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A bit in the GMG about rewarding scrying got me thinking about all the other things a villain could be caught doing whenever the PCs happen to gaze into their crystal ball or act like peeping toms in some other way. To avoid having the thread locked, I suggest that nobody post suggestions that would cause the MPAA to impose a PG-13 on the movie of the campaign; and if you're going to suggest a goofy possibility, put a more serious possiblity in so that anybody who steals the thread for a percentile table can choose drama or comedy.
01. Eavesdropping at a door.
02. Putting on shoes or boots (comic version: Buying new ones.)
03. Brooding on a parapet (comic version: hanging laundry out to dry.)
04. In the middle of killing some other, luckless band of heroes. Note: An excellent chance to observe the villain's combat tactics!
05. Surveying a map. (comic version: Or a menu.)

Porphyrogenitus |
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13a. (comic version: reading the Evil Overlord List).

Zwordsman |
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30. Show the room the parties in
31. Tying his shoes (serious while reciting a spell or discussing his day plans)
32. Disco and karaoke
33. Making morning oatmeal(good time to attack or poison) (possibly eating oatmeal with an important paper in front, or spellcaster spell book giving knowledge of that days spells.)
34. Tae bo (best as an ood wizard type)
35. Talking to a cohort via a mirror (one sided convo)

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43. Interviewing a new potential lieutenant. (comic version: Being eaten by a new potential lieutenant: congratulations, the campaign now has a new and even nastier BBEG.)
(Edit: Dang, Son of the Vet had almost the same idea - at almost the same moment.)
44. Observing a burning [insert one: captive, hut, village, planet] with deep satisfaction. (comic version: Accompanied by minions who are roasting sausages over the flames.)
45. Supervising the looting of a granary. (Comic version: Supervising the looting of the PCs' favorite Magic Shoppe oh god! the humanity! nooooo! of course you realize, this means war!)

Laithoron |
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What's the villain doing when you scry on them?
08a. Yo momma! (Extra points to the villain if the PC's mother is already deceased.)
53. Brushing their teeth with a bottle of Jack
54. Running their plan past a focus group comprised of elementary school students (pursuant to 13a).
55. Whistling innocently and trying to keep a straight face (Detect Scrying was already cast and they currently have some invisible horror waiting in the wings to eat the PCs when they teleport in).

Loren Pechtel |
54) In a session with a dominatrix (an ideal time to attack.)
55) Scrying the BBEG. (There's a doppleganger involved. Which one, though?)
56) Running in fear from a rat. (Strategy advice for the PCs.)
57) Summoning a powerful creature of the lower planes. When the PCs attack they'll find the creature still trapped in the circle, remember how easily outside forces can break it.

DungeonmasterCal |
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59. Playing Pong on his vintage, mint condition Atari 2600.
60. Or playing THIS on his Intellivision! Holy cats!

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Getting back on the right number, tiny is right.
66. Reviewing the paybook. Lots of dead mooks at the protaganist's hands means plenty of money alloted for salary is now available for addtional traps.
67. Reviewing various illusions a potential recruit is capable of creating, leading our scrying fellows to believe he now has several pet juvenile dragons.
68. Feeding his pet dragon.
69. Ordering his new servants to clean up his new pet, named Fluffy. Fluffy happens to be off screen and an Iron Golem.
70. Admiring a new vintage from a protaganist hometown.

Laithoron |

71. Writing a thank you letter to one of the PCs for the blueprints of their hideout which they have upon their desk.
72. Holding a board meeting for the shareholders of the PCs' favorite coffee house.
73. Enjoying their morning tea in the company of a PC that everyone thought had been slain.
74. Counting to 3 with their henchmen right outside the door to the room the PCs are in.

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83. Pacing anxiously up and down a corridor.
84. In conference with another villain (unrelated to the current plot), detailing his plans for dealing with the PCs. (This may seem like you're giving the PCs even more than they hoped for, unless you ask yourself: why would he tell the truth to this other villain?)

cnetarian |
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85. Losing a boxing match with his shadow.
86. Stealing a tip as he leaves a restaurant (he is evil after all).
87. Dunking monster crackers into milk and eating them while making strange sounds.
88. Filling out tax forms. This may involve a tax collector being nailed to his wall.
89. A white sign appears saying "unable to complete your connection at this time. please scry again later." (BBEG has cast non-detection, sure to make the PCs paranoid.)
90. Working in the lab, as the scrying starts he suddenly turns to face the PCs and drops a flask.

Tigger_mk4 |
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92. Communing with other planes (comic-On the telephone demanding a payrise and danger money from the GM)
93. Watching a sports event (baseball, cricket, etc...)
94 participating in a sports event ("and now, up to bat' is..."). Potentially includes gladiatorial stuff.
95. Judging a competition (comic - they get an image of simon cowell)

Rashagar |
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48. Enjoying a massage from an attractive underling. It's good to be the king.
Misread that as enjoying a massacre from an attractive underling.
Apologies if these were said already, memory failing.100. At a royal gala, having a grand old time. Shows how well connected he is, and how difficult it'll be to deal with him in a non-destructive good-aligned way.
101. Tending his garden. (in either pretty or deathtrap varieties)
102. Dungeon delving with his own adventuring party.

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105. Reviewing his base's defenses with his trusty lieutenant. (Comic: rehearsing his monologue over a half-built deathtrap)
106. Bribing or seducing an ally of the PCs. (Comic: cuckolding a minion.)
107. At the tailor's, for a fitting.
108. Parenting. (Comic: "grilling" his/her child's latest suitor.)
109. Taking bed rest.
110. Dictating a letter to a minion.
111. Bargaining with a called creature, or paying it for services rendered.
112. Having a Harrow reading.
113. Attending a public performance of some kind, such as a play, mass, or trial.
114. Any Downtime Activity from Ultimate Campaign, really.
115. Betraying an ally.
116. Offending a different enemy of the PCs.
117. Demonstrating the pass phrase to someplace the PCs must infiltrate.
118. Interrogating a prisoner. (Comic: Half-listening to a minion's latest excuses for some failure.)
119. Creating an undead minion.
120. Feeding the guardian beast(s). (Comic: You have failed me for the last time!)
121. In the middle of casting or receiving a sending.
122. Conversing in Druidic, or another secret language.
123. Having a conversation where a translator is required to understand her interlocutor.
124. Briefing her simulacra.
125. Opening a gift or accepting tribute. (Comic: eating fruitcake.)
126. Having looted it from a nearby body, tapping a forked metal rod and listening to its tone while wearing a look of intense concentration.
127. Practicing a new spell or skill.
128. Procuring an expensive, distinctive material component.