Caladwhen |

Yeah, I can't think of a better way to get both the Daemon and Ezra off our backs for awhile... it'll give us some breathing room to get something done! We are going to have to deal with that elemental eventually, but Cala for one is tapped out of spells presently; this will be a show Ezra the seal and get the hell outta Dodge type mission.
After a quick nod towards Talon, the weary elf maid faces Hexor confidently but quietly. With a reluctant sigh, Caladwhen slowly extends her hand and adds "Let us be done with this business then master guardians."

Hexor-or-Vexor-never-quite-sure |

The Daemon gingerly grabs Caladwhen in one hand, and Talon in the other. It takes a deep breath (which sounds something like a fire truck's engine) and speaks:
"hold your breath. It is easier that way."
Instantly, the world around you becomes a blur. At blistering speed, you faintly recognize stonework - a chamber - more stonework - another chamber - stones, stonework - a stair? - blackness - and as suddenly as it started, Talon and Caladwhen find themselves standing (somewhat wobbly) on the solid stone floor of the balcony (far left of S-2) in the shrine all the way at the top of the Horn.
The Daemon is hanging over you, its back arched. It is emitting an angered, throaty growl, much like that of a cornered cat - except it's a very big, very angry, very scary, extremely dangerous cat...
You can hear the lightning strike uncomfortably close to you every few seconds - The lightning elemental orbiting the dome discharges at the daemon; Vexor is hurt, but he endures. For now.
And if that weren't discomfort enough, the huge silver seal and chains covering the shrine at the far side of the room emit a sickening aura of holier-than-thou-liness, so thick you can almost taste it. But you'd rather not.
"gggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. OW! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... YARR- ggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooowwwrrrrr...."

IBEzra-Thrice-Damned |

Then, casually, Ezra pops up her head through the floor between the balcony and the stairway. She looks around, as if expecting Sindran to have already cleaned up and made tea for her.
As soon as she appears though, the Seal pulsates, emanating a wave of raw holy magic which *almost* reaches your spot on the balcony. Ezra though...catches the full load of it, and burns her pretty face almost clean off.
"YAAAAAAAAAARGHH!!!(followed by a seemingly endless string of colorful swearing that fortunately would not translate well)I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS!!!"
screaming, the spirit disappears into the floor.

Talon Dalkar |

Talon shakes his head to get his senses. "That's a nice trick, I might have to learn that sometime." He looks around to see Vexor taking the lighting. "We could probably just go over there and kill it." He feels the wave of magic come over them. "Of course there's that to deal with ..."
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Hexor-or-Vexor-never-quite-sure |

"gggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. ggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooowwwrrrrr.... ARR! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... YEOW - "
The cornered-cat sounds increase with the lightning elemental's attempts to discharge upon you. It will not be long (not long enough!) before the Daemon will expire under the onslaught.
sense motive: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16
"eheheh-wasn't expecting that ehh, rag? *zap* HOWWrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"

Caladwhen |

As Ezra disappears beneath the floor in agony, Caladwhen smiles wickedly and whispers "Thank-you for allowing me to witness that Vexor, it was a most satisfying experience."
Looking over to Talon, the elf maid appears to have regained her confidence and laughs, but shakes her head "That should shut her up for awhile, but we need to go, now. We're in no condition to take on this Elemental at the moment."
Grasping Vexor's hand, Caladwhen quickly exclaims "Take us back Vexor; even one as mighty as yourself cannot take this forever."
Before leaving, Caladwhen quickly glances down towards the seal to try and take in as much information as she can before being whisked away from the Inner Sanctum.
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

Aerent Sephim |

Unless specifically invited, Aerent would not accompany the group to see the Seal.
Aerent watches as the members of the group disappear. Sighing, he stares at the ruined remains of the shrine for a moment before leaving the room to continue his search.

Hexor-or-Vexor-never-quite-sure |

unceremoniously the big brute grabs the both of you and drags you back down to where you left your co-conspirators.
Again, the stonework and floor plans zip by in a fraction of a second. The dizzying effect probably requires some getting used to.
With the fur on its back blackened in several places, burned and smoking in others, the twin growls: "That. Was. extremely unpleasant."
He points a finger at Sindran; you half expect it to blast a ray of disintegration when the Daemon instead snarls: "Grow a brain and use it. You cannot just walk in there. Look what you made me do - now Hexor will need to go and brush my fur. He detests brushing."
Vexor pops off, leaving nothing but a little strand of smoke.

Morvius Zaan |

Mmmmm, I love the smell of burning daemon in the morning ... or indeed at any time of day...
Morvius extracts a pen from an oilskin - presumably plastic isn't available in Golarion - pocket protector in the front of his cream silk doublet.
"This seems like an opportune moment for us to take stock of where we have got to and what still needs to be done. I have got reclaim the Horn by killing the elemental - and those goblins - and securing the various entrances, once we have established where they all are."
"What else needs doing immediately? Further on, I should like to visit Farholde to collect my alchemy lab and my smithing tools but that is less urgent than securing this place."

Morvius Zaan |

Talon remains staring at where Vexor left. "You know it could be an excellent time to get rid of them. Vexor is in a weakened state, but we would need to act quickly."
Morvius is clearly in two minds about this, but - reluctantly - comes down against Talon's decision.
"Much as I appreciate the idea of ridding the world of two daemons, you may recall that Little Miss Iconography has suggested that we might be able to find the means to control them. I think they would make extremely powerful and useful servants and am minded to let them heal up.
"Besides, they can teleport, remember? How do you propose to kill something that can escape by blinking through entire floors?"

Sindran Eithe |

Sindran remains standing placidly where he was left, only tilting his head to watch when Aerent leaves. "..."
When Vexor arrives with the others then summarily leaves, adding another accusation on Sindran's belt, the half-orc looks around, perhaps checking if he's really left.
"They'll just return to this plane after some time," he comments to Talon. His tone is curt, a sign to those who know him that he's annoyed or frustrated. "I think we've finished looking at the whole tower. We should be visiting Farholde soon. Feel free to explore on your own time, Morvius. The others can give you a list of things needed or places of interest. I should get some rest."
With that, Sindran leaves the room, heading to the Meditation Hall of the High Priest for sleep and dreams of creative murder.
A single Scroll of Resist Energy (CL 11) for 30 resist is 550gp. Better choose who goes in wisely. I'd pick Sindran for diplomacy or Talon for killing.

Talon Dalkar |

Talon eyes Sindran as he goes. Well he's a little pissed off. Hope he can keep his mind busy. Talon raises his hands over his head to stretch, cracking his neck. "Well I have an idea or two for a few new traps. I'm going to go do some mapping and resourcing for that."

Aerent Sephim |

Aerent blinks in surprise as his comrades reappear with Vexor... or Hexor. Giving a small eyebrow raise of surprise, he points at Morvius.
"You, Morvius, you said something a few minutes ago that got me thinking... That statue, the one that seems to be of such great craftsmanship. You said something about it maybe being a real person. Is there a way to tell for certain?"
"As for the rest, I don't think we kill the goblins yet. They've actually proven useful... and to be honest, I'm wondering if destroying that shrine like I did might end up calling some of Her worshippers here to investigate. If nothing else, we should keep the goblins around for fodder to deter anybody who shouldn't be here."
Nodding at Talon, Aerent agrees, "I'd like to see what you have in mind. I've been playing around with some ideas too."

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Yes, this is a petrified person. He's carrying a full bag - wonder what's inside...!
Also, for pretty darn obvious reasons, turning a petrfied person back to flesh while the head is disconnected will instantly kill the person.
Remember, your characters would remember that you found some stone salve in 1-18

Morvius Zaan |

Morvius raises an eyebrow at Sindran's abrupt departure, but says nothing.
Hm, the greenskinned-one appears to be a thin-skinned one ... interesting ...
In response to Aerent, Morvius turns his attention to the statue:
Perception check on the statue: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Spellcraft check on the statue: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27
Knowledge(arcana) check on the statue: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
While studying the statue, Morvius voices his thoughts on Aerent's comments regarding the goblins:
"It is true that our main concern right now is the elemental, as it is blocking our access to the seal."
*tap tap* on the statue
"Nevertheless, I would suggest that dead goblins will make unquestioning, obedient, unsleeping, undead servants; live goblins are Chaotic, lazy and prone to support whomever they perceive to be strongest - that's how they came to serve you, is it not? Conditional loyalty is ... conditional."
*scrape scrape scratch scritch* on the statue
"Also" - and here Morvius' aspect takes on an almost bestial level of ferocity and contemptuous anger - "they don't believe in writing and so cannot sign contracts! This alone makes them unworthy of retaining their current privileges."
*grate grate griiiind* of Morvius' claws on the statue as he expresses his views
From Morvius' expression, it is clear that their "current privileges" would seem to include merely existing and breathing. He quickly calms down however:
Insert confident concusion about statue here, once IB tells me what that confident conclusion is...
"You mentioned preparing some traps. As a legacy of my youth, I have some skill in manufacturing such things - +15 to dice rolls, or +20 with Crafter's Fortune - and would be glad to assist in turning your - no doubt pleasingly gruesome - ideas into painful reality. I would however need to retrieve my crafting tools from Farholde."
Sindran - Morvius can prepare extracts of Protection from Energy, but only for himself at the moment. I'm happy for Morvius to act as the 'lightning rod' and draw the elemental's attention so that we can ALL go to the fight - Enlarge Person (and a few insults) should do the trick - but I would need a healer standing in the space behind me, as not all the damage is likely to be electricity!
Cala - Is there any chance we could get your familiar to fly around the outside of the Horn checking for entrances we don't yet know about? Maybe offer a reward for each new entrance he finds... We really, really, don't want anything crawling in through a hole and surprising us!

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The statue is a petrified priest - the statue is the result of a flesh-to-stone spell.
The priest was carrying a bag of sorts which seems full. a detect magic reveals that while the mag may have been petrified, a magic item inside the bag is not. It radiates a strong aura of evil evocation.

Caladwhen |

Looking closely at the bag, Caladwhen ponders at moment "There is some form of powerful evocation magic in this bag. Fascinating"
Raising an eyebrow inquisitively, Cala adds "We need to get at whatever is in that bag... I have a sinking feeling it might be something very useful to us."
Maybe if we're lucky, it's the third eye.

Aerent Sephim |

With a grin, Aerent laughs at Morvius' observations on the goblins. "I admit, having undead servants around is nice on occasion, but I'm not sure Caladwhen wants to make a bunch of undead goblins. You're certainly welcome to ask her though."
After the necromancer opines on the status of the evocation magic in the bag, Aerent gives her a long appraising look, "Well, that makes this decision easier. Let's retrieve his head, lotion this guy up, then take his stuff. We should be able to keep him docile enough once he's flesh again."
"Come on, Movius, I'll show you the alchemy lab and that golem we found."
Unless somebody else really opposes it, Aerent is going to go find this guy's head, get the stone salve, then de-stone him. For now, we can keep him locked up in that cell we found.

Morvius Zaan |

Morvius visibly makes himself relax.
You're new to the group - don't throw your weight around
He acknowledges Aerent's slight mockery, smiling back at the Anti-Paladin. "True enough - that might be somewhat beneath Her Ladyship's dignity, would it not? And we can't have that... Talon, you're also right about the smell of zombies - but there are alternatives such as skeletons, are there not? I admit my knowledge of the undead is somewhat limited." Actually non-existent but not 'fessing up to that...
He is however reluctant to let the point go completely:
"It's just that I would feel a LOT more comfortable if I knew they were completely under our control. What we're doing is risky enough without complicating factors."
Morvius bows to Aerent: "Now, Good Sir, by all means lead on to the lab - and the Golem - it interests me strangely..."
As long as we have somewhere secure to store the victim until we need to use it, I'm happy for it to be re-fleshified.

Talon Dalkar |

A hint of annoyance creeps into Talon's voice. "Controlling undead puts strain on Cala, she can only do so much at once. I won't have her energy used up on something as pitiful as goblins just so you can sleep a little better at night. I'm an outdoor nocturnal creature and I've had to deal with daytime and cave dwelling for a long time. Suck it up."

Caladwhen |

While studying the statue and its contents, Caladwhen appears only to be half listening to the conversation with respect to the goblins. Finally, after hearing her name spoken repeatedly, Caladwhen looks over towards Morvius somewhat superciliously "Goblins? Talon is right... raising such ramshackle creatures from the dead is a waste of my energy. The undead are reflections of what they were in life; I can't make anything useful with such terrible material."
Waving her hand dismissively, Caladwhen labors the point further "Your concerns about the goblins are not unfounded, but of all the threats crawling about the horn, I think we can agree that the goblins are the least of our worries. Dreadfully powerful Daemons, a mammoth Elemental and one very demanding and cruel Banshee... I think perhaps we should worry about them before we pay any heed to the goblins, nuisance though they may be." Pausing a moment, Caladwhen somewhat indifferently adds "Besides, I have already raised their former Champion from the dead. It has suitably frightened the goblins into submission to see their old Chieftain in such a state of unnatural servitude, at least for the time being. We have plenty of time to rid ourselves of the goblins should the need arise."
Following Aerent's lead, Caladwhen begins to head for the exit "Now let's get this statue repaired and see what the bag contains, after which I would really like to find those plates."

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The statue is dragged into a nearby cell (2-5) and with some effort you manage to cement the head back on. He looks quite funny, with a scar across his beard.
for a little while, Morvius examines the flask you found in the alchemy lab. He unceremoniously pours it out over the statue's head. The gooey substance slowly leaks down, almost peeling the stonework off and leaving a pale and unhealthy human male in its path.
Increasingly brown and dirty, the substance eventually reaches the floor. As the last drop seeps into the stonework, the man springs to life.

Morvius Zaan |

Morvius raises an eyebrow at Talon's remarks. "You prefer the outdoors? Fascinating - I didn't know that, I'm afraid I know little of your race. As I mentioned before, I have some skill in crafting - I would be happy to create something that would allow you to sleep outside and keep the bugs away from you; it would be a good way of getting the kinks out of my system before I start crafting anything more substantive. Would that interest you?"
This is a genuine offer, if slightly clumsily made - Morvius would far rather put his energy into fighting Andoran rather than anyone in the group... perhaps he is getting better at relating to other people?
Turning to Cala, Morvius bows. "My lady, it is indeed as you say: there are other threats. I hope to take down the elemental at the earliest opportunity and take its blood; the daemons can be neutralised by finding the plates to control them; and as for the banshee - well..."
Morvius smiles, nastily:
"A necromancer who ... cannot or will not control the undead we encounter is much like a square wheel, wouldn't you say?"
And he was doing so well...
Morvius speeds off after Aerent, keen to explore the laboratory the Anti-Paladin mentioned. He finds the stone salve and the large glass container - which would be a very good receptacle for the lightning elemental's blood - and proceeds to pour the salve over the statue...

Talon Dalkar |

Morvius raises an eyebrow at Talon's remarks. "You prefer the outdoors? Fascinating - I didn't know that, I'm afraid I know little of your race. As I mentioned before, I have some skill in crafting - I would be happy to create something that would allow you to sleep outside and keep the bugs away from you; it would be a good way of getting the kinks out of my system before I start crafting anything more substantive. Would that interest you?"
This is a genuine offer, if slightly clumsily made - Morvius would far rather put his energy into fighting Andoran rather than anyone in the group... perhaps he is getting better at relating to other people?
Yeah, Talon's not
Talon shakes his head. "Let's think this through. Before today, can you imagine any reason I might avoid sleeping outside?"

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As soon as his lungs catch air, he screams:
blinking, he realizes he's not where he was expecting to be. He quietly mutters to himself:
"How peculiar. One instant I'm running for my life, the next I'm in a cell. .. What great magic those Light-worshipers posess..."
It is then, that he looks around and sees you all.
"Are you Light-worshipers? Then you should know I am Halthus the Flayer, Chief Torturer. If you have entered my domain walking in the light, then you will not leave here alive. Or, for that matter, in one piece."

Morvius Zaan |

I rather thought it was this:
Talon is harrassed by small snakes, rodents, insects and birds all night. You get some rest, but it's not much.
I'm going to leave our new toy to the high-Charisma types - if they're going to put all those points into what Gygax clearly intended to be a dump stat, then they should at least be allowed to show off on occasion... ;)

Talon Dalkar |

I rather thought it was this:
Incredibelly wrote:Talon is harrassed by small snakes, rodents, insects and birds all night. You get some rest, but it's not much.I'm going to leave our new toy to the high-Charisma types - if they're going to put all those points into what Gygax clearly intended to be a dump stat, then they should at least be allowed to show off on occasion... ;)
More worried about the treant

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Halthus wobbles a bit - his moment of clarity seems to have passed. It's hard to blame him; the last he knew was that brothers were dying all around him.
He fumbles around with the primitive cloth bag around his shoulder and produces a giant emerald, much like the two others you've already seen.
smiling wickedly with pride, he realizes that his petrification prevented the holy ones from stealing the third Eye.
When he fell, I saw the jewel flying loose. He dropped the eye, but I caught it, and ran...Although I didn't get very far.
With this - we can restore Vetra Kali. Wherever he is now."

Caladwhen |

"A necromancer who ... cannot or will not control the undead we encounter is much like a square wheel, wouldn't you say?"
And he was doing so well...
He was doing so well; luckily Caladwhen doesn't lose her temper easily... part of the benefits of having a high wisdom.
Rolling her eyes, Caladwhen brushes off the passive aggressive comment with a shrug "Morvius, you clearly don't know much of the dead. Banshee are willful, intelligent, and extremely powerful phantoms." Shaking her head dismissively, Caladwhen adds with a short laugh "Even if I could control her, such domination would be tenuous at best; should she escape, all our lives would be in grave danger."
With a quiet and grave voice, Caladwhen whispers "The wail of the Banshee is not to be trifled with or taken lightly."
Commanding intelligent undead at lower levels is risky business for the record, just in-case you're wondering. They get a will check every 24 hours to try and break free.
~ Speaking with Halthus ~
Nodding patiently with Halthus, Caladwhen appears uncharacteristically gentle with him, speaking to him in abyssal "Indeed Halthus, we are certainly not followers of the light. In fact, we are your allies, and the time of reckoning is at hand."
Casting her gaze towards the ceiling, Cala appears saddened "Vetra-Kali is not dead, but he has been expelled and barred from this earth by the Sarenaeans. We intend to address that problem, with your help Halthus."
Caladwhen will explain what happened to him, how long he has been out and who we are. She'll explain the rough strokes of our plan (leaving out details like we plan to sacrifice him), and how he can help.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
That ought to do.
After explaining his predicament to him, Caladwhen slowly reaches for the third eye "Halthus, if you would please hand me the eye... we can help usher in the darkness."

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*begins to hans over the eye*
"That sounds delightful. I know a few things about this place that will certainly help our cause. Have you read the murals, for instance? "
He nods towards 2-21, the hallway with insane amounts of historical graffiti.
"But alas - I seem to be stuck, here in this cell."
*withdraws the eye if anyone tries to grab it - with a disappointed smile*

Morvius Zaan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Morvius listens attentively to Caladwhen's explanation "That's unfortunate, I'd always somehow imagined necromancers to have unlimited power over all the undead. Shame to find out the reality is a little more ... prosaic. Still, I've learned something new."
With a slightly theatrical flourish, Morvius extracts a vial from somewhere on his person and proffers it:"Holy water - I don't know how much use it would be against something of that power, but if it would be a morale-boost, you're welcome to have it. I have plenty more."
Morvius says nothing during the debriefing of Halthus, but he watches carefully as Cala (and any of the other high-Charisma types) go about their business: the rhetorical devices used, the tone of voice employed, the body language... Morvius is very bad with people (he likes to think it's because he is misunderstood, but he suspects it's actually because people understand him all too well), but he's a swift learner and a keen observer.
When Halthus does the bait-and-switch with the Eye, Morvius purses his lips and endeavours to catch Caladwhen's eye, flexing his wrist slightly as if to say want me to teach him not to do that...?

Talon Dalkar |

Talon puts a hand on Morvius's shoulder, knowing all too well what was on his mind. He turns him around and whispers. "I know where you're coming from, but if they want a show of force they'll ask us. I'm about as good with people as you are, let it be unless we're asked something."