GM Hawthwile's Dragon's Demand (Inactive)

Game Master Hawthwile

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Witch's Winter Holiday

First off, thank you all for being willing to come on an adventure with me! Now, to business.

- I will post every day. I hope everyone can post every weekday and at least once over the weekend, but stuff happens - which leads me to:
- I will bot you if we haven't heard from you in 24 hours. Please include botting instructions in your character profile, or I will have to get creative in the most entertaining (for me) way possible. Please also let me know if you are expecting an extended period of absence so I can PM you and preemptively hash out major decision points to keep the story moving. On a related note:
- I will make "reactive" rolls to keep the story moving along. If you want to make a roll as part of an action/decision/etc, please do so. I might modify the skill used or add circumstantial bonuses/penalties based on circumstances. Which brings me to my final point:
- I will happily add circumstantial bonuses (or penalties) for roleplaying. I hope, for example, that you will accompany your diplomacy check with what your character is actually saying. It makes it so much easier for me to respond if you give me material, and we make such a more fulfilling and exciting story together.

If you're worried or concerned about something, post it here or PM me. We can figure something out so you have a good time.

In addition to making “reactive” rolls for characters, I also like to roll Knowledge checks for players so I can tailor what a character might remember about a creature. (For example, a fighter will probably care more about a golem’s DR while a wizard would remember that it’s immune to spells and an alchemist is super excited that it blows up when it dies.) If this will be a problem for you, let me know (either here or via PM) and we’ll work something out.

We’ll be using block initiative during encounters - whenever possible, I will strive to resolve actions inside each block in initiative order. Since there’s not very many of us and we’ll be playing together for quite some time, please discuss amongst yourselves how you can support each other and work together as a team - both in and out of combat. I highly encourage tactics such as:

Frontliner wrote:

McSwordFace waits until her friend Blessings Galore has a chance to cast a buff before she attacks the horrible people kicking puppies.

Sword of Justice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 + buff if applicable
Justice damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 + buff if applicable

This helps us work effectively as a team even if posting schedules don’t line up in a beneficial way.

If your post is entirely OOC, let’s put it here instead of in the Gameplay thread.

Character Creation Guidelines:
- 20 point stat buy (PFS Standard)
- PFS-legal options always allowed, other options allowed with GM permission (Very likely to say yes, but don’t want to break important parts of the adventure)
- Two traits, optional drawback for third trait (Drawbacks are subject to GM approval - I find ones like Avarice make the game less fun for everyone)

This module starts at level 1 and has the potential to reach level 7 before concluding. It would be beneficial to me as a GM to have at least a rough idea of where each character’s build is heading, so think about the following and let me know as much as possible:
- Background and personality (The module assumes the PCs have worked together - at least briefly - escorting a merchant to the town of Wispil in Taldor)
- Role, both in and out of combat (see this lovely treatise on the subject if you need ideas)
- Starting stats
- Feat progression
- Classes (not really needed for single-class builds, but very helpful to me if you’re thinking to multiclass)
- Primary and Secondary skills (such as a wizard who keeps Spellcraft maxed, but only puts a single rank into Appraise)

With only four players, it would be beneficial to ensure there are no large skills/abilities missing from the party. Discuss ideas amongst yourselves here and we'll get started when everyone is ready.

About Me: I’ve done a bit of PFS and PbP GMing, but I am certainly not perfect. If you have ideas for how I could do something better, a disagreement with a decision, or confusion over what I’m saying, please let me know via the Discussion thread or PM.

Alright, your turn - what kind of character do you want to play?

Liberty's Edge

Hello everyone, thanks for inviting me to the adventure. I tend to play martial characters. (I don't exactly know why. I guess I like having the combat dice in my hands making attacks rather than the enemy's making saving throws.)

Given the blurb I was thinking there might be a place for those who tame the lesser dragons and act as sentinels against any possible encroaches of more troublesome dragon-kind. So I am thinking of making a drake warden ranger.

I was...actually thinking the exact opposite XD I was actually thinking a Dragon Hunter ranger (not the greatest archetype, but it has some fun flavor)

Liberty's Edge

OK, go ahead with that if you want. I had some other ideas brewing that I might try instead. I've never tried a cavalier before.

Witch's Winter Holiday
Michael Hallet wrote:
I've never tried a cavalier before.

Only thing I would add is the standard "mounted characters indoors" caution. This module has its fair share of dungeons and I would hate for you to not have fun because half of your build can't fit through the doors. That being said, Campaign Mode! If you've got some ideas for how to work around those (literal) restrictions, I'd love to hear them!

Liberty's Edge

I looked over the cavalier and it wasn't really what I wanted. I'm thinking of making a halfling paladin at this point, probably 5 levels of paladin along with 2 levels of fighter (because I probably want more feats then I can get as just a paladin). I might start with the fighter levels and grow into the higher purpose.

I just hope the utter lack of skill points isn't going to be too much of an issue.

But I'm not attached to any concept, so I can always see what the others make and try to fill in the gaps.

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)

Hi everyone! Thanks for thinking of me and for the invite! This module had interested me for a while, I'm excited to get a chance to play. Im completely on board with your terms above GM, sounds like my kind of game!

As far as characters, i'm pretty flexible. Ive played just about everything at one point or another. I am happy to help fill party needs.
I wouldn't mind rolling up a bookworm wizard if the is a need for arcane and knowledge skills.

@Michael - lemme just say if a cavalier peaks your interest, you should give a halfling cavalier a look. Medium sized mount (wolf or dog) can go anywhere the medium sized humanoids go. I love mine.

Really looking forward to this, thanks again!

Witch's Winter Holiday

I spoke with our fourth player a few days ago and he mentioned he just got swamped with a bunch of work, so it could be a few more days until he checks in. That being said, he was tossing around the idea of an archeologist bard the last time we spoke.

If anyone has any non-PFS options they would like an opinion on, or are just too excited about their build to keep it to themselves, go ahead and put it here so we can start the discussion.

Liberty's Edge

Is the dragon hunter ranger going to be melee or ranged focused?

Michael Hallet wrote:
Is the dragon hunter ranger going to be melee or ranged focused?

Probably more melee-oriented.

Liberty's Edge

GM, what should we do about starting gear? Roll, average, 150 like PFS?

Dark Archive

Hello, fellow players and GM! This will be a really fun module series with a good seven levels of character/party growth.

I tend to enjoy playing full casters the most. I've also enjoyed playing 3/4 BAB 2/3 caster classes a bit lately. I thought maybe it'd be fun to try an Archeologist Bard (they get Trapfinding) and be the sneaky/traps guy; a role I've only ever done by having an improved familiar and abusing using the Aram Zey's Focus spell.

I see someone mentioned Wizard. If no one else is feeling like playing a Cleric, I'll happily play one. Clerics are probably my favorite class. I enjoy playing support and helping the rest of the party shine.

Witch's Winter Holiday
Michael Hallet wrote:
GM, what should we do about starting gear? Roll, average, 150 like PFS?

150 gp each to start - thanks for asking!

Liberty's Edge

One thing to consider is the archaeologist loses the ability to inspire his allies through performance in exchange for those trapfinding abilities, which come much slower than the rogue. An archaeologist cannot disable magical traps until level 6, which would be most of the way through the campaign.

It's your character, but in my opinion, 1-3 levels of unchained rogue mixed with a regular bard is actually better than the archaeologist. I guess the only thing that is a problem there is the mixing of two 3/4 BAB classes, it will ding your BAB up front but if you go rogue 3/bard 4, you'd still end up with a 5 BAB at level 7.

If you want to play a full caster, there is always the seeker archetype for the oracle.

Liberty's Edge

Here is my first draft of my character.

I still have to decide on whether there is a 3rd trait I want to take in exchange for a drawback.

I also need to assign my 3rd skill point. Handle Animal and Ride will likely remain maxed.

Currently my thought is fighter 1/cavalier 1/paladin 5.

I wanted the level of fighter 1st so that I could have precise shot from the start. The level of cavalier will get me a companion more quickly and I can take boon companion at level 3 to keep the mount up in level while advancing as a paladin.

That would likely mean either rapid shot or deadly aim at 5th and possibly the other at 7th.

Witch's Winter Holiday

I really want to know where you get those pictures Michael - they're always amazing and make me wish Paizo would let us use custom images for posts.

As far as the build goes, everything looks fine. My (unsolicited) advice would be to wait to put ranks into Ride until you have something you'll be riding on a regular basis, but that's just me.

The other concern I have is where your cavalier order, steed, and paladin code of conduct would be coming from (since you said you wanted your character to grow into their calling as a holy warrior). It would be wonderful if those could originate from the story, so we don't have to set them in stone yet.

I lied - my other question is how much benefit an archer would get from a mount at low levels (before BAB 6 and Rapid Shot).

Liberty's Edge

I get the pictures through Google image search. Given that neither Paizo nor I own the copyright to most of the pictures I use, that would be considered stealing them.

Erastil is a very community-minded deity.

Paladin Code (Erastil):
The paladins of Erastil are gruff, strict traditionalists. They seek to preserve the integrity of rural life and communities. Their tenets include the following affirmations.

My community comes first, and I will contribute to it all that I can. If I don’t give something back, who will?

I must offer the poor in my community assistance, but I may not do the work for them—instead, I must teach them to contribute to the settlement. It is only through cooperation that a community grows strong.

When danger threatens, I am not a fool. I seek first to make sure the weak and innocent are safe, and then I quell the danger.
I keep to the old ways, the true ways. I am not seduced by the lure of money or power. I remember that true honor comes from within, not from the accolades of others.

I remember that reputation is everything. Mine is pure and upstanding, and I will repair it if it is broken or tarnished. I stand by my decisions, and live so that none shall have cause to blame me.

I show respect to my elders, for they have done much. I show respect to the young, for they have much left to do. I show respect to my peers, for they carry the load. And I shall carry it with them.

I am honest, trustworthy, and stable. If I must leave my lands and community, before I go, I ensure that they will be tended in my absence. Even when duty calls, my duties to my home come first—letting them lapse makes me a burden on my people.

I see several orders that have edicts that work well with this code:

The cavalier must protect the lives and prosperity of the common folk, shielding them from the deprivations of those who would seek to cause them harm or exploit them. He must give charity when it is warranted and aid when needed. He must take no action that would cause harm or hardship to those who cannot defend themselves.

The cavalier must always strive to protect the common folk from the depredations of oppressive regimes. He must not decline any duty or mission because he is not properly equipped for it.

The cavalier must strive to protect the settlement, all those who reside within it, and those travelers who hail from it. He must adhere to the settlement’s laws even while away from its borders and promote its populace’s overarching ideals and values whenever possible.

The cavalier must strive to protect his community from rampaging monsters and fearsome conquers alike. His first priority is to aid halfling communities, but he also is sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves from such threats in the wild. He must never take any action that would put a halfling community or an innocent creature in jeopardy. An order of the paw cavalier must take either a wolf or a dog as his mount.

The advancement idea is depending upon the threats, I would join an order devoted to protecting the community. Then as that threat escalates I would devote myself even more completely to Erastil as a champion of the community. I plan to play him as very devoted to Erastil from the start even though I wouldn't have a divine class until a little bit into the adventure.

Mobility is still an advantage for an archer even at lower levels. Once I don medium armor my speed would drop to 15 and the mount would help alleviate that.

But the main reason I was thinking of acquiring a mount early was so that the mount would progress during the story rather than just appear near the end. I purchased a guard dog with the idea that he is a pup of a larger dog who is nearly, but not quite grown enough to accept a rider consistently. Then as I leveled up that dog would grow a little becoming a bonded mount, and finally, before the end of the adventure it would receive a blessing from Erastil that would fully awaken the dog's abilities.

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)

Woohoo! I haven't had a good character building discussion in a while. I am all a twitter with excitement. :)

FYI - I would love to fill the magical trap gap with dispel magic, if your fancy is an archeologist. IMO - Optimizing is great fun. I do it a lot. But fun is more fun that optimizing. So I would advocate to pick a class that sounds like fun, make a smashing fun character around it, and we can worry about shortcomings in our group as they come around.

I used to play wizards all the time, and got away from it. I've found great joy in the Inquisitor class, and have attempted a couple of times to rekindle my love for wizards. As I mentioned, I am ok filling party needs if everyone gets their heart set on something.

If I go wizard, I tend to prefer familiars for the RP (particularly when it comes to PbP). I would love to get some input from someone who has clearly been around the wizard block!

I'm hoping to spend some time on HeroLab this week, I'll post what I come up with. When I get some time today, I'll give you my thoughts on what you have so far also Michael.

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)

FYI - Pooka is my order of the paw halfling cavalier. I freaking love him. Order of the Paw is a fantastic choice, IMO. Fits well with Erastil as well I would say.

Dark Archive

Seeker Oracle looks intriguing; divine support AND the traps-person. In a series that ends at level 7, it's hard for me to go spontaneous over prepared and not get 4th level spells. But I do love Oracles. I'm gonna mess around with a Seeker Oracle in Hero Lab and see what I can come up with.

Male CG Catfolk Oracle (Seeker) 2 | HP 13/16 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | CMB -1, CMD 13 | F 2, R 4, W 3 | Ini +4 | Prcp 8 (+1 traps), SM 0 | Spd 30 | Moonlight Bridge 3/4 | Coat of Many Stars 1/2 | Cat's Luck 1/1 | Spells 1st 4/5 | Active: Uncanny Dodge

OK, I just finished building out a catfolk Seeker Oracle of the Heavens to level 7. Full stat block is in my profile. Besides general support, traps-guy, and diplomatic face, he'll be a Color Spray specialist via the Awesome Display revelation. I'll eventually buy a variety of situational scrolls to go with Mnemonic Vestments. I'm open to comments, thoughts, criticisms, etc.

Witch's Winter Holiday

Nothing looks problematic about that build, Primketh (other than the lack of armor). Drawback looks fine, but I'm going to ask you to mark when it's "activated" as a condition in your status bar. However, catfolk are rather uncommon on Golarian and especially rare in a small town such as Belhaim. If you are planning to be the face of the party, be aware that your appearance will certainly be a cause for comment, if not more.

Also, buffering is complete! You might notice at the top of the page a link to Maps (rather empty at the moment) and Inventory (also rather empty). The inventory spreadsheet is there to track party loot, not personal equipment.

Liberty's Edge

There are two drawbacks that would probably work for my PC backstory, Helpless and Overprotective.

You once stood helpless as great harm befell a loved one, and that paralysis sometimes returns when an ally is in a dire position. The first time per combat encounter that an ally within 30 feet falls unconscious or dies as the result of an attack, you are dazed until the end of your next turn.

In your youth, you saw a younger friend or loved one suffer a grievous injury or die, and you blamed yourself for not having been there to help, even if there was nothing you could have done. If one of your allies should fall unconscious from hit point damage, you take a –2 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks as long as you are farther than 10 feet away from your fallen ally.

Helpless seems like it might be too harsh in a 4-player game. Losing a turn after another PC goes down could be bad but I wanted to make sure the GM was OK with me taking overprotective. As an archer, being tethered to an ally's position is less of a drawback than a melee PC though it could force me into melee or at the very least into eating AoOs in I don't have a way to avoid them.

My third trait would be Affable as it would fit the PC. I should have 28 ranks in skills at level 7. Current thoughts are:

Handle Animal 7
Ride 7
Diplomacy 4
Knowledge (local) 4

That would leave me 6 points to put into other skills. Maybe 3 ranks in 2 skills, 2 ranks in 3 skills or maybe 1 in 6.

Male CG Catfolk Oracle (Seeker) 2 | HP 13/16 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | CMB -1, CMD 13 | F 2, R 4, W 3 | Ini +4 | Prcp 8 (+1 traps), SM 0 | Spd 30 | Moonlight Bridge 3/4 | Coat of Many Stars 1/2 | Cat's Luck 1/1 | Spells 1st 4/5 | Active: Uncanny Dodge

Re: lack of armor:

Coat of Many Stars (Su): wrote:
You conjure a coat of starry radiance that grants you a +4 armor bonus. At 7th level, and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2. At 13th level, this armor grants you DR 5/slashing. You can use this coat for 1 hour per day per oracle level. The duration does not need to be consecutive; it can instead be spent in 1-hour increments.

I'll use that as needed, and be grateful for high DEX.

Liberty's Edge

I have made a copy of the sheet at 7th level. I did not assume any particular magic item other than some basic enhancements.

Witch's Winter Holiday

Paladin looks fine - I'm assuming you're taking Rapid Shot as your 7th level feat. Not assuming specific magical items is an excellent idea since this is a small sleepy town. I haven't completely decided on how to handle buying/selling loot, but I'm thinking to have some merchant caravans characters can place special orders with. Details to come.

If we're going to dig really deeply into optimizing, do you gain a benefit from increasing Handle Animal to +15? A +11 bonus will guarantee automatic success at having your companion use a trick it knows even if you're shaken or sickened), and pushing them to do a trick they don't know is prohibitively high (DC 25), and you'll get a +4 bonus to directing your mount since it's an animal companion.

tl;dr - If you want to squeeze the most out of your skill ranks, you might not need as many in Handle Animal.

Male Human Engineer/4 (ding!)

Ok, so I am narrowing in on an Ulfen Transmuter Wizard. Having fun picturing a skinny ulfen boy who can't hang with the big, tough, ulfen barbarian-ish tribe he is from. (all coincidences with Hiccup and HTTYD are purely coincidental)

If that gives anyone heartburn, let me know. I don't want to play an evoker necessarily, but I won't be skipping on offensive spells either. I would try to cover the knowledges as best I can, and when it comes to combat would tend to more support roles, buffing and debuffing.

Typing that out makes me think (not for the first or last time) that perhaps I should give a witch a try. Something about that class just makes me want to not play it every time I consider it, but I can't quite put my finger on what that is.

I've got him started in Herolab, but needs some more work before I link anything here. Just wanted to get that out there in case anyone had thoughts to offer one way or the other.

I've kinda got a ghoran ranger worked out. I wanted to try going with the thrown weapon style, but the sheer number of feats needed made that really unworkable, so I decided to go with a two-handed ranger--it's not that interesting but I'm hoping for some good roleplay opportunities with him.

Witch's Winter Holiday

Witches are incredibly effective debuffers. I like them because there's no limit on the number of hexes per day, only how many times you can target a particular creature with certain hexes each day. A wizard would certainly be fine as well - it looks like we'll be covered for damage between the ranger and the archer.

A ghoran in a community of farmers is certainly going to attract attention. While I doubt anyone would try to eat them, I would imagine folks might not be comfortable with the implication that their garden plants might have feelings and thoughts. Perhaps you'll win them over if given enough time.

Love to see some builds and lvl 1 profiles. Once you feel comfortable with your character, head on over to the Gameplay thread, introduce yourself, and grab some dinner on the house!

Male Ulfen Witch 2 | HP: 15/16 | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 FF) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +9 | Perc: +6, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st: 3/3 (Hex and Spell save DC15) | Active Conditions: None

Ok, I'd like to humbly present Rolf the Unworthy, Ulfen transmuter of the Rednar Tribe, Land of the Linnorm Kings. Far to skinny and feeble to garner or win any respect, but useful enough to not actually banish. Despite that, Rolf loves his homeland and his tribe, and is fiercely protective of it. (his profile has a level 1 version and a tentative/open-to-suggestion level 7 version)

A chance encounter with Lort the Mighty, a half-orc descendant of a disgraced member of the Rednar tribe and a Pathfinder prompted Rolf to finally leave his homeland in search of adventure. Most particularly because feats of strength and mighty deeds among the tribe were never going to win him any respect (since he had no chance), so mighty deeds in adventuring might be the only way.

Fair warning, the level 7 version is not meticulously selected and hyper-optimized. I forgot how feat-starved wizards were, and how un-interesting most of the feats are that they can take. I'm more than happy to listen to suggestions.

I'm hoping there will be at least some opportunity to gather or purchase extra spells beyond the "free" ones I get at each level. No real big deal if that is at a minimum, I'm comfortable that I can get by with just the ones I get at each level if I have to.

I might roll up a witch just to see if I can get past the mental hurdle where all I do every combat is hex hex and if anything is still alive maybe cast a spell. (I'm probably off base, but it doesn't feel like it!) The cool thing is, if I ever did convince myself to go with a witch instead, the backstory would be the same.

Witch's Winter Holiday

Rolf looks fine, but I'm not sure how much use he'll get out of his feats. Dimensional Agility would allow you to take a move action, but you could do that before casting the spell. Multimorph looks like he's thinking to polymorph himself, but with a starting Strength of 8 and a wizard's BAB (not to mention hp) I worry that he'll struggle to be effective even if he turns into something like a gargoyle (since polymorph in Pathfinder uses ability bonuses instead of setting ability scores like 3.5).

With his high intelligence, Rolf looks like he could do an excellent job of making transmutation spells stick to his targets - and it's the largest (and most varied) school of magic. Feats like Greater Spell Focus and Spell Penetration would be very useful there.

I don't think you're far off base with a witch being very hex-happy - it is their defining class feature. But that gives them lovely versatility and can help you (or your allies) land hits/spells more dependably. Evil Eye can also have some excellent opportunities for roleplaying if you want. (One of my friends likes to describe the terrible memory her witch makes each victim remember when she hexes them, or how they suddenly feel awkward because they can't remember if they put on matching socks today. My own witch tells terrible puns that he can't stop laughing at.)

Male Ulfen Witch 2 | HP: 15/16 | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 FF) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +9 | Perc: +6, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st: 3/3 (Hex and Spell save DC15) | Active Conditions: None

Those are some good points - As a transmuter (potential shape shifter) he is kinda caught between wanting the physical attributes for when he shifts, and the high int for being a quality caster.

The spell penetration feats seem so boring, but you make an excellent point about if I was going to be forcing my transmutations on enemies - having the extra penetration would be pretty useful once we start seeing enemies with SR.

I had a pretty hard time picking through the feats, and there wasn't much of a theme to them. I've optimized half a dozen characters, finding fun synergies in feats and abilities. For whatever reason, the Wizard feels so much harder to do that with.

Honestly, I feel like the witch would potentially fit so well with the backstory ulfen theme - barbaric tribes of the north and their pagan ways... Maybe now is the time to give the witch a try. I'll roll something up and see what happens.

Lawful Good Halfling Fighter 2 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 18/18 | AC: 17 (14 T, 14 F) | CMD: 14 | F: 5, R: 4, W: 3 | Init: 3 | Perc: 3 | Speed 20

Besides being a hunter, Tabin (TAY-bin) Greenhallow had until recently been employed as a kennel master, stabling and training riding dogs for the halfling outrider militia of his home community.

But one night the kennel was set ablaze. All the dogs being kenneled there perished in the fire. The only animal that survived that night was a pup that was being cared for in Tabin's house, recovering from illness.

With a lack of a kennel and dogs for the outriders, Tabin found himself suddenly stripped of his primary source of income. The halfling and his dog, which he affectionately calls Boy, wandered for a spell taking odd jobs as hunters, guards or whatever else they could do to earn a few coppers.

Male CN Ghoran Ranger (Dragon Hunter, Skirmisher) 1 | HP 21/22 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 | CMB +4, CMD 16 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +2 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7, SM: +2 | Speed 20ft | Favored Enemy: Dragon +2 | Active conditions: None.

Jaeqil remembers little. He remembers his village being destroyed by a massive lizard. His memories stopped when he regrew from his ghorus seed. He visited his old village to find it demolished and destroyed by a dragon. Since then, Jaeqil has traveled, looking for the dragon that destroyed his home, that he may finally have its head!

Male CG Catfolk Oracle (Seeker) 2 | HP 13/16 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | CMB -1, CMD 13 | F 2, R 4, W 3 | Ini +4 | Prcp 8 (+1 traps), SM 0 | Spd 30 | Moonlight Bridge 3/4 | Coat of Many Stars 1/2 | Cat's Luck 1/1 | Spells 1st 4/5 | Active: Uncanny Dodge

Level 1 crunch is all ready; fluff TBD tomorrow after I sleep on it :)

Male CG Catfolk Oracle (Seeker) 2 | HP 13/16 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | CMB -1, CMD 13 | F 2, R 4, W 3 | Ini +4 | Prcp 8 (+1 traps), SM 0 | Spd 30 | Moonlight Bridge 3/4 | Coat of Many Stars 1/2 | Cat's Luck 1/1 | Spells 1st 4/5 | Active: Uncanny Dodge

Primketh hails from Hasanaliat, a region of forested hills on the Crown of the World. Fascinated from childhood about Catfolk legends that speak of a rich tradition of great sorcerer heroes, Primketh found himself communing with the night sky and gaining divine power from it. Primketh came to revere Desna, although his powers seem to come from the heavens themselves and not from a deity. Nonetheless, he began a life of constant travel, eventually finding himself in Dunholme escorting a caravan that turned out to be a smuggling operation.

Primketh is friendly and curious by nature, and makes light of the current situation rather than complain about it. His physical appearance is, well, a snow leopard-person.

Male CG Catfolk Oracle (Seeker) 2 | HP 13/16 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | CMB -1, CMD 13 | F 2, R 4, W 3 | Ini +4 | Prcp 8 (+1 traps), SM 0 | Spd 30 | Moonlight Bridge 3/4 | Coat of Many Stars 1/2 | Cat's Luck 1/1 | Spells 1st 4/5 | Active: Uncanny Dodge

And Trey, you're not allowed to make fun of me for all my characters worshiping Desna; it's not my fault she's the best deity!

Primketh Noctua wrote:
And Trey, you're not allowed to make fun of me for all my characters worshiping Desna; it's not my fault she's the best deity!

Oh, no. I understand when worshipping a specific deity makes sense for a character. Plus I’m still astonished that you made an Oracle that isn’t dual-cursed! :)

Witch's Winter Holiday
Primketh wrote:
And Trey, you're not allowed to make fun of me for all my characters worshiping Desna; it's not my fault she's the best deity!

(Hah! Certainly doesn't hurt that she likes lyrakien azatas as much as you do.)

Tabin and Primketh look good to go - head on over to the Gameplay thread and "introduce yourselves" over some food and drinks.

Jaeqil, it looks like HeroLab didn't catch that Spelleater replaces both Past-Life Knowledge and Nature Magic. It doesn't look like it's made a difference right now, so more of an FYI. Also, since he's taking the Skirmisher archetype (and thus doesn't cast spells), he won't gain the +2 bonus to dispel checks with his SLA.

Lastly, we'll need some good backstory about why your character is willing to stay in a farming village of humans - and work closely with the human Rolf.

Other than that, Jaeqil looks good to go!

Male CN Ghoran Ranger (Dragon Hunter, Skirmisher) 1 | HP 21/22 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 | CMB +4, CMD 16 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +2 | Init: +4 | Perc: +7, SM: +2 | Speed 20ft | Favored Enemy: Dragon +2 | Active conditions: None.

Didn’t even notice—nice catch!

As for the “why”: I might consider taking the Disgusting alternate racial trait—knowing that any hungry humans likely wouldn’t be eating him for very long. Though I’d have to give up Spelleater (though we wouldn’t have to deal with the “I am a spellcasting class, I just don’t do it” ruling, because even I don’t wanna try arguing that.)

Male Ulfen Witch 2 | HP: 15/16 | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 FF) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +9 | Perc: +6, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st: 3/3 (Hex and Spell save DC15) | Active Conditions: None

Hey, So I am still putting it together, but I am going to force myself to play a witch. I think I could have some fun with it, and I know it will be useful.

Anyone have any heartburn about that? I'll be giving up a fair amount of knowledge skills, and I will primarily be a debuffer.

I'll post 1st and 7th level builds for comment as soon as I can get them, hopefully yet tonight.

Really looking forward to this!

Male Ulfen Witch 2 | HP: 15/16 | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 FF) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +9 | Perc: +6, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st: 3/3 (Hex and Spell save DC15) | Active Conditions: None

One more note - Gear is not totally up to date yet. I will get that ASAP so we can begin playing. Level 1 stats are up and I am willing to hear your comments and critiques. I will get a potential level 7 version up as soon as I can.

I've talked myself into it now I think. This will be a fun excursion into a new class. Last time I did this I played an Inquisitor, which is now one of my favorite classes. This will be worth it :)

Witch's Winter Holiday

Rolf looks fine - I would advise picking up a ranged weapon and perhaps a haramaki if possible. Also, the initiative bonuses from Reactionary and Arcane Temper don't stack. If you're picking up Arcane Temper for the Concentration bonus, I believe there are traits that give a +2 bonus.

Since witches automatically come with familiars, are you thinking about taking Improved Familiar at some point? If you have a particular type in mind, let me know - we're not bound to PFS options, but some might not fit well with this campaign.

And I believe that's everyone! Away we go!

Male Ulfen Witch 2 | HP: 15/16 | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 FF) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +9 | Perc: +6, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st: 3/3 (Hex and Spell save DC15) | Active Conditions: None

Ok, taking your advice GM (thanks BTW!)

Swapped out Arcane Temper for Seeker - I realized I didn't like not having any ranks in Perception... Also grabbed the suggested haramaki and a crossbow, plus some extra gear to finish spending most of my gold. Should be decently equipped for a 1st level character.

Still working on the level 7 version. Glad we are underway! This is going to be an interesting group for sure.

Male Ulfen Witch 2 | HP: 15/16 | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 FF) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +9 | Perc: +6, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st: 3/3 (Hex and Spell save DC15) | Active Conditions: None

I don't know how I got ninja'd by 2 hours... Oof... My bad!

I'll get a post up tonight as well as getting my profile and tagline updated.

Male Ulfen Witch 2 | HP: 15/16 | AC: 14 (13 Tch, 11 FF) | CMB: -1, CMD: 12 | F: +2, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +9 | Perc: +6, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st: 3/3 (Hex and Spell save DC15) | Active Conditions: None

Rolf's profile and tagline is good now, sincere apologies for the delay!

Male CG Catfolk Oracle (Seeker) 2 | HP 13/16 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | CMB -1, CMD 13 | F 2, R 4, W 3 | Ini +4 | Prcp 8 (+1 traps), SM 0 | Spd 30 | Moonlight Bridge 3/4 | Coat of Many Stars 1/2 | Cat's Luck 1/1 | Spells 1st 4/5 | Active: Uncanny Dodge

Hey, I need to apologize for disappearing. I got really really sick. I feel terrible for just disappearing like that though. I will try to get caught back up tonight. I still don’t feel well. I’m really sorry.

Lawful Good Halfling Fighter 2 (Sheet) (Equipment) | HP: 18/18 | AC: 17 (14 T, 14 F) | CMD: 14 | F: 5, R: 4, W: 3 | Init: 3 | Perc: 3 | Speed 20

I will be away at a convention Thursday through Sunday. Please bot as needed.

Male CG Catfolk Oracle (Seeker) 2 | HP 13/16 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | CMB -1, CMD 13 | F 2, R 4, W 3 | Ini +4 | Prcp 8 (+1 traps), SM 0 | Spd 30 | Moonlight Bridge 3/4 | Coat of Many Stars 1/2 | Cat's Luck 1/1 | Spells 1st 4/5 | Active: Uncanny Dodge

Hey all, I’m off on a last-minute road trip out into the west desert after just finishing a big/stressful work project. I’ll make some time to update soon.

Male CG Catfolk Oracle (Seeker) 2 | HP 13/16 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | CMB -1, CMD 13 | F 2, R 4, W 3 | Ini +4 | Prcp 8 (+1 traps), SM 0 | Spd 30 | Moonlight Bridge 3/4 | Coat of Many Stars 1/2 | Cat's Luck 1/1 | Spells 1st 4/5 | Active: Uncanny Dodge

Hey all, I'm back from my road trip. I apologize again for taking off with such short notice. I have my home group Adventure Path tonight that I'm getting ready for now. And a few things I need to do tomorrow morning. But I'll get caught up and posting in gameplay by tomorrow evening/night.

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