Baer Mytr |

3109.7 gp
+200. gp From the Jerkpriest
3309.7 gp
3309.7 gp
..42.0 gp - Trinia distribution---------
3351.7 gp
Not sure I'm buying anything...again. Not sure what I'm saving my $ for, but maybe a nice staff is in my future.

Baer Mytr |

3309.7 gp
..42.0 gp - Trinia distribution
3351.7 gpNot sure I'm buying anything...again. Not sure what I'm saving my $ for, but maybe a nice staff is in my future.
3351.7 gp
.-10.0 gp tent..-5.0 gp 10 trail rations
3336.7 gp

Quorthos |

Out for brother-in-law's wedding until Monday, but Quorthos' plan is to use his wand of ray of enfeeblement on the beast as soon as it becomes visible, and then move to flank/sneak attack the beast - UNLESS that requires him leaving no one between the beast and Trinia. Feel free to bot me as needed.

Tural Ardas |

Ah yes... Didn't calculate that in =_= First combat use of a channel!

Mavor Asku |

I'll be away from the internet most of the weekend, connection and availability will be spotty at best, bot me if needed.

Mavor Asku |

GM? Is the Bulette Armour available to us? As we've now gotten ourselves a dead Bulette, is there a survival/profession hunter DC to skin it and take the hide with us?

StephNyan |

GM? Is the Bulette Armour available to us? As we've now gotten ourselves a dead Bulette, is there a survival/profession hunter DC to skin it and take the hide with us?
You may roll such a check, and the result will determine how much you get out of it. With a very low check you ruin most of the hide, but with a high check you remove the hide properly.
I think Survival would be a logical choice, but you may use anything that fits the activity. Aids with different skills are fine for the skinning, as long as skills chosen for the aids make sense.

Quorthos |

For reference... not at all upset player-wise about our course, was just looking for a way to express Quorthos' overriding goal which is very Korvosa-focused. Even being out of town is very uncharacteristic of him, and only Baer's strong words and the fact that Blackjack was involved has let him come this far without losing it. Figured I'd clarify since it was (and was meant to be) very out-of-character for Quorthos. :)

Quorthos |

Flagship con this weekend, so unlikely to post much over the weekend. Feel free to NPC me - Quorthos wants to get back to the city asap, and will act accordingly.

Baer Mytr |

I love all of you to death, but the inconsistent rate of posting is beginning to wear on me. I need a fair amount of momentum and posting to remain in character, to keep the story, and to find connections to others. To have days without posts is affecting my ability to stay interested.
Are we able to do better? Is there something I can do to keep the game going?

Tural Ardas |

I try to at least post once a day. But of late I haven't been feeling very well and have been really busy. Some days I just don't feel like it :(

StephNyan |

Unless you want to go against Izas's decision and chase after the thugs, this encounter's over. That means there's only a little bit of roleplaying left before you go to bed and ride to Korvosa with Leo.
There'll be one more mini quest once you reach Korvosa, but that shouldn't take long if you choose to do it. It's basically just an errand.
Which makes this the perfect time to... level up! :)

Baer Mytr |

Last level: June 22nd
+1 Angry Barrister
+7 hp (now 36/36)
+5 Skills:
+1 Perception
+1 Intimidate
+1 Spellcraft
+1 Kn (local)
+1 Kn (arcana)
+Double Slice, WFocus (Quarterstaff)

Quorthos |

Ditto... also, I'm wondering if there is the option of using the retraining rules? I'm finding that my concept for Quorthos is evolving away from the original mechanical build. f not, it's not big deal and I can change course from this point.

Tural Ardas |

+1 Shaman
+6 hp (now 33/33)
2 level 3 spells:
- Fly 2x
+4 Skills:
+1 Perception
+1 Fly
+1 Spellcraft
+1 Kn (local)
Feat: Selective channeling

StephNyan |

Ditto... also, I'm wondering if there is the option of using the retraining rules? I'm finding that my concept for Quorthos is evolving away from the original mechanical build. f not, it's not big deal and I can change course from this point.
If retraining helps you to play the character you really want to play, go ahead and use these rules to retrain.
'Cause the average in-game day passes awfully slow in PbP, you only have to use the number of days required to retrain to calculate the costs. You may forget about the days themselves once you've paid for the retraining, allowing you to play your desired character build faster.

Mavor Asku |

+1 level of Rogue (Skulking Slayer/ Scout)
+1 BAB, +1 Ref Save
Scout's Charge: Sneak Attack on charge
Rogue talent: Offensive Defense
Feat: Great Cleave
Skills: +1 to existing skills

Mavor Asku |

The better part of the Chained Rogue is GM, that I can take archetypes, it was the one thing I wanted Mavor to have when building him, the race-type specific archetypes.

Tural Ardas |

Merry Christmas! ^^
-Posted with Wayfinder

StephNyan |

I think not, but let me know if you want to keep a lance or part of the other loot. Else I'll immediately let you sell that, so you get get gold and buy neat items if you so wish.
Quorthos, or anyone else interested, just let me know which spells you want to copy from that spellbook you still have from book 1. I'll toss it in with the items you'll sell when you're done with it.

Baer Mytr |

You may of course roleplay your purchases of new items, but you may also post your purchases here.
I'll try to do both. I should be able to make it happen tonight (in about 12 hours). Long days of stuff to do right now.

Baer Mytr |

3351.7 gp
.-10.0 gp tent
..-5.0 gp 10 trail rations
3336.7 gp
3336.7 gp
4893.2 gp Baer's Share----------
* * *
GM SN: I'm looking at the Staff of the Pyre Lord as a potential purchase for Baer. Wanted to see if it was okay.

Mavor Asku |

Sorry for my absence, had little time to post these past few days.
I would have liked the bulette armour myself as a sort of trophy, though the higher price and the little need for the extra Dex doesn't make it that worthwhile it seems. I would rather try to buy some mithril full-plate when I can for the AC penalty reduction.

Tural Ardas |

1327.0 gp
4893.2 gp share
6220.2 gp

StephNyan |

GM SN: I'm looking at the Staff of the Pyre Lord as a potential purchase for Baer. Wanted to see if it was okay.
Sure! :)
I would have liked the bulette armour myself as a sort of trophy, though the higher price and the little need for the extra Dex doesn't make it that worthwhile it seems. I would rather try to buy some mithril full-plate when I can for the AC penalty reduction.

StephNyan |

StephNyan wrote:You may of course roleplay your purchases of new items, but you may also post your purchases here.I'll try to do both. I should be able to make it happen tonight (in about 12 hours). Long days of stuff to do right now.
If you want to roleplay the acquisition of your staff, you will find it at the Anomanexus College. Gustav, the headmaster, has one in his collection. He's concluded, based on the times that you've found time to visit the College to train/study, that you shown much promise with both your magic and staff fighting skills. Therefore, he's willing to sell it to you.