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The baron can do even more for you.
His manor is not only opulently appointed with every amenity known to man, it also has a secret tunnel that runs from Calliver Green to a small nondescript hovel at the base of the hill. You can come and go, without anyone observing your movements.
In general, now that the Baron is on your side, you are no longer unconnected outsiders, lost in an unfamiliar city; Farhold is now a non-challenging envirnoment. Mostly anything you need is in your grasp through various channels.

IBTiadora |

With the introduction to the Baron accomplished, Tiadora's mission in Farhold is complete. She reminds you of the small clay tablet given to you by Cardinal Thorn: "Break it when you need to speak with the Master. Be sure not to was his time - He can be most unforgiving about that."
"The Seventh Knot is already close at hand. They will arrive tomorrow on a river barge named 'the Lucky Lady'. You should probably meet them and come up with a plan for seeing our Master's will done. But that matters not to me, of course - not my problem. Goodbye dearest."
And with that, she teleports out of the Baron's mansion, away to her next assignment. A devil's work is never done.

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At first, you are startled by how little exploration has been done of the Caer Bryr by the inhabitants of Farholde. There is a simple reason for this - the Caer Bryr is phenomenally dangerous.
When Farholde was conquered almost three centuries ago, a number of expeditions set out to explore the jungle. None of them ever came back.
Every few decades, a new generation gets the brilliant idea - let’s explore the Bryr! The results are usually much the same : few urvivors. What survivors do come back, relate tales of an endless wilderness of monsters and barbarians.
And so, the people of Farholde keep to their hills.
this is what you learn from careful poking around town:
- On the edge of the Caer Bryr are those strange hills called the Karst. They say, somewhere in those hills is lost a great treasure!
- The Caer Bryr is full of living trees -- everyone knows that, but its rare to see them so far north. Still, I’ve heard tell that one dwells not a day’s ride from this very tavern!
- Did you hear about the elf staying at the Wandering Friar Inn that disappeared now three weeks back? Went into the Briar and weren’t never seen again!
- The Knights of the Alerion have gone mad and are blaming the invasion on the temple of Asmodeus. They’re burning anyone with a black cat at the stake! It’s madness! There hasn’t been a cult of Asmodeus in Andoran for twenty years. Someone’s organizing the bugbears, surely, but Asmodeans? Ha!
- Sister Marta saved my life. I’ll never be able to repay that blessed angel of Sarenrae.
- Those strange hills in the Bryr are haunted no two ways about it. Anyone who goes there isn’t coming back!
- Old One-Eye’s back. He’s half-tiger, half-devil that old cat! Big as a house!

Sindran Eithe |

Excelleeeent. Add one small clay tablet to the party inventory! And living trees? Well, if there's one thing that trees can do excellently in Sinran's experience, it's BURN!
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
"It seems he is on our side now," Sindran says, looking at the others after Tiadora has gone. "We should rest to meet the Seventh Knot tomorrow. If they're arriving by boat then it would be best, I think, if we only sent a few of us to greet them and bring them to meet in a safer location rather than out in the open."

IBElise Zadaria |

The Seventh Knot does indeed arrive the next day - funny thing is, they too claim they’ve travelled here with Tiadora on board their vessel.
Elise Zadaria has already received her orders from the Cardinal.
"It is my intention in the next few months to have spies set up in every inn, tavern and anywhere else adventurers and explorers might congregate. When you do find the Horn of Abaddon, contact me. For those groups I can’t personally dispatch, I’ll send a messenger to you, with any information I can gather."
The Seventh Knot consists of...
Before joining the Ravens, he was a serial killer in Ghastenhall; he would lure victims to his home, poison their wine and then sacrifice them to Asmodeus on his hidden altar. His only regret
about joining “The White Ravens” is that he hasn’t gotten to perform a human sacrifice in some time.
Trak knows about Trik’s “little problem” and quietly condones it while urging caution.
funny thing : best not do an image search for 'seventh knot' at work.

Talon Dalkar |

Int: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Talon sees right through the group and Tiadora. He greets them all, and when Elise tells them of her mission he raises his eyebrow "That will be infinitely useful, in fact I do believe that gets rid of one of our primary goals. Perfect, I'm glad to have another group just as able as ours along"
Talon trying to placate her

Oret Stonechild |

Int Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Sense Motive (Take 10): 10 + 12 = 22
Oret sizes up the group as best he can. We'll need to be careful. If this one doesn't get to claim some glory herself, she'll likely try to kill us to claim ours...

Caladwhen |

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
Rolling her eyes at Tiadora's underhanded remark, Caladwhen mutters to herself "Yes dearie, and you have as much subtlety as an ogre in an antique shop." Glad to be rid of Tiadora, it appears Cala is in a better mood for her absence.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Coming up beside Talon, Caladwhen crosses her arms and tilts her head, apparently judging the 7th Knot's ability to perform as required. Unaware, or again perhaps aloof to Elise's feelings, Caladwhen finally adds "Well, their ability remains to be seen Talon." Turning her attention to Elise, Caladwhen coolly adds "Nevertheless, you've lasted this long, so you must have some skill. Where will you be stationed, should we need to contact you?"

IBElise Zadaria |

I like how you instantly get on the good side of all the girls you meet in the adventure path, Cala ;D
After Cala's remarks, Elise instantly turns to face the *other* ice queen and her eyes turn to narrow slits.
"I plan to create for Farholde a serial killer. That serial killer - my knot, using their Iron Circlets, will begin to hunt down likely adventurers and explorers one by one. I will make these deaths look like accidents for as long as I can, but I'm sure the facade will eventually fail."
"When it does, the serial killer guise will allow me to terrorize anyone foolish enough to attempt to interfere with the Work of the Ninth. Farholde will bathe in blood. You would do wise not to doubt our ability to cover your backs, while you prance around in the forest."
The plan is indeed a very good one - you all realize the powerful potential. Tiadora would be delighted.
"When we have established a base of operations, we will contact you. For now, I propose we meet at the Baron's estate on a daily basis to report."
She has an answer for everything - but it does feel good to have fairly capable personnel working specifically for you.

Sindran Eithe |

Pffft, hahaha. I searched it to see what you were talking about and I wasn't expecting that. I don't get how they're related at all.
Intelligence: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Sindran is suspicious of the Seventh Knot's claim considering they've been the ones travelling with Tiadora, but puts it out of his mind for now since they don't seem to be lying and it doesn't quite affect the matter at hand.
Hello, ice. Meet fire.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Sindran returns Elise's politeness, hoping they can keep their relationship professional. That hope is quickly dashed by Caladwhen, but Sindran at least reciprocates the sharing of information.
"That will prove extremely helpful," he says. "The Baron Arkov Vandermir has already agreed to lend his aid so that plan is amenable and we will be spending most of our current time researching until we find where the Horn is. Your help in making sure we remain undisturbed is much appreciated."

IBElise Zadaria |

With some difficulty, Elise breaks off the staring contest with Caladwhen, but only because it would be improper of her status not to acknowledge a compliment from one ranked higher than herself - In this case, you.
well! glad to see you got off to a good start, then :) hehehe

Sindran Eithe |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Everything is delightful.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
Sindran lets her think what she will. If nothing else, her professionalism is comforting and Caladwhen and Elise's relationship avoided approaching Tiadora levels.

Aerent Sephim |

Perception (vs. Tiadora): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Int check (vs. Elise): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
Sense Motive (vs. Elise): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Sense Motive (vs. Elise): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Aerent allows himself a sigh and a roll of the eyes when Elise speaks of how the city is going to "bathe in blood".
As the conversation dies out and the groups separate, Aerent hums to himself, lost in his thoughts.

Talon Dalkar |

Now imagine Talon saying this. "Ok let's stop the estrogen war and actually get something done"
Talon decides he can say nothing more that would help their position; if anything he would probably hurt it. He goes back to looking at the guards, half to inspect them (to notice their demeanor, professionalism, outfit, race, etc) and half to unnerve them, watching which ones squirm and which don't

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Regarding Aiden Kael, Aerent would head to the Wandering Friar to see what else he can learn.
When you arrive, you find that the inn overlooks most of the town; it would be very difficult to approach the inn, without being seen. This would be a good place to hide. However - you'd have to suffer the great cathedral devoted to Sarenrae, right next door. *sigh* why do these sun-worshipers have to ruin every good thing...?
You're greeted warmly by a pretty girl - but her smile disappears quickly when you mention you were expecting to meet an Elven friend here.
"Elf, you say...? Hmm. Your friend used to have a room here; but he left three weeks ago. We were going to clean it out soon, but *if* you pay the overdue bill, you can go in to get his belongings - but that's 25 gold pieces..."
She's hesitant to ask - her eyes screams "I mean, like, who would pay a fortune, to, like, collect dirty laundry and maybe a few personal things? You know, right?"

Sindran Eithe |

Grima Wolfe visits the tavern where he heard the 'living tree' rumor. Where exactly did they say it was again? What are those living trees?
Diplomacy (Gather Information): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31
He then takes advantage of the Baron's aid and visits the Vandermir Orphanage, deterring any thugs from approaching him with a well-placed stare or asking them if they possibly knew where the headmaster is?
Depending on what information he gets, Sindran will either head off to scout the living trees (totally doesn't want to just burn them! honest!) or, ahh, spending time with the delightful children. Whichever one he does, he'll first introduce himself to the orphanage then send a child to inform the group of his actions.

Oret Stonechild |

Oret will busy himself in the Baron's library, trying to find any historical mention of the location of the horn.
Knowledge (History) (Take 10): 10 + 11 = 21

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Oret @ library:
After a few hours, the baron strolls in, surprised to find you there. He asks you what you're looking for, offering to point you to his most interesting works on those subjects.
When you mention the horn, his face darkens.
"When the Horn was last visited by the Victor's henchmen a few decades ago, the inquisitors of Sarenrae commandeered all writings concerning the horn to be brought to the abbey of Saint Cynthia-Celeste. I have never seen them since."
He looks you straight in the eyes.
"Do you know about the sixth sense of inquisition, when it comes to lies? I had not yet the skill to trick my way out, and I had already lost so much; I simply had to comply."
He raises his hands in a sincere, frustrated apology.
"My apologies, master Stonechild. You will find no answers here."

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Grima Wolfe visits the tavern where he heard the 'living tree' rumor. Where exactly did they say it was again? What are those living trees?
drunken tales, mostly. But if Jeff Cooper were here, he'd tell y'all 'bout it *hic* well whaddayaknow, my glass is empty again....!
(these guys are unwise to go up against on your own. But at least you now know what you're up against)
then again - OMG that's a 30+ roll, so you gotta learn at least something
They're talking about treants. Now, those come in all sorts of sizes and threat-levels, and these folk haven't seen half - shoot, not even 10% - of what you've seen, but given the level of noise they created, this must've been a real biggie. Apparently, it spoke to Jeff, and warned him about nearby dangers. And that probably means these treants are of a Good alignment and thus will be in your way at some point.
He then takes advantage of the Baron's aid and visits the Vandermir Orphanage, deterring any thugs from approaching him with a well-placed stare or asking them if they possibly knew where the headmaster is?
Bergill Mott, the headmaster, is soon found. He has a capable, methodical, calculating look on his face, and decides to report openly to you. He simply wants to show his loyalty, and has no ambition but keeping tomorrow like it is today. You both end the conversation feeling you've extended your personal network.
The urchins know there's 'moneypieces' to be made from running to and from a commanded destination, so the message gets delivered; and you lose a silver-but-I-refuse-to-track-annoying-details-so-f*k-it.

Sindran Eithe |

Only YOU can prevent forest fires. Also assume Sindran passed along the information about treants with my message. Hmm, I've never tortured a tree before.... That abbey sounds like our best bet for a lead on the location of the Horn. Risky endeavor, that, especially with how they seem to be able to detect evil and discern lies. Any takers?
Sindran decides to spend his time in the orphanage by scouting out the most promising and enterprising recruits, taking Mott's advice when it is given.
Next goal for Sindran is finding out who this Old One-Eye person is before asking about the Karst, those haunted hills, and what treasure might lie there. If someone organizes a plan for the abbey, Sindran can join in in whatever manner you think he should. Sindran is preoccupied with gathering resources at the moment. Any advantage is a great advantage.

Caladwhen |

Arriving at the Baron's, Caladwhen reverts to her natural form. Making her way to the Library, she stops at the Baron's office. With a smile and a curtsy, Cala affords the pompous noble the proper etiquette "Baron Vandermir, it's good to see you again. I plan to use your library for some research into Vetra-Kali. Can you direct me to your works on demonology?"
Caladwhen will spend some time in the Library at the Baron's home as well, trying to research the best way to make a pact or bargain with Vetra-Kali, or Demons of similar ilk.
Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25
Knowledge Planes: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Talon Dalkar |

Talon might prove good muscle to help with the treant (they're rather tough, even for level 6 characters. and that's assuming we find one isolated) or he could help Cala with her research, although she seems to have that well under control. Until the weekend Talon is a little aimless, ask and you shall receive aid

IBElise Zadaria |

Can you direct me to your works on demonology?
"don't you mean Daemonology? *snicker*"
In the corner, an amused smile forms on Elise's lips as she looks up from the pile of books she's been going through."But no matter - you're welcome to join me. I do believe this Vetra-Kali Eats the Eyes is in fact a powerful and ancient leukodaemon,
a harbinger of pestilence and a high servant of the Pale Horseman. Previous interactions with these creatures have been documented and they suggest, that if such a daemon prince could be summoned to our material plane and somehow controlled, they would be bound to a single act of service. It could easily call forth a pestilence so virulent it will bring Andoran to its knees. In conjunction with the invasion of the bugbear horde of Sakkarot Fire-Axe, even a nation as strong and devout as
Andoran would have a hard time weathering these twin storms. "

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How pretty is she?
hehe, you crook, you... Well, she would definitely not need to wear a bag over her head, but she'd need more of a brain to be interesting for more than, say, an hour.
As soon as the gold appears, she goes all wide-eyed and MyLord this and miLord that over you. "why sure, master Aerent! Right away!"
She nods to the bartender, and the two of you quickly go up the stairs. You find yourself before a closed door, and she hands you the key.
"Anything else I can help you with, sir...?"
Inside the room is a comfortable bed and a table from where you can see outside and oversee both roads leading to the inn and the cathedral.
After whatever other service you require from the girl has been fulfilled, she leaves, and you can search the room:
On the table is a map, weighed down by a common dagger.
Besides a few worthless personal effects, a quick search turns up a hidden stash of emergency funds; 132gp in mixed coinage, hidden in a sackcloth bag under the mattress.

Aerent Sephim |

Aerent thanks the girl, "You have been a help, my thanks."
He waits until she leaves before searching the room.
Eh, wasn't really asking for kind of encounter, just curious for something else I'm thinking about trying. :)
After finding everything in the room, he returns and approaches Talon. Handing over the map, he says, "I found this in a room that was rented by one Aiden Kael. If it's right, we have a way to avoid exploring the entire forest to find the Horn. How about flying down there and scouting it out? Watch yourself though - we now know that Kael had the location, so he probably headed that way too. And since he hasn't returned, he's probably dead now, along with the rest of his Knot."
See map link in spoiler above

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For anyone who gets their first look of the overwhelming, raw Nature that is the Bryr, it's almost impossible for him not to be intimidated. Especially from Talon's high viewpoint, in the air, the view is rich. Almost peaceful, if you can forget the merciless rules of nature - grow or be crushed, kill or be killed, eat or be eaten.
The southernmost part Caer Bryr is a temperate rainforest richly blessed with rain fall and broadleaf trees. The trees here are tall and broad. The thick-trunked baobab tree, unusual in such a wet clime, is common here and grows to enormous size. It is not uncommon to see trees hundreds of
feet tall with trunks twenty feet across. To walk into the deep Briar is to enter the domain of giants.
Every flat surface is covered with brilliant green moss and lichens in every hue. Mushrooms of a million sorts proliferate and crowd every fallen log. Small animal life is dense -- squirrels, voles, mice and white-faced ghost monkeys. Birds dwell here in endless variety and dazzling panoramas of plumage are everywhere on display.
It is a bountiful place rich and thriving with nature’s splendor.
Perhaps the single most famous feature of the southern Briar are the great stone spires. They proliferate everywhere in this jungle, rising hundreds of feet above the forest floor.
Often covered in foliage, they are the home to countless small animals. These are natural spires though numerous stories exist, originating from the local Iraen barbarian tribes, about how they were carved by ancient giants. The beauty of these spires is so great, that chances are good they have drawn more than just natural creatures. You'd expect fey and spirits to dwell in and around the stone spires in great abundance.
Fortunately, after flying for 4 hours straight, avoiding the wildlife below, and beating a few ambitious birds of prey to pulp, Talon finds the stone spire that corresponds to the one marked X on his map.
...And it looks like this.

Sindran Eithe |

During their daily meeting with Elise, Sindran mentions they've potentially found the Horn of Abaddon and then observes the Seventh Knot's reaction.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

IBElise Zadaria |

Zadaria's smug smile quickly fades and she abrubtly closes the book she had in front of her. "That is most excellent. You have... accomplished... much, in little time."
ye gods she is annoyed by your success..!
"Have you decided a base of operations yet? when you will move there? What is the shortest path there? Is the area secure? How do you guarantee your safety in the Horn? Have you found the Seal? What do you need to break it?"
She thinks but for a fraction of a moment and blurts out more questions.
"I recommend we use animal messengers for now to communicate at least once a day, to maintain a reliable line of communication, until requirements change. I assume you shall be staying there for some time - have you arranged food shipments? The barony of Mir might be helpful there."

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1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Talon: As you approach, you see this guy slowly walk a wide circle around the horn. The other trees (remember, the trees around here are giant baobab trees and their like) are almost dwarfed by him - but they gently step aside to let him pass, before settling back to their original position. From your high viewpoint, you clearly see that his mere presence allows the plantlife around him to take life and move out of the way to let him pass. While the treant passes, trees and plants within one, maybe even two hundred feet rustle their leaves and shift their branches to make room.
A quick glance to the horn shows the treeline ends about 30 - 50 ft from the bottom of the stone spire. Something down there caught the sun, but only for a split second. However, with this guy quite probably able to reach up and snatch you out of thin air if he felt like it, you know it's unwise to hang around here for long on your own.

Sindran Eithe |

Is it wrong of me to want Caladwhen to be the one talking to her?
Sindran raises a hand to stall the questions. "The horn seems to be guarded by a treant. Possibly by other spirits or fey. We, ah, may have to burn some forest to get them out of the way."
Sindran is mighty pleased at this prospect.
"For now, we're gathering resources until we can make a safe enough route to the Horn. We're in no rush to alert any of its possible guardians. Whatever caught Aiden Kael won't see us unprepared. When we've secured the area, we'll send a message or come in person to guide the first shipments. We will inform the Baron and your suggestion of animal messengers is a good one. "
Sindran does glance at Lars. Though perhaps will drive you mad.

Caladwhen |

"don't you mean Daemonology? *snicker*"
After Lars' retort to Zedaria, Cala shrugs in a manner that indicates that she doesn't care about her oversight, and coldly adds "Daemon, demon, devil... it makes little difference, as they all make excellent servants." The tone in Cala's voice suggests she isn't kidding, a perhaps chilling thought.
Picking up one of the books, Caladwhen leafs through a few pages and nods "A pestilence would be a most promising assault on Andoran. Nevertheless, it is the binding of the leukodaemon that is of concern to me, and requires further attention."
I think Cala would like to see if there are any documents or records of past attempts to bind Leukodaemon, specifically anything that may have worked in the past and what kind of bargain was made. I suspect Vetra-Kali won't release a pestilence just because we say pretty please...
Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33
Is it wrong of me to want Caladwhen to be the one talking to her?
Hah! I'm sure Zedaria would love that ;)
Turning to Sindran, Caladwhen smirks ever so slightly in approval as the half-orc shuts Zedaria's rapid fire questioning down. Leaning against the table and putting the book down, Caladwhen ponders aloud "Sindran, do you know when we should expect Talon and Aerent back? I'll need some more time here for a little research."

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Please roll a Survival DC 13 check; I've reduced the original DC with a massive +17 bonus since you've got a high viewpoint and a reasonable map; but casually going around unknown - uncharted - territory such as this, does come with a certain risk...
Sindran's little chat with Elise is now based on Aerent telling his colleagues that he found Aiden's map; Talon will probably be gone for a little while...!

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must admit, I had a little gout of evil laughter when google image search gave me that last pic :)
Farholde lies South/SouthWest of the Horn, where Talon is spending his afternoon casually getting lost. I will stop rubbing it in soon, promise.
After a while, you decide to head back to Farholde - at least, where you think Farholde is.
But because your survival roll tells us you're totally lost, you're actually headed due (1 = north, clockwise from there) => 1d8 ⇒ 1 due North!
It does not take long for you to realize that none of the surroundings are familiar, and you're suddenly fighting of new types of ambitious birds - so you change course to 1d8 ⇒ 7 north-northwest.
The shadows lengthen, and navigating becomes even more difficult - reroll required: survival dc 15: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Well - You've got no idea - except that the one thing you're sure of, is that you're not heading south-southwest right now.
You decide to turn 1d8 ⇒ 6 around; and as sheer luck would have it, you're now heading perfectly due SSW, towards Farhold.
Soon, things start making sense again, and from that point, it's only 2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4 hours to the place where you took off this afternoon.
You know it will be past midnight before you even see the town again, though.
Then, unexpectedly...some sort of sticky strand grabs hold of your neck!
CMB vs your CMD19: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23
you should really have had 1d6 random encounters @ CR5... But since your discovery is so important I'll only cash in 1. Today's XP was earned by learning not to wander off unprepared :P

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getting lost can be quite fun on tabletop, but let's not wait for eachother to post rolls here - it would drag things out too much IMHO.
*many edits later*
I realized I could not simply let you get away with it. So, you are now hanging by your neck on some sticky stuff. Have fun };->