![]() Meanwhile, upstairs, the evening dusk completed... *cough*
The smell of something burning wafts in through the window of Caladwhen's study. *cough*
"*cough*, Caw! *cough* Evening, lady Aldimae..." Lars looks around for something to dip his smoking tail feathers in, finally settling for Cala's wine - ruining a perfect glass of "The Blood", Jeggarian 4683. "Your minion Gabriel sends his regards; he wishes to inform you that he believes Elise is completely fooled by our little ruse." He pats his tail with his left wing, finally dousing the smoke, but he gets wine all over his feathers. " Furthermore, Gabriel plans to lead the 7th on a guided tour around the Horn tomorrow at noon. That's about all he had time to say - Elise is clinging by Gabriel's side, trying to win him over to join her cause. *grin* Failing miserably, of course." Lars catches the deep red of the wine drops. Suddenly he looks up in shock, searching for the bottle...
The 'dark witches' are probably Melinoe and Tisaera having a bit of sport on the way here. ![]()
![]() "Kaw! Well now, compliments from the blackbird?! Ans here I was thinking I'd seen it all...tsk, tsk... " Meet Caladwhen's familiar. He's not nice. We indeed have 2 extra skill points per level.
![]() "Kaw! You should've seen the look on her face, mistress! She was absolutely sure they'd be taking over your assignment within the next few days. This...This..."
I guess this answers the un-asked question 'do Crows every cry?', because yes, they do. At least, this one does.
"Mistress, I...I envy you.." ![]()
![]() Gabriel has been gone for almost a full week now.
Gabriel reports: "What an interesting development this morning. We were approached by
"He delivered us his pitch and then gave to us an immense pile of
"Of course I didn’t accept such gifts without a fair degree of
"My tracker followed the human through the streets of Farholde. She
"They didn’t say much to each other. She asked him “Well? Were they
"Vethia is sure that the woman in white must be staying in the nearby
"I'd like to take the opportunity to commend my elven tracker. She
![]() Quote: "Send Gabriel back in, we need to discuss the implementation of this grand design." "Kaw, kaw! I can't wait to see the look on that witch's pale pokerface! I just want -" He ruffles his feathers - Cala can clearly sense that the raven is thrilled at the prospect."ahem, what I mean to say is - I'd like your permission to be there when Gabriel's party reveal themselves." He really really wants it - he actually asked! Politely!! Lars flies over to where Gabriel is waiting. Quietly humming a tune, he pecks at the Elf's foot.
Cala, Sindran; You can ![]()
![]() panting theatrically, Lars reaches the Horn and wipes his brow with a wing. He waits until he has at least some folks' attention before complaining loudly:
--Having perfected Complacency, Lars just struts off. *: As you will probably know (or at least, your characters), Lemures are the lowest of low ranked devils; being sent to the Lemure pit is just about the worst punishment that any devil (or anyone, for that matter) could ever earn... Now imagine how their excrement is rated. Yeah, that's a swearword. ![]()
![]() Cala, can Sindran borrow Lars for a moment as a messager? Thanks, luv
In a carefully rehearsed, passive-aggressive manner, he voices his discontent towards Sindran. "Oh, Don’t feel bad: Even the greatest leaders suffer from indecision. What distinguishes the best from the rest is the ability to get at the fundamental cause of their mental roadblock — and then set fire to it. Trust your gut - although in this case, perhaps you should ask Morvius to find you some that are more trustworthy." Not waiting around for your feedback, Lars casually flies off towards Farholde.
![]() visibly relieved that Sparky has powered down, Lars chats happily.
Since you lot are quite INTelligent, you'll probably realize the annoying bird is right.
There was absolutely no need for him to rub your face in it, though... ![]()
![]() "did lightning just strike twice in the same place...? Haw! They'll never believe that back home in the Petal District" Knowledge Geography DC17: The Petal District is an important suburb in Absalom. Apparently, Lars, before he got turned into a raven by something we for some reason never investigated, lived there. ![]()
![]() "oooooh I find divination soooo terribly soppy. For instance :
After either Cala or Sindran endures the blatantly inauthentic magic for an hour (success is automatic with their use magic device scores), the results are well worth the effort. I'm sure there's a crayon and a parchment, and skill available to account for this mapmaking. ![]()
![]() con check: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8
Assuming Cala takes a moment to listen to her familiar's counsel...
Cala: "Such physical effort may be strengthening to humanoids, but I fear it is too much for me to do on a regular basis. Can I just ask - if you wanted to know what was up the stairs, why not scry the Eye of Vigilance...?"
The raven is too exhausted to make smug jokes - his advice is based on sincere concern. You may have finally housebroken the rowdy creature! ![]()
![]() "this is an outrage! do you not know who I am, cursed monstrosities!"
![]() The thundering, near deafening crackling of a *really close* lightning strike makes every single person in the fortress look up to the rookery in surprise.
Lars interrupts his report to look outside at the tower for a moment.
Yeah. A 5hd commoner doesn't have 30 hitpoints. ![]()
![]() Caladwhen wrote: "open the portcullis and gates at the predesignated time." that should be a little more specific... The remembrance service starts at 10 AM. At what time *exactly* on wednesday should the golem get up?While Cala finishes up with the Ice Golem, Lars flies out the hole in wall, amusing himself terribly at being able to exit through what was supposed to be a solid structure. Moments later, he returns, looking not so amused.
The squeal of Mad Martin's signal horn sounds over the fortress. ![]()
![]() Lars casually flies in through the new 'window' of the laboratory.
But, to his credit, he eagerly goes to work, nosing through the bookshelves.
Caladwhen spends an intense hour in preparation of taking control of the Golem, and making sure it is no longer a threat to our villains.
spellcraft roll: take 20 + 17 = 37 +2 bonus from Lars' assistance +4 bonus reference +2 bonus from (incomplete) notes, specific to this particular golem ...for a total of *45*. That's quite enough to make an ice golem juggle fireballs - or give it 2 commands, whichever you prefer. ![]()
![]() the wand is minimum level; 5th Lars quickly flies into the tower. Seeing niether guards nor trouble, he continues up the stairwell, to finally land on the sargeant's corpse, and starts casually eating his eyes. "Oooh, eyes... <slobber, suckle> mmhm-mmhmm-MMHM! delicious. Aerent, *caw* you really must restrain yourself when you use that peasant's pitchfork - you completely ruined the other one's eyes. Shameful, really. Oh - you should know that your superior will be arriving soon : Lady Caladwhen is currently climbing the stairs." yeah, he talks like that. ![]()
![]() Above, a foul "Caw!" is heard, and a shadow sweeps over the garden. Lars flies past the Magister's window to inspect it, and finds it a weak affair of wood and thin glass. A few firm taps from his beak would certainly dislodge it.
Lars looks around the well-furnished room, and notices a strongbox under the Magister's bed (but it's too heavy for him to open).
He makes his way back to the window, but before he leaves, almost as an afterthought, he takes a peak into the laboratory (the door is propped open). Lars stops in his tracks, as he spots something that sincerely tickles his interest.
Confident in having accomplished the task set by his mistress, he swoops back down. As he spots Caladwhen below, he speaks with his mind's voice: "Oooh girl, have I got news for you...!" ![]()
![]() Later that week, both Kaitlynn Mott and Zack Eddarly receive a furtive note tucked under their front doors, with an invitation to meet near the picturesque, secluded spot where Talon and Svarestel had their picnic a few days before.
He waits until Zach storms his beloved Kaitlynn and removes some of her clothes, (nodding appreciatively at what's hidden underneath, "niiice...") before flapping off to warn his mistress Caladwhen. Then, Lars flies up, keeping an eye out for the last player in the upcoming drama.
Lars quickly dives down, and reports to Caladwhen.
And indeed, not long after, you hear the sound of a heated argument between two men, mixed with a woman's tears. ![]()
![]() assuming Eddarly is sincere about his wish to end the relationship, so Lisandra herself could've invited m'lady Mott to witness the burning and thus break up the relationship, as Eddarly requested. So wether Aerent lures her with one of his excellent false pretenses or wether Lisandra invites her to the meeting, Kaitlynn "Hot" Mott will be there. Lars flies around until he finds Zack Eddarly again. He is rubbing his hair and shaking his head, and has a stressed out look on his face. What was supposed to be a quiet afternoon spent reading Kate's letters one last time, has become a disaster. But then, Zack spots Lars, and notices the bundle of letters still in his claws and beak. The captain approaches unseen -at least, that's his own opinion- and throws a rock at Lars from directly below.
Eddarly doesn't even mind the bird crap on his face, and is eagerly scrawling through the undergrowth to collect all letters. ![]()
![]() that saturday, shortly after noon... *T'larryo Aiwe spots the man he was supposed to follow*
Lars sighs, and takes leave of the pretty she-raven from the rookery whom he's been chatting up for a few days now.
The bundle turns out to be a bunch of letters wrapped in a lace shawl. (in Lars'mind, it couldn't be any other piece of clothing, there's simply not enough of it)
Then, Lars remembers his mistress' words, and he hatches an ambitious plan.
Lisandra Elsinore wrote: "T'larryo, follow that man. His house contains letters that will be of some use to us." In one swoop, Lars drops out of the sky and takes a big bite out of the stack of letters, grabbing some more in each of his claws. He stares mockingly into the eyes of the surprised captain Eddarly, and flaps off, to a chorus of screams and swearwords, sticks and stones flying after him. But the captain's efforts are in vain - a nasty bird has taken his letters, and is now flying away with them. Lars is even thoughtful enough to take a detour so as not to be linked to 'Lisandra'the loot:
Also, congratulations, your familiar finally has done something useful, without being a total snob about it. ![]()
![]() Lisandra Elsinore wrote: "T'larryo, follow that man. His house contains letters that will be of some use to us." With a slow simmering glare, Caladwhen shoots her pet a look that suggests no back talk on this one. ":-S"... As lazily (defiantly?) as he can manage, Lars trods off, licks a few feathers, and flaps into the air.survival(track): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 *follows man up the hill*
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
![]() "ahem...Although, annoyingly, nobody ever asks me anything, I seem on occasion" - looking at Talon sideways -"to be able to provide some relevant insight. With regards to the current situation, for example; I understand that your orders require you to end the lives of the sailors? Disappointing as that may be, is it safe to assume your orders did not say anything about k e e p i n g them dead?"
![]() Feigning disappointment, Lars tut-tuts and shakes his head.
It's painfully obvious that there is nothing accidental about this little message. Caladwhen: Your familiar is more worried than he shows, and some of that emotion passes down the magical bond to you. Either that, or the fact that he's pecking the soles of your feet - a frikkin' painful but effective way to get someone's attention - you will get a chance to act in the surprise round, but please wait until *after* Talon has gone. I think we're at the beginning of a very beautiful Lars - Talon relationship here ;) ![]()