:

Forgget my question above, I already got that one answered.

James Sutter, were did get/come up with the names of the planets?

Are we getting a preview for this product?

I'm sure there'll be some sort of preview, though that's not necessarily up to me.

As for the names of the planets--most of the proper names came out of my head, and I just liked the sound of them. The appellations, however--things like "Aballon the Horse" and "Apostae the Messenger," etc.--all have specific meanings that are explained in the book. :)

Hey James Sutter, what made the people at Paizo to decide to have any info about the other planets(AP#14) in the first place?

What else have you worked on for Paizo/Pathfinder?

Do you have a favorite planet? What is your favorite alien race that you can reveal?


Dragon78 wrote:

Hey James Sutter, what made the people at Paizo to decide to have any info about the other planets(AP#14) in the first place?

What else have you worked on for Paizo/Pathfinder?

Do you have a favorite planet? What is your favorite alien race that you can reveal?

Really, I think the main reasons we did a book about space is:

1) "What's the rest of the solar system like?" is a pretty basic question for a setting.

2) I really, REALLY wanted to do an aliens-on-other-planets book.

As for other things I've worked on, I've been on the Pathfinder design team since before their was a Pathfinder, but some of my favorite things I've written include my PF Tales novel Death's Heretic and the campaign setting book City of Strangers.

And as for which planets and aliens are my favorite... I'll never tell. It would make the other ones jealous. :)

What Planet, moon, etc. are the Dragon-kin from? and what do you mean bond with humaniods? like animal companions, cohorts, symbiots?


Dragon78 wrote:
What Planet, moon, etc. are the Dragon-kin from? and what do you mean bond with humaniods? like animal companions, cohorts, symbiots?

Triaxus. And as for the nature of the bond--I have to save SOME things for the book! :)

Thanks for the info James.

Triaxus is an interesting choice, I would have thought it would be Verces or Castrovel.

Please tell me the Dragon-kin aren't anything like the dragonspawn from D&D!!!!

Anyway this looks like a cool book, I will buy it for sure!

I really doubt that the dragonkin has anything to do with the dragonspawn in any way.

I still wish there was a section devoted to radiation, gamma rays, etc.

Maybe we'll have to wait for the Distant Worlds Primer before getting the real nuts n bolts for this setting.

"ships of terrifying magic and technology" Puhleeze don't be spelljammers.

Power draining helms?


Wraithcannon wrote:

Maybe we'll have to wait for the Distant Worlds Primer before getting the real nuts n bolts for this setting.

"ships of terrifying magic and technology" Puhleeze don't be spelljammers.

Power draining helms?


Not even close to the worst RPG idea ever. I hope there are spelljammers, but I would suspect that due to copyright and such, there won't be.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
I like the cover.

+1, I don't think this is gonna stay on the shelves for long.

Wraithcannon wrote:

Maybe we'll have to wait for the Distant Worlds Primer before getting the real nuts n bolts for this setting.

"ships of terrifying magic and technology" Puhleeze don't be spelljammers.

Power draining helms?


-1 I'm buying this because I want to have SpellJammer back. I liked how it was done in 2E although bits of how they were done in 3E are growing on me. Like a fungus really...

Were the planets named by the people of Golarion or the inhabbitants of those planets or both?

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Holy crap this book is awesome.

FenrysStar wrote:
-1 I'm buying this because I want to have SpellJammer back. I liked how it was done in 2E although bits of how they were done in 3E are growing on me. Like a fungus really...

I really liked Spelljammer and the magic-draining helms. The setting was awe-inspiring, but a lot of it was too silly for my taste.


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks again for all the kind words, everybody! And rest assured, this book trades the whimsical tone of Spelljammer for a more serious science fantasy flavor, but should also give those spelljamming folks who like to go bouncing around between bizarre worlds plenty of material to work with. (Though if you want to play an honest-to-goodness SpellJammer game using our planets as settings, that's okay by me! Paizo's still got love for the space hippos.)

While you can never please all the people all of the time, I'm hoping that this book serves both sides of the SpellJammer debate equally well. :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Gorbacz wrote:
I thought 2E killed the hobby?

I thought that was Chainmail... oh wait that's what killed miniature games. :)

I did like the book, just enough to give tidbits to be useful and still leaving a lot unexplored. At least when Paizo gets around to doing other "settings" they can tie them in this way. So those that want to combine stuff can and those that don't can ignore what they don't like.

I find it amusing that this book (like other Pathfinder campaign setting books) says it's "suitable for play in any fantasy world" considering its focus. :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Chris Nehren wrote:
I find it amusing that this book (like other Pathfinder campaign setting books) says it's "suitable for play in any fantasy world" considering its focus. :)

Except you could, you can replace Golarion with Faerun with out to much trouble. Just ignore a few pages and use the planets and what not in Faerun's setting fairly easily.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Chris Nehren wrote:
I find it amusing that this book (like other Pathfinder campaign setting books) says it's "suitable for play in any fantasy world" considering its focus. :)
Except you could, you can replace Golarion with Faerun with out to much trouble. Just ignore a few pages and use the planets and what not in Faerun's setting fairly easily.

You could plop the Golarion solar system into any Spelljammer-esque game. Just another system to explore, like any other.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Chris Nehren wrote:
I find it amusing that this book (like other Pathfinder campaign setting books) says it's "suitable for play in any fantasy world" considering its focus. :)
Except you could, you can replace Golarion with Faerun with out to much trouble. Just ignore a few pages and use the planets and what not in Faerun's setting fairly easily.

I'm standing by the argument that spelljamming will never work in Faerun again, as there will no longer be a goddess of arcane magic, nor an arcane weave. In an absurdly Monty Python-esque series of sackings, there are no applicants remaining to fill the post, as they sure to be murdered within a cat's lifetime. So much for being an eternal deity...

Faerun really needs the soap opera cliffhanger, where it wakes up, everything is back to 137x DR, and it realizes that Ao never existed, and that WotC was just a bad dream.

But anyhoo, I'm really looking forward to this book. I love everything that Paizo has been doing with Pathfinder. My only chagrin is that this book is only 64 pages...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So far just wow! Excellent book at least through Castrovel.

What are the other three monsters not mentioned in the book's description?

Dark Archive

Mechanical Aballonians, Contemplatives of Ashok from Akiton, and Shobad, Akiton's four-armed giants.

From an initial look-over, this book seems very good.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Aballonians, Contemplative of Ashok, and Shobhad

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Ok, I have to throw this out there. There is a picture of Kyra in the door of a ship and reaching out towards a flumph. I know it is a flumph, but with her being a cleric and all, it just makes me think she is changing deities and has been touched by his noodley appendage.

Flying Spaghetti Monster

Liberty's Edge

I just downloaded my copy and it is very good. I am hoping that we see a sword and planet style AP at some point.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Except you could, you can replace Golarion with Faerun with out to much trouble. Just ignore a few pages and use the planets and what not in Faerun's setting fairly easily.

I already had that idea two hours ago. ;)

Ashenfall wrote:

I'm standing by the argument that spelljamming will never work in Faerun again, as there will no longer be a goddess of arcane magic, nor an arcane weave. In an absurdly Monty Python-esque series of sackings, there are no applicants remaining to fill the post, as they sure to be murdered within a cat's lifetime. So much for being an eternal deity...

Faerun really needs the soap opera cliffhanger, where it wakes up, everything is back to 137x DR, and it realizes that Ao never existed, and that WotC was just a bad dream.

You know, there are games exactly like that...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Chris Nehren wrote:
I find it amusing that this book (like other Pathfinder campaign setting books) says it's "suitable for play in any fantasy world" considering its focus. :)
Except you could, you can replace Golarion with Faerun with out to much trouble. Just ignore a few pages and use the planets and what not in Faerun's setting fairly easily.

Given the fact that the book's content don't rely heavily on any Golarion-specific stuff (except the Golarion chapter, and then again it's mostly about its moon) this is perhaps *the* most setting-neutral CS book out there.

Seems like a pretty interesting book...!

What do the mechanical Aballonians, the Contemplatives of Ashok and the Brethedans look like?

And who or what is the Forever Queen?

And, last question, any information about Aucturn, the Dark Tapestry or the Dominions of the Black to share?

Thanks for the information!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Awesome book!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well, Lamashtu's Flower from the Osirion book finally got a contestant in the "DO NOT WANT TO VISIT" category: The Loving Place. Seriously, keep your distance.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Like others, I was hoping for more info on Golarion-psionics atmosphere. Reading Castrovel now.

Edit: The moon is interesting. Question, didn't the Worldwound's appearance coincide with Aroden's death?

Edit II: Redskinned humans, 12' tall grey skinned giants? Ah Akiton, you seem so familiar and loved. (and free from Disney).

Shadow Lodge

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
I thought 2E killed the hobby?
I thought that was Chainmail... oh wait that's what killed miniature games. :)

Tell that to Games Workshop.

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