
Argoni Slate's page

677 posts. Organized Play character for Enchanter Tim.


Recall: Arcana +14, Crafting +15, Nature +11, Occultism +14, Religion +9, Society +15 | speed 40 | Exploration Mode: Avoid Notice| ◆ | ◇ | ↺ |


Current Investigation: ---

Versatile Vials:


CG male halfling investigator 7 | HP 78/78 | AC 25 (26 w/Shield) | F +10 R +15 (+1 vs ally) W +13 | Perc +15 (low-light) | Stealth +15 |

About Argoni Slate

PFS Number: 1142-2002
Experience: 78
Fame: 12
Portrait of Argoni

PFS Chronicles:

#1-03 Escaping the Grave: 4XP, 4f, 14.08gp
#1-12 Burden of Envy: 4XP, 4f, 14.4gp
#1-08: Revolution on the Riverside: 4XP, 4f, 14.4gp
#Q3: Grehunde's Gorget (GM): 1XP, 5.51gp
#Q13: Falcon's Descent: 1XP, 5.9gp
#2-00: King in Thorns: 4XP, 22.16gp
#2-09: Seven Secrets of the Dacilane Academy: 4XP, 22.16gp
#1-10: Tarnbreaker's Trail: 4XP, 23.6gp
One Shot: Headshot the Rot: 4XP, 38gp
#1-19: Iolite Squad Alpha: 4XP, 40.4gp
#2-12: Snakes in the Grass: 4xp, 40.4gp
#3-08: Foundation's Price: 4xp, 68gp
#1-06: Lost on the Spirit Road (GM): 4xp, 64.64gp
#3-12: Fury's Toll: 4xp, 64.64gp
#3-06: Struck by Shadows: 4xp, 106.4gp
#1-20: The Lost Legend: 4xp, 100.8gp
#2-07: The Blakros Deception: 4xp, 106.4gp
#4-99: Blessings of the Forest: 4xp, 127.2gp
#4-07: A Most Wonderous Exchange: 4xp, 155.6gp
#5-05: The Island of the Vibrant Dead: 4xp, 157.2gp
#6-02: Godsrain in a Godless Land: 4xp, 206gp

PFS Information:

School: Generalist

Major Factions
Envoy’s Alliance: 28
Grand Archive: 48
Horizon Hunters: 4
Vigilant Seal: 2
Minor Factions
Radiant Oath: 2
Verdant Wheel:
All Faction Reputation
Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 84


Grand Archive Champion Gain Fame from Grand Archive
Team Player Gain a reaction. (R) [][][] When an ally fails a check on which you aided, the ally can reroll the check and use the better result.
Valias's Assurance [][] Use Lay on Hands Champion Focus spell heightened to your level
River Kingdoms Politician (General) [][][] When completing an adventure in the River Kingdoms or Razmiran, check a box to attempt a task+1 level for downtime. When all three are checked, usable for a later adventure.
Legacy of the Gorget (general) Used for #1-10: Tarnbreaker's Trail
Tarnbreaker Champions (General): While primarily in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, stay for free at any Ulfen or Varki inn, and gain a 10% on all non-magical goods bought in Ulfen or Varki settlements (this does not stack with any other discount or reduction in price). Gain a +1 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy checks to Make A Request while in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.
Traveler of the Spirit Road (General) [][][] Whenever you would critically fail a check to Hide, Sneak, Sense Direction, or Track while in a forested area, you may check a box next to this boon to treat that check as a failure instead.
Waters of Warlock’s Barrow [] Single Use
◆◆ You cast disrupting weapons as a 1st-level innate spell, except the spell also has the water trait.
Magical Mentor (Grand Archive) Increase spell DC level bump for lower level characters by 1 (total of +2).
Avid Collector - Age of Ashes: Peshpine Grenade Gain access to Peshpine Grenades
Skillful Mentor (Envoy's Alliance) Increate skill bonus for lower level characters by 1 (total of +2)
Avid Collector - Treasure Vault Arms & Armaments Gain access to various weapons and armor


Combat: Argoni will use his Stratagem ability to hurl bombs or attack with his bow, getting the Strategic Strike damage bonus. If needed, he will go into melee with his shortsword.

Out of Combat: Argoni will try to check for traps or open locks. He will collect any alchemical reagents or weapons if no one else wants them. He will also serve as healer.

Argoni Slate
CG Male Halfling Investigator 7
Background: Criminal
Senses Low-Light Vision Perception: +15 [M]
Languages: Common, halfling, elven, undercommon, gnomish, infernal, Vudrani

Hit Points: 76
AC: 25 (+1 leather) (+1 with Shield spell)
Fort: +10 [T] Ref: +15 [E] Will: +13 [E]

Speed: 30 (40 with longstrider)
Melee Shortsword +15 [E], 1d6+2 P (agile, finesse, versatile S)
. . or Dagger [E] +15, 1d4+2 P (agile, finesse, thrown 10ft, versatile S)
. . light mace [E] +15, 1d4+2 B (agile, finesse, shove)
Ranged Dagger +15 [E] 1d4+2 P (agile, finesse, thrown 10ft, versatile S)
. . Alchemical bomb +16 [E] (Int)
. . +1 striking boomerang +16 [E] 2d6 B (recovery, thrown 60)
. . +1 striking chakri +16 [E] 2d6 S (recovery, thrown 40)
. . +1 striking dart +16 [E] 2d4 P (agile, thrown 20)

Cantrips guidance (pendant), prestidigitation (hat), shield (aeon stone)

Str +0, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +4.5, Wis +2, Cha +1

Ancestry Abilities
Twilight Heritage Low-light Vision
Halfling Luck 1/day as a free action, you can reroll a failed save or skill check
Shared Luck Use Halfling Luck for an ally within 30 feet who has failed a skill or save check.

Class Abilities
Pursue a Lead One per 10 minutes, spend 1 minute designating a subject as the target of your active investigation. Whenever you attempt a Perception or skill check to investigate the subject, you gain a +1 bonus to the check. You can maintain 2 active investigations at one time. If you Pursue a Lead after that, the subject must be different and you give up on a subject of your choice. Once you've given up a subject, you can't pursue it again until after you make your daily preparations.
Clue In (R) Once per 10 minutes, Share information with a creature attempting to investigate your investigation. They gain a +1 to that check.
Devise a Stratagem ◆ Once per round, choose a creature you can see and roll at d20. Choose Attack Stratagem or Skill Stratagem.
Attack Stratagem If you strike the creature later this round, you must use the result of the roll instead of rolling normally. You make this substitution only on the first strike against the creature. When you make this substitution, you can add your Intelligence mod to the attack roll instead of Strength or Dexterity as long as you are using an agile or finesse melee weapon, agile or finesse unarmed attack, a ranged weapon, or a sap.
Skill Stratagem You can't Strike the subject of your stratagem. Instead, gain a +1 to an Int, Wis, Cha based skill or Perception involving your subject. If Pursue a Lead applies, increase the bonus by +1.
Strategic Strike When you make a strike that adds your Intelligence mod to your attack due to Devising a Stratagem, you deal an addition 2d6 damage.
Methodology (Alchemical Sciences) Trained in crafting, gain Quick Tincture action and Alchemical Crafting feat. Each time you gain a level, you learn a alchemical formula for an item of a level you can create. Each day, you can create a number of Versatile Vials equal to your Int modifier.
Quick Tincture ◆ Use a Versatile Vial to create a alchemical elixir or tool of your level or lower. This item only lasts until the end of your turn.
Quick Alchemy ◆ Create Consumable:Use a Versatile Vial to create any consumable your level or lower that you have the formula for.
Quick Vial: Create a standard bomb
Keen Recollection Untrained Recall Knowledge proficiency bonus is at +level rather than +0.
Weapon Expertise Attacks with simple, martial and unarmed attacks increases to Expert.
Vigilant Senses Perception increases to Master
Weapon Specialization +2 damage with weapons you are an Expert in; +3 with Master and +4 with Legendary

Class Feats
Known Weakness When you Devise a Stratagem, perform a free Recall Knowledge check. If you critically succeed, gain a +1 bonus to your attack from DaS. If you immediately convey this knowledge, allies gain the +1 bonus to their next attacks against the enemy.
Alchemist Dedication Trained in Alchemist DC and Bombs; Gain Alchemical Crafting feat and Quick Alchemy
Basic Concoction - Quick Bomber ◆ Draw a bomb, draw a Versatile Vial, create a consumable from a Versatile Vial, and Strike with a bomb.
Person of Interest ◆ Choose a creature who isn't tied to your investigations. For 1 minute, you can Devise a Stratagem against them for a free action.

Skill/General Feats
Experienced Smuggler Take better of 10 or your roll when trying to hide a small item from a passive observer; Use Underworld Lore in downtime at level - 1
Continual Recovery Treat Wounds patients are immune for 10 minutes rather than 1 hour
Alchemical Crafting Can create alchemical items using Craft skill; Gain 4 alchemical formulas
Fleet +5 to movement speed
Trick Magic Item ◆ Use appropriate skill check to activate a magic item
Streetwise Use Society for Gather Information; Use Society for Recall Knowledge at a higher DC.
Risky Surgery Deal 1d8 slashing damage when Treating Wounds to get a +2 circumstance bonus. If the result is a success, get a critical success instead.
Battle Medicine ◆ (School Feat) Use Treat Wounds as a single action. Target is immune for 1 day.
Quiet Allies When allies are using Follow the Expert with you, the group can roll a single Stealth check using the lowest modifier instead of rolling separately.
Toughness Gain extra hit points
Dubious Knowledge Gain true and false knowledge on a Recall Knowledge failure

Acrobatics +13 [T], Arcana +14 [T], Athletics +0, Crafting +15 [E], Deception +10 [T], Diplomacy +10 [T], Intimidation +10 [T], Lore (Library) +13 [T], Lore (Underworld) +15 [E], Medicine +13 [E] (+1 to treat wounds/first aid), Nature +11 [T], Occultism +14 [T], Performance +1, Religion +2 (+9 for RK), Society +15 [E], Stealth +15 [E], Survival +2, Thievery +13 [T] (+1 to pick locks/disable)

Equipment (Bulk 3.6)
Worn backpack, +1 leather armor, belt pouch, alchemist's goggles, backfire mantle, wayfinder, Dusty Rose prism aeon stone, mage's hat, pendant of the occult, thrower's bandolier (+1 striking)
Weapon Shortsword, dagger, light mace, boomerang (x3), chakri (x3), dart (x3)
Bombs lesser alchemist's fire, lesser acid flask, lesser bottled lightning x3, lesser ghost charge x2, lesser frost vial, lesser glue bomb x2, lesser thunderstone, moderate ghost charge
Elixirs/Mutagens antidote, antiplague, infiltrator's elixir x2
Stowed bedroll, chalk, repair kit, rations, rope, torch, everburning torch, waterskin, flight & steel, sheath, healer's kit (expanded), alchemist's tools, thieves' tools (infiltrator), formula book, pup tent, compass, winter clothing, minor healing potion, bag of holding, wand of tailwind (2nd level), disguise kit
Coin 64.81gp

Formula Book:


Argoni joined the Pathfinders as a way to escape his criminal past. From a young age, he seemed to have a knack for alchemy, and was forced to work in a lab to create drugs and poisons for the crime boss. While it afforded him protection and he found the alchemy interesting, he grew to hate what it represented. The halfling began attempting to leave evidence of his work around and when the authorities finally raided the group, he thought he was free. Unfortunately, his actions implicated him as well. In return for providing evidence against the group, he was offered a way out by the judge, a former Pathfinder who recognized Argoni's inquisitive nature and skills could be helpful. He signed up the next day and hopes to earn a better legacy in this new portion of his life.


Argoni Slate
A halfling in a dark red coat trimmed with white wanders in. He sports a head of curly hair typical of halflings and a light brown muttonchop beard. Across his body is a satchel with a few alchemical bottles stuffed inside, clinking gently. He also carries a shortsword and sling tucked into his belt.