Way of the Wicked - the Fall of Andoran (Inactive)

Game Master increddibelly

Aldencross burns. A bugbear horde has somehow broken through the Wall!

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Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

next up is Sindran's meeting with the preacher, and then Talon has to fetch some veggies, and then I'd like a day off ;) so please post OOC what happens on friday, I'll keep the spreadsheet updated.

The next big event is the dwarven religious ceremony on Sunday - you were planning to copy their maps, which seems a great idea. I think it's fair to say that this event requires some planning (see below), so I guess you'll be doing that on saturday?

planning a heist on the dwarves?:

  • We have agreed that a Read Magic spell will give a boost to Linguistics in order to copy a document;
  • I assume you'll need Arryn to break into the dwarven rooms and find the map;
  • Sindran or Caladwhen has to come over to copy it,
  • The rest stands guard / provides distraction / prevents dwarves from coming up to their rooms?

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Right :) I think I've responded to all open ends, except Talon. Please respond if you feel I've missed something.

This every-(wo)man-for-himself really sucks the speed out of the game. This is mostly due to the fact that I can do, at best, two or three big posts a day, whereas you're a party of 6.

I do love the stuff you're all coming up with, and I'm getting the impression you're enjoying yourselves as well, so if these first few days in Aldencross are a sign, we're going to have a great time here.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Yup fun! Can't wait for my part (lets see if Talon gets lucky lol)

Male Oread Monk (Hungry Ghost/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) 8 [ HP 73/73 | AC 22/19/20 | Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +10 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Init +1 | Perception +15 ]

FWIW, my hope in working with the dwarves would be to get a layout of the wall and pass along weak spots to the others. Additionally, if an opportunity presents itself to slow down wall repair or catapult production, all the better.

Past that, what sorts of options might there be to weaken the wall in critical locations?

Hu (M) AnP 7; hp 58; F +10, R +9, W +9; AC 21, t 11, ff 20; Init +7; Per +9; CMD 22

DM, I'm confused about Aerent's 3rd day. Did he get any poison, or get any idea if he can get enough to poison the food? I'm just not clear on what he actually achieved (if anything). He also wanted to check on the love potion. While he's there, he would also ask about potions of invisibility (for hiding nearby when he plays his prank on the friend with the love potion!).


I assume that purchasing things like alchemist's fire and acid flasks are easy to do in town?

Aerent would also suggest that everyone consider forming another identity in case their first disguise begins drawing too much attention.

Last question, does anybody other than the bartender and the dwarves drink in the inn? I know his brother did, but are there any other soldiers who come in to drink/eat?

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Aerent Sephim wrote:
DM, I'm confused about Aerent's 3rd day.

sorry :)

Aerent Sephim wrote:
Did he get any poison

no; but you still can if you want to.

Aerent Sephim wrote:
or get any idea if he can get enough to poison the food?

as far as I'm concerned, Talon and you have discussed the kettles and estimated the amount of arsenic required to be 5 kilograms - that is a lot, but not impossible to get; If you want it all right now, it will take a week, because he'll need to get some from Ghastenhall. And if you do buy it all in one go, the alchemist WILL raise an eyebrow and WILL remember this purchase when soldiers suddenly start dying of arsenic poisoning.

Perhaps you don't mind being remembered, or perhaps you can figure out a way to trick the alchemist into ordering arsenic from Ghastenhall anyway?
int DC 25:
why not start a rumour of a rat plague in town? or have several different individuals such as your friends and their many available alter ego's (remember the iron circlet) buy a little arsenic at a time?

Aerent Sephim wrote:
I'm just not clear on what he actually achieved (if anything)

he's still chatting with the alchemist, you can make a purchase if you want, or talk some more, or just kill him if you're feeling particularly chaotic today ;)

Aerent Sephim wrote:
He also wanted to check on the love potion

the alchemist has just the thing for you;

spellcraft or similar skill DC 15:
potion of cat's grace
available at normal price.

Aerent Sephim wrote:
he would also ask about potions of invisibility [...] alchemist's fire and acid flasks

easily available at normal price.

Aerent Sephim wrote:
Aerent would also suggest that everyone consider forming another identity in case their first disguise begins drawing too much attention.

That's very clever. If six prisoners have escaped, and suddenly six people arrive in town, you always risk the unlikely event of someone saying 'waaaait a minute...!' and causing a ruccus. However, if a whole bunch of people from outside town arrive within days of a great play, not so much a problem.

Aerent Sephim wrote:
does anybody other than the bartender and the dwarves drink in the inn? I know his brother did, but are there any other soldiers who come in to drink/eat?

soldiers, sure! citizens as well, this is the best inn in town after all (and the only one with beds). However, you haven't seen the other captains in (yet?) - only the barkeeps brother comes here.

good questions. Hope the answers aid in your plotting }:)

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

in related news, Goeie Mie
Yeah, I'm proud of my Dutch legacy ;)

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Oret Stonechild wrote:
FWIW, my hope in working with the dwarves would be to get a layout of the wall and pass along weak spots to the others.


I'm kinda hoping the mission-impossible style heist on the dwarven rooms goes well on sunday, and then I can simply give you the map - that would save me a ton of work in deleting the stuff from the map that Oret hasn't seen yet.

Oret Stonechild wrote:
Additionally, if an opportunity presents itself to slow down wall repair or catapult production, all the better.

well, your work requires to carry siege engine parts from the ground floor across the keep. The dwarves trust you, the guards know your face now, so you can move about somewhat freely. This means you'll have quite a few opportunities to subtly sabotage the parts and make them not quite work as designed.

sabotaging the siege engines
There are four siege engines being built. You have 1d4 opportunities to sabotage each one; but, the difficulty lies with spotting the opportunity.
Each opportunity requires a DC20 perception check to realize you're not being watched and that you have a chance to sabotage stuff. Then you can subtly damage the part with menial tasks, such as soaking a beam in water for a night (which will warp the wood), or by gently disloding a hinge using brute force, or by letting loose some worms on the wood, and much more stuff like that; I'm sure Arryn has a whole bunch of ideas and that she will discuss all of them with you.
(in summary, I'm asking you to roll 4d4, and then that many DC20 perception checks)

W00T! why doesn't Oret use disable device instead of peception?:
because he can't. This is to your advantage so don't complain ;)

Oret Stonechild wrote:
Past that, what sorts of options might there be to weaken the wall in critical locations?

I don't want this to be too easy - let me think on that for a bit. Caladwhen still has an excellent knowledge engineering roll (24) that I haven't used, so that will need to be included as well.

Male Oread Monk (Hungry Ghost/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) 8 [ HP 73/73 | AC 22/19/20 | Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +10 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Init +1 | Perception +15 ]

Opportunities: 4d4 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 3) = 14

If possible, I'll take 10 on the perception rolls, for an automatic 20. If not, then here ya go:

Perception 1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
Perception 2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Perception 3: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Perception 4: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Perception 5: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Perception 6: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Perception 7: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Perception 8: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Perception 9: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Perception 10: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
Perception 11: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Perception 12: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Perception 13: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Perception 14: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Take 10 only applies when there's no pressure or risk involved - and these are unique opportunities where you need to act quickly to maintain your cover and still be effective.so, no ;)

Okay - we've learned that under pressure, Oret does find pretty much every opportunity to make a difference, however sabotage is not your strongest point ;)

The hitpoints of the siege engines are down to 50%, 66%, 50% and 75% respectively (I counted the 19 as a half-success)

There will be further opportunities for sabotage later, after all, these engines need ammo, don't they? ;)

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Talon Dalkar wrote:
lets see if Talon gets lucky lol
increddibelly wrote:
Strix are highly exotic creatures. It's difficult to even tell if it's male or fe- oh. No...that must DEFINITELY be a male :-S

She'd never be the same...

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Pffffft. Hahahaha.

By the by, I can't tell if Sindran is done with his Day 2 or not. Because if he is, that means either the guards never told Father Donnagin or the Father stood him up and he's just been brooding the whole day at the inn, thinking up nasty thoughts. Ruh-roh.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Sindran Eithe wrote:
I can't tell if Sindran is done with his Day 2 or not

TBH I'm not sure myself.

peek inside the GM mind:
I'm juggling a gameplay thread for each of you and keeping track of time of the mission as a whole. That's tough on a tabletop, but surprisingly difficult on a PbP game.

I'm mostly worried about the pitfall of allowing you all to do far too much in the first few days, thus reducing this hefty challenge to a breeze. So, I usually choose to give you the more difficult path, since it should be awfully difficult to conquer the fortress.

The first week in Aldencross was the most messy for my tabletop players as well - but if it's any consolation, from then on out, things quickly smoothed out as everyone is focused on their part of the plan, and some plans are put in effect, and it only got a little messy again in the last week.

So - back to our game: did you meet Father Donnagin? No,

because the guards neglected to tell Father D he had a visitor (and that they denied you access) until they casually mentioned it to him in the mess hall after their shift - so your afternoon is gone to shizzles courtesy of captain Barhold.

but Sindran only knows that he's been sitting in the sun for most of the afternoon, not making the progress he'd hoped. Perhaps you've been planning the robbery on the dwarves? Or do you have any other ideas you might have been working on, sitting in the late autumn sun?

Hu (M) AnP 7; hp 58; F +10, R +9, W +9; AC 21, t 11, ff 20; Init +7; Per +9; CMD 22

Just a note to let everyone know I'm still processing Aerent's options but will have a post up in a few hours. Sorry for the delay.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Thx. Let me know if you need more details.

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Okay, broken record... but I'm back. I should explain a little for the long radio silences; I'm presently planning a field trip, trying to get my mid-term marks in and I have an exam to write next Tuesday, so my spare time has been non-existent.

Having said that, there is light at the end of the tunnel since all three of those things will resolve themselves by next week at this time, which will give me significantly more free time in the evening.

IN any event, I'm going to post either this evening or tomorrow afternoon depending on time, but know that I'm ever present, and keeping up to speed on the game.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Thanks for the update, Cala :)

In related news,

players only please:
I've been wondering where Arryn is for a while now. So, I've sent her a note asking to let us know if she's planning to continue; I've always liked rogues, so I really hope she will pop up soon. If not, I'll have to explain why she's gone, and in that case she'll be captured during her nightly explorations and thrown in a cell...to be sent to branderscar.

And finally, I'll be AFK this weekend, enjoying some R&R with the family.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

That's fine, I'll be performing Chicago this weekend so my posting will also be scarce

Female | Half-Elf | 4 Rogue | 28/28

Ah... I hate doing this. It's been over one week, and I haven't had enough time do anything that I've previously been able to.

I think I'll have to withdraw. This group, Talon, Aerent, Caladwhen, Sindran, Oret, and of course, DM increddibelly, I am sorry for overall failing in being able to participate in the group as you all were. Honestly, your characters (and mine) have been some of the best I've run into. DM, on these forums, you have done the best. I haven't been able to find a better group, and I'm very sorry to say that life is... overwhelming. I have tried to make a few posts, but I keep getting interrupted, or I have to go practice at something. Right now, I have a little too much on my plate, and this is the thing I've tried to keep, and have, for longer than I thought I could. I'll never forget the intensity of all of the strange events we've gone through. Breaking out, and everything else. I can say I had fun.

High Reguards to the group, and may you someday overtake the world and move onto godhood. May we one day meet again in our travels. A lonely road awaits Arryn, but before I leave, I will send DM how I would like him to end her.

Yours Truly,

Tanis the Half-Elf

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Awwww, I'm sorry to see you go :(

Having said that, I totally understand your position. Speaking as somebody who is under a great deal of pressure as well at the moment, I can sympathize that you just sometimes have to make room in life by cutting fun but non-essential activities (my table top game is currently on hiatus for example).

Anyway, it has been a blast and we'll miss having you around. All the best to you.

Hu (M) AnP 7; hp 58; F +10, R +9, W +9; AC 21, t 11, ff 20; Init +7; Per +9; CMD 22

Sorry to see you go, Arryn, but I totally understand and respect your decision.

Good luck!

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Sorry to hear about that, Arryn. I had fun gaming with you and enjoyed your character.

I hope we get the chance to play with each other again! I give you my best and hope things go well with you.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Arryn, that's a brave decision. Unfortunately, it's very easy to have too many hobbies and feel pressed for time by the things that should be relaxing.
I hope you find all rumoured golden dragon eggs to be true.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

that said, I think we'd benefit from recruiting a rogue. I've asked a few close friends if they care for playing a LE Rogue, one of whom is my first DM - but if any of you know one who'd kill to fill this spot, please PM me.

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

A rogue would definitely be a good addition. I'm afraid I don't know anyone, but I trust all of your excellent choosing skills.

And I assume that the requirement of someone who would 'kill to fill the spot' is literal, us being evil and all.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

i'm sure there are plenty of players on the board who would love to jump into an evil campaign, be sure to inform them we're in the middle of taking over the city which might be a hard spot to jump into though

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

I've asked my first GM (or DM as it was called then) if he'd like the spot; I used to play an assassin (Gaspard deLouca) in his campaign, and he might be eager for some payback. I know I would, after all that stuff Gaspard managed to get away with. If he doesn't have the time, I'll go public.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

question; I'm considering just giving you the maps of the fortress and I'd like your opinion wether that'd be fair or too easy.

why give you the map
It would finally give you some idea of key defensive elements in the keep, so having a map would make planning your actions a lot easier, and more focused.

Oret has seen quite a lot of the keep already, having worked there a few days; Aerent, Sindran and Talon have checked out the walls from various perspectives; if you put your knowledge together, you've got an almost complete picture already, and I'll be happy to say that Oret has noticed the key defensive elements (because *of course* he'd be looking for them any chance he'd get).

why not give you the map
it could be a cool mini-quest if cala or sindran should make use of the opportunity to hazard a peek on the dwarven maps, while the dwarves are quaffing it out on sunday, (in other words, someone should roll a linguistics check to attempt to make a copy; if you're not happy with your first result, you can even try again a few times, just don't get caught by dwarves in the process)

however, I feel this sort of event works better on a tabletop than in a PbP game. you all don't seem very eager to run this event either; but as always, correct me if I'm wrong.

If any of you has serious objections to getting a copy of the map, please post here :)

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

I'd think such an event would be fun, but logistically I see your point... running a side mini-adventure could detract from the game. Besides, the next two or three days are going to be very busy for me, which means I won't be back to my usual posting schedule until about Thursday.

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

That is true. Does sound fun but, logically, difficult. However it's decided is fine by me though. Sindran's been itching for something to vent his frustrations on and to make some actual progress on his end because so far all he's done is make a fool of himself. Hehehe.

Like you said, to be given the map would make sense from our character's point of view since we already have a good idea of the layout and we have all agreed that knowing the structure of the place (and how to open the gates/get rid of defenses) is important.

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Oh, and Captain Varning and his men. Hmm. I'm not sure why I would want them out of the way, aside from decreasing the force a bit, but it would raise more attention. Besides, we could just as easily schedule the attack when we know he's not there.

The only thing I can think of that would be worthwhile to get from him is information or authority. Perhaps if he's someone that could be bought.... Or, as always and it seems to be our back-up plan, some minions for Cala.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Sindran Eithe wrote:
I'm not sure why I would want them out of the way

Let's say you've all been sharing your findings during the weekend. You've all done great stuff investigating leads, and that should be rewarded.

I'd like to mention that you've seen that the army captains positively radiate leadership, but all of the soldiers you've seen so far are hardly more than unskilled youths, most not even in their twenties.

Each of the four captains are in charge of about 25% of the 'men' (youths) inside the keep. If, Sarenrae forbid, something should happen to a captain, the morale of his men would suffer greatly. If you can help a little bit to take a few more out of the equation such as poisoning their food, you'd manage to reduce that captain's division to a mere speedbump for the horde of raging bugbears and giants. So: you should deal with the captains, but you can deal with the soldiers by poisoning them. The remaining men will not be a problem (if only because it's dreadfully dull to fight a generic CR1 soldier over and over again).

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

I think I need some help covering up that elves death. Talon's pretty socially inept as is

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Blame Sindran!

Sindran would totally help you but then he'd just get blamed for it. Aerent or Caladwhen would be more convincing. Though I would find it amusing is Timaeus was the one who was trying to convince everyone that he totally didn't attack the elf. No, really!

And that makes sense with the captains. Hmm. *ponders* Perhaps another 'accident' is in order.

Hu (M) AnP 7; hp 58; F +10, R +9, W +9; AC 21, t 11, ff 20; Init +7; Per +9; CMD 22

Aerent would be more than happy to help. Did you have something in mind?

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

I've got maps ready - will post later.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

well, best of luck with that information dump.

Sindran, I've moved your timeline around a bit on the spreadsheet. The ideas you'd entered there were a little advanced for this stage; and there's not a lot of info on the play to be had yet.

Key goals in winning the keep are
1) making sure the bridge remains closed.
2) the boiling sand trap in the eastern gatehouse
3) preventing all named NPC's from interfering with your plan:
a) the four captains Barhold, Eddarly, Varning and Mott,
b) father Dunnagin the priest,
c) Martin Rayard, keeper of the rookery,
d) magister Tacitus the wizard,
e) Lord Havelyn himself
4) preventing the legion of soldiers from interfering with your plan; that'd be mostly covered between poisoning them and disabling their captains.
5) opening the gates.
6) don't get dead in the process.

And now, back to you :D
I'm advancing the time to saturday; I suggest you discuss the tasks that you'd like to get done sometime this week - once you have an idea what needs to be done, it's easier to figure out which of those things needs to be done first.

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

I'm going to post either later tonight or tomorrow after work. I'm going to continue with Aerent and Cala's plan to turn Eddarly and Mott against one another though.

Basic premise as I see it, steal letters -> forge letters, return fakes to Eddarly -> give originals to Mott -> arrange a little 'meet and greet' with the unfortunate love triangle... let the violence ensue.

One or two Captains disposed of before we even set foot in the Fort.

Hu (M) AnP 7; hp 58; F +10, R +9, W +9; AC 21, t 11, ff 20; Init +7; Per +9; CMD 22

I'm taking everything in and will have a post up tomorrow.

Cala, that all sounds great. :)

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Lars has been helpful to your cause. I'm sure he'd like a reward.

Liberty's Edge

"I can speak for myself, skull. By the way, I can see your brain from here. It's hard to spot, but it is there..."

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

No worries. Still going through the information. :P

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

If I'm correct, I am still on Day 3, yes? Spending it to find out information about named NPCs.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

This should help, Sindran.
Now...I'm thinking I'll stop spamming for a bit and let you folks take action :)
Any questions?

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

The schedule shows that Caladwhen and Sindran would like to attend sunday mass. Who would like to join them? Please post here (or update your schedule).

Sunday Mass is the next event I'm planning, but if you want you can still take actions on Saturday.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

I'm still trying to think of ways to cover up the elf girls death.

As far as Sunday Mass, I think Talon would shrug and go "Eh, sounds interesting. Maybe I could learn something about human religion"

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Talon Dalkar wrote:
I'm still trying to think of ways to cover up the elf girls death.

oh, don't let that hold you back, unless you want to make it something special - you have help from Aerent, and with the two of you spending a few hours on that task, you should be fine.

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Don't think I have any questions. Though Sindran might be looking to gather some incendiary material. I'm thinking burning the town as a distraction on the day of the attack would be a marvelous plan. (And not just because Sindran thinks that anything that involves burning things down is a great plan. Caladwhen, if you're done with T'larryo, would you mind letting Sindran borrow him?)

Sindran totally going to Sunday Mass. Might get a chance to catch Father Donnagin as well as gather valuable information and general attitudes of people towards religion.

And Saturday, since Sindran has got that nifty book of the play, he might spend his time reading the whole thing. If William Marlowe or the troupe are in town, he might pay a visit and observe them.

And I guess seeing if there's anything in town that Sindran can buy some cheap combustible materials from. Though I suppose he could always just start a grassfire or forest fire. Hmm, that might actually work to lure Captain Varning and his men to a trap. *ponders*

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Sindran Eithe wrote:
Caladwhen, if you're done with T'larryo, would you mind letting Sindran borrow him?)

Ravens have low calorific value, Sindran.

Sindran Eithe wrote:
If William Marlowe or the troupe are in town

They won't be in town before next weekend. I guess there's plenty of time to study the book. If you want to manipulate the play in some way, you'll get a +4 on your rolls due to intimate knowledge of the play.

If you're willing to spend a whole day memorizing the entire darn thing, you'll get a +10 bonus.

Sindran Either wrote:
Hmm, that might actually work to lure Captain Varning and his men to a trap. *ponders*

ooh that sounds interesting but I'll have to change the world a bit to make that work.

*changes the world to make that work*
GM superpowers. Oooooh yeah baby.

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Kekeke. I'll spend the whole of Saturday memorizing the play then. I might find some nifty ideas to take down the fort in it anyway. (Or so Sindran says.)

I'll hold off on disposing of Captain Varning for now. What do you guys think about when to try to ambush him? Though I suppose the day before they set off, I could encourage them all to drink a lot. Nothing like hangovers to distract you.

Not sure about their strength either so I'll have to ask some (preferably all) of you to come along.

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