Pathfinder Battles: Heroes & Monsters Brick

3.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)

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Pathfinder RPG combat comes to life on your tabletop with Heroes & Monsters, the debut release in the new Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures line! Produced in cooperation with Paizo Publishing, Heroes & Monsters presents a fascinating array of 40 beautifully painted miniatures perfect for use with the Pathfinder RPG or any fantasy miniatures game! From the brave Gnome Fighter to the mighty evil lich, Heroes & Monsters offers a wide range of player characters and dungeon denizens that make a perfect start to your Pathfinder Battles collection!

  • Heroes & Monsters Standard Boosters contain 1 Medium or 2 Small miniatures.
  • Heroes & Monsters Large Boosters contain 1 Large miniature.
  • Heroes & Monsters Bricks contain 16 Standard Boosters and 3 Large Boosters.
  • Heroes & Monsters Cases contain 4 Bricks (64 Standard Boosters and 12 Large Boosters).

Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

Begin your Pathfinder Battles collection today! The Heroes & Monsters of the Pathfinder world await!

See the press release for questions and answers about this exciting new product line.

Heroes & Monsters Set List

1  Goblin Warrior (Red)
2  Goblin Hero (Red)
3  Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4  Goblin Hero (Blue)
5  Orc Brute
6  Orc Warrior
7  Skeleton
8  Watch Guard
9  Watch Officer
10  Lizardfolk Champion
11  Zombie
12  Giant Spider
13  Wolf
14  Venomous Snake
15  Mummy
16  Human Rogue
17  Human Ranger
18  Elf Wizard
19  Half-Elf Cleric
20  Dwarf Fighter
21  Human Druid
22  Gnome Fighter
23  Dire Rat
24  Gargoyle
25  Half-Orc Barbarian
26  Spectre
27  Seelah, Human Paladin
28  Werewolf
29  Medusa
30  Minotaur
31  Ogre
32  Troll
33  Ettin
34  Chimera
35  Manticore
36  Giant Caveweaver Spider
37  Frost Giant
38  Succubus
39  Lich
40  Vampire

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB1 WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB3 PFB4 WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB5
Medusa Lich seelah orc
092311_EttinPreview 092311_RangerPreview 093011_GoblinPreview
(go to main product page)

Product Availability


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Average product rating:

3.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)

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Too Much $$$


I hate to be a bad mouth, and I am honestly not motivated here by vehemence. This figs just cost way too much for what you get ESPECIALLY because they are random and plastic.

I am not saying there is anything better out there - as far as I can tell there isn't. My local store is 1 of 2 significant stores, in a metro area of around half a million folks. The store I frequent has yet to sell out of the ORIGINAL , the 2nd line has barely sold at all, and he has refused to order anything else. It just doesn't sell. And its not placement - they are quite actually the first and last thing you see when you enter his store.

When I bought DND mini's the price for randoms eventually became to high for me and I was able to still get the minis I wanted by buying singles. So far, everything I have seen indicates the singles market is incredibly over-inflated.

So, quality wise they are top notch. The paint jobs and sculpts are in every way superior to what I have seen anywhere else here in America. There are foreign companies doing comparable work in similar markets, but that is irrelevant to this review.

For me though, the final thing comes down to money. They are too expensive.

Individual figures


I would be more willing to buy these if one could select individual figures desiered rather than getting a "Grab Bag (box)" of unknowns.

Vibrant, but Overpriced


I didn't even want to buy any originally because of the price, but I decided to grab 3 small (1 medium or 2 small figures each) and 1 large (1 large figure) boxes. This cost me $19 before taxes and I ended up with 1 large and 3 medium figures. When D&D Miniatures was producing boosters I would pay $15 or $16 before taxes to get 8 figures and I'm pretty sure there was 1 large per booster.

I then placed them side by side with the D&D Miniatures I have and I would say the quality is about the same, but the Pathfinder minis are more vibrant. The D&D minis though each came with a stat card and could be used to play a separate minis tactical game.

Even if I were to get 2 small figures in each of the small boxes of Pathfinder minis I purchased I'd have 7 figures. For $3 or $4 less I would have 1-4 more figures and I never remember seeing a full booster of D&D minis as small figures, maybe half at most.

I really like the Pathfinder RPG books, but I'm sorry, I won't be buying any more minis because I think they're overpriced. Maybe I'm just behind times though because I know the D&D minis are not being produced any more, but I can still buy singles for $1 each for commons and uncommons.

1-2 random for HOW MUCH!


For random minis, the pricing is obscene. Tack on a buck and let me know what I am Getting. The local store has yet to sell out of the Original Brick. And from what I have seen, the sculpts and painting is so sub-par.
As much as I hate the Paper Minis, I will take those over these in a heartbeat.

Excellent Beginning Run.


I have just gotten into my box set that I recieved (in no specific order). Individual Review will be added later.

Box 1:

Frost Giant
Venomous Snake
Red Goblin Hero
Red Goblin Warrior
Giant Spider
Watch Officer
Watch Guard
Dire Rat
Half-Elf Cleric
Human Rogue
Gnome Fighter
Human Ranger
Seelah, Human Paladin

Box 2:

Human Rogue
Blue Goblin Warrior
Blue Goblin Warrior
Blue Goblin Hero
Blue Goblin Hero
Red Goblin Warrior
Red Goblin Hero
Gnome Fighter
Dire Rat
Human Ranger
Seelah, Human Paladin
Lizardfolk Champion
Watch Guard
Venomous Snake
Giant Spider
Orc Warrior

Box 3:

Orc Warrior
Giant Spider
Watch Officer
Lizardfolk Champion
Elf Wizard
Half-Elf Cleric
Blue Goblin Hero
Blue Goblin Warrior
Half-Orc Barbarian
Dwarf Fighter
Human Druid

Box 4:

Giant Caveweaver Spider
Elf Wizard
Human Druid
Watch Officer
Giant Spider
Blue Goblin Warrior
Blue Goblin Hero
Half-Elf Cleric
Venomous Snake
Orc Brute

Final Count:

Red Goblin Warrior x2
Red Goblin Hero x2
Blue Goblin Warrior x4
Blue Goblin Hero x4
Orc Brute
Orc Warrior x2
Skeleton x3
Watch Guard x2
Watch Officer x3
Lizardfolk Champion x2
Zombie x3
Giant Spider x4
Wolf x3
Venomous Snake x3
Mummy x2
Human Rogue x2
Human Ranger x2
Elf Wizard x2
Half-Elf Cleric x3
Dwarf Fighter
Human Druid x2
Gnome Fighter x2
Dire Rat x2
Half-Orc Barbarian
Spectre x3
Seelah, Human Paladin x2
Werewolf x2
Medusa x3
Ogre x2
Troll x3
Ettin x2
Giant Caveweaver Spider
Frost Giant
Succubus x2

84 Minis, out a minimum 76, and was able to get the full collection. I can safely say that I am over all pleased, though I was hoping for more humanoid opponents, but can't be to grumpy since I did get a full collection, with a few doubles of key members. Add to this the ones Irecieved from random Store Boughts as well as a minion order from this site and the six-man Evil Booster and you have a good assortment of minis to choose from.

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Also keep in mind that tries not to undercut a lot of brick and mortar stores, so their prices tend to be steeper on somethings than some other online stores. It might be possible to pick up a case or singles (on the secondary market) for substantially cheaper elsewhere. I know I'm looking at around $2 per miniature on the purchase of the case I'm getting (and that includes shipping and black dragon).

gbonehead wrote:
ZDPhoenix wrote:

"Standard Boosters contain 1 Medium or 2 Small miniatures."

Wow. I had to read through the discussion to make sure that wasn't a typo.

I love you guys and I really wanted this idea to go well, from when I heard about it on a podcast.

But seriously? $2-4 (not counting shipping, which makes it $3.5-4.5) for 2 plastic figures tops?

No thanks.

Past Wizkids products had more value (and figures) for the buck (and those were slightly larger, with moving parts).

I'll just use old Mage Knight figures off eBay.

Ah, this old chestnut.

There's a whole angry thread about that very topic, by the way. Heck, maybe it was this very thread, I don't feel like searching for it.

All I can tell ya is that the topic has been beat to death, raised, tarred and feathered, incinerated in a wicker man and then true rezzed in order to beat it some more :)

Sadists... Hmmm.

Interesting how you claim it's been beaten to death, yet here you are, still beating, but in the other direction.

Perhaps you think that I'm not allowed my opinion, or maybe that somehow telling me will stop the rest of the gaming public write 34 pages of being offended.

However, as someone who buys almost everything Paizo makes; from my subscriptions, or monthly shipments from (instead of Amazon, which is always cheaper), I think I'm allowed to not like the idea of overpricing something.

ZDPhoenix wrote:

Sadists... Hmmm.

Interesting how you claim it's been beaten to death, yet here you are, still beating, but in the other direction.

Perhaps you think that I'm not allowed my opinion, or maybe that somehow telling me will stop the rest of the gaming public write 34 pages of being offended.

However, as someone who buys almost everything Paizo makes; from my subscriptions, or monthly shipments from (instead of Amazon, which is always cheaper), I think I'm allowed to not like the idea of overpricing something.

Not to be nitpicky, but technically Paizo isn't making this product. I suggest directing your anger at Wizkids. Like I will be doing. *shakes fist at Wizkids*

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ZDPhoenix wrote:

I'll just use old Mage Knight figures off eBay.

Fine by me. Hope you enjoy them.

ZDPhoenix wrote:
gbonehead wrote:
ZDPhoenix wrote:

"Standard Boosters contain 1 Medium or 2 Small miniatures."

Wow. I had to read through the discussion to make sure that wasn't a typo.

I love you guys and I really wanted this idea to go well, from when I heard about it on a podcast.

But seriously? $2-4 (not counting shipping, which makes it $3.5-4.5) for 2 plastic figures tops?

No thanks.

Past Wizkids products had more value (and figures) for the buck (and those were slightly larger, with moving parts).

I'll just use old Mage Knight figures off eBay.

Ah, this old chestnut.

There's a whole angry thread about that very topic, by the way. Heck, maybe it was this very thread, I don't feel like searching for it.

All I can tell ya is that the topic has been beat to death, raised, tarred and feathered, incinerated in a wicker man and then true rezzed in order to beat it some more :)

Sadists... Hmmm.

Interesting how you claim it's been beaten to death, yet here you are, still beating, but in the other direction.

Perhaps you think that I'm not allowed my opinion, or maybe that somehow telling me will stop the rest of the gaming public write 34 pages of being offended.

However, as someone who buys almost everything Paizo makes; from my subscriptions, or monthly shipments from (instead of Amazon, which is always cheaper), I think I'm allowed to not like the idea of overpricing something.

Take a look at the price of oil the next time you look in the paper.

The reason I say that is that oil is the base material for plastic and paint. Both of which go into the manufacturing or pre-painted plastic miniatures.

Notice how the price of oil goes up and down (mostly up)at the whim of some foreign oil tycoon turd with a turbin.

$3.50 to $4.50 for 1 or 2 pre-painted plastic RPG miniatures is a VERY good deal in my book considering you have the choice to buy a booster with 1 - 2 minis in it or buy more if you wanted more miniatures. With D&D minis you were forced to buy 6 - 8 minis in a booster.

Lookin forward to tomorrow's preview.


Put my vote down for skirmish rules.

I think a good way to handle it might be to put out a book that corresponds to each set, that one would purchase separately, if they were interested in the skirmish rules. That way, the cost/price of the miniatures themselves would be unaffected. Conversely, it could be as a card deck that simply contained one card for each miniature, again, in a seperate purchase pack. I would prefer a book though, along the lines of Wizards' Ultimate Missions series that they had brought out in conjunction with each of the first three Star Wars miniatures sets. The major bonus being that these books included a couple of maps, in addition to game variants and scenarios.

Yes! Just got my subscription!

Love the Goblins......

Look like gremlins on speed!!!

Grand Lodge

Cyderak wrote:

Love the Goblins......

Look like gremlins on speed!!!

They will truly compliment my Reaper Pathfinder Goblins. Is it December yet? :-)



Grand Lodge

I am curious about something. Are the far left and right Goblin the same Sculpt? Because they look to be the same.



It appears two of the pics are different angles of the same goblin; so we've got two more we haven't seen yet. I love the lunatic appearance of these little guys!



Grand Lodge

Have to agree that Random is a bad thing here. Shop owners would be better off opening them all up and selling them that way. 4 bucks ain't bad at all considering the quality, but I want to know I'm not going have to drop 400 bucks to get that one troll I need to run that adventure.

Lantern Lodge

David, not sure where you're coming up with $400. We wouldn't have Pathfinder pre-painted minis at all if they weren't random. While I love the Reaper metal minis its nice to have PPMs too. But, I definitely understand your concern. You should see plenty of shop owners that do just what you're suggesting. Plus, both Paizo and other third party sites will be selling singles.

Grand Lodge

David Williams 789 260 wrote:
Have to agree that Random is a bad thing here. Shop owners would be better off opening them all up and selling them that way. 4 bucks ain't bad at all considering the quality, but I want to know I'm not going have to drop 400 bucks to get that one troll I need to run that adventure.

If you are just looking for a Pathfinder Troll, there will be many retailers including Paizo selling singles. But if you want a full set buying a case is the way to go. Plus if Paizo still has them, you can get one those Huge Black Dragons. The single pricing will likely be high, especially the rares.




Updated Pres man's lists

  • .
  • Dire Rat
  • Gnome Fighter
  • 4 Goblins (one is rare)


  • Succubus
  • Vampire
  • Lich
  • Medusa
  • Half-Orc Barbarian
  • Seelah, Iconic Paladin
  • Human Ranger


  • Chimera
  • Frost Giant
  • Troll
  • Ettin


  • Gargoyle (confirmed here)
  • werewolf (confirmed here)
  • Minotaur (confirmed here)

    Huge, Special:

  • Black Dragon

  • Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

    If one small goblin is rare, and all smalls are packed in twos, then there is another small rare out there.

    Also, I think it would be safe to assume that the gargoyle, werewolf and minotaur are their normal sizes from the Bestiary.

    RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

    Cpt_kirstov wrote:

    Updated Pres man's lists


    Also, Human Ranger and Ettin.


    Joe Wells wrote:
    Cpt_kirstov wrote:

    Updated Pres man's lists

    Also, Human Ranger and Ettin.

    Edited to reflect these, as it was still in the 1 hour timeframe, thanks!


    JoelF847 wrote:

    If one small goblin is rare, and all smalls are packed in twos, then there is another small rare out there.

    Also, I think it would be safe to assume that the gargoyle, werewolf and minotaur are their normal sizes from the Bestiary.

    either that or you won't always get the same smalls packaged together. maybe gnome/rat, maybe gnome/goblin possibly?

    David Williams 789 260 wrote:
    Have to agree that Random is a bad thing here. Shop owners would be better off opening them all up and selling them that way. 4 bucks ain't bad at all considering the quality, but I want to know I'm not going have to drop 400 bucks to get that one troll I need to run that adventure.

    Once again.....without mini randomization this venture would'nt be possible.

    Its the only way its financially feesable to release a line of minis and sell each mini equally.

    Instead of having non-randomized minis and a warehouse full of the lesser desirable minis.

    Again, they are going to release some non-randomized minis for the adventure paths next year.

    Liberty's Edge

    I don't know if anyone will find this interesting but I ran the math on Paizo's new mini's line known as "Pathfinder Battles". The Standard Boosters contain 1 Medium or 2 Small miniatures and is 3.99 (without tax or shipping added). The Large booster has 1 large mini for 5.99. The "Brick" contains 16 Standard Boosters and 3 Large Boosters and cost $74.99.

    Like you, I'm assuming we'd save money buying the brick which has 16 S. boosters and 3 L. boosters (bulk discount or something). They also sell "The Case" which has 64 S. boosters and 12 L. boosters and cost $274.99.

    The Brick
    well... 16 x $3.99 = $63.84, 3 x $5.99 = $23.96. $63.84+$17.97 = $81.81.

    the cost of the brick is 74.99, so the money saved for buying the brick would be $81.81-$74.99 = $6.82. that means you roughly get 2 extra S. boosters. (2 medium mini's and 4 small mini's).

    The Case
    well... 64 x $3.99 = $255.36, 12 x $5.99 = $71.88. $255.36+$71.88 = $327.24.

    the cost of the case is $274.99, so the money saved for buying the case would be $327.24-$274.99 = $52.25. that means you roughly get 13 S. boosters free (13 medium mini's and 26 small mini's).

    in summation

    YOU SAVE $6.82 FOR BUYING THE BRICK compared to buying the boosters individually.
    YOU SAVE $52.25 FOR BUYING THE CASE compared to buying the boosters individually.

    Liberty's Edge

    Reid Weatherly wrote:

    The Brick
    well... 16 x $3.99 = $63.84, 3 x $5.99 = $23.96. $63.84+$17.97 = $81.81.

    Looks like you have $5.99 x 3 = $23.96 but then in your total have it as $17.97...

    The $17.97 of course is the correct figure but thought I'd point it out for you.

    Liberty's Edge

    I'd like to say that it is now October, so now in my mind we are one month closer to the release of this awesome product. I can't wait to get my hands on them - they are looking fabulous!

    i am not sure if this was asked, but i have not seen it on any of the post that i have saw. is the case going to have a list telling you what minis are in the set? granted i know that buying a case i have like a 99% chance at getting a full set but there is always a chance that i could be missing 1 or 2 of the rares. and it would be nice that while i am opening them i could look at the list and check them off as i open it.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Zonto wrote:
    I'd like to say that it is now October, so now in my mind we are one month closer to the release of this awesome product.

    Cue the chorus: ONE MONTH CLOSER!

    Doku Kokoro wrote:
    i am not sure if this was asked, but i have not seen it on any of the post that i have saw. is the case going to have a list telling you what minis are in the set? granted i know that buying a case i have like a 99% chance at getting a full set but there is always a chance that i could be missing 1 or 2 of the rares. and it would be nice that while i am opening them i could look at the list and check them off as i open it.

    I'd guess there will be check lists. Gotta catch'em all!

    If the Bestiary 2 had one, I'm sure the minis will get them, too.

    Jeremiziah wrote:

    I want your day job. Or whatever it is that allows you to have that level of expendable income.

    The "no mate, no kids" thing seems to be all the rage. That opens up copious amounts of disposable income.

    Add to that "non-smoker", and you suddenly have another big wad of cash burning holes in your wallet (as opposed to stinking cancer sticks burning holes in your furniture and lungs).

    Not having a thing for Starbucks Wireless, oh, wait, sorry, *Coffee* or regular benders in expensive clubs or stuff like that is another thing.

    Add those all together with a half-decent job, and you'll find yourself in dire need of more than just two cases of this to prevent your money to be wasted on crap like retirement provision or emergency stashes.


    Grand Lodge

    KaeYoss wrote:
    Doku Kokoro wrote:
    i am not sure if this was asked, but i have not seen it on any of the post that i have saw. is the case going to have a list telling you what minis are in the set? granted i know that buying a case i have like a 99% chance at getting a full set but there is always a chance that i could be missing 1 or 2 of the rares. and it would be nice that while i am opening them i could look at the list and check them off as i open it.

    I'd guess there will be check lists. Gotta catch'em all!

    If the Bestiary 2 had one, I'm sure the minis will get them, too.

    Waiting on a response from Paizo here. But if I had to guess, there will likely not be a Check List with the boosters, due to the size of the individual booster boxes and the low number of miniatures per box. However, I could see Paizo offering an on-line Check List for their rabid minis customers. ;)



    KaeYoss wrote:
    Jeremiziah wrote:

    I want your day job. Or whatever it is that allows you to have that level of expendable income.

    The "no mate, no kids" thing seems to be all the rage. That opens up copious amounts of disposable income.

    Add to that "non-smoker", and you suddenly have another big wad of cash burning holes in your wallet (as opposed to stinking cancer sticks burning holes in your furniture and lungs).

    Not having a thing for Starbucks Wireless, oh, wait, sorry, *Coffee* or regular benders in expensive clubs or stuff like that is another thing.

    Add those all together with a half-decent job, and you'll find yourself in dire need of more than just two cases of this to prevent your money to be wasted on crap like retirement provision or emergency stashes.


    Yeah, being a single, healthy, employed college graduate has some perks.

    Grand Lodge

    KaeYoss wrote:
    Jeremiziah wrote:

    I want your day job. Or whatever it is that allows you to have that level of expendable income.

    The "no mate, no kids" thing seems to be all the rage. That opens up copious amounts of disposable income.

    Add to that "non-smoker", and you suddenly have another big wad of cash burning holes in your wallet (as opposed to stinking cancer sticks burning holes in your furniture and lungs).

    Not having a thing for Starbucks Wireless, oh, wait, sorry, *Coffee* or regular benders in expensive clubs or stuff like that is another thing.

    Add those all together with a half-decent job, and you'll find yourself in dire need of more than just two cases of this to prevent your money to be wasted on crap like retirement provision or emergency stashes.


    Reading your replies is often a treat! Thanks KaeYoss.



    KaeYoss wrote:
    Jeremiziah wrote:

    I want your day job. Or whatever it is that allows you to have that level of expendable income.

    The "no mate, no kids" thing seems to be all the rage. That opens up copious amounts of disposable income.

    Add to that "non-smoker", and you suddenly have another big wad of cash burning holes in your wallet (as opposed to stinking cancer sticks burning holes in your furniture and lungs).

    Not having a thing for Starbucks Wireless, oh, wait, sorry, *Coffee* or regular benders in expensive clubs or stuff like that is another thing.

    Add those all together with a half-decent job, and you'll find yourself in dire need of more than just two cases of this to prevent your money to be wasted on crap like retirement provision or emergency stashes.


    I don't have the usual vices like boozing and smokes but I am married with 3 kids and a house.......Thank god my wife is gracious to let me feed my habit.

    Liberty's Edge

    I am on the fence about selling my D&D PPMs to Paizo and using the store credit to get a case of Pathfinder minis. The money that's being offered is more than I expected AND would more than pay for a case. I am just a little "iffy" about it. I mean I do want and WotC DID tick me off by not keeping some sets out long enough (in my opinion) to allow people to "catch up" and then changed the game beyond recognition. However, it DID take me a while to get those ones that I do have. I guess my "funk" is all based on the fact that these past few months have been rough financially. I am not looking for advice, by the way. I am just venting.
    As far as the product itself, The previews of everything so far look AWESOME! If all else fails, I will just wait until I get the money to get a case when January comes around.

    Liberty's Edge

    ZDPhoenix wrote:
    However, as someone who buys almost everything Paizo makes; from my subscriptions, or monthly shipments from (instead of Amazon, which is always cheaper), I think I'm allowed to not like the idea of overpricing something.

    First, thanks for your support of the company we all love.

    As to overpricing, Paizo isn't doing that. The price that Paizo is charging for these figures is right in the ballpark of what other retailers are selling them for. The price of these figures is going to be based on what price WizKids sells them to distributors for.

    I'll grant you that they're expensive, but they appear to be high quality. WotC's D&D Minis did get more expensive (and quality suffered) towards the end of the line, and I really have no idea how the new minis that WotC produces will compare in price or quality. I also have no idea what the pricing on the Pathfinder Battles Encounter Packs is going to look like.

    I hear a lot of people getting upset that they won't be able to afford to buy a case to get a Huge Black Dragon. I've got thousands of D&D minis, but (as it turns out) I don't have a Huge Black Dragon (Gargantuan yes, Huge no). I've gotten great use out those minis, and had a lot of fun over the years with them, and I've never noticed that I needed to get a Huge Black Dragon until one was announced from WizKids.

    My advice is to buy what you can afford, and have fun. If you're able to pick up figures that you want or need at a reasonable price in the aftermarket, then by all means do so. If, at the end of the day, there's a figure or two that you want that you don't have (and can't afford to get), it's no big deal.

    There are plenty of DnD minis from earlier sets that I don't have, but I still use the figures I do have from Harbinger and Dragoneye in my games every week, and I'm happy to have what I have.

    If the minis you have enhance your game and add fun to the table, terrific. Just don't get so caught up in being angry about the figures, or how they're sold, or that they're pricey or random, that you forget to enjoy them.

    Also, never carry on conversations with your minis where other people can overhear. You get funny looks.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Heymitch wrote:
    ZDPhoenix wrote:
    However, as someone who buys almost everything Paizo makes; from my subscriptions, or monthly shipments from (instead of Amazon, which is always cheaper), I think I'm allowed to not like the idea of overpricing something.

    First, thanks for your support of the company we all love.

    As to overpricing, Paizo isn't doing that. The price that Paizo is charging for these figures is right in the ballpark of what other retailers are selling them for. The price of these figures is going to be based on what price WizKids sells them to distributors for.

    I'll grant you that they're expensive, but they appear to be high quality. WotC's D&D Minis did get more expensive (and quality suffered) towards the end of the line, and I really have no idea how the new minis that WotC produces will compare in price or quality. I also have no idea what the pricing on the Pathfinder Battles Encounter Packs is going to look like.

    I hear a lot of people getting upset that they won't be able to afford to buy a case to get a Huge Black Dragon. I've got thousands of D&D minis, but (as it turns out) I don't have a Huge Black Dragon (Gargantuan yes, Huge no). I've gotten great use out those minis, and had a lot of fun over the years with them, and I've never noticed that I needed to get a Huge Black Dragon until one was announced from WizKids.

    My advice is to buy what you can afford, and have fun. If you're able to pick up figures that you want or need at a reasonable price in the aftermarket, then by all means do so. If, at the end of the day, there's a figure or two that you want that you don't have (and can't afford to get), it's no big deal.

    There are plenty of DnD minis from earlier sets that I don't have, but I still use the figures I do have from Harbinger and Dragoneye in my games every week, and I'm happy to have what I have.

    If the minis you have enhance your game and add fun to the table, terrific. Just don't get so caught up in being angry about the figures, or...

    also never let them catch you playing with your minis like G.I. Joes.

    At first theres an awkward silence......and then a sigh of dis-approval.....
    And then my wife smiles really big......because I just handed over the credit card.
    So it all works out in the end, with me working a butt-ton of overtime to cover her shopping sprees. :)

    Dark Archive

    Will we/ could we get a video of the unveiling of the large and standard boosters when the figures are ready? Much like the beginner box. Just wondering...

    Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

    Maybe. It's an interesting idea.

    RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

    A video of Lisa tearing into the first boxes would be great.

    Dark Archive

    I wonder if we'll be getting any pathfinder ogres, pugwampis, or boggards.

    Liberty's Edge

    All I know is that this is going to be EPIC!

    From the latest blog:

    Goblin Warrior
    Goblin Hero
    Dire Rat
    Gnome Fighter
    Orc Brute
    Orc Warrior
    Watch Guard
    Watch Officer
    Lizardfolk Champion
    Giant Spider

    This is shaping up to be a very nice set. Kudos to Paizo for the previews and releasing the set list in advance of the release!



    The painted version of the orcs will be interesting to see.

    Kevida wrote:

    I am on the fence about selling my D&D PPMs to Paizo and using the store credit to get a case of Pathfinder minis. The money that's being offered is more than I expected AND would more than pay for a case. I am just a little "iffy" about it. I mean I do want and WotC DID tick me off by not keeping some sets out long enough (in my opinion) to allow people to "catch up" and then changed the game beyond recognition. However, it DID take me a while to get those ones that I do have. I guess my "funk" is all based on the fact that these past few months have been rough financially. I am not looking for advice, by the way. I am just venting.

    As far as the product itself, The previews of everything so far look AWESOME! If all else fails, I will just wait until I get the money to get a case when January comes around.

    First off, as a Player and Collector of both D&D minis , and soon Pathfinder Minis, i'm thinking your being relatively narrow minded in selecting one OR the other. Just use both (leader's , special NPC's ..whatever.

    I have very specific plans for this set, my current UBER (5000+ minis) collection of D&D minis , and soon the D&D skrimish minis game. and I'm hoping to mod quite a few (Seelah, you will have fellow female paladins, oh yes..)

    I'm glad to see Paizo/ Wizkids hear our cries for minis. 4 dollars too steep? compared to 6/8 bucks for a steel/ pewter one? hardly.

    Now i hope paizo read some of the suggestions for non collector packs that were made over at wizards site..and run with it.

    as far as a Minis game for PF, if you choose to, allow wizkids to form the rules. this way it allows Paiso to focus on the RPG aspect of it.

    Either way, looking forward to the set! (and my dragon!)

    Cyderak wrote:
    The painted version of the orcs will be interesting to see.

    Those hussies!

    the Haunted Jester wrote:
    Will we/ could we get a video of the unveiling of the large and standard boosters when the figures are ready? Much like the beginner box. Just wondering...

    Bah. I demand a video of the unveiling of a whole case! ;-P

    Any plans to release previews of the individual minis?

    I greatly enjoyed this when WotC did this. Once a week they would post a picture of 1-3 minis from the upcoming set.

    (I also enjoyed the previews that the now defunct ddmspoilers site hosted.)

    I find that the posting of the minis builds up excitement towards the release of the set.

    RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

    Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
    Any plans to release previews of the individual minis?

    They've been doing that each Friday on the blog. Or were you hoping for something different? I'm not familiar with what WotC did.

    KaeYoss wrote:
    Cyderak wrote:
    The painted version of the orcs will be interesting to see.
    Those hussies!

    Hey, Orcs take it, where they can get it.

    Exhibit A: half-orcs.

    I rest my case.

    Thats all she wrote.

    The Fat lady has sung. And blah dee blah dee.

    Is it next friday yet?

    Joe Wells wrote:
    Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
    Any plans to release previews of the individual minis?
    They've been doing that each Friday on the blog. Or were you hoping for something different? I'm not familiar with what WotC did.

    Thanks, I was not aware they were doing that.

    Having reviewed the latest mini preview... I see what they have done to orcs. And its awesome! Orcs have been bastardized in so many ways my so many mini makers. I have seen orcs that look like goblins, trolls and gremlins. These orcs though, far exceed what I was expecting. In my books, the only ones who have ever done orc minis justice has been Reaper. WotC made a few decent sculpts, but painting them purple hardly made them look decent. These new orc scuplts rival Reaper's and I am now even more excited about this line!

    Liberty's Edge

    Otherworld Miniatures make some great looking miniatures but they are Pig Faced Orcs!

    They do look sharp.

    Pig Faced Orcs Command

    Some might consider them on the expensive side but they are great. Plus he keeps releasing new old school type miniatures.

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