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So far the character is 8 Gesalt (8 Warlock/5 Rogue/1 Wizard/2?? Factorum (Maybe)), picked up the leadership feat to help with minions.
Picked up the skill invocations. So diplomacy is 22.

Want to make a Merchant Prince/Crime Boss political type character. Probably will drop Factorum for PrC.

Thanks guys for the tips

Im trying to make a social leadership character, Ive looked at the Crimeboss PrC from the Freeport series, interesting, but not quite there. The Ultimate prestige class book has Connection and Guildmaster PrC.

Has anyone seen any other character class or PrC that might fit. Something that might add more to leadership or add more flavor to the character? Maybe something like a Merchant Prince or something?

So can you use metamagic rods to power up your wand when you are creating it?

Metamagic rods do not raise the spell level of the spell, unlike metamagic feats that do raise the spell level.

Can you make a basic 5th level fireball wand with maximize on it using the metamagic rod, without raising the spell level?

Just wondering if the feat works with the synthesis' eidolan.

Battle dance changes bardic performance, does it also replace fascinate and the other abilities?

Any others

If you use spell combat, can you cleave afterwards?

Actually it isnt clear, thats why Im asking. If its one rod with 2 abilities that activate at one time, then it doesnt go against what it says under the rod section. If you have to activate one at a time, then it might go against what is said in the rod section, that is why Im asking. So dont get condescending with me (johnlocke90). Its just a question.

Anyone else have any ideas?

I said spell strike not spell combat.

Anyone have any ideas?

So if a metamagic rod has empower and maximize, does it take a standard action to activate or do you need to spend multiple actions to use it, because it has 2 abilities?

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So if a metamagic rod has empower and maximize, does it take a standard action to activate or do you need to spend multiple actions to use it, because it has 2 abilities?

And if so, if you activate it, do you activate both abilities as a stand action as a magus, when you cast a spell.

Can use use a metamagic rod with a 2 handed weapon and spell strike ?

Say I move and attack the enemy, I hit do damage, and now I cleave, knocking the enemy to negative hit points. So can I use cleaving finish now on the next enemy?


I would like to make a magus using a fauchard.



So anyone remember what its called?

So anyone remember what its called?

Quatar wrote:

Does casting a spell with Spell Combat count as wielding a weapon in the offhand (because Dervish Dance doesn't like that) ?

I have to look into that, but it might actually be something.

Spell strike or spell combat does not count as a weapon, casting a spell does not count as a weapon.

1 level of Bard, then go Magus

Here is the ability

Aura of Good (Ex): The power of a paladin’s aura of good
(see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level.

So when the Synthesist gets infused with the Eidolon, does his saves go up also?

Skull and Shackles:

We are playing the Ap Skulls and Shackles we are at 3rd level, and we are at the end of the mod, we set up at a tunnel that is 10' wide, 2 characters in the front blocking the way and 2 people in the back, Im playing a Magus in the back.

15 or more of these goblin squids attack us, the GM jets the goblin squids and jumps over us, and then attacks, the creature knocks me down to 2 HP, so for the rest of the combat Im in full defense. He didnt roll against my CMD or anything, he just moved there.

So our tactics were destroyed because of this move used against 3rd level characters with no healer. After that the GM had to fudge alot of rolls to not TPK us.

So our gm attacked us with Grindylows the last session.

He used the jet ability to charge, and would jump over pcs then attack.

The jet ability sounds more like a withdrawal ability not a charge ability.

So is he using it correctly?

L5/L1 Magus/Bard using spell strike and Shocking Grasp with his scimitar.

Battle Dance +2 Hit, +2 Damage 4+Cha Bonus in Rds

Scimitar 1d6 damage Crit 18-20/x2
2 battle dance = 1d6+02 Damage
Shocking grasp = 5d6

So does the battle dance from dervish dawnflower add to both the scimitar damage and the shocking grasp damage?

L5/L1 Magus/Bard using spell strike and Shocking Grasp with his scimitar.

Battle Dance +2 Hit, +2 Damage 4+Cha Bonus in Rds

Scimitar 1d6 damage Crit 18-20/x2
2 battle dance = 1d6+02 Damage
Shocking grasp = 5d6

So does the battle dance from dervish dawnflower add to both the scimitar damage and the shocking grasp damage?

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I like this character, it has more variety with skills.

Elf L5
Dex = 20 Int = 18 AC = 20

L1 Bard (Dawnflower Dervish)
L2-4 Magus (Kensai)
L5 Sorcerer (Cross Blooded(Draconic/Orc or Elemental(Air))

Wayang Spellhunter (Shocking Grasp)
Magical Knack (Magus)

L1 Spell focus (evocation)
L3 Spell Specialization, +2 caster level on one spell
L5 Intensified Spell (Shocking Grasp)

Dervish Dance +5 Hit, +5 Damage
Arcane Pool +1 Hit, +1 Damage 10 Rds
Arcane Accuracy +4 Hit
WF(Scimitar) +1 Hit
Spell Strike -2 Hit
Canny Defense +3 AC
Battle Dance +2 Hit, +2 Damage 4+Cha Bonus in Rds
Cross Blooded +2 Damage per die to Shocking Grasp

Scimitar 15gp
Armored Kilt 10lb 20gp +1AC / Haramaki 1lb 3gp +1AC

Would make your L5 Shocking Grasp CL7
5 (Base) 3 Magus+2 Magical Knack
2 (Spell Specialization)

Scimitar 1d6 damage Crit 18-20/x2
2BAB+5DD+1AP+1WF+2BD-2SS+4AA = 13 Hit
5DD+1AP+2BD = 1d6+08 Damage

Shocking Grasp
7d6+14 = 7d6+14

The bump was from caster levels, not weapons.

It had something that added +1CL and a +2 CL to a spell or something.

I saw a Magus build that started out doing 4d6 shocking grasp at 1st level, just cant remember the traits and feats it had, and I cant find the thread again.

The Synthesist uses his Eidolons physical stats when combined.

So if I want to pick up the power attack feat, does my character have to have 13 str or just the Eidolon?

I thought you needed a 13 str to qualify for power attack feat? With a 7 str without the eidolon.

Capppptainnnnn Cavvvveeeemannnn !!!!!

Sorry couldnt resist a salute to the old cartoon, Captain Caveman.

Thats what I thought, thanks.

It did get changed, it acts like TWF now, cant remember if its on the messageboard or the blog.

So my character L1 Sorcerer, L1 Magus

So if I pick up Shocking grasp for Sorcerer and Magus, what would the damage for the spell be?

Am I considered a Caster Level 2 or 1 for the shocking grasp spell?

1d6 damage or 2d6 damage for shocking grasp?

If you want to find typos, it would be best to release the pdf before sending the book to the printers. Because the people who buy the pdf will go over it and find most of the errors for free.

What the subject says.

So an Intensified shocking grasp 5d6+5d6 would equal 20d6 with a crit?

But an Alchemists bomb damage only adds 1 extra d6 for the crit even if you have 4d6 damage for bombs.

So how much do you add for a critical for shocking grasp?

Normal Damage
Level 1 shocking grasp 1d6
Level 3 shocking grasp 3d6
Level 5 shocking grasp 5d6
Level 5 shocking grasp w/Intensified Spell Meta-magic feat 5d6+5d6

You should use a walking stick that has a rapier in it, class and style, baby.

Haladir wrote:

Plus there's this instructional video.

Awesome, thanks.

I bought "The Pirate Primer" a few years ago, now i actually get to use it in the upcoming pirate game we are going to play.

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