Way of the Wicked - the Fall of Andoran (Inactive)

Game Master increddibelly

Aldencross burns. A bugbear horde has somehow broken through the Wall!

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Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Arryn, night 2
The secret path is remarkably easy to find once you know where it is, and fiendishly difficuly if you don't. The role of the dwarves in making these tunnels and walls is obvious.
The second time you enter, you follow the path all the way to the end. After listening, for a minute, you open the secret door at the end of the passage, and enter a high room, with big, strong slabs of stone for walls, and pillars every 15feet supporting the levels above. Between most of the pillars, a couple of crates are stacked, in such a way that most of the room's free space is used for storage, but leaving pathways and passages so that you can walk about to the objects you've stored.

In the center of the stone ceiling, a strong oak trapdoor prevents you from looking into the room beyond. Since it's very easy to move a few crates about and create a mock stairway to the trapdoor, you feel it's safe to give it a go. No matter how hard you try, you don't hear anything from the floor above at this time of night.

to be continued

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

one more note about the lowest chamber, regarding the crates;
The vault is the deepest point of the watchtower. It holds a vast stockpile of durable emergency rations, to sustain the garrison in times of siege. The room holds hundreds of crates containing several thousands days’ worth of iron rations, alongside barrels of potable water and other durable provisions.

Arryn, survival DC 11:
This vault looks like it doesn't get much traffic at all.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Arryn opens the trapdoor just an inch, but there's no one here. She decides to risk it, and take a look inside.

the Armory

The base of the keep's circular tower, this room holds the castle armory and smithy. There is a fully functional forge here, with several anvils and workbenches with tools amidst half-finished pieces of armor.

The smithy vents its smoke through a crude chimney out over the Sellen River to the east. The vents are kept deliberately small to prevent access from people such as you. As a consequence, this room can get quite smoky through prolonged use.

On racks along the walls are halberds, longswords, breastplates and heavy steel shields; about two dozen of each. All bear the marks of the Andoran military and are thus difficult to sell.

The sound of someone snoring ungracefully comes from directly beyond the north wall. There's a door to the west, and when you put your ear against it, there's no indication of guards in the direct vicinity.
To the south, a stairway leads up to the next level of the tower, there's no hatch in the ceiling, but no sound from upstairs either.

Where to, Arryn? There's still an hour or two until dawn. You can bet your money that any guard who catches a glimpse of you, will yell for help first and arrest you second, or die trying.

Dark Archive

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Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Aerent Day 3 : buy poison at alchemist;
now that Talon has seen the kettles involved in making the monday stew, you quickly realize the sheer volume required to poison it all is something an alchemist would raise an eyebrow at. However, since Talon is now tasked with bringing in the groceries, poisoning the food should be very easy. Heck, there's even someone to blame; poor farmer Jorn.

Talon Day 2 : ravens;
you've been looking at the sky most chances you get, and ýou've only seen a couple of ravens each day. Apparently, there's not a lot of news around here.

Kind reminder...if there's anything you'd like to focus on, but you're unsure how to go about it exactly, please put it in the discussion thread; once you've decided you want to investigate something, please put it on the spreadsheet.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

As mama G hands you the money and the list of vegetables you're supposed to bring, she is already saying goodbye to your colleague, "thanks for your help today, Svarestel; see you again on saturday?"
Svarestel nods as she finishes cleaning up, looking ready to leave.

Talon, mama G has given you instructions to find farmer Jorn's farm; however, she totally ignored the fact that you're not a local, so any natural orientation points known to locals (such as the Horsebreaker, whatever that may be) would be a total mystery to you.

She's also got the patience of a sandfly, and before you even open your mouth to ask what any of it means, she looks at you with That Look, saying "if you can't even do this, you're no use to me."

You can try 3 survival rolls to see if you manage to find the farm on your own, or... perhaps find someone to assist you, in figuring out the directions? Preferably a local? And you seem to recall that elves have a kinship to the forest? Something about always being able to tell north or such? And ehmm, should Sarenrae forbid you do get lost, how about bringing someone with whom it'd be nice spending some quiet time in the woods?

oh COME ON Talon, now's your chance, Svarestel can only linger for so long ;)

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

MUAHAHAHA I AM AN EVIL DIABOLICAL BBEG...time to get ready for my date

As Mama G leaves Talon smiles and nods, then right as she closes the door a look of unparalleled annoyance crosses his face. He quickly composes himself Hmm, perhaps Svarestel could give me some help... he looks at her, then waits till mama G or Svarestel leaves so he can talk to her alone. When that time comes..."Hey, Svarestel...I know you've already given me more help than I deserve but...could you help me find Jorn?" he pauses for a moment Quick...what might convince her to help... he speaks up again "How about I uhh...buy you dinner or something? You've done so much for me?"

Oh Talon, you sly bastard

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

awwww, cute.
The next day, early in the morning, you're waiting outside her hosue, and then the door opens; she's dressed like this, totally over-prepared for a forest adventure.
She turns out to be good at finding the way though, despite your best efforts to get lost. Just when you think it's not going to work, you come into a beautiful forest area just perfect for a romantic picnic.

uhm, yeah. Let's give the two of them a little privacy then, shall we? That seems appropriate.

All is pretty-darn-well for Talon, until Svarestel brushes through your hair and *whoopsy daisy* pushes off the iron circlet,

reflex save DC20:
...but you just about manage to keep it on your head, keeping the disguise intact. Phew! That could've been a lot worse >_<

failed the reflex save?:

...instantly ruining your disguise and revealing your true Strix self. Imagine the surprise on her face! Poor Svarestel starts screaming her head off and tries to back away. If you don't stop her, she'll run off into the forest, screaming, naked, and forever traumatized beyond hope of recovering. there's no happy place for her to go to, after this...

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Sigh, and you target my reflex save. Well here goes
Reflex 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Nice. also, how did she get naked? lol

Oh shit... Talon grabs the circlet, but see's the damage is already done. "Ok ok, just wait. I can explain" he rests his hands on his hips and looks up, running one hand through his hair "Almost everything I told you is true, it's just" Talon tries to imitate the way Auvrelth would bite his lip "People just don't trust my race! I'm tired of getting stared at, mocked, or even kicked out just for being a strix. I thought that maybe..." he shrugs and looks down "Maybe they'd accept me if I disguised myself" He pauses, and legitimately is confused for as second "Wait, why did you...?" he stops, then slaps himself in the head "Wow I can be thick sometimes"

On the bright side, the person she's been crushing on suddenly has a lot more muscle lol

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Bahahahaha. Poor elf.

Sindran walks about in the afternoon sun, feeling its warmth on his form as he listens in on the townspeople passing by.

Though I'm assuming we've already heard all of them. Though maybe some new rumors are cropping up about Tim himself!

Hearing some tell about Captain Varning's Rangers leaving today, he walks a bit to investigate about them, already having been bored out of his mind with waiting, dropping a message that he'll be back at the inn a bit as he's off for a quick stroll.

I'm not sure if they've left already or not, but I suppose checking them out wouldn't hurt.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hu (M) AnP 7; hp 58; F +10, R +9, W +9; AC 21, t 11, ff 20; Init +7; Per +9; CMD 22

Not a problem, this is a tough PBP scenario to get through with all of us going different directions at the moment. :)

Int check: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
I can't make a 25. :)

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Trusting his word.

Cover story is that Thorne/Aerent is an adventurer taking some time off after losing his friends in a pirate attack. On the sly, he's also beginning to prepare his gear for his next big treasure hunt.

He lets the alchemist know about his plans, and that the journey is going to take Thorne into an abandoned sewer line. His experience in such places is that he's going to face a huge number of rats. (Instead of asking for the arsenic directly, Thorne asks for recommendations to permanently deal with the rats - hopefully getting the alchemist himself to suggest the poison) After a bad experience with rodents a few years ago, Thorne is willing to buy several kilograms of the stuff because he isn't taking any chances.

How much would 5 kilograms cost?

He can send a note to Thorne at the inn when the delivery arrives (but don't say "poison"!). A woman named Trina von'Mathe may come to pick it up.

Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Not buying any potions or gear right now.


Later that afternoon, Thorne spends some time in the bar, talking to soldiers, buying drinks (spends up to 5 gold pieces, hopefully that's several drinks for multiple people). He mainly inquires about good places to hunt and camp in the nearby wilderness, wondering if the soldiers have any favorite areas - especially safe locations that are patrolled regularly?. He also asks about mass - can anybody attend? Do servants get the day off? How would one get a job at the Fort? Can anybody just show up, or are the servants hired for specific jobs?

Thorne is thinking about retiring soon, and he likes what he's seen of Aldencross so far. Maybe moving here and getting a job in town or at the Fort wouldn't be such a bad thing. Quiet town, safe with the Watchtower so close, etc.

Thorne's intent is to learn more about Captain Varning's men and patrol route. Second is to learn about how servants get jobs in the fort - Aerent is considering disguising himself as a servant to infiltrate the fort and he's trying to figure out the best way to do it. Not sure if walking through the front door or sneaking in through the secret passage would work better. Basically just fishing for information about being a servant inside Ballantyne.

Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16


Aerent also makes sure to mention the Eddarly/Mott affair to all the other characters. It would be great if we could set up a situation in which the husband catches them in the act - hopefully there would be some interesting fireworks. At the least, these honorbound do-gooders would probably take a morale hit from such a blatant disregard for the vows of marriage. :)

After that, Aerent is going to befriend the young woman, then swoop in and "rescue" the beautiful Kaitlyn Mott from the rampaging bugbear horde. Tempting her into evil should be an entertaining way to pass the time. And if she resists his advances, Cala gets another minion. Win-win.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

reflex save:
I thought 20 was fair: 10 as a base DC, +4 for the inconvenient position you were in(*), +4 for being totally distracted by the ...task at hand, and +2 for her action being so natural in the situation. Any less would be unfair IMHO. I'm sorry this resulted in a near impossible DC for Talon.
(*)I have to guess, because we were giving you some privacy at that time

Talon Dalkar wrote:
Nice. also, how did she get naked? lol

Presumably Auvrelth is as well? But I'm sorry, I wouldn't know. You see, the rest of us were all politely looking the other way at that time. >;)

Talon Dalkar wrote:
the person she's been crushing on suddenly has a lot more muscle

True. but it's the 'suddenly' that totally spooked her - and since you didn't stop her, she's running through the forest; running from being more important to her than running to any place in particular.

I'm sure Talon will at some point realize that his cover now relies on what happens to Svarestel, and even if she should...vanish, there's likely going to be a significant amount of lying in his future to keep his cover intact.
FYI the farm is about half an hour on foot SW; Svarestel went NW, Aldencross is 2 hours E form here.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7


Sindran Eithe wrote:
I'm assuming we've already heard all of them.

yeah, you have:
By waiting for rumors, you have to just hang around wasting a ton of game time doing nothing interesting, but now, by getting the rumours up front, you can all just assume you've done your part in gathering rumors, and get to work with the good bits of the story. Way more fun IMHO.
Sindran Eithe wrote:
Hearing some tell about Captain Varning's Rangers leaving

As a matter of fact, you learn that they will be in the inn tonight, having a last beer with friends before they'll be gone for about 4 days.

I've updated the spreadsheet accordingly.

Aerent - I loved your cover story, I totally bought it; found myself wondering "what sewer line, I don't remember - ohwaaiitaminute..!"

Arsenic Poison:
according to the core rulebook, Arsenic costs 120Gp per dose. However, it costs 60gp to make, and that takes just 12gp worth of Arsenic. so, to buy enough Arsenic to poison 100 men, you'd spend 1200GP and make one Alchemist quite rich overnight. You see why he'd remember you ;)

The alchemist hears your story, and does come up with Arsenic as the cheapest solution to your problem. However, handling that much Arsenic requires special care, and he dutifully warns you about the dangers involved and that brining less Arsenic may be wiser - although you can tell that he'd love to make the sale. He requires a down payment of 300gp and will ask for a raven to be sent to Ghastenhall with the order as soon as you place the order.

regarding the patrol
With both Aerent and Sindran asking around, you piece together the following: Captain Varning and six soldiers will be traveling by horse. They have several different routes, but Captain Carning likes the camp site known as Freeman’s Rock. It has good ground, fine hunting and a great view of Lake Tarik. Three days after leaving, he reliably camps at Freeman’s Rock. It would make a fine ambush site. Especially since the camp would be a fine chance to catch Captain Varning off his horse.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

HUEHUEHUE TALON GETTIN SOME. Anyways, if talking wouldn't have slowed her down than Talon wouldn't hesitate to spread his wings and catch up to her. I'm sticking with my previous post about me still being a good guy, just afraid of judgement for being a strix

Female Elf Wizard (Conjuror)
increddibelly wrote:
"I'd rather we meet again err..I can manage Tuesday morning? And bring the letters so that we may burn them together?"

Secretly disappointed, Lisandra keeps to herself a moment before responding in a casual and friendly manner "My brother, my eyes are not so delicate, you shouldn't worry yourself. Besides, it was never my intent to read your letters; your sins are between you and our lady of light." Standing up, Lisandra smiles warmly "Be that as it may, bring the letters on Tuesday, we will dispose of them together."

As soon as the man takes his leave, Caladwhen goes into the street and whistles for her familiar.

"T'larryo, follow that man. His house contains letters that will be of some use to us." With a slow simmering glare, Caladwhen shoots her pet a look that suggests no back talk on this one.

Hu (M) AnP 7; hp 58; F +10, R +9, W +9; AC 21, t 11, ff 20; Init +7; Per +9; CMD 22

Does Aerent learn anything about the servants who work at the Fort?

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14
Aerent Sephim wrote:
And if she resists his advances, Cala gets another minion. Win-win.

How thoughtful Aerent! Cala is always looking for new recruits for her Army of the Dead.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

It's halarious that Aerent is such a great evil bastard, and right now I'm in another PBP where our paladin has the same avatar

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Hahaha. It's his good twin brother! And that reminds me, where are your draugrs hiding out, Cala?

Timaeus takes note that Captain Varning's Rangers will be at the inn tonight and tries to show up nearby when they do. With nothing else to do, he returns back to waiting near the inn, settling in for a long wait as he thinks about his plans.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Sindran Eithe wrote:
Hahaha. It's his good twin brother!

and only one can remain... >}:), sorry, I seem to be in a particularly foul mood today.

Sindran Eithe wrote:
And that reminds me, where are your draugrs hiding out, Cala?

we parked them in a tomb in the cemetary. The citizens of Aldencross will be safe from them ;)

Talon Dalkar wrote:
Talon wouldn't hesitate to spread his wings and catch up to her.

The poor girl, running at full speed, looks over her shoulder in fear, only to see a 'black angel of death' fly straight at her. In sheer panic, she screams and runs while looking backwards; totally ignorant of that fallen tree's sharp branches, until she impales herself on one of them and bleeds out.

You've caused quite a scene there Talon ;) I'm sure some farmer will eventually find the young, naked elf spiked on a tree in the forest, and claim he's seen witches and rituals and whatnot in the forest.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7
Aerent Sephim wrote:
Does Aerent learn anything about the servants who work at the Fort?

After a few days, have seen about 20-25 different individuals who work at the keep several days per week. Think washerwomen, carpenters, other craftsmen, messengers. Some of these menial tasks require no skill whatsoever, and you should be able to pull off a convincing illusion, if you so desired.

FYI, there's a bulletin board at the inn, where people may post notes if they need a hand with a task, or even an employee. There are no jobs available right now.

Liberty's Edge

Lisandra Elsinore wrote:
"T'larryo, follow that man. His house contains letters that will be of some use to us." With a slow simmering glare, Caladwhen shoots her pet a look that suggests no back talk on this one.


As lazily (defiantly?) as he can manage, Lars trods off, licks a few feathers, and flaps into the air.

survival(track): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

*follows man up the hill*
*follows man to the keep*
*spots a pretty she-raven* "heyyy....How you doin'...;-]"
*loses track of the man*

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
*spots him again in the courtyard, as soldiers salute him*

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Talon shakes his head "Oh hell" he takes the body off the branch, then finds the nearest body of water and dumps it, weighing it down with rocks (inside the body). After that he returns to the scene and takes out his spellbook, flipping through until he reaches the page he needs. After a few minutes of reading and concentration, Talon says "Aguana" and water flows from his hand, washing away all the blood.

He sighs I really had no intention to kill her either, she was infinitely useful He keeps heading in the direction of the farmer

Damnit Talon and all your social awkwardness. I knew 6 CHA would come back to bite me in the ass lol

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Talon reaches the farm about an hour later, and finds farmer Jorn waiting outside his farmhouse. There's a horsedrawn cart, loaded with several crates of tomatoes, pickles, onions and garlic all in excellent shape. He seems somewhat impatient, and after you identify yourself as mama Guiseppe's employee, he tells you he's been waiting for an hour. The payment quickly generates a smile on his face, though.

Lars follows your 'customer' to the keep, and spots him a few times wearing a captain's uniform. I'm sure that by now you've come to the conclusion that you've been speaking to Captain Eddarly himself.

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Back in the form of Auvrelth, Talon apologizes for being late "I am sorry, I'm just so new around these parts and have trouble getting around" he smiles and waves on the way out

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

friday night, at the inn...
In what appears a regularly recurring event, Captain Varning and his men share a few drinks with some local citizens. This happense under the pretext of 'this could be our last time together', since the soldiers are going out on patrol at first light, and could be killed in action.

No one really seems to be expecting anything untoward to happen to the soldiers, since the regular patrols have effectively taught wild(er) creatures to stay away from Aldencross' surroundings.

you know where the patrol will be in three days' time; if you would like to interfere more on friday night, during their 'last supper', please post your plan in discussion.

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14
Aerent Sephim wrote:
Aerent also makes sure to mention the Eddarly/Mott affair to all the other characters. It would be great if we could set up a situation in which the husband catches them in the act - hopefully there would be some interesting fireworks. At the least, these honorbound do-gooders would probably take a morale hit from such a blatant disregard for the vows of marriage.

I think we can make this happen, since Caladwhen can get the evidence to prove the affair now. Hell, we could even arrange to put them all in the same room and let the sparks fly... that would be deliciously evil!

A cruel grin forming on her face, Caladwhen nods appreciatively at T'larryo "Good work Lars; it seems we have some damning information on the good Captain and his little mistress Mott."

Her mind moving quickly, Caladwhen throws on a cloak before heading out of her room still disguised as Sister Elsinore."I need to find Aerent. If I'm not mistaken, he's at the bar this afternoon."

Assumes she finds Aerent/Thorne at the bar:
Locating Thorne, Lisandra grabs a drink from the bar and heads in his direction. Moving casually by his table, Lisandra pretends to make small chat with Thorne and whoever is in his company. When the right opportunity presents itself, she leans in whispers to Thorne "There is something we need to discuss, we should try to find some privacy tonight. Come to the temple tonight, as though you're seeking absolution. I think I may have something that can help us with respect to our friends Mott and Eddarly."

Hu (M) AnP 7; hp 58; F +10, R +9, W +9; AC 21, t 11, ff 20; Init +7; Per +9; CMD 22

Thorne indeed feels an urgent need to seek spiritual guidance, and dutifully makes his way to the temple that evening.

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

At the temple, Lisandra waits patiently for Thorne keeping herself occupied by appearing to be praying. Seeing the wayward "Alchemist" make his way in, Lisandra smiles but briefly. When he approaches, she appears solemn and motions to a more private area of the temple.

"I'll take your confession over there my brother." Looking about briefly to ensure no unwelcome interlopers are about, Lisandra moves with Thorne to a private area of the temple.

With one last look to ensure their privacy, Lisandra smiles mischievously "So, you'll never guess who came to bare his soul before Saranae today..." pausing to build some tension, Lisandra grins in a way that reminds Aerent that the Priestess is indeed the ice princess he has come to know "it was the brave and gallant Captain Eddarly. Oh my, did he ever have some interesting things to get off his chest. Of course, it wasn't anything we didn't already know," pausing again, Lisandra appears to be very much enjoying herself at Eddarly's expense "but there are letters as it turns out, between both Eddarly and Mott. Oh, their love is precious I'm certain, but such naivety has made exposing this little affair that much easier."

Leaning back in provocative manner, Lisandra laughs quietly but derisively "I think we should blow up this little love triangle, don't you? Causing so much derision amongst the ranks of the Watch can only serves our purposes."

Hu (M) AnP 7; hp 58; F +10, R +9, W +9; AC 21, t 11, ff 20; Init +7; Per +9; CMD 22

Thorne nods as Lisandra reveals what she has learned. Smiling in return, Thorne puts his hands together in front of his chest and bows to the priestess. "I think your counsel is both wise and just, Your Grace."

"Using the letters to reveal everything would do the trick, but I think it would ruin your reputation, and that seems like a waste. That said, I think it would be a terrible shame if Captain Mott discovered them in the throes of their passion and love. Perhaps you could encourage Eddarly to meet with her again, then get a message to her ignorant husband?"

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

you bastards..! hehehe

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Oret, after working in the keep for a couple of days, is able to draw a crude map of the keep ;)

I'll add some labels to those numbers later, because the layout is somewhat complex, and I'll explain that first.
Here's a side view of the tower and fortress.

Balentyne tower has four floors, and there's a siege engine at the top.
The tower is surrounded by a fortress of two levels, the lower of which is dug into the rock. By digging out a floor, the dwarves who built this were very clever: The lowest level of the fortress (level 1) is somewhat underground, making it a fortified bunker where it's never very cold or never very warm.
There's a path straight through this level, leading from Aldencross in the west, through the center of level 1 of the fortress, across the bridge, into Taldor to the east.

By digging into the rock, the builders mined a ton of solid rock, (several tons, in fact!) which they then used to create level 2 of the fortress, and the tower itself. This very efficient use of materials is quite common in dwarven engineering.

Level 2 of the fortress is mostly a high wall surrounding the tower, with several guard towers and siege engines positioned in key places.

The most remarkable element of the entire construction however, is in fact the bridge across the water.
At both sides of the bridge, a strong two story gatehouse holds off invaders with a solid wood door, blocked by 3 solid wooden bars in time of need.
The bridge itself is supported by a strong framework of natural rock and strong wood, slabs of stone form a bridge that covers almost 75% of the gap across the water. (pink arrow)
The last 25% of the bridge (red arrow) consists of a very sturdy wooden drawbridge, that can be raised or lowered from the Taldor (eastern) gatehouse (green arrow), effectively trapping would be attackers on the western end of the bridge. (pink arrow)

And that is where the high, stone footbridge (blue arrow) that connects both gatehouses comes in; during an invasion, that bridge, nicknamed 'the Bridge of Death' is full of archers, who can take their time in firing at those trapped below.

As if that wasn't enough, the eastern gatehouse holds a few kettles of sand that are kept at red hot temperature during a threat, and can be poured out onto particularly resistant intruders from above.

You can see why the citizens of Aldencross feel confident in their ability to withstand almost any assault...!

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

a legend of places you have been:

Fortress Level 1
1 (bottom right) cellar under the main stairwell, secret passage to Lord's Dalliance.
2 smithy / armory
7 privy (dumps out over Sellen river...a nice touch)
8 main corridor, 20ft wide, doors on either side.
9 barracks lots of beds for lots of soldiers.
10 kitchen
12 mess hall
14-17 quarters for father Dunnagin(16/17) and his acolytes(15), stairs connect to 26

18 the Bridge
18a the trap bridge
19-21 eastern gatehouse with guardrooms, storage, and kettles of hot sand

Fortress Level 2 / Tower level 1
22 (north) Aldencross Gate; official gate for guests, official visitors, and Varding's patrol.
23 the walls, battlements and towers.
24 Bridge of Death
26 Church of Sarenrae (connects to 14)
27 fountain and courtyard, a utilitarian affair. The grass is short and neatly attended by the acolytes. The paths are cobbled stone. A plain fountain burbles quietly.
27a disciplinary platform; this is where insubordinate soldiers are brought to be publically disciplined. It is little more than a rugged post built atop a wooden platform.
28 larger-than-life statue of King Markadian I, the Victor, who ordered Balentyne built.
30 stables
31 great hall, great open room where the garrison may gather to be addressed by lord Havelyn.
32 flag room; six huge, heavy flags depicting Balentyne's role in history hang here. One could easily hide behind such flags.
33 eastern gatehouse battlements; guarded day and night, the shift rotates every 8 hours starting at midnight. 2 siege engines are built here.
31-34-36-39-44-48, path from ground floor to tower roof. All sorts of servants, inhabitants and soldiers move up and down the tower all day long. Several rooms are always guarded. None of them you've seen from the inside yet ;)
43 rookery
48 the largest siege engine being built here.

Liberty's Edge

that saturday, shortly after noon...

*T'larryo Aiwe spots the man he was supposed to follow*
*man is wearing casual clothing, no uniform today*
*man is carrying a bundle under his arm*

Lars sighs, and takes leave of the pretty she-raven from the rookery whom he's been chatting up for a few days now.
*follows man out into the woods*
*man sits down*
*man unfolds bundle*

The bundle turns out to be a bunch of letters wrapped in a lace shawl. (in Lars'mind, it couldn't be any other piece of clothing, there's simply not enough of it)
*man takes a deep breath*
*man picks up a random letter from the stack, and begins to read*
*man seems sad*

Then, Lars remembers his mistress' words, and he hatches an ambitious plan.

Lisandra Elsinore wrote:
"T'larryo, follow that man. His house contains letters that will be of some use to us."

In one swoop, Lars drops out of the sky and takes a big bite out of the stack of letters, grabbing some more in each of his claws. He stares mockingly into the eyes of the surprised captain Eddarly, and flaps off, to a chorus of screams and swearwords, sticks and stones flying after him. But the captain's efforts are in vain - a nasty bird has taken his letters, and is now flying away with them.

Lars is even thoughtful enough to take a detour so as not to be linked to 'Lisandra'

the loot:
bite: 4d4 ⇒ (3, 4, 2, 4) = 13
claws: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3
16 utterly shameless love letters between the lovely Kaitlynn Mott and the honorable(...ish) captain Zack Eddarly of the watch. Caladwhen, even you would end up with red ears after reading those. It would be quite entertaining to let Franz Mott walk into the couple during one of their anatomical experiments.

Also, congratulations, your familiar finally has done something useful, without being a total snob about it.

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Reading the letters closely, Caladwhen leans back a moment after finishing the last letter and mutters "Well, those were quite... graphic." Glancing over at T'larryo, Caladwhen nods "Good work Lars." Though but a brief comment of praise, it speaks volumes coming from such a demanding master.

Walking across the room to a desk, Caladwhen retrieves some ink and paper and immediately sets about to forge the documents. "T'larryo, I'm going to be here awhile... come back by dusk. Keep an eye on our star crossed lovers while I'm working."

I'm assuming I have time to take 20? Caladwhen is going to make absolutely sure these look authentic, so Eddarly doesn't suspect a thing. That would put the forgery at 32.

Finishing the documents, Caladwhen takes all her failed attempts and tosses them in the hearth. Satisfied with the product, she packages the originals back up again and heads to the window to wait for T'larryo. On his return, Caladwhen hands them back "Take these back to Eddarly. Drop them in his garden or on his front stoop. He'll think he's the luckiest man alive that these didn't get very far."

Standing up, Caladwhen adjusts her hair and disguises herself again as Lisandra. "I'm going to find Aerent."

Heading to the bar, Lisandra again casually approaches Thorne, her new found friend. When they get a private moment, Cala grins mishieviously "The letters are done. All we need is to get them to Captain Mott. I've included an additional letter, one that gives the location of Eddarly and Lady Motts next meeting." Pausing, Caladwhen looks around "That meeting will actually be my meeting with Eddarly to burn the forgeries as part of his confession. When Mott arrives, he'll find not me, but Lady Mott there provided you can get her there... all hell will almost certainly break loose when Captain Mott arrives to confront his betrayers." Leaning back and taking a sip of wine, Lisandra gives Aerent devilishly cruel smile "So, what do you think?

Liberty's Edge

assuming Eddarly is sincere about his wish to end the relationship, so Lisandra herself could've invited m'lady Mott to witness the burning and thus break up the relationship, as Eddarly requested. So wether Aerent lures her with one of his excellent false pretenses or wether Lisandra invites her to the meeting, Kaitlynn "Hot" Mott will be there.

Lars flies around until he finds Zack Eddarly again. He is rubbing his hair and shaking his head, and has a stressed out look on his face. What was supposed to be a quiet afternoon spent reading Kate's letters one last time, has become a disaster.

But then, Zack spots Lars, and notices the bundle of letters still in his claws and beak. The captain approaches unseen -at least, that's his own opinion- and throws a rock at Lars from directly below.
Of course, T'larry knew the rock was coming. So, all he had to do, was drop the letters, lose control of his bowels -as animals do, when they're suddenly spooked- make a fuss, and fly off squawking. And Lars is good at making a fuss.

Eddarly doesn't even mind the bird crap on his face, and is eagerly scrawling through the undergrowth to collect all letters.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Sindran - your schedule mentions investigating some key NPC's. You haven't seen them in the town of Aldencross, and that probably means they're hard at work inside the keep.

A bookstore in town has an old copy of the play 'The Fall of Amberlyn' - it turns out to be a rousing tale of how love and greed brought down a great city state. The plot hinges around the young lovers Brandon and
Bronwyn and their doomed romance.

William Marlowe, mister modesty himself, will likely be playing the handsome Brandon. Meanwhile, many of the soldiers who visit the inn speculate on the size of the bust of the female lead character.

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

however, some soldiers will tell you a little something about the important folks:

Tacitus has nothing but disdain for everyone in the watchtower save for Lord Havelyn for whom he manages a grudging respect. He doesn’t take his meals with the men. Instead servants have to haul food and drink all the way up to the fourth floor of the keep at meal times.
This has garnered the wizard a sinister reputation amongst the garrison and in town.

Tacitus is minor nobility and no doubt could have maneuvered his way into a post in one of the larger cities. Of course, if you ask a typical guard
about the wizard they are full of rumors of dark experiments held at midnight. Such is the lot of wizards in Sarenraean Andoran.

Remember the rumour in town: "Balentyne’s magister, that creepy Tacitus, has been spending a lot of time working on something in his tower! I don’t know what it is, but it’s said that something unnatural was recovered from the north."

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

regarding the good priest Father Donnagin:
Perpetually cheerful, Father Donnagin is the most popular man in the entire garrison. The guards respect Lord Havelyn and Captain Barhold, but they like the gregarious priest.
A member of the Order of St. Macarius, Father Donnagin never hesitates
to aid the injured or the sick.

Nonjudgmental and accessible, this priest has discretely removed certain...diseases from more than one soldier (though always with an exhortation to sin no more).

Father Donnagin’s schedule is difficult to predict. He moves freely about the watchtower and can be found anywhere at any hour as the mood takes him. Anyone will tell you Father Donnagin is a wise and perspicacious man.

Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

Before the arranged meeting, Caladwhen meets one last time with Aerent in her quarters. "It's been arranged Aerent, both the Captains and their mutual lover will be there." Grabbing her knife and concealing it, she looks satisfied at their handiwork. "We need hide nearby, to ensure success. I've arranged for them to meet in a secluded grove outside of town, but should either Mott or Eddarly live after their confrontation, we'll need to meet the survivor with force. We should also get Sindran; his murderous commands might come in useful should they..." rolling her eyes, Cala pauses and emphasizes with disdain "should they decided to talk things out."

Disguising herself again as Lisandra, she heads towards the door. Before leaving, she looks to T'larryo at the window "Lars, I need you to get Sindran; I should add that you'll be assisting him once we're done with Mott and Eddarly. Understood? Send him to this location." Leaving a slip of paper by the door with directions, she motions for Aerent to follow her.

So, this ought get this portion off to the races. I want Eddarly, and Lady Mott to meet in a secluded grove for the confession. The time and place is on Captain Motts last letter, and he should arrive all fuming mad. Ideally Sindran, if you could be there just in-case they try to talk it out, a Murderous Command would most certainly get a fight going between them. Otherwise Aerent and Cala can finish off the survivor. I'll make sure to smuggle out the Draugr out the night before.

Liberty's Edge

Later that week, both Kaitlynn Mott and Zack Eddarly receive a furtive note tucked under their front doors, with an invitation to meet near the picturesque, secluded spot where Talon and Svarestel had their picnic a few days before.
As the party hides a few hundred meters away, Lars is spying on the cozy couple as they arrive in the designated spot moments after eachother.

He waits until Zach storms his beloved Kaitlynn and removes some of her clothes, (nodding appreciatively at what's hidden underneath, "niiice...") before flapping off to warn his mistress Caladwhen.

Then, Lars flies up, keeping an eye out for the last player in the upcoming drama.
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
but it doesn't take long before he spies Franz Mott, mounted on his horse, in full armor, hand on his sword, and positively fuming with barely suppressed rage.

Lars quickly dives down, and reports to Caladwhen.
"He's almost here."
It's an odd sight, to see the raven like that - grinning with sadistic glee.

And indeed, not long after, you hear the sound of a heated argument between two men, mixed with a woman's tears.

Liberty's Edge

(Zack Eddarly)
"Franz - I did not mean - I've meant to end it, I swear. Can't we talk about it?"

Liberty's Edge

(Franz Mott)
"Talk it out you say?! After I catch you doing that to MY WIFE?!"
He draws steel.
"Never! A Duel! NOW!"

Male Strix Magus (Bladebound) 9

Crouched on a brand, hiding behind his dark wings, Talon shakes his head at the humans shortsightedness They never learn he remains still as he watches things escalate

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

Franz takes a few angry stabs at Zack. Kaitlynn cries a lot - both from being discovered, and from finding out Zack was meaning to end it. Zack, still naked, eventually manages to dodge his way to his sword, and raises it to defend himself.
Franz -no longer attacking an unarmed man- stops playing nice, and soon he pushes the defending Eddarly with his back to a rock.

Kaitlynn cries out "Franz stop! nooooOOOOOOOO!" but in vain, because her husband's assault leaves Zack no other option than to hold his sword out straight forward in final despair.
In surprise, the two men stare eachother in the eyes, then look down at their blades stuck between each other's ribs. Both captains cough up blood as they realize what they've done. The anger leaves their eyes, and they collapse on the forest ground.

Male Oread Monk (Hungry Ghost/Monk of the Sacred Mountain) 8 [ HP 73/73 | AC 22/19/20 | Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +10 (+2 vs. enchantment) | Init +1 | Perception +15 ]

If this is the caliber of soldier we've got here, I think we can take 'em all on ourselves. Just sayin'. :-P

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Elf Necromancer 9
HP 40/40 | Fort +4 / Ref +4 / Will +10 | AC 10 | CMD 13 | Init 0 | Perc +14

With dispassionate reserve, Caladwhen watches the drama play itself alongside her allies. After the conclusion of the duel, Cala laughs in a quiet but cruel manner "Well then, that worked rather nicely didn't it? Time to put an end to this grotesque and predictable farce."

Walking out from the brush disguised as Lisandra, the Priestess rushes forward appearing out of breath and full of concern.

"Good heavens! What tragedy has befallen out beloved Captains?!" Pulling up beside Kaitlynn, Lisandra grabs a cloak strewn on the ground and covers her nakedness "My dear woman, are you alright? What happened here? Come follow me, sit over here you poor thing." Guiding the shaken Kaitlynn to a nearby tree, Lisandra sits down beside her.

Caladwhen will have guided Kaitlynn to a tree with her Draugr hidden in the nearby brush.

After a moment and assured she is safe to proceed, Lisandra smiles somewhat cruelly at Kaitlynn and whispers "You know Kaitlynn, this is all your fault really. Your lust has led to the deaths of two honorable men. You will suffer for your sins... but perhaps sooner than you might think." With a snap of her fingers, Cala summons her minions forth.

Standing up with her Draugr at her side, Caladwhen removes her circlet revealing her true form. "Much better." Peering at Kaitlynn with mock pity, Caladwhen shakes her head and goads her pray "You poor, sweet, stupid thing... I'm sure you have no idea who I am, but I promise my face will haunt you even onto the afterlife. I arranged this unfortunate meeting, and now I end it." Turning her back on Kaitlynn, Caladwhen walks away and utters a command to her Draugr in an ancient and frightening dialect.

"Slash her throat and bleed her out, this is to look like a suicide."

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

When Lisandra changes into Caladwhen, poor Kaitlynn is almost scared to death, and the Draugr help her the rest of the way.

As you find your way back to town, gloating,

perception DC 20:
not even a mile from The Unfortunate Accident, the town's alchemist is quietly picking herbs(*). You don't think he's seen anything - yet - but if he continues on his path, he will probably discover the lovers.

(*) The town's alchemist, Letho (Sindran would know his name from their chat earlier in the week), has collected an interesting choice of plants : The flowers in his basket are known to be used as painkillers, but the berries he's picking now have enhancing, sometimes even psychedelic effects. And the plant in his other hand - you've never even seen that one!

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

The unfortunate date took place on saturday afternoon.
On Saturday evening, some commotion quickly passes through Aldencross, as a dozen soldiers walk through town, asking on the streets and in/around the inn if anyone has seen the captain recently.
It is soon noted that Kaitlynn hasn't been seen for a while either.
Given the citizen's love for gossip, the stories quickly fly through town.

Has Franz finally found out about the affair? Who could ever have told him? That'd be cruel! And what if Zack and Kate were running from her angry husband - that'd be so romantic! But what if Franz were chasing them - what if he even caught them - that'd probably end up in a duel!
Everyone remembers anecdotal evidence of a time when the affair was almost discovered, some even boast delaying cap'n Mott in the streets for just long enough so captain Eddarly could escape through the back door.

The citizens seem to take the petty rivalry between lovers as highly welcomed entertainment. Let's see if they'll still enjoy the story once the bloody surprise is discovered...

The alchemist, however, doesn't join in the stories. He spends his evening at the inn, reading some chemistry book and sipping his ale.

Perception DC 20:
late in the evening, after one of the inn's clients hazards a particularly accurate guess about what happpened, he subtly nods at Sindran. Does that mean he knows? Or is he simply greeting a potential client who could make him very rich indeed? Unfortunately, Letho turns away too quickly to tell...

Male Mystic Half-Orc Blackened Flame Planar Oracle of Hell 9
Quick Stats:
[HP 17/37 | AC 17/13/14; CMD 18; Fire 10 | Fort +14; Ref +18; Will +19| Init +5; Perception +8; Darkvision (60 ft); ]

Sindran is similarly reading his book, seemingly engrossed in it while keeping an eye out for hearsay and rumors. It seems like things are going well for the others.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Dark Archive

Male Humong Propmaster 13 / Meatgrinder 7

dusk falls, and the captains are not yet found. The soldiers grow restless, and Lord Havelyn himself walks down from the fortress to the town center.

A no-nonsense, stern man, his appearance radiates leadership. The repect people have for the man shows clearly, as soldiers and citizens of Aldencross alike move aside for their leader to pass.

His voice bellows through the quiet evening :
"Citizens of Aldencross! Hear me out. Your captains Eddarly and Mott have not reported for duty this evening. Sarenrae be my witness, I have great trust in these men. It is therefore my belief that they are in peril. I have tasked these soldiers with finding their distinguished captains. I ask of you, good citizens, to come forward NOW and report anything you may know regarding their whereabouts."

The gossip and secret satisfaction concerning the well-known affair instantly transforms into concern and worry - Lord Havelyn's presence and demeanor have that kind of effect on people. Loyal as they are, a handful of citizens does indeed come forward, and you hear one or two of them mention that they saw Franz Mott ride off seething with anger in yonder direction, *points West*.

A dozen or so soldiers assembled on the square collect the citizen's information, and Lord Havelyn sets them off.
"Thank you for your help, good citizens. May Sarenrae provide the light by which our captains may be found. Men - you have your task. Bring home your captains!"

He stands still, and takes a slow, examining look around the square. For some reason, the inn causes him to frown slightly more than usual.

spellcraft DC18:
He is using a Detect Evil ability!

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