Dwarf Fighter

Hamdir Redaxe's page

6 posts. Alias of Gunny.


Boy, I'm glad that I served in the USMC and served my country so folks could trash it through "Freedom of Speech". :)

On another note about buying American.... I just bought my "American" car. A 2008 Dodge Charger. ....."German trasnmission, Mexican parts, assembled in Canada." Glad I bought American....

hanexs wrote:

Well, I bought the core books for 4E and the first adventure. I convinced my group to buy them. We sold a lot of our books too... And then we read 4e. Quite simply it does not feel like D&D, and it seems like rules are more important then ever.

I feel your pain. I did the same. I re-read the PHB last night and I thought I was reading an RPG manual for World of Warcraft.

I did find a use for the core rule set though...I'm going to cover them in plaster, add fake grass,trees and a castle and use it as a hill for my miniatures.

For those of you who like the new edition I'm glad. But for me, (an avid DM since 1978) this new edition does not feel like D&D. I'll continue to run my homegrown 3.5 campaign and supplement it with Pathfinder products (which by the way I think are awesome - Way to go Paizo!)

Just my humble opinion.

I've been DMing Dungeons and Dragons since 1978 and have been a faithful buyer and player to all editions and revisions.
I've held my opinion until I had a chance to buy the core rule set and I have to say - I'm disappointed. I won't go into detail or great lengths as to why I don't like it. Suffice it to say that I will continue to play 3.5 using my home grown campaign and supplement it with Paizo pathfinder products.

Same here (order # 943682). I received the latest Pathfinder adventure but was missing my gazetteer. I sent Paizo an email and left a voicemail with customer service (as they were busy feeding the kobolds)

My 2 cents....

I like the idea of "smite" or "holy" points. Combine that with their turning ability so they can decide where to spend the points on a given day.
Giving a paladin the option of channeling power into a shield or weapon is a great idea.
What happened to detect evil? Or perhaps Pallies get the option of choosing detect evil or detect lie at 1st level.
Spellcasting should be charisma based
Alignment: I like the idea o paladins of any "good" alignment. Each one (LG, NG, CG) would have slightly different powers/abilites and class skills
Hit Die = d10 (hope the d8 is a typo)

Is this in 2008 or 2009? It says Pre-order July 2008.....