Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path (Foundry VTT) CODE

4.30/5 (based on 3 ratings)

Our Price: $70.00

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Pathfinder’s most-popular campaign ever returns in this massive new compilation updated for Pathfinder Second Edition on Foundry Virtual Tabletop!

The Stolen Lands have long been the domain of bandits and monsters, but no longer! Your party has been granted a charter to explore these wilds, defeat its dangers, and build a brand new nation. Yet not everyone will welcome you as new neighbors, and powerful supernatural forces have their own plans for the region. Can you defeat your kingdom’s enemies and become leaders of one of the greatest new nations in the world? The Kingmaker Adventure Path presents a full-length campaign that chronicles the rise of a new nation—a kingdom built and ruled by your player characters! Face off against bands of bloodthirsty bandits, deadly and dangerous monsters, and mysterious menaces from other realities as you fight to claim the Stolen Lands as your own. Will you rule with justice and mercy, or will you become the very monsters you fought to oppose? In the Kingmaker Adventure Path, the destiny of the world’s newest nation is yours to decide!


Pathfinder: Kingmaker for Foundry Virtual Tabletop contains all content from the Kingmaker adventure path, including:

  • All adventure text organised into hundreds of pages of hand-formatted and interlinked journal pages
  • All scenes fully configured with walls, lighting, sounds, and notes as appropriate, including support for overhead tiles.
  • An all new, high-resolution map of the Stolen Lands, beautifully reimagined by Damien Mammoliti! (Available only for Foundry Virtual Tabletop)
  • Exclusive, highly detailed and immersive adventure maps for every battlemap included in the Kingmaker: Adventure Path book. Each lovingly re-created by Narchy Maps and Alaustin using assets from Forgotten Adventures.
  • The battlemaps from the Kingmaker Companion guide, digitally optimised for VTT use
  • 57 gorgeous 'strategy-scale' maps intended for use with the Warfare and Settlements subsystems
  • Custom timesaving macros and scripts to underscore setpiece moments and streamline the gameplay experience
  • Integration with the Pathfinder 2E system's Kingdom and Army actor sheets
  • Custom Hex Exploration tools for GMs and players, allowing GMs the ability to edit and track the features of hexes as their party explore the Stolen Lands
  • Portraits and token art for more than 500 creatures and NPCs to fill all your combat and story needs!
  • An additional 55 tokens (each available in a further six different colours) for tracking armies and the party on the region map
  • Nearly 10 hours of music, ambient sounds, and sound effects carefully organized into over three hundred playlists, hand-curated and mixed to provide an optimum soundscape for your adventures in the Stolen Lands. Featuring audio provided courtesy of the very generous Owlcat Games.

Installation and Activation

This purchase will grant you an activation code which can be activated through your Foundry VTT account page at and access to the PDF version of the same content (both downloadable from your My Downloads page on Afterwards you will be able to install the "Pathfinder Adventure Path: Kingmaker (Foundry VTT)" module on the Foundry Virtual Tabletop setup screen. To learn more about activating and installing premium content in Foundry Virtual Tabletop, visit

Note: This product offering requires previous purchase of the Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path PDF. If you would like to purchase both the PDF and the Foundry module together, you may do so at this link.

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
FVTT2020-1 FVTT2020-2 FVTT2020-3 FVTT2020-4

Product Availability

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Average product rating:

4.30/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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Brilliant module


This feels like an absolute steal if you already own the pdf. The maps all look great and, as expected for paizo's foundry content, are set up beautifully with walls, lights and macros where appropriate. The overall presentation shows a ton of care and makes interacting with the module a joy.

The hex map is implemented beautifully with a hex overlay that surfaces the relevant information for players (region and terrain type) and additional info for the GM (including encounters, secrets etc.). I personally love the choice to have a sepia version of the map as the fog overlay as it makes the undiscovered map much more pleasing to look at than just a grey screen.

Haven't had time to deep dive into it, but the fact that as special character sheet is included for the kingdom the players will build throughout the campaign seems hugely helpful.

The module includes 42 maps for chapters 1-6 (the update for the remaining chapters is still pending at the time of writing this). There are no generic maps for the random encounters included but it would be easy enough to reuse some of the maps included or use generic swamp, forest, plains maps available online (there's even a link in the journal to the free map modules available on foundry).

The audio options included also are extensive, with pre-made tracks for the various areas and story beats as well as an extensive library of ambience and sound effects so you can augment the soundscape to your liking. Plus the whole OST form the video game is included as well!

The good the bad and the 6/12


Biggest problem is the hex map is using some kind of code aint no other module using, so you can't modify it without breaking stuff. On the other hand, it is well done and needs just small touch ups.

I still had to use some of the free sources, camp activites are not in this book, only...4??? companions are presented, and some random encounter maps would have been a nice touch. All in all, it did cut my work on the big maps, but it did not cut my work by a lot since the "big maps" are far and in bettween.

Also, why not have the module integrate with any of the quest modules? why do I still need to go back to the book/the module and add them by hand? also also, some NPCs still have no art.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

To kick off discussion here: yes, I own the Kingmaker PDF, and I can confirm that the purchase did work for me.

Probably going to be a little confusing that the discount splits the purchase into two distinct objects, but it *does* work.


I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I own the whole kingmaker physical line but through my lgs, can I not get the vtt only bundle?

Oooh. If you don't have a PDF version of the core Kingmaker 2E book at all (did a code for one not come with your local game store version?) then I fear you'll be out of luck. You need the PDF registered on to get the discount.

$50 is a steal! (Even $70).

Anybody figured out how hexploration works as yet? So far, I'm just seeing a sepia tone map. I see the Toggle Hex Controls button and related functions it unlocks on the map, but I'm not seeing any way to, for instance, create a Party token to move around the map and reveal hexes. Seems like something that should be in the Exploring on Foundry VTT page in particular.

erian_7 wrote:
Anybody figured out how hexploration works as yet? So far, I'm just seeing a sepia tone map. I see the Toggle Hex Controls button and related functions it unlocks on the map, but I'm not seeing any way to, for instance, create a Party token to move around the map and reveal hexes. Seems like something that should be in the Exploring on Foundry VTT page in particular.

I dropped the party token on the map.

Yeah, first time I've ever considered dropping a folder onto the map, rather than individual actors. Maybe I'm missing somewhere that this is supposed to be a known thing?

The party functionality is new in Foundry 11, so it's not surprising that it's still relatively unknown.

But yeah, you can now treat The Party as an aggregate whole. Very handy for this sort of thing.

Indeed, I've used 3rd party modules for displaying party info in the past since v9 or so, but it's definitely handy to see it as core functionality in the PF2e system itself.

If the devs are reading, might I recommend highlighting this in the Exploring on Foundry VTT page.

erian_7 wrote:

Indeed, I've used 3rd party modules for displaying party info in the past since v9 or so, but it's definitely handy to see it as core functionality in the PF2e system itself.

If the devs are reading, might I recommend highlighting this in the Exploring on Foundry VTT page.

Great idea. Opened a git issue for myself on this.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Purchased and installed. It will be a while before I get to running this, (probably quite a while) but I played it from start to finish in PF1, reviewed it in depth, and will likely kick tires on running this for a new group under PF2.

Thanks for all the work and the product, most especially to James Jacobs for his initial work on the conversion which proceeded under less than ideal circumstances.

The Foundry implementation in term of the "open box" experience looks GREAT. BIG THUMBS UP.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I have activated it on the Foundry website under my profile, but I haven't used FVTT for a while now, and I can't find the "module" to activate in Foundry. Boomer skills don't help, but the interface has changed in the new version of Foundry.

Anyone else have this problem?

Envoy's Alliance

Radyn wrote:

I have activated it on the Foundry website under my profile, but I haven't used FVTT for a while now, and I can't find the "module" to activate in Foundry. Boomer skills don't help, but the interface has changed in the new version of Foundry.

Anyone else have this problem?

The module requires Foundry V11.309 and PF2e 5.6.0; If you haven't updated then it may not show up because it would be unable to be installed. If you still have issues and you're able to hop over to the discord I'm sure someone will be able to walk you through it all :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
TJSM wrote:
Radyn wrote:

I have activated it on the Foundry website under my profile, but I haven't used FVTT for a while now, and I can't find the "module" to activate in Foundry. Boomer skills don't help, but the interface has changed in the new version of Foundry.

Anyone else have this problem?

The module requires Foundry V11.309 and PF2e 5.6.0; If you haven't updated then it may not show up because it would be unable to be installed. If you still have issues and you're able to hop over to the discord I'm sure someone will be able to walk you through it all :)

Thank you very much! I will make sure that I am all updated and try it again.

Update: It worked like a dream!!!

I had a question! My players are super resistant towards 2E. Can I use this module but with 1E rules? I know everything is statted for 2E but I don't mind remaking tokens and sheets for 1e myself but keep the premade maps, music stuff and the interactive kingdom sheet and hex map!

I own both PDFs for Kingmaker 1E and 2E so it shouldn't be an issue restatting. I just want to know if it's possible.

I am a little new to foundry but from what I understand it's highly customizable! Can anyone who has purchased the Kingmaker Foundry license confirm this for me perhaps? I would really appreciate it!

Good day, I am quite newbee in all this purchasing thing. I have purchased cial-Edition in May, 2023. Does it give me opportunity to buy just the CODE version here?


Good day, I am quite newbee in all this purchasing thing. I have purchased cial-Edition in May, 2023. Does it give me opportunity to buy just the CODE version here?

So long as the PDF version is in the system (it should be), it will give you the discount, yes. You should be good to buy this version.

ragemawx wrote:
I am a little new to foundry but from what I understand it's highly customizable! Can anyone who has purchased the Kingmaker Foundry license confirm this for me perhaps? I would really appreciate it!

Converting the stats of every single monster over to 1E is going to be a significant challenge over time, but it *should* be doable, especially if you have the 1E Bestiary already. Note that the actual 1E books won't quite cut the mustard by themselves; there are creatures in KM 2E that aren't in the original AP.

I'm experiencing an issue where I'm unable to install the module after purchasing it. I was able to download the code version initially and get it running, but after the update it's unable to download and gives me an "Unexpected end of JSON input" error. My Foundry is updated to v11.309 and pf2e is at 5.6.1. I *did* run into some data problems downloading the 1.01 update for this product. I can open the game I made originally and most of it still works, but the hex viewing tool is gone as is the Kingmaker compendium.

tl;dr was able to install 1.0 last night, tried to get 1.01 rolling, now can't install and getting a json input error.

Having an issue where whenever I shut down my Foundry server, it resets the party vision status on the main map. Does anyone know how to make the vision permanent, or is it intended behavior to reset? I'm trying to use this module to pick up an already-ongoing Kingmaker campaign so they've already explored a decent chunk of the map.

Is anyone else getting a message that says "This product will be available yesterday?" I'm unable to add it to cart or purchase it.

sleazbaggano wrote:
Having an issue where whenever I shut down my Foundry server, it resets the party vision status on the main map. Does anyone know how to make the vision permanent, or is it intended behavior to reset? I'm trying to use this module to pick up an already-ongoing Kingmaker campaign so they've already explored a decent chunk of the map.

I think this may have been a fluke. Was happening consistently yesterday but hasn't been happening today.

ragemawx wrote:

I had a question! My players are super resistant towards 2E. Can I use this module but with 1E rules? I know everything is statted for 2E but I don't mind remaking tokens and sheets for 1e myself but keep the premade maps, music stuff and the interactive kingdom sheet and hex map!

I own both PDFs for Kingmaker 1E and 2E so it shouldn't be an issue restatting. I just want to know if it's possible.

I am a little new to foundry but from what I understand it's highly customizable! Can anyone who has purchased the Kingmaker Foundry license confirm this for me perhaps? I would really appreciate it!

Yup, just gotta create the world in pf2e, add the module, exit, create a second world in pf1e, exit, copy over the scenes, sounds and journal from the first world.

I have done it a heap of times converting 5e adventures to pf2e.

Personally I would just bludgeon the players into pf2e, it runs really well and I have yet to be able to convert a pf1e fan to it (although some were resistant)

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Paizo, this blurb is the same as the other one (the "bundle" which costs twice as much as this). It looks to me like someone just copy=pasted the "bundle" blurb into here. Problem is, if I'm reading it right, the product comes in two parts, one of which is not yet ready for release. So if we buy the "bundle" we pay for both parts now, and get the second part without further payment (marketing folks will say "for free" as the blurb does, but that's obvious BS, as we've already paid for it). If we buy the "code", we'll have to pay for the second part later. Anyway, somebody needs to update the blurb for the "code" product.

Ed Reppert wrote:
Paizo, this blurb is the same as the other one (the "bundle" which costs twice as much as this). It looks to me like someone just copy=pasted the "bundle" blurb into here. Problem is, if I'm reading it right, the product comes in two parts, one of which is not yet ready for release. So if we buy the "bundle" we pay for both parts now, and get the second part without further payment (marketing folks will say "for free" as the blurb does, but that's obvious BS, as we've already paid for it). If we buy the "code", we'll have to pay for the second part later. Anyway, somebody needs to update the blurb for the "code" product.

The bundle includes the AP PDF and this version does not. The 2nd part of the update is indeed free.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am so excited to run a game with this module. Opened it up in Foundry over the weekend and I'm very pleased with the implementation I have explored so far.

For anyone on the fence: If you're going to run Kingmaker in Foundry, buy this module. You still have to do some reading in terms of plot and such, but it will save you SO much time.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Buuburn wrote:
Ed Reppert wrote:
Paizo, this blurb is the same as the other one (the "bundle" which costs twice as much as this). It looks to me like someone just copy=pasted the "bundle" blurb into here. Problem is, if I'm reading it right, the product comes in two parts, one of which is not yet ready for release. So if we buy the "bundle" we pay for both parts now, and get the second part without further payment (marketing folks will say "for free" as the blurb does, but that's obvious BS, as we've already paid for it). If we buy the "code", we'll have to pay for the second part later. Anyway, somebody needs to update the blurb for the "code" product.
The bundle includes the AP PDF and this version does not. The 2nd part of the update is indeed free.

Then I screwed up and have, in effect, bought the pdf twice. :-(

I can confirm that regardless of whether you buy this version (code only, only available for people who already have the PDF) or the bundle version (which includes the PDF), you will receive the content updates for "part two" later in the year without any additional charges.

Community Manager,
Foundry VTT

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Excellent. CS has already given me a store credit. :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have a rooking question. I just purchased it and run Foundary through The forge. How exactly do I go about downloading Kingmaker in?


jdavault3 wrote:

I have a rooking question. I just purchased it and run Foundary through The forge. How exactly do I go about downloading Kingmaker in?


You'll need to claim the code on Foundry's site. After that head on over to Forge. Click on Install Systems and Modules. Do a search for Kingmaker.

It's called Pathfinder Kingmaker by Viviane Charlier, Andrew Clayton.. It's in version 101. It'll count against your forge quota.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Or you can install via manifest URL. You get that from the module page on the Foundry site

Cori Marie wrote:
Or you can install via manifest URL. You get that from the module page on the Foundry site

Looking at Forge created a few questions:

So how big is the Kingmaker module?
Will it double in size when the rest comes out?
Does your licensed copy of Foundry VTT count against your Forge quota?

Swiftbrook wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Or you can install via manifest URL. You get that from the module page on the Foundry site

Looking at Forge created a few questions:

So how big is the Kingmaker module?
Will it double in size when the rest comes out?
Does your licensed copy of Foundry VTT count against your Forge quota?

The kingmaker module counts against your forge quota.

Foundry premium modules on Forge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Swiftbrook wrote:

Will it double in size when the rest comes out?

It *shouldn't*; most of the size of a VTT module comes from the assets, and all the musical/sound and visual assets are already included with the module. It's just that the map rigging and actor placement isn't finished for chapters 7-12 currently. So the module will get a little bigger (with the new map data) but it won't double in size.

AnathemaMask wrote:

I can confirm that regardless of whether you buy this version (code only, only available for people who already have the PDF) or the bundle version (which includes the PDF), you will receive the content updates for "part two" later in the year without any additional charges.

Community Manager,
Foundry VTT

Why is the Foundry code listed as unavailable

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The Code is only available if you already own the PDF. If you need both, you have to purchase the Bundle Here

2 people marked this as a favorite.


I don't post much on forums in general, but I really wanted to come here to say that I am absolutely astonished at the quality of this Foundry Module.

I bought everything for Kingmaker 2E, we had never played it before and I knew it was a great adventure from its reputation.

Being a fan of Foundry, I thought it would be quite daunting to build everything in there for Kingmaker. Even when I bought the Foundry module, I thought, it will save me time but I wasn't betting too much on it for my planning.

If you intend to run Kingmaker and want to use a VTT, this is an absolute must buy.

Thank you to the Paizo team for this.
Please release more of these high quality modules for Foundry!

I've Recently received a physical copy of kingmaker AP from one of my players. Is this worth buying to play online or will having a physical book make it too difficult?

1 person marked this as a favorite.


I bought the book in a library a few days ago, and now I feel a little bit tricked ... 100€ for this beautiful book, but if I want to purchase the content for Foundry, I need to first buy the PDF : why ??

I would be glad to pay the 70$ for such polished content, but certainly not 120$ ... Seems absurd.

If there is another way I didn't see, please tell me !

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Runarion wrote:


I bought the book in a library a few days ago, and now I feel a little bit tricked ... 100€ for this beautiful book, but if I want to purchase the content for Foundry, I need to first buy the PDF : why ??

I would be glad to pay the 70$ for such polished content, but certainly not 120$ ... Seems absurd.

If there is another way I didn't see, please tell me !

Reminder that this is the equivalent of a bit more than 6 AP books. For other APs, they are sold in parts, but the total price for those that have 6 parts is actually highter than for Kingmaker here.

It's understandable if you can't afford it, but sadly that's the price that it made sense for the team that made it, to be able to pay everyone that worked on it a fair price for the amount of work done.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

And notably, foundry as a digital product needs the digital version of the product to be available to you to be able to provide that data. The same is even true of the APs that came about before official modules started with the PDF importers. They can't use the physical book because they can't read the physical product.

I get it, realy I am not discussing the price of each product, I hope that all the people who worked for this amazing material are well payed. And of course they decide the way they want to make profit afterward, to pay everyone and to be able to continue further.

I am just sad no to have the access to the PDF when I already bought the book, and do not understand why I need to buy the PDF when I just want access to Foundry content only.
I feel like I already paid for the content of the PDF (PDF had to be designed in order to print the book), I already paid for the creative activity, the content. If there was a PDF-discount for the one who bought the book I would also get it : you paid for the content, but not yet for the numeric format.
But that's not the logic, if I want the PDF, in a way I pay not only for the format, but once again for the content.

So be it ! Their product, their rules, their strategy. Just sad that today there is no taking into account the purchase of a book in a library to ease the access of the numeric format. I also hope it won't kill the libraries.

It remains a fantastic content for hours and hours of fun. Much more than a lot a video games one easily pays 60$.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Free PDFs remain a benefit of being a subscriber to the product lines through With Kingmaker though it was a benefit of being a backer of the crowdfunding campaign. Paizo has never done free PDFs with physical book purchases, regardless of where you buy it, unless you subscribe through their site.

In the case of the Foundry module, the price of the module includes the price of the PDF because it includes a digital copy of all the text from the PDF, and extracted art from the PDF. You can then copy and paste these things into your own notes like you could from a PDF.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I don't understand the reference to "in a library". What kind of library?

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ed Reppert wrote:
I don't understand the reference to "in a library". What kind of library?

They might be a non-native English speaker. I know that in French, the word for a book store is "Librairie", which look a LOT like the English "Library", and we call them "false friends", because they look similar, but the meaning differ.

So I assume they were talking about a book store.

Sorry for indeed the trap a felt into as a French guy !
As you corrected Elfteiroh, I meant the book stores.
Thanks Cori Marie for the explanation, I did not had this in mind, but it is obvious when one thinks a little bit about it, these Foundry ressources require the digital content locally.

Anyhow, I still think there is something sad at paying the PDF the same price when one already payed the book than for the one who didn't buy anything.

But even if one publisher would like to do otherwise, I cannot see any secure way for him to identify people who bought the book in a book store to give discount on PDF, and avoid fraud.
So I imagine it is even inevitable, no matter the will of the publisher.

Once again, no real grumbling from me, I am glad to give money to this hobby and to all the authors and designers.

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