Grey Mage's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.



Feat. Metamagic. Prerequisite: Caster lvl 5th.

When preparing a spell you may prepare it as an Unempowered version of that same spell, reducing its Spell Level by 2. If you do so halve your caster level for all effects, including range, duration, damage etc. You may not prepare a spell in this fashion if you could not cast the spell at its normal Spell Level. An Unempowered spell may not have other metamagic feats added to it, with the exception of silent spell, still spell, or quicken spell. You cannot reduce a spells level below 1 with Unempower.

Anguish wrote:
Grey Mage wrote:
And while Im sure you looked into your options, I cant help feeling that a different medium might have been a better choice.

We keep going over this ground. The other choice is "don't make minis". The difference between random and non-random is literally the make/break decision. There isn't a third option.

Ideal or not, viable for you or not, this product line wouldn't exist were it not structured as it is. I have compassion for your position and need to budget and that you may not get the minis you want, but the reality of the costs involved won't change because of that compassion.

Im sorry if I didnt go through another 20 pages of text to check for their reasons again and again- I read the developers post and this was my response to it.

As I said- Im sure they took the option that worked best for them, and thats fine. It does however mean I wont be involved, and since they had asked for feedback I figured Id give them mine.

As for those who throw down to just check on ebay, *spreads hands* If I wanted to pay 3 dollars in shipping for a fifty cent miniature Id just about be as well off buying the boxes- wich already isnt viable for me. For those whom itll work out well for- more power to you, it just isnt something that will happen for me.

Its not an attack, its not whining, its just feedback.

I look forward to both, eagerly.

Particularly for Psionics though, as several of my players are fans of the old 3.5 psionics rules, but we rarely if ever have epics come up.

Would Psionics make it into ever campaign? Nope, but then again Gunslingers are also on DMs permission only.

Cost for 5 +1 Returning Brilliant Energy Arrows: 6,000 gp.

Usable almost literally forever. Never worry about having to run out, attack vs touch AC at 110', with more feat options and the ability to add another +10s worth of magical effects to your bow.

I dont care if the DC to craft guns is -5, its hard to outdo a bowman in Pathfinder.

The Crusader wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Ok, but what happens when its time to string up the slaves for escape or insurrection, both of which I'm pretty sure are illegal in any slave owning society?

The only occasions, ever as far as I'm aware, in which it was actually, truly legal (in other words, not merely the result of people taking the law into their own hands, or a Potentate exceeding the boundaries of the law) to hang someone without trial, were aboard naval ships dealing with mutineers, deserters and pirates during time of war. In those cases, it was determined that the risk associated with allowing living, condemned prisoners access and proximity to the crew was greater than the threat to justice.

I'd be interested to know if there were other occasions.

If, in Montana, they were stealing your horse and it would take more than a month to get a judge in town to try them they could be hung immediately.

Theres a few other instances, but thats one that I have references for, so there you go.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Remmir Ffom wrote:

I just noticed this...

Why is just "House" in quotations in the subject line?

Because the OP thinks that the rules are being ignored by people, and thats why wizards are seen as a god class.

Surely not.

I think someone brought up an excellent point, about how they really have one stat that ties into all their offensive abilities, and how Over Powering that is.

While were making it so the wizard has to use the average of his intelligence, strength, and charisma scores I think we should redress this, because... well... we have a problem.

Ive seen these.... fighters... who have ALL their abilities tied into strength! Thats right, no reliance on silly things like dexterity, wisdom, or charisma. Every time they up their strength their combat maneuver bonuses get bigger! And they hit more often! And HARDER.

Seriously, its threatening to break my game. WAT I DOZ TEH FIX?

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Lisa Stevens wrote:

For those of you who are disappointed in the random aspect of the miniatures, please read the following taken from the FAQ attached to the press release. You still may not agree, but at least you will understand why we are doing what we are doing.


'interesting economic thoughts'....

I understand, your a business and your hear to make money. I like Paizo, and my local game store has happily sold me alot of your wonderful RPG system. However, Im a consumer in a down economy who often buys models entirely 'at need'. So lets say for the game Im running this week, I need about a dozen more goblin minis... I could drop 48 dollars on this product, or since theyre small possibly as little as 24 dollars. Or, I could drop 72 dollars and not get a single gobo and have to continue to proxy most of the goblin warband that is supposed to be happily munching on my players.

Sure, the relatively low price for a blister means I might pick it up as an impulse buy, but with only 1-2 minis in a blister I really am looking at Warhammer Fantasy or Warlord for anything Ill want in quantity or if a specific race is required.

And while Im sure you looked into your options, I cant help feeling that a different medium might have been a better choice.

And this.... this is yet another reason I just play 3.5, and wish they would atleast have a print on a demand, if not a 'classics' line.