Golden Orb

Sovliss's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts (2,415 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


You’ve both found yourself traveling with a caravan to the small town of Sandpoint.
The Caravan consists of 30+ individuals from all around Varisia all excited for the Swallow Tail festival being held in commemoration for new church having been constructed.

Qhisz was often observed with immediate distrust. Though with the aid of his signet and the hireling at his side, most became dismissive.

Endra, however, was seen as an oddity. Her form of dress and greyish skin kept people glancing. Though most would offer a nod to the fledgling hunter in passing.

The Caravan arrived in the morning, around 10am from the northern gate of the town. Once inside, the caravan dispersed quickly.

Many of the more well-to-do folk hurried into The White Deer. An inn where if you have the coin to spare, you can rest in luxury.
Others Rushed to the Rusty Dragon Inn, a cheaper place, but known for its rowdy and entertaining stays.

The town was already packed even before the caravan arrived. Guards are ever present and population is truly jovial with the festival that was nearly upon them. Shops are open until noon, each with a sign stating that they will be closed at that time.


Here is where we can discuss OOC, Rules and the troublesome bits...
Or laugh a lot.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello fellow GMs and enthusiasts all!

I'm planning on running a 'by-the-book' Rune lords game except for one itsy-bitsy change.
My players will be level 20 and 10th mystic from the start with a 25pt buy.

Assume I know what I'm doing here. I've run this adventure... a lot in my little local area. Even completed running it twice.
I had a few of my regular players discuss the desires of a power game and thought to myself... "Hey, what if they had all the power they could achieve in this game from the start?"

So here are the caveats my players agreed to.
1) Play through the game.
2) All characters must have a motivation strong enough to allow them to be in Sandpoint for the festival.

In essence, they want to go through the game bit by bit and solve this as gods...especially the first 2 chapters.
So far it seems I have A super Grippli Gunslinger. A Cat who is a Sorcerer. And a Lich.

More or less, Anyone got any advise for the tom-foolery i'm about to get myself into?

Silver Crusade

Is there separated scales for starships vs characters?

A character seems entirely capable of taking down ships on their own.


Silver Crusade

I'm searching for more specific info on the distance one can traverse in the shadow plane and how much that translates to material plane travel.
As I'm aware of it, a step could equal leagues.
Any ideas?

So, I've been apart of a campaign for 3+ years now. Doing great. last year I retired a lv 10 paladin and have since returned to the game as a lv 13 Eoxian lich.

This is not unusual for our DM to allow things like this.

Anyway, I've been doing all kinds of research since I've brought this character, Synthesis, to the table. A lot of fun.

Now that the holiday break is coming to an end, id like to solidify his perspective. I think I have time frame he's been around, nearly 14k that was the best I could come up with as the lore on the destruction of the twins is a bit...sunken in legend lore.

I'm under the impression that the bone-lords and similar ilk look at everything with a distant 'nose to the air' mentality or a vague detached know-it-all...ness. with so little on their sparse culture and paranoid habits... It's proving a great challenge to play an eoxian, something Id like to further enhance. I want to do them justice!
So, thought on how Long undead Eoxians look at the rest of the worlds?


Some Thematic Background Music for this intro

A Space Opera

The Imperialist Gov't that now runs Terra has begun to spread it's influence across the Sol system. Boasting the largest fleet known to humanity, few dare oppose the magnificent of the sheer military force. The Terran forces seek to expand humanities reach beyond the system, however access beyond the asteroid belt in Sol alone is strictly off limits to civilian and industrial vessels. ((General Idea for Terran Military Officer Uniform ))

The Gate Mechina, A massive wormhole generator that had recently come into operational ranges, hovers over Luna's orbit as a testaments to human kinds ingenuity. People from all ranges of life register with groups of ships to venture into untouched territory. Many of these end in lost vessels, tragic ends or simply dead systems. Some, however, arrive in worlds of bounty and riches. The Imperial Decree is that all registered Psi personas are granted access.

Mars, the only Gov't body strong enough to cause the Imperial Terra to pause, has most of its military might fending off pirates in the asteroid belt. Its citizens grow weary of the Terran influence on their world through the actions of the Baroness Wendy. A known Telepath and ambassador from Terra to Mars.

An out of date vessel, returning to Luna's surface station from a month salvaging operation in the Asteroid belt finally passes of its cargo to a salvage traders on its way back to mars... The crew, having spare time, stretches it legs and prepares for its next operation...
Luna Colony Hub: Styx

A place that has grown considerably in the last seven years, since the GM went up in orbit. It boasts a myriad of shops, stations, and job markets. It also is home to one of the system's largest civilian colonies that is self-sustaining from the reliance of imported goods. The Moon-folk of Luna are a proud people who stylize themselves with silver dye in their hair either full blown or simple streaks. The population is 3,500,000 and growing. The Moon-folk have a simple rule of thumb: Don't cause problems, we wont ask questions. A rule that is followed thoroughly by Terrans, Martians and Pirates alike.

The ships has landed on an exterior landing pad accessible by mag-lev. it takes 5 minutes from the pad to the center of the hub. From the hub, one can see through the observation glass above, the Gate Mechina and the vessels that move into and out of the gate.


STEP 2: Coordinating Background!
1) Flesh how the group came to be
2) Combine and arrange 'enemies'
3) Fluff

Hello friends,

Many moons ago I ran a GURPS game. Infinite worlds. Solid. Solid Players. Great Concepts. Overall, a great time.
We theater of the minded all combat and the RP was just so solid.

It came to end as Life and time began to crunch around me. Sacrifices were made.

Well, as time has once again opened up, I was curious to see if our lovely community would be interested in a PbP GURPS game and the genre of game they'd want.

So for those interested, throw down a game idea.

I am currently looking over my options of material and simply want to know what kind of player base we have for this option.

suppose...if we really wanted...we could convert a pathfinder AP to GURPS...just for gits and shigs.

Ah, so here it goes...

I have a lv 13 (nearly 14) Sorcerer. Nanite Sorc from an undead Eoxian (non-bone lord).

I'm currently rocking 6 levels of sorc and 7 levels of Technomancer.

The concept is this: Synthesis (the character) Failed at lichdom but succeeded in undeath... His nanites, during the transformation, infused themselves with the Plane of Shadow.

His flavor is, as Eoxian lore suggests, crazy awesome megalomaniac man-of-science! Spells are utilitarian with a special love of shadow/illusion.

We have the weapon/armor, cybernetic, and tech item Craft Tech feats, and the GM is allowing me to bring tech into his otherwise Techless game.

Despite having played him for nearly two months... I feel the character is having some issues mechanically. For fluff, I am aware he's not optimized. My group (Save one) rarely power games, so I'm now worried about that.

What spells should I have in my arsenal that would benefit as utilitarian, Tech Flavor, and or shadow/illusion awesome-sauce?

Dark Archive

Elves and half-elves are common among the temple prostitutes of the Pleasure Salon of Calistria in the Ascendant Court district of Absalom. Elves are otherwise relatively uncommon in Absalom, mostly consisting of adventurers or outcasts; more common are their half-elven descendants. The temple prostitutes are clean and well-educated, and offer their services on a sliding scale; they can develop a high social status in the city.
The edifice is constructed in the colonnaded style of a classical Azlanti temple to match the architecture of Absalom rather than elven cities. Its exterior is covered with bas-relief sculptures of hedonistic humanoids, and it is rumored that the interior contains blasphemous sculptures of Calistria herself engaging in salacious activities with other deities. Although Calistria's priests play a significant role in the operations of the temple, the salon is managed by the ranking sacred prostitute, Dyrianna of House Avenstar.
Additionally, the temple supplies a unique wasp honey used by the city's mead brewers, as well as a public baths that has become a meeting-place for distrustful factions due to the requirement for nudity.

Here, those of the temple (Formally or otherwise) and can mingle and interact. Official clergy can be an ear for the weary or simply provide as their client's needs (Hopefully keeping it clean and just suggestive or subsumed). Enjoy.

Over the last 3 years, a gaming group(7 of us) decided to create a game where WE were sucked into Golorian via reasons...

It allowed what we called "Perspective Meta-Gaming", and for a time, it was good.
Well over the game, we reached level 15. Most of us had a template or two. The power was rediculas. We shifted DMs per session, we had an over arching plot but left the details vague so each DM could add their own style and so on.

Anywho, we took a 6 month break.
recently, I recovered 4/7 of the original cast to continue the game after a night of nostalgia. Laughter was had.

We noted that many books have come to our attention since three years back. So We agreed to rebuild the original "us" characters with new classes and refined abilities.

Then I was like: "Hey, what about mythic?"

And they were like: "Yes."

So now, we added mythic. My advise seeking inquiry is how does one prepare Mythic games for a group of personages with +4 CL templates? Vampirism, half-dragon, Holy, some others I cant think of off the top of my head.

All of us rather mature and can handle the power, sure. But Mythic is supposed to add a challenge. What happens when that challenge isn't challenging enough with the power each of us possesses? GUIDE ME!

A group of 4 CR 15-16 characters with mythic 1.


Although you’ve studied and experienced it before, traveling through dimensions tends to leave you feeling a bit pulled in one direction from the inside up. If fades quickly after the large conveyor reappears on the projector dock...


A conveyor (This model being a group type.) is a transport craft, a kin to the looks of a star trek shuttle craft without the engines. It’s hull can generally carry anywhere up to 1 ton of ‘extra’ cargo and has comfy seating room for six. At the cockpit, the operations console hums, supporting several suits for Comms, atmospherics and GPS.
Conveyors access dimensions of a single Quantra in which it was sent.
The craft is a silver solor with a red stripe along the center of the exterior. It’s cockpit windows are heavily tinted and possess a metal shield covering that slides open and closed with a push of a button.
The Hatch door exists only the right side of the craft and opens vertically. An electronic keypad acts as keys for locking the door.


Generally the size of a large dock or even a city block, Projectors are what send conveyor craft to different Quantra, up to 2 away from Homeline if conditions allow. (Q3-Q7). These possess several large “Oz Particle” manipulators that surround the deck, a Control tower to allow operation at safe distances, and general maintainance supplies to make quick repairs and alter manipulators and other functions.

Qunatra and World Chart(An attempt to explain simply):

Quantra Represent an energy reading. An entire dimensional string.
Worlds are Dimensions of varying intensity within the Quantum Strings.

----w1----w2----w3----w4----w5---so on---- <--Quantra 4
Hope that helps.

...The operator, a patrolman named Jeremy Tithe, spins around in his seat to face the group in the main portion of the vessel.
A thin man by any standard, Jeremy possess a kind smile with a darkened shadow along his jawline. His hair has a mild bit of peppering to match the beginnings of weathering upon his face.
Folding his arms over his chest loosely, the pilot lets out a sigh then speaks.

”We’re here. Mummut. Before I open the door, We have to go through the decontamination process, takes about 10 minutes. If you have any questions, now would be a good time to ask, just in case you need some quick refreshers.”

A small hum seems to generate from outside as a thick white cloud of some substances blankets itself around the hull, the cockpit’s window seal automatically as the process begins.


For player meta info and OOC chat.

Recruiting four to five players for an Infinite Worlds GURPS Campaign.

GURPS I.W. Allows cross genre characters to exist under s single roof and thus I’m excited for the myriad of possibilities.

Game Summery:

The game will begin on the Q(Quantra)6 world (other dimension of Earth) called Mummut-1. This world is currently in it’s Ice Age and shows no sign of intelligent life. Humans simply didn’t spawn on this world. However massive mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and some other critters are known to roam the snow filled wastes that is North Dakota. Or at least, where it would have been.

The infinite Patrol has created a training Academy for cadets to learn Parachronics(The study of dimension travel) in a ‘safe’ environment. Here they also learn skills in self defense, History, engineering and a wide range of survival skills in hopes that where ever these cadets end up, they can survive.

Character Design:

All the options of your imagination are open. So long as you can make it fit in a Dimension hopping campaign.
Points: 150/-35
Magic, Psi and High/Bio-Tech are all open.
Starting Tech Level: 8
Starting Monies: $20,000
Don't Forget Social standings, Cultural Familiarities, Languages, Etc...
Design Characters with this thought in mind: I love Random World Generation.

Helping Hand:

For those of you who do not have access to GURPS Material and would like to know more, Send me an email via PM and ill give you a link to my cloud so that you may enjoy a cornucopia of material.

Combat Expectations:

Unless your characters are designed around tactical combat, We wont be using combat maps. Unless the situation is a do-or-die moment, Like a boss fight or something significant. Thus, we’ll be! When this comes up, we’ll decide on what to use. Either Google, Roll20, so on...

The game’s focus will entirely depend on the group formation. If we have a bunch of Magi or magical entities then we will move toward a direction that best compliments that. On the other hand, If we have a Technology heavy group, we’ll shift that way. If we end up with a mix... Magically Infused Cyborg Nazi’s will happen. Yup.

I'll base recruitment on survivability and adaptability. If you believe your more suited then another player, Do battle.

So, who wants in?

SO, I've been playing PbP games often, and I've run a few local games...but how does one start up a recruitment for PbP games?

I've seen a few non-pathfinder games run through these forums from time to time, offering PbP games.

I was feeling inspired recently to do the same. Would that be an O.K. Thing to do? Use Paizo's site to play non-Paizo games?

I am aware that this is PFS central and I have a couple characters constantly playing in PbP games as expected.

I suppose to some up, I'd like to Run GURPS, this format for PbP is quiet amazing and think it would do well. Will I end up getting a big slap in the face for doing so?

Silver Crusade

Hey friends,

I have Lv 3 Draconic/Elemental fire Sorcerer I'd like to throw against an Adventure Path. Are there any such GMs planning on doing such a thing anytime soon?

Hey guys, building a new Crossblooed sorc, trying to optimize dmg without being an Orc...
At any rate, I found Gifted Adept and Cross-disciplined. My question is: "Do these stack? Could I use cross-disciplined once a day with gifted adept?

Silver Crusade

The elf, Sovliss, sat a desk covered in books, new and old. Each seemed to cover an aspect of the country of Osirian.
His Brown hair was covering his face, the blonde highlights shimmering lightly off the candle light coming from his desk. He wore simple cloths of blue that were trimmed with gold threads.

In his hand he held a book on climate and weather patterns for the region, his other hand held a cup of some kind of herbal tea.

"This place seems like hell..." he whispered to himself. ensuring not to disturb anyone else.

Silver Crusade

Sovliss stood before the massive Doors leading to the Archive. He wore New cloths of deep blue color lined and hemmed with a gold.
"Do I just knock?" It was his first day to be at the archive. He was a bit confused due to the simplicity of the entry.

...knock...knock...knock... The young elf pounded on the door figuring it was heavy he put some force behind each knock.