Sidetrek Adventure Weekly #9: Death in the Jungle (d20) PDF

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Trapped on the other side of the gate, our stalwart heroes emerge from the ruined temple to find themselves staring out over the troodons' ancient home world. In the distance, a mysterious mountain range rises up to the heavens. Setting off for the mountains, the PCs must travel through a humid jungle infested with terrible monsters and other dangers, a trip that will test them to the very limits of their endurance and beyond. Can they escape from Death in the Jungle?

Welcome to Sidetrek Adventure Weekly—all the heart-pounding, adrenaline-pumping action your players can handle! Each Sidetrek Adventure Weekly episode throws characters into an action-packed encounter designed to electrify your game. Drop any Sidetrek Adventure Weekly directly into your adventure as a stand-alone combat. Or, if you dare, link all 12 into one pulse-racing, white-knuckle sidetrek adventure series. Jump aboard Sidetrek Adventure Weekly tonight!

Written by Phillip Larwood with Greg Oppedisano.

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