Golden Orb

Sovliss's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts (2,415 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


Silver Crusade

Is there separated scales for starships vs characters?

A character seems entirely capable of taking down ships on their own.


Silver Crusade

I'm searching for more specific info on the distance one can traverse in the shadow plane and how much that translates to material plane travel.
As I'm aware of it, a step could equal leagues.
Any ideas?

Silver Crusade

My curiosity is killing me... In this system could one feasibly make a 'power absorbing' character? Akin to Cell from the DB universe (As an example) Or Peter/Syler from Heroes?

Silver Crusade

Check the Link in Auriea's post. You can set up with DM Kludde on his scheduler. Quiet a good way to get some planning done.

Silver Crusade

Raising a brow to Meridoc, The elf was confused as he looked to the stick that tapped him.
"Huh" he managed to say.
"So that was some kind of incantation that is some kind of key phrase for wand of endure elements with infinite charges?"

Silver Crusade

"A hell hound, Eh?" He said laughing lightly.

"I'm sure he'll turn up. Oh, hey, Ser Meridoc, Would you know anything on Osirian?"

Silver Crusade

The elf, Sovliss, sat a desk covered in books, new and old. Each seemed to cover an aspect of the country of Osirian.
His Brown hair was covering his face, the blonde highlights shimmering lightly off the candle light coming from his desk. He wore simple cloths of blue that were trimmed with gold threads.

In his hand he held a book on climate and weather patterns for the region, his other hand held a cup of some kind of herbal tea.

"This place seems like hell..." he whispered to himself. ensuring not to disturb anyone else.

Silver Crusade

an elf of fair skin, brown hair with blonde highlights and deep sapphire globes for eyes peered around a corner as his curiosity of the place he had just come to join suddenly was heightened by the commotion.

"Zombies and group of seeming Darkive members surrounding someone...looking for crazy human without cloths and seems to have a taste of undesirable women?" He asked himself as he watched the group.

Silver Crusade

Giving the elf of bronze a similar kindness, Sovliss looked about the Darkive, strolling to unoccupied potions of book collections an occasionally looking into rooms that seemed of research.

"I'm getting the feel for this place." He smirked, nodding to himself.

Silver Crusade

"No, thanks for your concern." He chuckled looking to Meridoc.

"I'm sure we'll meet again, hellknight." He smiled giving a respectful bow.

Silver Crusade

"as you say, sir." He gave the elf a nod looking the man over. "I would not wait for opportunity to pass me by."

"My place of focus would be arcana, however I tend to enjoy the company of many for some easily earned 'funds' as it were." He laughed lightly as brought his right hand up casually, a large series of vines rolling from his forearm gathered and twisted around his fingers.
His deep blue eyes looked over the vines with a soft smile.

"What of you sir? I've met the HellKnight Meridoc, are you one as well?"

Silver Crusade

Peering over the portrait, Sovliss gives an approving nod to the Hell Knight.
"If anything can be said, at least you have a fine taste." He laughed lightly.
"So I suppose I should check in and find some assignments to prepare for then?"

Silver Crusade

After gazing about the many bookshelves that surely held countless amounts of information, Sovliss looked back to Moridoc then took a bow having realized the extent of the gent before him.

"Apologies ser, I've not been in the presence of a Hell Knight. I only have stories to go off."

Silver Crusade

Following the halfling through, Sovliss found himself full of excitement and a mild bit of uncertainty. It was at that moment he realized he forgot his manners.
"I'm Sovliss' by the way." he said as he was being pulled.

Silver Crusade

Shaking his head he looked about quickly. He hadn't realized the time when he approached.

"I'm sorry sir," He elf replied as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm not used to the Society's customs so I figured I'd start with a knock."

Sovliss reached into a satchel at his side and pulled a small piece of parchment from it.

"This paper Instructed me to arrive at the archives for further instruction."

Silver Crusade

Sovliss stood before the massive Doors leading to the Archive. He wore New cloths of deep blue color lined and hemmed with a gold.
"Do I just knock?" It was his first day to be at the archive. He was a bit confused due to the simplicity of the entry.

...knock...knock...knock... The young elf pounded on the door figuring it was heavy he put some force behind each knock.