Bronze Dragon

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I'm thinking about a grippli monk, who will multiclass into rogue (unchained). He would specialize in webbed-handed b%$%+ slaps.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Hey everyone! I am on board with this. My posts may be a bit spotty; I have a lot going on IRL right now. I would say my preference is 1e, but I am game to go 2e if that's the majority. It would be a bit of a learning curve for me, but it is worth it for Parrot's storytelling.

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Heeding Indus, Lueck withdraws from the swarm. On his way, his tongue lashes out repeatedly, giving him the first fresh food he's had since going underground.

Withdraw action, reflected on the map. Ineffectual tongue attacks on the swarm as he goes.

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Male Elf Wizard 3 | HP:29/29 | F:+4 R+5 W+4 | CMD 14 | AC:14 T:14 FF:10 | Init+5 | Perc +11 |

Molasbar draws another arrow and lets out his breath. The suxxess of his first arrow and the sting of his new wound actually helps him reign in his panic. He fires again at the rat lady.

Prescience 1d20 ⇒ 2, 4 out of 8 used

Longbow with a cold iron arrow with silver blanching applied.
To hit 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 1 = 25 damage 2d6 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8.

Edit: Possible crit! Try to confirm 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 1 = 25 and, if so, extra damage 4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 4) = 18.

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The Bask-ilisk Tooth Brigade? What, no Potterheads here?

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CG M Elf Cleric 5 | AC 16 (18w/shield) | Init: +3 | HP 14/38 | 1st 1/4, 2nd 1/3 3rd 1/2 Ch 1/1 | HD 5/1d8 | PasPer 17 |

I was thinking I'd follow along last, so if anyone got knocked around and got too low on hit points, I could get them up and running again.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |
GM Parrot wrote:

Ok, finally getting back to this. I gotta admit, I've run this fight so poorly as your GM, despite tons of time reading rules forums, that I'm having trouble feeling excited about it. Let's get through and see what's on the other side, though.

Edit: I don't mean to whine too much, but da book says I should play this encounter with all my skill and I have failed in that respect, messing up Bestow Curse, Protection from Good, and misremembering that Channel Negative doesn't heal even if you have Death's Kiss, misremembering that the high priest doesn't even need Death's Kiss (he has a more powerful version as a class feature always on)... the upshot is that I've wasted what feels like half of the baddies' turns.

In my opinion, you are being WAY to hard on yourself. First of all, it is YOUR game and you can run it how you see fit. You've already deviated from Frog God's story numerous times, much to our enjoyment. We appreciate that you do run it, and we appreciate how you run it.

And staying true to the rules is a burden on all of us at this level of play. It is why we double check things like hit point totals as we go. In some ways, it breaks in our favor. In other ways, it breaks against us. For example, I should have asked if the clerics had a way to see me when invisible so they could target me with the hold person spells. I don't think any of us are so obsessed with perfectly following the rules that it is a problem.

If there is one thing that seems to be missing in the fight, it is some of the great color you provide. I was expecting some taunting, some threats, even some hard core monologuing! Please, have more fun with it and a little less worry about "running it right". If we all have fun, then you're running it right. Just my 2 cp.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Tragershen will use his pearl of power, 1st to recall mage armor, and then cast it on himself.
He’ll cast unseen servant, ignite a sunrod and hand it to it, and order it ”Stay close to me.”
He’ll apply salve of slipperiness, vermin repellent and alchemical grease.
He’ll take stillgut, antitoxin, antiplague, and elixir of vision.
He’ll cast message on Terapin.
He’ll cast on himself from scrolls: see invisible (CL3), [i]bulls strength (CL3), and fly (CL5),
He’ll cast invisibility on himself.

As Bedlam positions himself to push open the door, he’ll take a potion of entropic shield (CL1)
He strides into the room after the others (yes, walking, even though he has fly active), staff in hand and casting haste on the entire group.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Sorry for the delay on my part. It has been something of a week... But I will get a post up as soon as I can, most likely tomorrow. If Lolly posts his action before I do, he should know he's going into this with haste in effect.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

No worries! Just looking at the resources I have for this. We may surprise you! Or die. Whatever. ;)

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Trag has acid splash ready too. They can make a game of it!

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CG M Elf Cleric 5 | AC 16 (18w/shield) | Init: +3 | HP 14/38 | 1st 1/4, 2nd 1/3 3rd 1/2 Ch 1/1 | HD 5/1d8 | PasPer 17 |

"I suppose we could return after we take this stuff back to town."

Kwin bends down and picks up one of the longswords and straps it to his belt. He picks up the longbow, and tests the pull on it. "I'll carry these, if you don't mind. In case we run into more opposition." He'll take the quiver and arrows as well, if no one else needs them.

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Tauni stretched out her hand, waving a path across the west side of the room. Following the line of her hand, a sheet of stone cuts across the room like a curtain being pulled across a window.

Casting wall of stone from C/D 11/12 to F/G 2/3.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Ah, I see my error. I was basing my idea off of this

Intelligence: If my Intelligence modifier increases, can I select another bonus language?
Yes. For example, if your Int is 13 and you reach level 4 and apply your ability score increase to Int, this increases your Int bonus from +1 to +2, which grants you another bonus language.
Technically, Int-enhancing items such as a headband of vast intelligence should grant a specific language (in the same way they do for skill ranks).

But the language you're getting is from an enhanced intelligence. But competence isn't the same as ranks granted. Oh well.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Hey Terapin. Next time we go to civilization, I might have a relatively cheap answer to your communications problem.

I can craft an item that gives you a competence bonus in Linguistics. For each rank it effectively gives you, it would give you a language.

The cost would be:
+1 linguistics = 1*1*100 = 100 gp, so 50 gp to craft.
+2 linguistics = 2*2*100 = 400 gp, so 200 gp to craft.
+5 linguistics = 5*5*100 = 2500 gp, so 1250 gp to craft.

+5 could give you celestial and the four languages of the elementals.

The costs above assume they use a slot. I'd say maybe head, like a little circlet or skullcap? Double the cost to make it slotless.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Every time I use this wand, I feel like the shooter on the left in this scene.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Tragershen can speak most of the languages; can he relay commands for Terapin until he learns the languages? Or do they have to come from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

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CG M Elf Cleric 5 | AC 16 (18w/shield) | Init: +3 | HP 14/38 | 1st 1/4, 2nd 1/3 3rd 1/2 Ch 1/1 | HD 5/1d8 | PasPer 17 |

How about this... Kwin takes out his mess kit, and kneels by the trapdoor. Close to where it opens, he'll set the tin box open in a sort of A frame, with one side on the trap door and the other on the floor. He'll put the cup and cutlery at the apex of the A frame, so that if someone opens it from below, it will likely make a clatter. That should be enough to warn us if someone comes up from below while we are exploring.

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CG M Elf Cleric 5 | AC 16 (18w/shield) | Init: +3 | HP 14/38 | 1st 1/4, 2nd 1/3 3rd 1/2 Ch 1/1 | HD 5/1d8 | PasPer 17 |

Thanks! I am very pleased and frightened to join you at this point! I feel a lot of pressure to somehow turn the tide. Let's see what I can do.

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Male Human Wizard 4 | HP 40 | AC:12 | FF:10 | T:12 | CMB:+2 | CMD:14 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc +2 | St:+2 |

Ugh. With those rolls, he probably just successfully identified a "wide brimmed hat," three bottles of polish for the hat, and a rag to polish the hat with. :P

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My next thought was to cast echolocation on Karas and Ellena. I don't have enough mythic power left to do it on everyone, but I could at least get it on the two main melee characters. Maybe Raine as well?

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

No rush, GM. The holiday season tends to flair up real life obligations for all of us.

And if you are intrigued by the challenge of reworking the encounter for us, that's great. If it is frustrating you, consider just dropping it. You could replace it with one of your own ideas (we've seen first hand how good you are at riffing), or replace it with another encounter in RA that you think we may never actually get to for whatever reason.

We appreciate the work, time and energy you put into this game for us, and I'd hate to see it start to feel like a chore to you.

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Tauni raised a hand and, with an arcane phrase, sent arcane energy surging out to her friends.

Casting haste. I don't think I could get Karas since I couldn't see him, so no need to run forward to try and get him in the area. I can catch everyone else with it.

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Tauni finished running up the side of the pit, and came up behind Karas. She laid both hands on the back of his breastplate and growled "It is time to let your silver soul shine, my friend."

Tauni moves and uses a swift action and mythic power to cast with Wild Arcana. She casts brightest light on Karas' breastplate.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

I don't have fly prepared, but I do have levitate. I can hold onto the edge of Terapin's turtle's shell and go along for the ride that way.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

If it helps, I think we'll probably head down the same hole we came out of into Level 2 Room 10 (the 'shroom room). Then we'll head over to Room 7 and go down those stairs. That should get us right into some fresh stuff!

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Upon returning from Magnimar, Tragershen finds a quiet place to sit in the dragon’s lair. He leaned his flaming staff against the wall to provide abundant light. He spreads out his inking supplies and opens the last journal book he was working and continues his narrative.

He describes their return to Zelkor’s Ferry, and his encounter with one Stampra Zeiros. He writes down all that the mysterious rogue had to say about Fane of Tsathogga. He notes what he said about encounters and location. He ends that particular journal entry by saying that they are headed to Magnimar.

He starts a new journal. He scribes about their return to the dragon’s island, and how that quickly escalated into plans to assault the fortresses. When the narrative reaches the hobgoblin fort, he includes a diagram of the hobgoblins’ fort and notation on the siege that the Riddleport soldiers had laid. As he describes the battle, he takes a full page to ink a magnificent drawing of Anzath mounted on Aragnak, wielding Saracek’s blade. Further along, when the siege of Riddleport is broken and the group assaults the place, Tragershen takes time to draw another full page image of a frenzied Lolly going toe to toe with the orcish barbarian. He writes on about the fall of the fort and the dragon’s new minions being sworn in.

Next came the attack on the Riddlefort. As the narrative of this portion begins, Tragershen goes heavily into the earlier debate on slavery and justification for attacking the fort. A shrewd reader can pick up his attempt to stay aloof of the happenings while trying to justify the offense. The account of the attack is heavily detailed. In his typical fashion, Tragershen breaks the narrative to include numerous images. An aerial view of the fort is first. Several small images dot the pages, capturing quick vignettes of the battle. Finally, a full page is consumed by an image of a griffon rider bravely tilting at the dragon, only to be shredded.

After the account of the battle, Tragershen writes about returning to the dragon’s island. He details the celebration, including the bestowing of gifts and confirmations of loyalty. Several ink drawings capture the moments. At this point, he describes heading out to Magnimar, but skips the actual trip to the city. Instead, he picks up again when they return to the island. He narrates the wait for the egg and the aftermath. He fills numerous pages with esoteric observations about the nature and magics that he observes in the process. Surely this tome will be sought after by wyrmologists if it ever surfaces! He ends the tome with their departure for the mainland.

Then he returns to the previous journal book. He picks up the writing about Magnimar, as though the detour to the dragon’s island and both fort assaults didn’t happen. He details their wanderings in the city, with drawings made of some of the wonders they saw. The narrative skips the return to the dragon’s island, going straight on to their return to the mainland.

With their travels documented and the questionable draconic activities segregated in their own tome, the elf stops and rubs his eyes. He considers for several long minutes the merits of sharing the tome with the dragon storyline with others such as Sylvester. He tries to justify it to himself by telling himself the journals are meant to document Rappan Athuk, so that others can use the knowledge to combat other demon lords, or finish the assault on Orcus should he and his friends fall. In truth, he knows that some of their choices are of questionable moral bends, and he’s concerned about how that will be received. He carefully cleans his inking equipment and stows it. He has time to decide, since it will be likely be a while before they return to civilization, if they return at all. Tragershen returns to his crafting as he waits for the time to return to the depths of Rappan Athuk.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

I’m guessing everyone’s been swamped (I know I have been), but I think I can summarize here to hopefully make it easier.

Everyone should be leveled up to level 8.

Bedlam, you got 8,146 gp, a +1 amulet of mighty fists, and a potion of cure light wounds.

GM, Ippolit gets to keep the +1 breastplate we gave to him temporarily, and I am going to give him one of the potions of cure featherlight wounds that I got from Ullman. The sword of Saracek is remanded to Arganak’s horde.

Talathel, if you’re out there and thinking about circling back into the game, you have a potion of barkskin, a +1 cloak of protection and 19 +1 arrows from the split.

Aurora, you get a potion of bulls strength, a potion of invisibility, a potion of remove disease, a potion of stone to flesh, 10,146 gp, and the use of the tome of understanding +2. The tome will give you a +2 inherent bonus to wisdom, and we are considering that “party loot” for purposes of the split to give us all a benefit of better healing and recovery from conditions.

Lolly, you get 10,146 gp.

Terapin, you get 10,146 gp, a potion of stone to flesh, a potion of protection from energy (fire), and two potions of cure light wounds.

Anzath, you get the +2 belt of constitution from Zelkor’s Ferry, 19 +1 arrows, 5,708 gp, 5 sp, a potion of stone to flesh, a potion of bulls strength, two potions of cure light wounds and a potion of invisibility.

I’m getting two potions of cure featherlight wounds, a potion of stone to flesh, a potion of entropic shield, four arcane scrolls and 9,496 gp.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Sorry to hear that about the job, but I'm glad UW is picking you up again.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

In true Nethys fashion, "We support your quest 100%!" or "We deny having ever met/known you", pending the outcome of your mission. Schrodiger's Gnome?

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

GM, I hope you don't mind my exposition in the main thread. I figured since Tragershen has +14 in knowledge skills geography, history and local, he'd probably know all this stuff I've found on the Pathfinder wiki.

I'm not trying to drag out our stay here in Magnimar (unless you have plans for us here); I'm just trying to add some flavor.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |
GM Parrot wrote:
Loot sheet was actually pretty current due to the dragon hogging most of the minor loot. I think the major loose ends there are the fact that he's still got the Sword of Saracek (you could ask for it back) and that you haven't yet identified the "Unknown Book" unless I've forgotten that.

I did eventually manage to ID it back here, and managed to kintsugi my fragile elven ego back together. It is worth quite a bit of coin, unless Aurora wants to take it and use it. I know if it were for Intelligence, I'd be struggling mightily with that decision.

And I think we have Saracek's rather pricey shield to sell as well. But if everyone is eager to get back to the delve, I certainly don't want to hold things up with a shopping montage.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |
GM Parrot wrote:
“Tragershen! Your wisdom and long life make you positively draconic. I feel a kinship with you among these short-lived beings. I wonder if you look askance at my dalliance with the passing butterfly of a mere stripling that is Anzath—do you think I should find someone closer to my own age and leave the youngsters to themselves? I’ll admit that beings in their first two to six decades are very appealing to me. But we are here to talk about you, not of her. I have noticed that you bear an unusual metaphysical scar... in some ways, you seem like the most evil of the party, but in others, perhaps not? I suspect that you’re the victim of wish magic, perhaps demonic wish magic. If you agree to serve me loyally and to renounce all desire for my destruction, I will use my powers to investigate this wish-scar, and perhaps we will learn something, and as you know, knowledge is advantage. If you would prefer to take a lesser boon while retaining your freedom of action, speak. I will understand if you wish to destroy me, and I will grant the lesser boon willingly, and I have many things to tempt a wizard.”

Tragershen savors the wine, considering his answer slowly. ”I too surround myself with those who have a fleeting lifespan, and I certainly don’t judge any form of relationship with them. A life, any life, is made up of an accumulation of moments. Beings such as us merely get to experience so many more of those moments. We must savor each moment for its own merits, and you certainly are doing that. I believe the ability to do so is what keeps us from deteriorating like a lich into a demi-lich.” He shrugs and adds ”If anything, you are granting Anzath a sliver of your own immortality, by ensuring she will live on in your memory and your descendants. It is a heady gift indeed, for someone who knows how to appreciate it.”

At his observation regarding the scar… ”Indeed. I have surmised some of the details already, and your surface perceptions of the scarring peel away more of the tapestry concealed from me. There are only so many denizens of the lower planes that are capable of such powerful magics. When its mark was upon me, I drew what it looked like. Combining that with the rant I was compelled to utter in the Dawnflower’s temple, the pieces fall increasingly into place. What it does tell me, however, is that it certainly wields power beyond what I alone could challenge, even with my allies at my side. I plan to continue my investigation, and perhaps in the depths of Rappan Athuk I will learn more. In the interim, I believe your attention might be better directed to more immediate challenges without casting out for more.”

”With my friends, I do pledge loyalty. As beings with the shared purpose of seeing Orcus purged from this plane, I firmly believe our alliance can achieve that.”Sincere loyalty.

When the conversation turns to boons, Tragershen steeples his fingers and ponders before replying. ”I am always seeking ways to improve the arcane tools I bear, to better survive the rigors we face. Perhaps if you have thoughts to that end…?” Do you have ideas for an appropriate boon? Or perhaps he can contribute material supplies for some of the items Trag wants to craft? Spells to expand his repertoire?

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Amazing! I've never been up to Rampart. Thank you for sharing!

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

The tugging of alignments between companions always makes me think of this comic. :)

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I'm learning towards the iconic dwarven fighter or the truly old school Elf; the kind from back when Elf was your race and your class, effectively a fighter/magic-user.

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Griot Spelleater wrote:
You can Zap the Cap'n, too.

And maybe add me. :)

Hi everyone! I'm going to be the wizard for the team as soon as I can get worked in. I'm looking forward to joining up with you all!

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When everyone is ready, Tauni will cast communal resist energy vs. fire. It will give everyone DR 20 vs. fire. I can split the duration in ten minute increments, so it will be ten minutes for most of the group, and twenty for Tauni and Cobblepaw.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

"Alas, nothing that is sure to take it down in one effort. Maybe our Ring-Forger companion has some ideas?" He points a finger at the master of the lazy turtle-creature above and whispers "We are ready to deal with the orcs in the fort. Can you help us get in?"

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Tragershen follows the exchange. He looks up at the dragon, and quickly decides it is not the time to contradict the drake. Besides, it would make the back and forth between Zelkor's Ferry and Rappan Athuk smoother. For a moment, a hint of a smile flits on his face as he imagines Sir Rah's expression when he comes back from the siege to find a scorch mark where his precious fort used to be. He nods to Anzath.

Then he leans over towards Terapin and murmurs "This is not a typical day for us."

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Male Human Wizard 4 | HP 40 | AC:12 | FF:10 | T:12 | CMB:+2 | CMD:14 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+3 | Will:+6 | Init:+2 | Perc +2 | St:+2 |

Alicia, feel free to go down with the others. I'll start tinkering around on my backup character. :)

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Regarding the foretell ability, I've always played it (and seen it played) that it is a standard action to start and a free action to end, kind of like the main bardic ability. That would give Tauni five rounds left for the day. If you'd prefer to run it as needing a standard action every round we could do that, but that seems a high price to pay to use the ability.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat. :)

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Tauni looked to the demons and then speaks. Her voice is changed; it quavers heavily with power and a certainty of prophecy. "These demons will prove little obstacle for our champions." The power behind her voice washes over the group.

Activating diviner Foretell ability. She emits a 30' aura that aids allies. +2 luck bonus on ability checks, attack rolls, caster level checks, saving throws and skill checks.

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Tauni pointed at "Maranse" and said "You shall remain here while we get to the bottom of this."

Prescience 1d20 ⇒ 5

[ooc]Swift action to use one mythic use, Wild Arcana, to cast dimensional anchor.

Ranged touch attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17.

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Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |
Anzath wrote:
D’mitri is getting heavy with the steady consumption of rat jerky, so Anzath leans against a wall[/b]

I can't help but wonder if this might help out Anzath. And maybe Aurora.

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New strip is up!

Group Decision.

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I'll work on getting Tauni leveled as well. My laptop with my pdfs and everything on it is mostly commandeered right now; my wife is using it to make calls on behalf of the Democratic party these days. :) But I will find time to dig into it and get her done.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Good to have you back, Tal! :)

Aurora Fallowarc wrote:

Aurora snickers at the idea of removing the door and shrinking it for transport to sell.

But it is a nice door.

If it ain't nailed down, we'll take it and sell it.

If it is nailed down, we'll sell the nails too.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

"Well, before we take it off of its hinges, let's make sure that certain doom doesn't lurk behind it. When we are ready to head back to civilization, I can prepare a spell that will make the door portable."

I can prepare extended shrink item in a fourth level slot. That should take it down to the size of a notebook for up to two weeks.

Okay, we'll give anyone who wants to a moment to do prep spells, potions or extracts, and then we'll open the door.

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