![]() Ravingdork wrote: There never was an issue. I merely stated that sirocco struck me as being a little broken (for its level), and people started defending it. It's probably because they like taking advantage of it with their characters. Broken compared to what? I found myself using it twice, in a recent game, but found myself using creeping doom, finger of death, and heal more often, as circumstances dictated. DOODAD! If you mean because of the exhaustion, note that the enemies don't become exhausted until the 2nd round, and that your allies could be affected by sirocco just as easily as the enemies. In my experience, the magus and sorcerer were finishing mopping up by round 2 or 3 in most combats, and having exhausted enemies was sort of pointless in our game. But yes, sirocco is a situationally AWESOME spell. ![]()
![]() TClifford wrote:
For the reasons I stated in the above post, let me approach it from this angle: Why wouldn't he? If his Con goes up, he gets more Hp, and better Fort saves. If his Wis goes up, he gets better Wis skills and Will saves. With his Int going up, he gets better DCs for his spells. So why not an extra spell? I think the real hangup that most people have, is the concept that a "sudden" skill increase means "poof - a new spell appears/language is learned/skill gained," etc. However, from a mechanical and power-balance standpoint, there's no reason not to allow all retroactive gains. Conversely, to not allow them is to add confusion to the player. For the nitpicky crowd that wants to have the spell/language/skill make sense, I would offer this: Who's to say that the character hasn't picked up smatterings of said spell/language/skill, and now that Int is increased, it all suddenly comes together with clarity? Come up with any explanation that makes sense, but IMO, at least allow the retroactive gain, and make the "sense" come secondarily. ![]()
![]() mdt wrote:
Exactly. Every other stat gives retroactive bonuses, so why not Int? For anyone (even the RAW) to require a player to track what skills and languages were gained at what level is clunky, pointless, and un-fun. It's certainly not as if adding retroactive skills and languages is unbalancing. It simply crosses that line that analyticals (read: most of us gamers) have, where we demand that things "make sense." This really should be FAQ'd already, and if I have to summon an augmented elder worm to get it done, then someeone's getting eaten. Rawr. ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote:
Bah, my bad. Tom Wheeler was the creator. Somehow, I had Joss Whedon in my mind as the creator. Sorry, Joss - my bad, man. I actually really dug that show. Then again, I could have just really dug looking at Summer Glau all growed up and sessified. ![]()
![]() Yar, the whole "using physical stats" thing is not a part of Dreamscarred's system, like it was in 3.x. Cheapy, it used to be that egoists used Str as their manifester stat, Nomads used Dex, Shapers Con, etc. It was a bit ridiculous and only added fuel to the "psionics is OP" debate. Kudos to J.S. for sticking with the mental stats. EDIT: ninja'd :) ![]()
![]() AdamWarnock wrote:
Let her know that she'll receive a Nair head shampooing, if she ever thinks about making good on that threat. ![]()
![]() HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:
See, if only you could have acted like it didn't hurt, then stood up and looked at all the jaw-dropped women, and said "what?" ![]()
![]() Atarlost wrote:
I have no idea what you said in the first part of that. I agree with the last bit, though. I just "bought" a staff of evocation, when I hit 18th level, so that my druid could chuck out a chain lightning. In retrospect, I think the gold might have been better spent on a metamagic rod. AD, back to the topic, whether the 'no rest' think is a function of the modules' design, and/or the way the GM is running them, you might ask to bypass the 1 (re)charge/day rule. I'm still standing by my position (and someone else summed it up with the fact that staves are rechargable) that they're priced correctly, due to the versatility they provide. ![]()
![]() Dark_Mistress wrote:
I'm standing by the argument that spelljamming will never work in Faerun again, as there will no longer be a goddess of arcane magic, nor an arcane weave. In an absurdly Monty Python-esque series of sackings, there are no applicants remaining to fill the post, as they sure to be murdered within a cat's lifetime. So much for being an eternal deity... Faerun really needs the soap opera cliffhanger, where it wakes up, everything is back to 137x DR, and it realizes that Ao never existed, and that WotC was just a bad dream. But anyhoo, I'm really looking forward to this book. I love everything that Paizo has been doing with Pathfinder. My only chagrin is that this book is only 64 pages... ![]()
![]() I'm in the camp that 1-20 is base, with 21+ being epic. I'd love to see what Paizo can do to make epic play fun and balanced where it's predecessor wasn't. Howver, I'd also love to know how you could run a current epic/mythic campaign and keep the monsters from getting stale. Is it just adding class levels to things, or using a lot of 3PP? ![]()
![]() I found this thread, but I'm not sure what the OP means when he refers to metamagic mastery feats. What I'm trying to determine, is if I could use a metamagic feat to bolster a spell I cast from a staff. If so, how do you treat the part about the metamagic'd spell taking up a higher spell slot? Also, what if I hold a rod of maximize spell (greater) in one hand, and a staff of evocation in the other hand? Could I use the rod of maximize, and dish out a maximized chain lightning? ![]()
![]() BltzKrg242 wrote:
As a guy who's currently playing a Ftr 1/Drd 17, who also took the fire domain, I can tell you that I like it. For me, I like the fire resistance. I have yet to bother to use the fail d6+(9, for me) fire RTA. Not that I never would, but we started at 14th level, and I've had no call to use it. Also, for this character, I envisioned him to be from the desert, and Arabic in ethnicity. Oded Fehr's (spelling?) character from the Mummy movies was somewhat of an inspiration. As for optimization, I made him really strong on defense, and mobile, for aerial spellcasting. Air elemental is his usual form, and I have a 43 AC with a 120 (perfect) flying speed (and +14 to initiative). I can move to pretty much any point on the battlefield and cast, in the same round. I'm an emergency healer, and have saved other party members' lives a few times with heal. As for offensive casting, I didn't take any metamagic feats, but I do fairly well. I'd do better with some metamagic, but I wanted to be more utility than blaster. If I wanted a blaster, a divine caster isn't the best choice. All of that being said, I'd recommend you read Treantmonk's guide to druids. He gives a great guide to a melee-oriented druid, and then a great guide to a caster druid, then a great guide to which druid spells you'll usually benefit the most from. ![]()
![]() At first, I figured they would. Then, a buddy announced that he wants to run a summoner on a campaign I'm going to be running, and asked me the subject question. Now I'm not sure. I searched the forum, and only found one thread where this was discussed, with answers saying yes, and other answers saying no. Do any of you guys know for sure, if there's any reason why augment summoning wouldn't benefit an eidolon, since the summoner's description says that they're treated as summoned creatures? ![]()
![]() Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
So uh, I suppose the maximum possible speed in Golarion is 87 mph? :) ![]()
![]() While I applaud the NY AG for filing suit, I have to wonder what the net effect of this will eventually be. We saw at the end of 2008 that we were the ones who wound up paying for the banks' and Wall St's greed and ineptitude, while the CEOs got multi-million dollar bonuses. So how do the banks wind up on the hook for 250 billion (or more) and us not pay for it? ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
FWIW, when I go to a buddy's house, taking my laptop with PDFs is the only way I want to game. Saves the risk of hernia. Also, at this point in my life, with just me working, and my wife staying home with our daughter, I can't afford the books, whereas I can afford the PDFs. (10 PDFs > 2 books) However, there are many times, when I'm just chilling at home, that I'd love to kick back with a nice book, where I can turn the pages instead of scrolling around a window. Books simply have a nuance that electronic devices will never replace. Now for the question: If making a planar campaign setting would be self-competitive, then would you consider the Distant Worlds line to be a separate campaign setting, or simply another facet of the PFCS? ![]()
![]() 1) James, why are the books "Bestiaries" and not "Beastiaries"? 2) Also, I'm pretty turned off by what they did with FR, and very very VERY turned off by 4e in general. Can you personally guarantee, on the soul of Cosmo's first-born baby... whatever... that Paizo will never pull the same shenanigans with Golarion and Pathfinder? 3) I absolutely love(d) Planescape. Is Paizo planning on something similar for Pathfinder? ![]()
![]() Quatar wrote: Unless Ultimate Magic is 3rd party suddenly, then no, it's not. :) Doh! See, I started to say that it was 3rd party, and let that be it, but then I thought "you know, the guy who did the spreadsheet might have messed up." Then again, there's always the "I could have misread," but I tend to not pay attention to such possibilities. :) ![]()
![]() I think you're reading too much into the RAW. Wild Speech basically allows you to become Aslan, when you wild shape into a lion, etc., etc. As for usefulness, I didn't take it, and haven't seen much need for it. I'm either in elemental form, and do the "gutteral" elemental speech thing (fun at the table), or I'm RPing Scooby Doo. Fun times. ![]()
![]() I think I figured out the rub: Evil clerics worship evil deities. Those evil deities have frickin' lasers on their frickin' foreheads, and are frickin' ill-tempered. Ain't no way that frickin' ill-tempered evil frickin' deities are letting a bunch of expendable henchmen tarnish their evil name by spreading the feel-good. BRING THE PAIN, BERK!! Rawr. :P ![]()
![]() From the Core Rulebook:
Quote: While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. The bolded part is what would kill a barbarian/pyro from being able to activate weapon afire while in a rage. In order to manifest a power, or psi-like ability, you have to be able to concentrate. That being said, I don't see any reason why weapon afire couldn't be manifested prior to the rage. Once weapon afire is manifested, it doesn't require concentration; only that the weapon continue to be held. The pyrokineticist's abilities that could be activated prior to a rage, and continue to be used during the rage, are as follows: - Fire Lash
Per RAW, you wouldn't be able to use conflagration, either, but your GM might make an exception for it, since it feels right for a barbarian. If I were GMing, I'd allow conflagration to be used, but it would end your rage. (My own personal call) Also, I'm not sure about Firewalk. I can't remember if supernatural abilities require concentration, nor do I know if the requirement of spending 1 power point/round would constitute "concentration" either.