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ok i see that the book release was 8/19 but when i confermed my order earlier today the bookstore that i put the order in said that they have 15 orders for the book and they did not recieve any copys. why the delay? can anyone tell me?
Has to do with the book trade industry. Paizo has said in this thread or another that normally they release books on Wednesdays and the book came out on a thrusday so they would not release it till the following week.
Crazy I know, I don't get it either but apparently it is true.

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ok i see that the book release was 8/19 but when i confermed my order earlier today the bookstore that i put the order in said that they have 15 orders for the book and they did not recieve any copys. why the delay? can anyone tell me?
I know my local game store in Alaska got three copies today. Plus another one of the stores had information on it but not sure if they had books or not.
So they are out there.
Another reason is perhaps your bookstore didn't get the order in on time. As they are potentially sold out until November. Although I did see that they had a good two hundred copies to 1000 copies on hand at Gencon they were taking home on Sunday. At any rate it was a still fair amount. Not nearly what they started out at. If I were to guesstimate I'd say they had two to three thousand to start out with. It was a HUGE stack of books.
Friday there was a LONG line that most people in that line had three to five copies of the books. It was sweet. One bonus of the line is that there were going up and down the line signing the books. Lisa was of course offering anyone the book at $60 and they just give here cash and they could leave the line. It was fun!
This leads me to believe that the production run was 50,000 + way above a 10,000 predictions I have seen. Which 50,000 would be a conservative run in my eyes if they had that number "playtest" the game. If it was an ambitious run as said by Pazio staff I am sure it is approaching 100,000.
Plus I missed (forgot) the RPG Q & A where they were going to announce the four new classes. Can anyone mention it here?

Lanx |

Plus I missed (forgot) the RPG Q & A where they were going to announce the four new classes. Can anyone mention it here?
Read today's blog, and you will be enlightened.

Cleon Hodges |

I thought the book was amazing... of course, there has to be one gripe... The 1/2 Orc. He got boned. It now appears very similar to a 1/2 elf. I wholeheartedly disagree with the changes to the 1/2 orc and will be house-ruling it... keeping it from the Beta. Otherwise, you can have a halforc that is just as strong or charismatic as a half elf... no difference other than color. Where's the toughness and wisdom of the half-orc from the Beta?
Sorry, but... Nosir... I didn't like it.
Other than that, I LOVE Pathfinder!!!!!

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Okay, a couple more comments... probably already added by others but here goes.
Again, nice job on the PDF, but it's only really half way there to being perfect.
TOC: How about linking the Table of contents like the index is?
Bookmarks: Please have them collapsed as a default, and at that base level, far fewer of them, like maybe just the chapters? (in fact that would solve my TOC issue) Right now, it's WAY too many to be useful.
Tables: Can you index all the tables as well? Heck, if Wizards can do it, I know you can. I've noticed some tables aren't even listed in the bookmarks. That would be a big help.
Keep up the good work, loose the shoddy parts.

DraeykeSmite93 |

Hi. I was just cruisin' the MBs and decided I HAD to log in. First, let me just say "HAHA! HAHAHAHA! HA! HA! HAHA! I GOT ONE!!!!" It's really very cool. I don't mean to rub it in or anything, but darn it! The thing costs fifty bucks, there won't be anymore till Novemeber and... Darn it I got one!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! ahem. That having been said. Love it. I figure I am going to find things not to like about it, but heck, we all do. And I have been wrong before, so maybe I'll just keep on lovin' it. I tried to get the PDF before I got the book, but I couldn't even get the site to load. I still need LB2 for my campaign, but I am happy. I honestly enjoy the little chapter intro story thingies. A nice touch me thinks. I am so glad that the thing is sold out. Make mine Paizo! Can't wait for the next installment. I also want to give thanks to Jason and the rest of the crew that put this together. Also, the playtesters deserve everyone's thanks. There were some major mechanics happening, and the pklaytesters really did a great job. I am not embarrased to say that I am a gamer anymore. What a day for us all huh? Any how, like they told me at the store "Keep playing!"

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Does anyone know when the hardcover core rulebook hits the bookstores
I was not able to enjoy the festivities at gen-con (no money to go)
I would really like to know the offical release of the hardcover book to the general public
Hmmm... your local gaming store should have had it on the 13th ... big chain bookstores I believe are holding it till the 19th ...

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Okay, a couple more comments... probably already added by others but here goes.
Again, nice job on the PDF, but it's only really half way there to being perfect.TOC: How about linking the Table of contents like the index is?
Bookmarks: Please have them collapsed as a default, and at that base level, far fewer of them, like maybe just the chapters? (in fact that would solve my TOC issue) Right now, it's WAY too many to be useful.
Tables: Can you index all the tables as well? Heck, if Wizards can do it, I know you can. I've noticed some tables aren't even listed in the bookmarks. That would be a big help.Keep up the good work, loose the shoddy parts.
I would have to agree about the pdf needing some work on the bookmarks... it almost seems that they were never updated from the beta!?! Some tables aren't listed and (at least on my copy) some links didn't even take you to the right place. They'll get you close, but...
Just wish I wasn't so strapped for cash that I could out and pick up my own hardcopy because I'm jealous of some of the guys in my group who have gotten theirs and are rubbing it about that "new book" smell...and listening to the binding open for the first time...

Alison McKenzie |

Still waiting on mine to ship. :( At least my Pathfinders shipped, so I have PDF goodness to tide me over until my core book does too. I know I can pretty much read all the changes at the PRD, but the book has all that pretty art and stuffs.
I just checked with the warehouse. Your order should ship today.

Bobbodagreen |

Too bad Half Orcs had a stat change
Question for ya:
In the druid section, it is mentioned to look inside the bestiary for the animal feats "Improved Natural Armor and Improved Natural Attack". I know the bestiary comes out next month, does the Preview or Bonus Bestiary contain these feats? Our druid would appreciate those feats to get her companion up to date.
Where do campaign/ character traits fit in with the new rules? Do we still take the recommended 2 from the campaign or web enhancement?

jreyst |

In the druid section, it is mentioned to look inside the bestiary for the animal feats "Improved Natural Armor and Improved Natural Attack". I know the bestiary comes out next month, does the Preview or Bonus Bestiary contain these feats? Our druid would appreciate those feats to get her companion up to date.
I just looked at the preview bestiary and the bonus bestiary and don't see either feat. I can only assume that means they will be in the full bestiary when it is released. For your convenience, the rules and monsters from both books are available on my (fan-made/maintained) site http://www.d20pfsrd.com. I am keeping a copy of the Pathfinder PRD on my site, sort of the new d20srd.org if I may be so bold. Anyway, check it out if you like.

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Thanks for fixing the PDF, Paizo. How you managed to make the bookmarks usable (but still no clickable spells from the bookmarks menu?) as well as reduce the file size by 12mb to make it run faster is beyond me, but I'm impressed all the same.
It is because you listen to your customers and address the issues accordingly that I feel you will enjoy a long and profitable existence.
Just hold off a good decade on PF 2.0, mm'kay?

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Somewhere in this post (it's too huge to search through in an effort to quote it), either Vic, Lisa or Erik mentioned that there would be a pile of books being released into the hobby chain ASAP. These books were leftovers from GenCon and/or saved for a possible misshipment for use at GenCon. Regardless, I was under the impression that it would be relatively quickly done. I have players chomping at the bit to get their hands on these books (some of whom even preordered from me). Is there any chance that this is actually happening? Or was it a myth? I've pestered my distributor almost daily about this, and they say they have no information beyond, "No." This, of course, makes me sad.
I figure this site would probably have better information. (Yes, I'm looking at you, Paizo people). Any news?

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really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, wanting the PFRPG
Drogon, you can still order the book directly from Pazio.

Gamer Girrl RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

Drogon wrote:really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, wanting the PFRPGDrogon, you can still order the book directly from Pazio.
If I recall correctly from earlier posts, Drogon is a game store owner, and the copies he's trying to get are ones he preordered with his distributor for his store :) So while he could order 'em here, he'd take a bath on costs.

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Dragnmoon wrote:If I recall correctly from earlier posts, Drogon is a game store owner, and the copies he's trying to get are ones he preordered with his distributor for his store :) So while he could order 'em here, he'd take a bath on costs.Drogon wrote:really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, wanting the PFRPGDrogon, you can still order the book directly from Pazio.
Never Mind then.....

Bobbodagreen |

Thanks for the tidbit on the Improved Natural feats.
Been thumbing through the new feats. The entry for Spellbreaker on page 134 looks off-
Benefit: Enemies in your threatened area that fail
their checks to cast spells defensively provoke attacks of
opportunity from you.
Normal: Enemies that fail to cast spells defensively do
not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Spells still provoke, thats the point of casting defensively...
Is this entry supposed to read as follows?
Benefit: Enemies in your threatened area that pass
their checks to cast spells defensively provoke attacks of
opportunity from you.
Normal: Enemies that succeed to cast spells defensively do
not provoke attacks of opportunity.
otherwise, this feat seems moot.

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RE the Spellbreaker feat: When someone casts a spell defensively, the only peril associated is the loss of the spell if you fail the concentration check. There's no way for someone to AoO a spellcaster if he casts a spell defensively UNLESS he takes the Spellbreaker feat, in which case he can make an AoO when someone fails a concentrate check on a defensive casting attempt.
Casting defensively automatically negates AoOs, in other words, no mattter if the attempt to cast is successful or not. And if a spellcaster makes his concentration check to cast defensively, he does not provoke an AoO at all, even against those who have the Spellbreaker feat.

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I just got mine from Amazon too... Wow!!!! What an incredible tome. Just awesome. And I will make this one observation. The art is WORLDS better than the 4E books. Tons better.
It's tons better than in any D&D book so far; likewise the layout and art direction in general. The two-page art pieces at the beginning of every chapter was a GREAT idea, and I even like the short pieces of fiction there -- it'd be very easy to err on the side of pathetic with such vignettes, but I think these ones capture the mood and atmosphere of the game very well! :)

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Bibliomane74 wrote:I just got mine from Amazon too... Wow!!!! What an incredible tome. Just awesome. And I will make this one observation. The art is WORLDS better than the 4E books. Tons better.It's tons better than in any D&D book so far; likewise the layout and art direction in general. The two-page art pieces at the beginning of every chapter was a GREAT idea, and I even like the short pieces of fiction there -- it'd be very easy to err on the side of pathetic with such vignettes, but I think these ones capture the mood and atmosphere of the game very well! :)
Since I wrote half of those little vignettes (and Wes wrote the other half), I certainly hope they avoid being pathetic!

vagrant-poet |

Asgetrion wrote:Since I wrote half of those little vignettes (and Wes wrote the other half), I certainly hope they avoid being pathetic!Bibliomane74 wrote:I just got mine from Amazon too... Wow!!!! What an incredible tome. Just awesome. And I will make this one observation. The art is WORLDS better than the 4E books. Tons better.It's tons better than in any D&D book so far; likewise the layout and art direction in general. The two-page art pieces at the beginning of every chapter was a GREAT idea, and I even like the short pieces of fiction there -- it'd be very easy to err on the side of pathetic with such vignettes, but I think these ones capture the mood and atmosphere of the game very well! :)
Ooo. Who wrote which?

Bobbodagreen |

RE the Spellbreaker feat: When someone casts a spell defensively, the only peril associated is the loss of the spell if you fail the concentration check. There's no way for someone to AoO a spellcaster if he casts a spell defensively UNLESS he takes the Spellbreaker feat, in which case he can make an AoO when someone fails a concentrate check on a defensive casting attempt.
Casting defensively automatically negates AoOs, in other words, no mattter if the attempt to cast is successful or not. And if a spellcaster makes his concentration check to cast defensively, he does not provoke an AoO at all, even against those who have the Spellbreaker feat.
Thanks for the clarification. I'll reread the casting defensively entry. We were thinking that since casting a spell will provoke an AoO, failing the check for casting defensively leaves the spell caster open to attack.

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James Jacobs wrote:Ooo. Who wrote which?Asgetrion wrote:Since I wrote half of those little vignettes (and Wes wrote the other half), I certainly hope they avoid being pathetic!Bibliomane74 wrote:I just got mine from Amazon too... Wow!!!! What an incredible tome. Just awesome. And I will make this one observation. The art is WORLDS better than the 4E books. Tons better.It's tons better than in any D&D book so far; likewise the layout and art direction in general. The two-page art pieces at the beginning of every chapter was a GREAT idea, and I even like the short pieces of fiction there -- it'd be very easy to err on the side of pathetic with such vignettes, but I think these ones capture the mood and atmosphere of the game very well! :)
If I remember correctly... I wrote the odd-numbered chapter openers and Wes wrote the even-numbered chapter openers.

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Thanks for the clarification. I'll reread the casting defensively entry. We were thinking that since casting a spell will provoke an AoO, failing the check for casting defensively leaves the spell caster open to attack.
Nope; that's basically the difference between casting defensively and not.
Casting Defensively: This is safer, and prevents an AoO, but might screw up your spell. With this option, you're gambling that your Concentration check will work. Also, since you know going in what the DC of the check is (15 + double spell level), this option lets you run the odds more accurately.
Not Casting Defensively: This provokes an AoO, but if the AoO misses, you're fine. If it hits, you make a concentration check to keep casting through the damage. With this option, you're gambling that your AC will protect you, with an additional safety net of being able to salvage the spell by making a concentration check. Since with this method, the DC of the concentration check is 10 + damage dealt by attack + spell level, you're gambling that the damage dealt is small, and can't really predict accurately if you'll even have a chance to make the check. Although the base DC is lower, the fact that the damage dealt figures into the calculation usually makes this a much harder check to make than Casting Defensively. But then, if the AoO misses, you get a free ride.

Gamer Girrl RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

They are anything but pathetic. Now when will you complete the teasers you wrote into full fledged stories?
Many of the teasers are hinged around APs, as is the gorgeous art ::chuckle:: I love how my group was looking through and the three GMs were glancing at the art saying "That's not from my game" and then looking over where I was grinning evilly and adding several expletives as they realized they'd be seeing those ahead in Crimson Throne :)~

BigWeather |

Those who ordered from Paizo -- have the books been arriving in great condition? I ordered from Amazon and while the book arrived in one piece I'm not happy about the condition. I'd send it back but chances are a) they'd not have another to send or b) they do and it'd still arrive in crap condition.
So, tempted to double dip and order another. Besides, I love throwing my money at Paizo! Does Paizo still have some in stock to ship? I'd really like a great condition first printing (and don't want to end up getting a second printing).
Also very tempted to just subscribe to the RPG subscription (and the other two) as well but concerned that some things that I don't want (mainly the map folios and other stuff like the Harrow deck) are included. At least with the Adventure Path subscription I know every month I get 96 pages of awesomeness with nary a product I'm not too keen on. =)

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Those who ordered from Paizo -- have the books been arriving in great condition? I ordered from Amazon and while the book arrived in one piece I'm not happy about the condition. I'd send it back but chances are a) they'd not have another to send or b) they do and it'd still arrive in crap condition.
So, tempted to double dip and order another. Besides, I love throwing my money at Paizo! Does Paizo still have some in stock to ship? I'd really like a great condition first printing (and don't want to end up getting a second printing).
Also very tempted to just subscribe to the RPG subscription (and the other two) as well but concerned that some things that I don't want (mainly the map folios and other stuff like the Harrow deck) are included. At least with the Adventure Path subscription I know every month I get 96 pages of awesomeness with nary a product I'm not too keen on. =)
The subscriptions start from when you start them. So since the Harrow deck has long been released you wouldn't get it in a subscription now. If your concerned that something like that will come out again you can cancel the subscription then restart it. THey have it listed way out what products are coming.
Another option is sell on a secondary market the product you do not want. That what I have finally decided to do with the map subscription. While I plan to use the flip mats I am not completely sold on the map packs. Yet they never reprint them either once they are sold out so in a way it is also an investment, you'll have a copy if you never use it in "new" condition that you can resell.
At any rate the subscriptions are awesome and highly recommend them. Plus at least from what I can tell they recently made it when you order something you can have it added to your subscription order to save on shipping. (Does not work for back orders though.).
So my opinion is get the subscription.
As to the condition. I also received a bad copy of the campaign setting from Amazon. I have yet to receive a damaged copy from Pazio direct.

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Mine looking like new from paizo and when in a box they always do. They ship with with corner cards and lots of peanuts. As for the RPG subscription that is only for the RPG books. the core book, beastiry, GM book, GM screen, Advance players book.
You can look at the stuff in the store and see what all is part of the subscription.

BigWeather |

Thank you very much for your responses! As you can see you two were quite persuasive (*points to the new title above*). I'll either return the Amazon copy and get a refund or save it for a "everyday use" copy (as my kids will be playing as well and will need to thumb through it a lot -- and they are rough). It'll also be a great to have an extra copy to loan out to friends (and hopefully future converts).

Exiled Prince |

Oh my God Becky!!! It's over an inch thick and weighs the same as a small work out weight. I just want Paizo to know that I will be sending the hospital bill on my back in the mail. I just hope it stays together for at least a year with such a thick spine. I have to say it's one of the most beutiful gaming books I've ever seen. I've always liked black and white (old D&D, white wolf) but this book has made me change my mind.

Rob Hillard |
Can somebody point me to a link that gives a summary of the changes between D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder? I remember when WoTC changed from 3.0 to 3.5 there were bunches of files and articles delineating the changes. Does something like that exist?
The search function told me it was broken and there are just too many posts for me to go through one by one.
If it's posted some place really obvious and I'm just an idiot, please be kind as you hit me with a clue by four and point me in the correct direction.

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Can somebody point me to a link that gives a summary of the changes between D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder?
You might find the 3.5 Conversion document to be of help.

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Somewhere in this post (it's too huge to search through in an effort to quote it), either Vic, Lisa or Erik mentioned that there would be a pile of books being released into the hobby chain ASAP. These books were leftovers from GenCon and/or saved for a possible misshipment for use at GenCon. Regardless, I was under the impression that it would be relatively quickly done. I have players chomping at the bit to get their hands on these books (some of whom even preordered from me). Is there any chance that this is actually happening? Or was it a myth? I've pestered my distributor almost daily about this, and they say they have no information beyond, "No." This, of course, makes me sad.
I figure this site would probably have better information. (Yes, I'm looking at you, Paizo people). Any news?
This is still on track. We expect this short wave of books to hit retail stores about the middle of September. Which is to say really soon.

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I ordered mine from Amazon whose price is for some reason much lower then on this site?!?!
It is on its way here now (to Europe) :)
That is how amazon works ALL of their stuff is much lower than retail. All the 4e stuff was at least 34% less than retail. They make their money by selling bulk.
I was going that route but then decided to get the PDF and the actual items to go the subscription. Plus it supports Pazio directly rather than a multi million dollar franchise.
Do not get me wrong I still order a lot of stuff from Amazon but yea. That is why it is much cheaper.

Edward Kirchgessner |

Just picked up my copy at the local games store last night. As an old 2nd Edition player, I can hardly put into words how happy I am with the Pathfinder Core Rules. When a group of friends and I decided to start up an online campaign earlier this year, we all assumed that 4th Edition would be as good a rule set as any to go with. Boy were we wrong. If we wanted it to feel as though we were playing a computer game, we would have saved some time and met up in the World of Warcraft :P
This book's presentation is spectacular, the rules are sensibly organized (there's even an index) and there's a real sense that they've been written with actual players in mind. Pathfinder is a breath of fresh air -- I once again feel I have the freedom to tailor rules to meet the needs of my players and campaign. In short: thanks Paizo!
I'm sure I'll be chiming in on a number of other threads here on the site. I've got a lot of questions about the various Pathfinder products...