Pathfinder Battles: Heroes & Monsters Brick

3.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)

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Pathfinder RPG combat comes to life on your tabletop with Heroes & Monsters, the debut release in the new Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures line! Produced in cooperation with Paizo Publishing, Heroes & Monsters presents a fascinating array of 40 beautifully painted miniatures perfect for use with the Pathfinder RPG or any fantasy miniatures game! From the brave Gnome Fighter to the mighty evil lich, Heroes & Monsters offers a wide range of player characters and dungeon denizens that make a perfect start to your Pathfinder Battles collection!

  • Heroes & Monsters Standard Boosters contain 1 Medium or 2 Small miniatures.
  • Heroes & Monsters Large Boosters contain 1 Large miniature.
  • Heroes & Monsters Bricks contain 16 Standard Boosters and 3 Large Boosters.
  • Heroes & Monsters Cases contain 4 Bricks (64 Standard Boosters and 12 Large Boosters).

Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

Begin your Pathfinder Battles collection today! The Heroes & Monsters of the Pathfinder world await!

See the press release for questions and answers about this exciting new product line.

Heroes & Monsters Set List

1  Goblin Warrior (Red)
2  Goblin Hero (Red)
3  Goblin Warrior (Blue)
4  Goblin Hero (Blue)
5  Orc Brute
6  Orc Warrior
7  Skeleton
8  Watch Guard
9  Watch Officer
10  Lizardfolk Champion
11  Zombie
12  Giant Spider
13  Wolf
14  Venomous Snake
15  Mummy
16  Human Rogue
17  Human Ranger
18  Elf Wizard
19  Half-Elf Cleric
20  Dwarf Fighter
21  Human Druid
22  Gnome Fighter
23  Dire Rat
24  Gargoyle
25  Half-Orc Barbarian
26  Spectre
27  Seelah, Human Paladin
28  Werewolf
29  Medusa
30  Minotaur
31  Ogre
32  Troll
33  Ettin
34  Chimera
35  Manticore
36  Giant Caveweaver Spider
37  Frost Giant
38  Succubus
39  Lich
40  Vampire

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB1 WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB3 PFB4 WizKidsHeroesAndMonsters-PFB5
Medusa Lich seelah orc
092311_EttinPreview 092311_RangerPreview 093011_GoblinPreview
(go to main product page)

Product Availability


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Average product rating:

3.60/5 (based on 47 ratings)

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Too Much $$$


I hate to be a bad mouth, and I am honestly not motivated here by vehemence. This figs just cost way too much for what you get ESPECIALLY because they are random and plastic.

I am not saying there is anything better out there - as far as I can tell there isn't. My local store is 1 of 2 significant stores, in a metro area of around half a million folks. The store I frequent has yet to sell out of the ORIGINAL , the 2nd line has barely sold at all, and he has refused to order anything else. It just doesn't sell. And its not placement - they are quite actually the first and last thing you see when you enter his store.

When I bought DND mini's the price for randoms eventually became to high for me and I was able to still get the minis I wanted by buying singles. So far, everything I have seen indicates the singles market is incredibly over-inflated.

So, quality wise they are top notch. The paint jobs and sculpts are in every way superior to what I have seen anywhere else here in America. There are foreign companies doing comparable work in similar markets, but that is irrelevant to this review.

For me though, the final thing comes down to money. They are too expensive.

Individual figures


I would be more willing to buy these if one could select individual figures desiered rather than getting a "Grab Bag (box)" of unknowns.

Vibrant, but Overpriced


I didn't even want to buy any originally because of the price, but I decided to grab 3 small (1 medium or 2 small figures each) and 1 large (1 large figure) boxes. This cost me $19 before taxes and I ended up with 1 large and 3 medium figures. When D&D Miniatures was producing boosters I would pay $15 or $16 before taxes to get 8 figures and I'm pretty sure there was 1 large per booster.

I then placed them side by side with the D&D Miniatures I have and I would say the quality is about the same, but the Pathfinder minis are more vibrant. The D&D minis though each came with a stat card and could be used to play a separate minis tactical game.

Even if I were to get 2 small figures in each of the small boxes of Pathfinder minis I purchased I'd have 7 figures. For $3 or $4 less I would have 1-4 more figures and I never remember seeing a full booster of D&D minis as small figures, maybe half at most.

I really like the Pathfinder RPG books, but I'm sorry, I won't be buying any more minis because I think they're overpriced. Maybe I'm just behind times though because I know the D&D minis are not being produced any more, but I can still buy singles for $1 each for commons and uncommons.

1-2 random for HOW MUCH!


For random minis, the pricing is obscene. Tack on a buck and let me know what I am Getting. The local store has yet to sell out of the Original Brick. And from what I have seen, the sculpts and painting is so sub-par.
As much as I hate the Paper Minis, I will take those over these in a heartbeat.

Excellent Beginning Run.


I have just gotten into my box set that I recieved (in no specific order). Individual Review will be added later.

Box 1:

Frost Giant
Venomous Snake
Red Goblin Hero
Red Goblin Warrior
Giant Spider
Watch Officer
Watch Guard
Dire Rat
Half-Elf Cleric
Human Rogue
Gnome Fighter
Human Ranger
Seelah, Human Paladin

Box 2:

Human Rogue
Blue Goblin Warrior
Blue Goblin Warrior
Blue Goblin Hero
Blue Goblin Hero
Red Goblin Warrior
Red Goblin Hero
Gnome Fighter
Dire Rat
Human Ranger
Seelah, Human Paladin
Lizardfolk Champion
Watch Guard
Venomous Snake
Giant Spider
Orc Warrior

Box 3:

Orc Warrior
Giant Spider
Watch Officer
Lizardfolk Champion
Elf Wizard
Half-Elf Cleric
Blue Goblin Hero
Blue Goblin Warrior
Half-Orc Barbarian
Dwarf Fighter
Human Druid

Box 4:

Giant Caveweaver Spider
Elf Wizard
Human Druid
Watch Officer
Giant Spider
Blue Goblin Warrior
Blue Goblin Hero
Half-Elf Cleric
Venomous Snake
Orc Brute

Final Count:

Red Goblin Warrior x2
Red Goblin Hero x2
Blue Goblin Warrior x4
Blue Goblin Hero x4
Orc Brute
Orc Warrior x2
Skeleton x3
Watch Guard x2
Watch Officer x3
Lizardfolk Champion x2
Zombie x3
Giant Spider x4
Wolf x3
Venomous Snake x3
Mummy x2
Human Rogue x2
Human Ranger x2
Elf Wizard x2
Half-Elf Cleric x3
Dwarf Fighter
Human Druid x2
Gnome Fighter x2
Dire Rat x2
Half-Orc Barbarian
Spectre x3
Seelah, Human Paladin x2
Werewolf x2
Medusa x3
Ogre x2
Troll x3
Ettin x2
Giant Caveweaver Spider
Frost Giant
Succubus x2

84 Minis, out a minimum 76, and was able to get the full collection. I can safely say that I am over all pleased, though I was hoping for more humanoid opponents, but can't be to grumpy since I did get a full collection, with a few doubles of key members. Add to this the ones Irecieved from random Store Boughts as well as a minion order from this site and the six-man Evil Booster and you have a good assortment of minis to choose from.

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Ghengis Ska wrote:
I have never liked Wizkids "brick" promos and sad to see Paizo jumping on that band wagon with this license.

Fine. The alternative is "no promos". You can have that now. Don't pre-order. Don't get the promo.

I'm Kae'Yoss. I solve problems.

Ghengis Ska wrote:

Complete listings were generally know a month, in many cases more than a month before the release

I must remember things wrong then. They had previews up to shortly before. Sometimes stuff would leak, but official listings were made closer than a month before the final release.

Ghengis Ska wrote:

Just consider me crazy as I don't like limited edition promo figures, or not being an informed consumer.

The fun part is that you can solve both your problems in one fell swoop.

This is a better deal about promo figures than wizards had. For those, you had to jump through hoops. And that assumes you live in a country they supported with their stuff. Which I never did (I think they kept that stuff away from my whole continent). So if I wanted promo stuff, I had to get to the after market. And pay through the nose.

Something like 15 bucks (or maybe just a subscription commitment) for a large big dragon? Sweet. Some of those medium-sized promos cost more than that on the after market.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ghengis Ska wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:

It seems that this is not quite how WizKids operates. They don't reveal all the information this quickly.

Actually, neither did wizards with DDM, at least not at the time I was buying them. There are previews, but complete listings come very late.

WotC also never was soliciting Preorders from the general public on their own web store for the Minis line, that had one shot promos, I have never liked Wizkids "brick" promos and sad to see Paizo jumping on that band wagon with this license.

To be clear here, WizKids is manufacturing these minis under license from us; we are not the manufacturer.

Ghengis Ska wrote:

Complete listings were generally know a month, in many cases more than a month before the release (yes some were spoilers) but there were multiple sets know about months in advance of release, due to the lead time of production compared to distribution

If you're still talking about Wizards D&D Minis, that's incorrect. Remember, Paizo used to buy cases to break open for singles, so we'd hunt down set lists and photos so that we could have our singles listings ready to go as close to release as possible, and I recall at least a few occasions where we didn't have the full information we needed until the sets were released.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

the Haunted Jester wrote:

I do apologize if this was mentioned earlier in the thread as it has been difficult catching up on everyone's views and opinions. Amongst all the excitement for this product there is one issue that has bothered me somewhat. I was hoping to be able to see how the Beginner Box Heroes turn out prior to ordering any of the Heroes & Monsters miniatures. With the assurance of the option in attaining a Black Dragon being contingent upon the ordering of a case by the 1st of October, I find it difficult to invest blindly without at least having my own opinion be a factor in the decision process; amongst all of the trusted Paizo staffs views as well.

Paizo's commitment to quality and diligence cannot be questioned, in my assessment, as I am very pleased with where the company has come from and where they seem to be going with the Pathfinder brand. I love it!! My small feeling of disappointment comes from the limited window of opportunity with regards to the Black Dragon promotional miniature.

Now I do recall that Paizo has said that they plan on presenting other opportunities to attain, earn, or gain the Black Dragon, which I am looking forward to very much. I am curious as to the nature of these other prospects and if anyone else feels the same way as I do regarding this matter. Game on friends!!

At this time, if you want to *guarantee* that you can acquire a black dragon from us, you'll need to preorder or subscribe before October 1. After that date, we'll have a known quantity of dragons coming, and we'll continue to guarantee availability of the remainder to people who subscribe to the minis line right up until we no longer have guaranteed black dragon inventory to offer them; I can't predict a date when that window might close.

There is a possibility that we'll have options other than that, but if we do, it probably won't be until several months after release, and I'm not prepared to be more specific about that until it happens.

We do expect to have more information about our subscriptions, and about the black dragon, within a week.

Dark Archive

Thank you for the clarification Vic and I appreciate your patience and understanding with all of us. You do a wonderful job!! Game on friends!!

Grand Lodge

the Haunted Jester wrote:
Thank you for the clarification Vic and I appreciate your patience and understanding with all of us. You do a wonderful job!! Game on friends!!

Ditto! Thanks Vic for some of your insight. I too recall not knowing much of the DDM sets up until release. I get the impression that you want to show us more....and that's cool.



i'm waiting to see what the encounter pack are going to look like

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am eager, excited, and anxious for news regarding the black dragon and the case subscription, thanks for the updates Vic! :)

I'm also excited to see some additional preview pictures, thanks to you as well Erik! :)

I hope to place my pre-order by month's end (so before Oct. 1st).

(And I hope that after the Rise of the Runelords set, other sets (maybe yearly or something like that) based on the Adventure Paths continue (like Kingmaker, Serpent's Skull, and Carrion Crown). Although any sets based on ANY of the previous AP's would be COOL. :)


the encounter packs could have a pc type vs some monsters like a witch against aconoy ofevil hags/witchs or a priest against a demon cult

I pre-ordered the case and look forward to getting my HUGE BLACK DRAGON.


Want them now......urge to kill rising.....RISING!!!!.....

What?.......I get a 4 pack of visible minis in october?.....

Urge to kill subsiding......nerves calming........

whew......close one there.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

We've just uploaded images of two nasty critters from Heroes & Monsters, the Lich and the Medusa!

Liberty's Edge

I think I will take a chance on this product and see if I can pre-order through my FLGS.

Anyone else have a wish list of what creatures you want to see in the set? The first one that came to mind for me is the Sepid Div - for some reason I just loved the look of it from running Legacy of Fire and I'd love to see a mini for it.

Erik Mona wrote:
We've just uploaded images of two nasty critters from Heroes & Monsters, the Lich and the Medusa!

Oh, the Lich looks great!

Although I am not sure on the Medusa. Where I like the body and white gown and hair, the face seems too serene. Her mouth is small and compressed. Kind of like “Ho-hum”. Also, not sure if it’s the lighting when the digital of the mini was taken, but it’s hard to see the detail on the snake.

I may be reading too much into it with her mouth, but the Medusa just doesn’t seem ‘scary’ at all.

But huge thumbs up on the Lich!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Hobbun wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
We've just uploaded images of two nasty critters from Heroes & Monsters, the Lich and the Medusa!

Oh, the Lich looks great!

Although I am not sure on the Medusa. Where I like the body and white gown and hair, the face seems too serene. Her mouth is small and compressed. Kind of like “Ho-hum”. Also, not sure if it’s the lighting when the digital of the mini was taken, but it’s hard to see the detail on the snake.

I may be reading too much into it with her mouth, but the Medusa just doesn’t seem ‘scary’ at all.

But huge thumbs up on the Lich!

There wasn't actually any lighting when the digital was taken- the image is the output of the digital sculpting tool that Wizkids use. It's only after this that a physical thing is made.

Grand Lodge

Erik Mona wrote:
We've just uploaded images of two nasty critters from Heroes & Monsters, the Lich and the Medusa!

Very nice! Personally, I think the Medusa is awesome. Thankfully she doesn't have a bow. With this look you could play her as a charmer to lure a hero to their demise. An alluring Medusa is something different. I like it! I would rather use this one than the Dangerous Delves, Night Below or Harbinger versions. Plus there is a twinge of Terrorvision in this Medusa and that has a kind of sick appeal to me.

The Lich has a different look too from any others we have seen. It will make a nice option from either the Giants of Legend Lich or Vlaakith, both nice versions in their own right. Choices are great. And I like that Paizo is putting a new spin on the look.

Thanks Erik for some more sneak peeks.



Hobbun wrote:

Although I am not sure on the Medusa. Where I like the body and white gown and hair, the face seems too serene. Her mouth is small and compressed. Kind of like “Ho-hum”. Also, not sure if it’s the lighting when the digital of the mini was taken, but it’s hard to see the detail on the snake.

I may be reading too much into it with her mouth, but the Medusa just doesn’t seem ‘scary’ at all.

I kind of think I like that. I don't know about you, but some horrible hag-thing... I don't want to look at. Something humanoid and attractive and serene... I might get mesmerized and not resist... and get turned to stone.

What I'm saying is that the re-imaging is actually kind of cool (to me).

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I like the classic look of the Medusa. Right now it is the model I like the most.

Enlight_Bystand wrote:

There wasn't actually any lighting when the digital was taken- the image is the output of the digital sculpting tool that Wizkids use. It's only after this that a physical thing is made.

Hmm, ok. Well, as long as we see some more detail with the snake in the final product. You can't even see any scales or the eyes. It's just all a solid green. And I think it would have been a nice touch for it's mouth to be open and you could see some fangs.

Anguish wrote:

I kind of think I like that. I don't know about you, but some horrible hag-thing... I don't want to look at. Something humanoid and attractive and serene... I might get mesmerized and not resist... and get turned to stone.

Yes, I can see your point. I guess I was hoping for something more menacing or 'evil'. Maybe the eyes glowing and the snakes on the head (looking like) they are moving/slithering around, as if she is in the process of turning someone to stone.

Aberzombie wrote:
While like that these two monsters are included in the set, I'm not so excited by the lich. Maybe it's just that it's a computer sculpt, but it looks kind of cartoony, not as withered and desicated as a lich might look. Still, very interesting.

Where I still really like the Lich, I can see his point. The face does seem a bit too 'clean'. No rotting skin, no skeleton showing.

Keep em coming......

Lich looks killer!!!

Medusa is an awesome sculpt. I like the fact she's not pidgeon-holed into any class by sculpting her with one weapon in particular.

Got any more???

The medusa mini is great but don't care for the snake; the figure would look better without it, imho. The lich is really spooky looking! I'm looking forward this release!



Abraham spalding wrote:
4~6 dollars on a single plastic mini? Pass.

Merric's law of miniatures is "Non-Random Packaging, Cheap Prices, and a Large Range of Figures: Choose two."

Wizards has proven that 12-15 dollars for a booster is a failing model. WizKids has been doing this for a very long time and if they figure these prices are going to keep the line alive, I believe in their math. Companies need to make money.

And remember - Miniatures Market, Auggies and a slew of other folks on the internet will happily buy hundreds of cases and sell you individual minis at their market value. So if you need 42 Miner Dwarves, you can get them cheap. but if you want that Vampire, it is going to cost you.. lets guess 9 dollars.

AckImDead wrote:

And remember - Miniatures Market, Auggies and a slew of other folks on the internet will happily buy hundreds of cases and sell you individual minis at their market value.

One of those companies who will do that is called "Paizo". Have you heard of them? :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lisa Stevens wrote:

For those of you who are disappointed in the random aspect of the miniatures, please read the following taken from the FAQ attached to the press release. You still may not agree, but at least you will understand why we are doing what we are doing.


'interesting economic thoughts'....

I understand, your a business and your hear to make money. I like Paizo, and my local game store has happily sold me alot of your wonderful RPG system. However, Im a consumer in a down economy who often buys models entirely 'at need'. So lets say for the game Im running this week, I need about a dozen more goblin minis... I could drop 48 dollars on this product, or since theyre small possibly as little as 24 dollars. Or, I could drop 72 dollars and not get a single gobo and have to continue to proxy most of the goblin warband that is supposed to be happily munching on my players.

Sure, the relatively low price for a blister means I might pick it up as an impulse buy, but with only 1-2 minis in a blister I really am looking at Warhammer Fantasy or Warlord for anything Ill want in quantity or if a specific race is required.

And while Im sure you looked into your options, I cant help feeling that a different medium might have been a better choice.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Grey Mage wrote:
I understand, your a business and your hear to make money. I like Paizo, and my local game store has happily sold me alot of your wonderful RPG system. However, Im a consumer in a down economy who often buys models entirely 'at need'. So lets say for the game Im running this week, I need about a dozen more goblin minis... I could drop 48 dollars on this product, or since theyre small possibly as little as 24 dollars. Or, I could drop 72 dollars and not get a single gobo and have to continue to proxy most of the goblin warband that is supposed to be happily munching on my players.

They have also said that their will be future "encounter" sets with fixed groups of minis. The initial random release will allow them to have the variety of sculpts available required to make boxes like Goblin Warband.

Also, their price for single larges is incredible.

Grand Lodge

As mentioned many times in this thread, Paizo will be bursting boosters and selling miniatures individually. A goblin or two may be common, and commons typically sell at favorable pricing from random sets. Now if you want a rare you will pay more, but you will likely only need one of them.

We should all just be happy that new PPMs will be available and in a variety of formats.



I'd like to get these...I really would, but $300 is just too much for resculpts of monsters that I already have as a result of my massive DDM collection.
That being said, if the list had a bunch of monsters that filled in gaps in previous lines or "iconic" monsters (1st ed. creatures that were updated to PF) that did not already exist, I'd certainly consider it. For example-if I knew that Paizo was making a Froghemoth or Wolf-in-Sheep's Clothing mini-yep, i would buy a case-sorry, wife!
Now that I think about it, the two Bestiary books have a lot of 1st ed. Monster Manual 2 and Fiend Folio monsters-get a line focused on those, and you'd have my cash.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Grey Mage wrote:
And while Im sure you looked into your options, I cant help feeling that a different medium might have been a better choice.

We keep going over this ground. The other choice is "don't make minis". The difference between random and non-random is literally the make/break decision. There isn't a third option.

Ideal or not, viable for you or not, this product line wouldn't exist were it not structured as it is. I have compassion for your position and need to budget and that you may not get the minis you want, but the reality of the costs involved won't change because of that compassion.

Anguish wrote:
Grey Mage wrote:
And while Im sure you looked into your options, I cant help feeling that a different medium might have been a better choice.

We keep going over this ground. The other choice is "don't make minis". The difference between random and non-random is literally the make/break decision. There isn't a third option.

Ideal or not, viable for you or not, this product line wouldn't exist were it not structured as it is. I have compassion for your position and need to budget and that you may not get the minis you want, but the reality of the costs involved won't change because of that compassion.

If people don't want to buy the boosters then just buy the singels off of e-bay for the sake of pete.

I'm sure with the plethora of Common Goblin figures they'll be readily available for dirt cheap on e-bay.

It seems that Paizo is making these minis either for people who want to sell sets online or collect them and not do anything with them. I don't want to scour ebay for the minis I want, and have to worry about outbidding all the other gamers trying to scavenge enough goblins or orcs for their encounters.

Now I can't wait for all the Paizo sycophants to talk down to me, for not understanding that there is no third option or some other BS.

secher_nbiw wrote:

It seems that Paizo is making these minis either for people who want to sell sets online or collect them and not do anything with them. I don't want to scour ebay for the minis I want, and have to worry about outbidding all the other gamers trying to scavenge enough goblins or orcs for their encounters.

Now I can't wait for all the Paizo sycophants to talk down to me, for not understanding that there is no third option or some other BS.

Well lucky for you Paizo will be buying their own cases, busting them open, and will be selling singles. So you won't have to scour ebay or even worry about others outbidding you to find the minis that you need.

Grand Lodge

secher_nbiw wrote:

It seems that Paizo is making these minis either for people who want to sell sets online or collect them and not do anything with them. I don't want to scour ebay for the minis I want, and have to worry about outbidding all the other gamers trying to scavenge enough goblins or orcs for their encounters.

Now I can't wait for all the Paizo sycophants to talk down to me, for not understanding that there is no third option or some other BS.

To add to Hobbun's point, Paizo has said they will be releasing Adventure Packs in a non-random format. There should be plenty of options for everyone.

If you are in need of Goblins and Orcs Reaper's Legendary Encounters are available in a non-random format from their website as well.



secher_nbiw wrote:

It seems that Paizo is making these minis either for people who want to sell sets online or collect them and not do anything with them. I don't want to scour ebay for the minis I want, and have to worry about outbidding all the other gamers trying to scavenge enough goblins or orcs for their encounters.

Now I can't wait for all the Paizo sycophants to talk down to me, for not understanding that there is no third option or some other BS.

There are other options....

1.) E-bay - which doesn't agree with you apparently so we'll move on to the secondary options.

2.) Single mini resale sites like...
-- html
--And so on...

3.) Sometimes mini single resale shops sell on amazon cheaper than they do on their own sites.

Consider this your "Paizo sycophant" talking down to you ...hehehehe

I'm just saying....

Good times...

Cyderak wrote:
secher_nbiw wrote:

It seems that Paizo is making these minis either for people who want to sell sets online or collect them and not do anything with them. I don't want to scour ebay for the minis I want, and have to worry about outbidding all the other gamers trying to scavenge enough goblins or orcs for their encounters.

Now I can't wait for all the Paizo sycophants to talk down to me, for not understanding that there is no third option or some other BS.

There are other options....

1.) E-bay - which doesn't agree with you apparently so we'll move on to the secondary options.

2.) Single mini resale sites like...
-- html
--And so on...

3.) Sometimes mini single resale shops sell on amazon cheaper than they do on their own sites.

Consider this your "Paizo sycophant" talking down to you ...hehehehe

I'm just saying....

Good times...

Add Paizo to the list of single mini resale sites.

secher_nbiw wrote:

I don't want to scour ebay for the minis I want, and have to worry about outbidding all the other gamers trying to scavenge enough goblins or orcs for their encounters.

Now I can't wait for all the Paizo sycophants to talk down to me, for not understanding that there is no third option or some other BS.

There IS a third option.

Pretend that Paizo's not selling minis at all, and don't buy them.

It amazes me that people feel that they're worse off for Paizo/WizKids making minis in a format that doesn't appeal to them than if Paizo/Wizkids wasn't making them at all.

secher_nbiw wrote:

It seems that Paizo is making these minis either for people who want to sell sets online or collect them and not do anything with them. I don't want to scour ebay for the minis I want, and have to worry about outbidding all the other gamers trying to scavenge enough goblins or orcs for their encounters.

Now I can't wait for all the Paizo sycophants to talk down to me, for not understanding that there is no third option or some other BS.

What do you think they should do?

Grand Lodge

Do we know the details on a Miniatures subscription? I know you are working on writing the code for the website, but I was wondering if details on how this will work been released in case I missed it.



Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Mazra wrote:

Do we know the details on a Miniatures subscription? I know you are working on writing the code for the website, but I was wondering if details on how this will work been released in case I missed it.



I believe that they are waiting for the code to be ready before announcing them, so that when they do announce they can go 'and here is where you can sign up!'

Anguish wrote:
Grey Mage wrote:
And while Im sure you looked into your options, I cant help feeling that a different medium might have been a better choice.

We keep going over this ground. The other choice is "don't make minis". The difference between random and non-random is literally the make/break decision. There isn't a third option.

Ideal or not, viable for you or not, this product line wouldn't exist were it not structured as it is. I have compassion for your position and need to budget and that you may not get the minis you want, but the reality of the costs involved won't change because of that compassion.

Im sorry if I didnt go through another 20 pages of text to check for their reasons again and again- I read the developers post and this was my response to it.

As I said- Im sure they took the option that worked best for them, and thats fine. It does however mean I wont be involved, and since they had asked for feedback I figured Id give them mine.

As for those who throw down to just check on ebay, *spreads hands* If I wanted to pay 3 dollars in shipping for a fifty cent miniature Id just about be as well off buying the boxes- wich already isnt viable for me. For those whom itll work out well for- more power to you, it just isnt something that will happen for me.

Its not an attack, its not whining, its just feedback.

Paizo Employee CEO

Mazra wrote:

Do we know the details on a Miniatures subscription? I know you are working on writing the code for the website, but I was wondering if details on how this will work been released in case I missed it.



I saw Erik writing text for the website and Vic editing it today, so hopefully soon!


Dark Archive


//thread jack//

Lisa quick question, In hopes you will see this; my GF has a contract in Japan for two weeks, as an avid Star Wars collector, are there any Japan based Star Wars toys/collectibles I should request she hunt for?

//end thread jack//

Grand Lodge

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Mazra wrote:

Do we know the details on a Miniatures subscription? I know you are working on writing the code for the website, but I was wondering if details on how this will work been released in case I missed it.



I saw Erik writing text for the website and Vic editing it today, so hopefully soon!


Thanks Lisa, looking forward to it.



Anguish wrote:
Grey Mage wrote:
And while Im sure you looked into your options, I cant help feeling that a different medium might have been a better choice.
We keep going over this ground. The other choice is "don't make minis". The difference between random and non-random is literally the make/break decision. There isn't a third option.

Amazing how so many miniatures companies - including at least one that dwarfs Paizo - manage to sell bucketloads of miniatures without resorting to random packaging. I wonder what they're doing that makes that profitable?

Bluenose wrote:
Anguish wrote:
Grey Mage wrote:
And while Im sure you looked into your options, I cant help feeling that a different medium might have been a better choice.
We keep going over this ground. The other choice is "don't make minis". The difference between random and non-random is literally the make/break decision. There isn't a third option.
Amazing how so many miniatures companies - including at least one that dwarfs Paizo - manage to sell bucketloads of miniatures without resorting to random packaging. I wonder what they're doing that makes that profitable?

FWIW, dwarfing Wizkids would be a more relevant fact.

What exactly are you suggesting though? That there's a way to do it that's still profitable without increasing the cost and whilst still maintaining the diversity of figures they're offering? Why wouldn't Wizkids implement such a strategy if it were profitable?

The.nonrandom models all seem too expensive or of very limited range to me. What companies are you referring to?

Bluenose wrote:
Amazing how so many miniatures companies - including at least one that dwarfs Paizo - manage to sell bucketloads of miniatures without resorting to random packaging. I wonder what they're doing that makes that profitable?

Name them.

If there are "so many", then it won't be hard for you to just. name. them.

Bluenose wrote:
Anguish wrote:
Grey Mage wrote:
And while Im sure you looked into your options, I cant help feeling that a different medium might have been a better choice.
We keep going over this ground. The other choice is "don't make minis". The difference between random and non-random is literally the make/break decision. There isn't a third option.
Amazing how so many miniatures companies - including at least one that dwarfs Paizo - manage to sell bucketloads of miniatures without resorting to random packaging. I wonder what they're doing that makes that profitable?

For pre painted minis, pick 2: Low Cost, Non-random, Many different minis.

I am guessing you are refering to GW when you say at least 1 that dwarfs paizo. They sell their normal hoard minis at the same price point as these, and they come unassembled and unpainted. Their unique minis are in the $6-$15 price range. If you want to get them painted, your looking at at least $5 on ebay, with highly variable quality, for the low end troops.

Or how about Reaper, who has their own line of pre-painted minis and has been in buisness for years. Their line is selling at the same price point as these. Its non-random. They also only come out with ~6 new minis per year, and after multiple years the entire line wont be the size of this initial release.

I think people need to step back a second and realize that Paizo liscences these minis out. They have some control (what is rare and common, relevent quality and mini selection) but really beyond all that they are letting wizkids handle the logistics of cost point and random/nonrandom. Wizkids is most certainly putting out the most money here (for higher profit point) being that they are paying to liscence the ip as well as make the products and paizo is getting paid for the liscence and a cut of the profits (likely anyway I don't pretend to know the exact deal). Paizo's involvement stops at saying yes or no to sculpts and quality. You dont like random? Go yell at Wizkids, I'm sure they can tell you why it works and why they make lots of money on the model.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I agree with those who say, "If you don't like it, don't buy it." Some people take things far too personally. Paizo is a great company, but they're still a company. They don't do *anything* just to spite you. Obviously, they're going to do what makes the most business sense. If that doesn't fit one's budget, then save your money. Skip a trip to Starbucks, or to the bars, or to the movies once a week or so and earmark the extra cash as your "Pathfinder Mini Fund." You have until December. Even someone of very modest means should be able to save up a couple hundred bucks by then. Me, I've already pre-ordered a case and I can't wait.

Minor threadjack--is there already a thread on minis we'd like to see in the future? If so, I missed it. If not, I may start it.


Kelvar Silvermace wrote:

Minor threadjack--is there already a thread on minis we'd like to see in the future? If so, I missed it. If not, I may start it.

Go to the lisenced products section and the miniatures sections of the message boards

The Exchange

I am looking forward to these mini sets. I think a good time will be had by mini-lovers everywhere.

These, combined with the flip maps, are sure to make for some interesting senarios.

But I still refuse to give up my personally-drawn paper minis. (I mix and match)

TwoWolves wrote:
Bluenose wrote:
Amazing how so many miniatures companies - including at least one that dwarfs Paizo - manage to sell bucketloads of miniatures without resorting to random packaging. I wonder what they're doing that makes that profitable?

Name them.

If there are "so many", then it won't be hard for you to just. name. them.

Just a few, then:

Old Glory
Wargames Foundry
Eureka Miniatures
Renegade Miniatures
Bolt Action

Now lets add some of the people doing plastics:
Gripping Beast
Wargames Factory
Perry Miniatures
Warlord Games

All entirely non-random, all reasonably priced, and all with a wide range.

Bluenose wrote:

Amazing how so many miniatures companies - including at least one that dwarfs Paizo - manage to sell bucketloads of miniatures without resorting to random packaging. I wonder what they're doing that makes that profitable?

So who are these companies?

Please dont try to say gamesworkshop when you really look at their costs for minis it dwarfs these in a heart beat

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