Male Elven| Sorc 6/Ora 1|
Resources: Spells: (Sorc1 5/7| Sorc2 5/5|Sorc3 3/3 | Oracle 5/5)| Tangle Vine 6/6| Wooden Weapon 6/6 |Wands: Charm (49)| End. Elem (30) Stats:
HP:32 (-14 from con loss) | AC:15(19) (13/12(16)) | Saves:+2/+5/+8 |Initiative:+3|Perc:+3|Diplomacy/Bluff:+19/+16| Sense Motive: +12|+1 Longbow +7 Atk 1d8+1 dmg 20/20 Fort vs Ghost doom affect: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Male Elven| Sorc 6/Ora 1|
Resources: Spells: (Sorc1 5/7| Sorc2 5/5|Sorc3 3/3 | Oracle 5/5)| Tangle Vine 6/6| Wooden Weapon 6/6 |Wands: Charm (49)| End. Elem (30) Stats:
HP:32 (-14 from con loss) | AC:15(19) (13/12(16)) | Saves:+2/+5/+8 |Initiative:+3|Perc:+3|Diplomacy/Bluff:+19/+16| Sense Motive: +12|+1 Longbow +7 Atk 1d8+1 dmg 20/20 Ery watches in a strange, raised-brow awe as Andor imbibes liquid after liquid, altering and enhancing his prowess.
Male Elven| Sorc 6/Ora 1|
Resources: Spells: (Sorc1 5/7| Sorc2 5/5|Sorc3 3/3 | Oracle 5/5)| Tangle Vine 6/6| Wooden Weapon 6/6 |Wands: Charm (49)| End. Elem (30) Stats:
HP:32 (-14 from con loss) | AC:15(19) (13/12(16)) | Saves:+2/+5/+8 |Initiative:+3|Perc:+3|Diplomacy/Bluff:+19/+16| Sense Motive: +12|+1 Longbow +7 Atk 1d8+1 dmg 20/20 Turning to Tereze, the elf tucked his old journal away into a pack off the small of his back. He gave a simple nod before he realized they had official titles... "Damn it! Really? You're all titled lords and ladies?!" He let out a groaned sigh.
Looking to the new arrival, Ery gives a bow and holds out a hand in greeting. "Oh! Another new partner. Yup, that would be us. Going to explore a boat. He chuckled, trying his best to wash away the nine kinds of confused and awkward he felt by sudden realizations.
Male Elven| Sorc 6/Ora 1|
Resources: Spells: (Sorc1 5/7| Sorc2 5/5|Sorc3 3/3 | Oracle 5/5)| Tangle Vine 6/6| Wooden Weapon 6/6 |Wands: Charm (49)| End. Elem (30) Stats:
HP:32 (-14 from con loss) | AC:15(19) (13/12(16)) | Saves:+2/+5/+8 |Initiative:+3|Perc:+3|Diplomacy/Bluff:+19/+16| Sense Motive: +12|+1 Longbow +7 Atk 1d8+1 dmg 20/20 Looking curiously at cloth, Ery takes a moment to unwrap the item.
"You cheeky alchemical bastard." His face goals pale then a little red before shifting back to his resting hues. his mouth opens again but no words escape as flashes of everything he had done with her assuming she was male hits a psychic punch. A moment of silence as just stares at Locke. Completely in disbelief.
Male Elven| Sorc 6/Ora 1|
Resources: Spells: (Sorc1 5/7| Sorc2 5/5|Sorc3 3/3 | Oracle 5/5)| Tangle Vine 6/6| Wooden Weapon 6/6 |Wands: Charm (49)| End. Elem (30) Stats:
HP:32 (-14 from con loss) | AC:15(19) (13/12(16)) | Saves:+2/+5/+8 |Initiative:+3|Perc:+3|Diplomacy/Bluff:+19/+16| Sense Motive: +12|+1 Longbow +7 Atk 1d8+1 dmg 20/20 Giving a nod to Tereze, the elf moves to embrace the healer with a larger, over-the-shoulder hug. "Oh, I am sure Torch was delightful. But I'm here now, I protect you from naked drug lords." He looks to Andor with a smile, "You must be the groups solid protector. I look forward to working with you, sir. Hopefully you don't mind protecting my frail self." Releasing his friend from the hug he ponders a moment on Gwen's tavern and looking over the pamphlet. Shaking his head he offers a shrug. "Sadly, no. I've been very busy lately and my duties do make it a little difficult to spark whimsy. Spinning on heel, Ery reached out to Melisande's hand, taking it with light, caressing hold. "I've only heard of you through the Dark Archive rumor mills and fame mongers." He gave her a once over before releasing her hand, bring his own to his chin in thought.
"And who, silent peer, are you?" He gives the young woman a once over, taking a hint from Andor's reference to the Alchemies. "If Melisandre was the groups moral center after my leave...that must make you chemically inclined alchemist I heard about after Locke moved on?"
Male Elven| Sorc 6/Ora 1|
Resources: Spells: (Sorc1 5/7| Sorc2 5/5|Sorc3 3/3 | Oracle 5/5)| Tangle Vine 6/6| Wooden Weapon 6/6 |Wands: Charm (49)| End. Elem (30) Stats:
HP:32 (-14 from con loss) | AC:15(19) (13/12(16)) | Saves:+2/+5/+8 |Initiative:+3|Perc:+3|Diplomacy/Bluff:+19/+16| Sense Motive: +12|+1 Longbow +7 Atk 1d8+1 dmg 20/20 Eryzule made his way to the gathering spot to once again meet fellows and reactive the risk and reward of his adventuring career. He had a limp caused by a twist in his knee from a former injury that was made easier by large twisted staff he used to ease any discomfort from the limb.
Male Elven| Sorc 6/Ora 1|
Resources: Spells: (Sorc1 5/7| Sorc2 5/5|Sorc3 3/3 | Oracle 5/5)| Tangle Vine 6/6| Wooden Weapon 6/6 |Wands: Charm (49)| End. Elem (30) Stats:
HP:32 (-14 from con loss) | AC:15(19) (13/12(16)) | Saves:+2/+5/+8 |Initiative:+3|Perc:+3|Diplomacy/Bluff:+19/+16| Sense Motive: +12|+1 Longbow +7 Atk 1d8+1 dmg 20/20 Ery turns to view the approaching, hostile gnomes.
This has been a fruitful post.
Its evolving(or devolving) into an opera game centered around the would demi-gods and their inter party relations during a series of events (IE Rune Lords). I may file a report after each session (Assuming there is more than one). Just to show how quickly or ridiculously such a game.
Hello fellow GMs and enthusiasts all! I'm planning on running a 'by-the-book' Rune lords game except for one itsy-bitsy change.
Assume I know what I'm doing here. I've run this adventure... a lot in my little local area. Even completed running it twice.
So here are the caveats my players agreed to.
In essence, they want to go through the game bit by bit and solve this as gods...especially the first 2 chapters.
More or less, Anyone got any advise for the tom-foolery i'm about to get myself into?
Male Elven| Sorc 6/Ora 1|
Resources: Spells: (Sorc1 5/7| Sorc2 5/5|Sorc3 3/3 | Oracle 5/5)| Tangle Vine 6/6| Wooden Weapon 6/6 |Wands: Charm (49)| End. Elem (30) Stats:
HP:32 (-14 from con loss) | AC:15(19) (13/12(16)) | Saves:+2/+5/+8 |Initiative:+3|Perc:+3|Diplomacy/Bluff:+19/+16| Sense Motive: +12|+1 Longbow +7 Atk 1d8+1 dmg 20/20 "Down you go!"
Male Elven| Sorc 6/Ora 1|
Resources: Spells: (Sorc1 5/7| Sorc2 5/5|Sorc3 3/3 | Oracle 5/5)| Tangle Vine 6/6| Wooden Weapon 6/6 |Wands: Charm (49)| End. Elem (30) Stats:
HP:32 (-14 from con loss) | AC:15(19) (13/12(16)) | Saves:+2/+5/+8 |Initiative:+3|Perc:+3|Diplomacy/Bluff:+19/+16| Sense Motive: +12|+1 Longbow +7 Atk 1d8+1 dmg 20/20 Rp surprise: Ery busts out from a vendor's kiosk.
"No one ever expects the Verdant Inquisition! Quick! Fiona, Be more inquisitive!"
LN Ifrit Fire Sorcerer 10
Vitals: HP:50/50| AC: 17 (T:17|FF:14)|Saves (F+4|R+6|W+4)|Perc +12|Initiative: +7|Fire Resist 20 Resources:
Fire Ray 10/day 1d6+5 fire| Lv 1 spells: 8/8|Lv2 Spells: 8/8|Lv3 spells: 7/7|Lv4 6/6|Lv5 4/4| Spell-Like: Burninghands 1/day 5d4+10| Imoya looks to Denario with a raised brow.
As Imoya nearly drifts asleep The sight of something skittering into Tural's pouch catches his eye. "Tural, You have a rather large poisonous insect in your pouch... Hold still, I'll fix the problem."[/b] He says as he steadily aims his index finger at the nether regions of the treeman.
Male Elven| Sorc 6/Ora 1|
Resources: Spells: (Sorc1 5/7| Sorc2 5/5|Sorc3 3/3 | Oracle 5/5)| Tangle Vine 6/6| Wooden Weapon 6/6 |Wands: Charm (49)| End. Elem (30) Stats:
HP:32 (-14 from con loss) | AC:15(19) (13/12(16)) | Saves:+2/+5/+8 |Initiative:+3|Perc:+3|Diplomacy/Bluff:+19/+16| Sense Motive: +12|+1 Longbow +7 Atk 1d8+1 dmg 20/20 So I am understanding we don't want to blow the place up then. time. |